Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1135: Inside the star

"That's right," Asuka stood up and said, "We have already found a cosmic person who took refuge in Lukiel before. We don't know how many cosmic people have taken refuge in Lukiel in this galaxy. In case the seven-star sword falls. In the hands of Lukiel, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I see." Musashi nodded. Although there was some unbearableness on his face, he said firmly in his tone: "I will work hard, and I will never trouble everyone."

"That's good..." Starry night stared at Musashi and said seriously: "Musashi, you have a kind heart, it's good, but sometimes kindness can't solve the problem."

The Firefly shuttled through the universe as fast as a meteor, and reached this galaxy across a long distance. The radar feedback fluctuations have become stronger and stronger, which proves that one of the Seven Star Swords is in the galaxy.

"The second one." Xingye and I dreamed of processing the data quickly, locating the exact position of the seven-star sword, and finally locked the target to the central part of the star system-the star.

"No, it turned out to be in a star?!" I dreamt of looking at the result of the positioning in disbelief, and pointed directly at the star emitting infinite light and heat.

"Isn't it a problem?!" Others also came around, although they couldn't understand the process of processing data between Starry Night and My Dream, but the result was always understandable, and it pointed to a huge star.

The Firefly slowly approached this huge star, which is a golden-white giant star, more than a thousand times the size of the sun, and three thousand times the brightness of the sun. It is too intense to shine in this galaxy. More than a dozen planets in the planet, making this galaxy unable to produce life.

The Firefly was captured by the huge gravitational force of this golden-white star, and entered the orbit around the star. While accelerating, it began to observe and explore the star, further confirming that the thing that will be sensitive to the future ship star sword is here. Inside the stars.

Little Wing scratched his head and asked in great distress, "Then what should I do now?"

Everyone looked at the starry night standing in front of the console. Starry night felt everyone’s expectant gaze, and immediately spread their hands: "Look at what I’m doing? I don’t know. Well, the last time I was able to get the ship star was luck, this But Xingxing, even the future of the brave of flames can't enter."

"Uh, eh!" After thinking hard in the future, his eyes lit up and said: "Would you like to try to approach the star with the ship star, maybe this seven-star sword will fly out automatically."

"Any other attention? If you don't have one, try it, but don't get too close in the future." Xingye nodded, and exhorted uneasy, although the future flame brave form can tolerate super high temperatures, even if it is The Yan Valley of the monster cemetery, which is famous for its high temperature in the universe, can all enter and exit, but this is a star after all, and it is still a star with the Seven-Star Sword.

"I'll go, too." Xiaoyi suggested: "So in case something happens, I can take care of it."

"Thank you, trouble you." Mirai nodded at Xiaoyi.

"It's okay, I just want to go and see." Xiaoyi said as he took out the divine light stick, opened it in front of him, and the light burst from above enveloped Xiaoyi's body, turning into a stream of light and flew out. The spacecraft condensed Diga's figure outside.

"Yeah!" Mirai nodded, then raised his left arm, and a crimson light flashed, condensing the wrist-like dreambius breath on Mirai's left arm.

"Huh!" The red orb turned quickly, bringing a fierce flame light, Miku raised his left arm high, and the crimson light immediately enveloped Miku's body, and a flame-like light flew out outside the fireflies, condensing The figure of Dream Bius comes out.

Dreambius nodded at the spaceship behind him, and slowly approached the golden-white star with the demon sword Chuanxing, and at the same time kept watching whether the Chuanxing Sword in his hand reacted.

Tiga followed Mambius, observing the surrounding situation to prevent the appearance of the attackers mentioned by Starry Night.

The large screen on the Firefly showed the figures of Mambius and Tiga, who were approaching the stars. All five people were paying attention to the figure of Mambius nervously, and they were ready to rush over whenever something happened.

"Om! Om!" Just when Mambius and Tiga were still 150 million kilometers away from the star, Mambius noticed that the ship star in his hand was shaking slightly. Seeing this, Mambius was in a hurry. Raised his hand to stop Tiga from moving forward.

Dreambius raised his arm and looked at the ship star that was slightly shaking in his hand. After thinking for a moment, he took the hilt of the sword and pulled the ship star out of the scabbard. Then the shaking of the ship star suddenly doubled. Much~www.NovelMTL.com~ Dreambius, what should I do now? "Tiga looked around cautiously, especially the huge star in front of him, and even more.

"I don't know, what should I do?" Mengbius whispered, then raised the ship star in his hand and carefully examined the ship star's reaction.

At this moment, the stars in front of them also changed. The stars that originally radiated golden-white light steadily, the light on the surface seemed like a candle blown by the wind, and became uncertain.

"What happened?" Mengbius and Diga looked at the huge star ahead in dismay. They could clearly see that the flames on the star ahead were now beginning to shrink slowly.

"The temperature of the star is dropping sharply." I dreamed that my hands were busy on the console, and all the detectors were running at full power, collecting the data of this star: "This is rare data, but why does this happen? What about this kind of thing?"

"I don't know, but you should be more cautious." Xingye said that his right hand had been raised, and his index and middle fingers were placed on his temples, and his thoughts were extended: "Xiaoyi, Miku, you two step back first."

"Yeah!" Dreambius and Tiga stepped back cautiously, and slowly flew back to the front of the Firefly, staring at the rapidly changing star ahead.

The temperature on the surface of this star dropped sharply from 13,000 degrees to 8,000 degrees in just a few minutes, making the light that originally spilled on the surrounding planets also weakened a lot. The five planets close to the star originally received a lot of light and heat all the year round and the ground was as dry as a desert, and could not hold a trace of water. But now the temperature accumulation of stars has dropped, causing the high temperature of hundreds of degrees on the surface of many planets to drop to more than 200 degrees.

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