Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1137: Booming market

"Over the past three hundred years, there has been an endless stream of challengers in Samuel Valley, but none of them have come out." Starry night told everyone some news he had'seeed' from the internal channel of the Galaxy Union: "Although the death rate is 100%, In recent decades, there have been few challengers, but there are still a lot of force’s eye-liners here, always watching if anyone takes this sword."

"It's better to put this sword at the end and get it." Xiaoyi suggested: "This way the seven swords can be gathered directly."

"No," Xingye shook his head and objected: "If this sword is taken away by Lukiel, it won't be good. Now that you know it, you can quickly get it. Chi will change."

Musashi said, "And if we take away that sword, no one will go in. When we defeat Lukiel and let the Seven Star Sword disappear, no one will die because of the fight for the Seven Star Sword, right? ."

"Yeah! There won't be any more." Xing Feiniao nodded with a smile: "So we have to work hard."

"Okay, now everyone hurry up and rest. As soon as you wake up, there may be a big battle. Don't lose your energy." Xingye said that he stood up and walked towards the door first, stretching out as he walked. Lazy waist: "I have set up autopilot, I want to rest, goodbye."

Under the gaze of the six people, Starry Night walked out step by step, then Zhu Xingzhen also stood up and said lazily: "Then I will go to rest too, go find my own lounge, no one will lead the way. "

"Farewell!" Mirai bowed slightly and went out.

"Xingye is right, you must rest well." My dream also closed the computer and walked out of the control room with Musashi.

Only Asuka and Xiaoyi stayed there, Asuka couldn't help but laugh, let out a long sigh of relief, and shook his head. Everyone left so quickly to make him ask questions that he had never dared to ask.

Xiaoyi was puzzled when he saw this: "Senior Asuka, what's the matter? Aren't you going to rest?"

"Little Wing," Asuka raised his head and looked at the starlight drawn out of the window by the high speed of the spacecraft, and asked with a hint of tension in his tone: "The previous Super Victory team...how is it now?"

"The current TPC director is Director Hibi, who was the captain of the Super Victory team at the time," Xiaoyi thought for a while and said: "As for the others, I don't know. Humans have developed more than a dozen satellites to which Jupiter belongs. The Saturn development plan is also on the agenda. When I left, the first Saturn City had been under construction for five months. So now the scale of TPC has expanded more than ten times compared with before, and there are many more departments, so... .I’m not someone who cares about who the top is. I’m sorry!"

"Why apologize, it's nothing," Asuka waved his hand nonchalantly, but a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and said with a trace of ease: "I can rest assured that human development is so good. You are also protecting humanity. It's so beautiful, it's really great."

"Senior Asuka..." Xiaoyi opened her mouth, really don't know what to say.

Asuka looked at Xiaoyi like this, smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "It's no good for you to be so shy, how can you hook up with the little girls in the team."

"Oh...I...how could I..." Xiaoyi was anxious when he heard the words, swaying his hands eagerly to say something.

"Senior Dagu and Senior Lina are both from the winning team," Asuka joked with a smile: "So Xiaoyi has the tradition of eating grass by the nest in your genes."

"Senior Asuka..." Xiaoyi exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I'm going to rest." Asuka stood up and walked towards the door, waving his arms to Winglet without looking back: "Goodbye."

"I'll go too!" Xiaoyi hurriedly got up and walked out of the control room, watching the control room suddenly become empty and lonely just now.

Asuka walked to a viewing platform outside the lounge and pressed the red button on the wall. With the slight mechanical turning sound, the steel wall slowly opened, revealing a one-meter square window, through the special From here, you can clearly see the void of the universe outside and the line-shaped starlight.

"This time is over, go back and have a look!" Xingye's voice came from behind the bird, and the bird turned around when he heard the sound. Xingye leaned on the steel wall and stood there watching the bird.

"Go back?" Asuka sighed, "It's been more than 20 years, can I really go back?"

"I don't know," Starry Night said faintly; "I haven't found the answer to this question~www.NovelMTL.com~ I only know that the past can no longer be retrieved. What I can do is to cherish the present and the future, otherwise the present will become The untrackable past only increases regret."

Asuka lowered his head, then turned around, walked past Xingye without saying a word, and walked to his lounge. Starry night stared at Asuka's back, and couldn't help sighing. Choosing the stars and the sea meant giving up her hometown. One day she, Asuka and Mayumi will lose their hometown, and will never find the familiar one again. The streets and those familiar with them, only the memories in their minds can prove that these people and things once existed.

The spacecraft flew forward steadily, like a river of time, no matter how the surrounding changes, it could not stop it from advancing, let alone make it retreat.

Only a short section of the red line on the star map displayed on the big screen in the spacecraft control room was left, and there was no longer an empty and lonely universe around it, and there were more spacecraft passing by.

However, no one intercepted Xingye and their spacecraft to enter this galaxy. This made Xingye and the seven of them finally relieved. After all, they haven't got the Seven Star Sword. If there is a conflict now that attracts attention, it will be very troublesome.

After entering this galaxy, the Seven Talents felt a sense of shock, not because of the huge galaxy but because of the prosperity here, even more prosperous than the Galactic Union established in the N123 galaxy.

Not only have all the planets been developed, but there are even many unknown forces that have spent a huge price. Many huge space cities have been built on the planetary orbits, and these large and small spaceships are almost All over the galaxy. Countless spaceships travel between them, or transport goods or transport guests, and it has completely become a prosperous market.

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