Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1127: Unblocked Dark Demon

Hickel put the huge death sickle back on his back, and Jante put the sword in his hand back into a water-blue scabbard hanging from his waist. Then the two walked over the gravel and walked here. In the future, the three of them will look at the starry night. Starry night nodded. The guy named Hickel is the leader of the Galaxy Guild. The standard earth snake is the best to be able to reconcile, not to mention that you can get help at least without being disturbed.

Shikor came up, grabbed Jila's neck, and said in an extremely indifferent tone: "Go ahead, where is Lukiel?"

"Haha, do you think I would say it?" Jila had a sneer on his face: "The two of us have been dealing with each other for thousands of years. You didn't even get out of my mouth how to modify the IC card. Do you think this Can I say it?"

"This guy has a stiff mouth. Just stay in jail for the rest of my life." Shikor threw the jeopardy in his hand back to the ground, and the gravel on his back grinned. However, Jie La didn't care at all, and still looked at Hickory with a smile.

"Is your mouth hard?" Xingye knelt down, staring at Jila's gaze, smiling and said: "Let me see if it's really so hard." Xingye said that his right hand was already on Jila's head. , And then closed his eyes, a light golden light appeared in the palm of his hand, and an invisible trajectory quickly penetrated into Jie La's body and completely wrapped him.

Picture after picture appeared in Xingye's mind, all of which were what Jie La had seen, heard, and heard from the first point of view. The pictures quickly passed by Xingye and flew towards the back.

It didn't take long for Xingye to see what he wanted to see. It was the most unforgettable time in Jie La's life. Before that, he obtained unimaginable wealth by modifying the data of the IC card and lived a life of lavish wine and feast. But in the end, the Dongchuang incident happened. Overnight, Jila became the most desperate wanted criminal of the Galaxy Trade Union from a nobleman. Whether it is Baidao or the number of people who want to hunt him down, almost everyone wants to get from him how to modify the IC card issued by the Galaxy Guild.

Even though the Galactic Union immediately changed the IC card's security system, it still caused a huge panic. Countless Galactic Hunters rushed to buy food, weapons and even materials, for fear that the plasma energy that they had worked so hard to obtain in exchange for Kanai was suddenly cleared. Kanai's credibility suddenly collapsed, the value of purchases plummeted, and the financial system that the Galaxy Union had spent countless hours building completely collapsed in an instant.

This makes the heart of Jila, who has been hiding from Tibet and fearful, full of joy. He was such a small person who turned the entire Galactic Union into an upheaval and almost collapsed. This made him feel full of accomplishment and even felt that he would be a person remembered by history.

He ran all the way to a remote galaxy. The star of this galaxy had extinguished and became a white dwarf star. The entire galaxy was plunged into darkness and icy cold. Jila spent an extremely difficult time here. The spacecraft was broken and the food was eaten. In this deadly galaxy, he couldn't even find a plant. When he was dying, he heard a voice, a voice calling him, that voice told Robbery, he can save him.

He followed the voice's instructions and exhausted his last strength to fly to the white dwarf star. What Xingye can see is that Jila's trembling hands grasped a silver-white hilt mixed with black silk threads, which is exactly the same as the short dagger formed by the combination of the seven swords in his dream. .

Under the temptation to survive, Jiela used his last strength to grip the hilt, and then the picture was interrupted. This means that Jiela has lost consciousness or the timeline has become a bit disordered because of the powerful energy. Reading it will bring a great burden to Starry Night.

"What happened?" Xingye murmured, and then moved the timeline forward with a wave of his hand. The picture reappeared. Jila knelt down on a black body, only his eyes and a few parts of his body were red. In front of the creature, there was a black and silver hilt on the guy's chest...

"Hmm!" Xingye suddenly opened his eyes, stepped back from the timeline of the robbery, and then covered his head in some pain with his right hand, feeling that his brain became extraordinarily heavy. He just pulled out the timeline of Jiela directly in the long river of time, and then saw Jiela's past along the timeline. It's a pity that I can't last long. I only saw how the dark creature came out of the seal. Before I saw why he attacked the Kingdom of Light, it was over~www.NovelMTL.com~ That guy deserves to be called the Dark Demon. Only his seal needs a star to supply energy, allowing this star to travel tens of billions of years in just hundreds of millions of years and become a star. A lifeless white dwarf.

Xingye smiled slightly at Jie La: "Unexpectedly, you released Lu Ji Aier. It's sad. Not only did he not be regarded as a lifesaver, he became a subordinate who might be abandoned at any time."

Jie La's eyes widened suddenly, and his horrified voice changed: "How do you know?"

"Because I saw that the fugitive who was dying frequently encountered the sealed Demon God in the dark galaxy. It was really a dramatic start." Xingye said and stood up, although it was because his ability reached the limit later, he saw The scenes were blurry and broken, but he still saw the scene of Lukiel handing the monster doll to Jila, and the huge man-made celestial body behind him when Jila left the base where Lukiel was. The four characters "Galaxy Union" engraved on it.

Xingye stood up and looked at Shikor who was aside: "Although I don't see much, I still know a little. Lukiel may really be hiding in the Galaxy Guild."

As he said, Xingye stretched out his hand and took out the microcomputer from his clothes. According to the picture he saw, he drew the outline of the huge man-made celestial body, and then handed it to Hickory: "Look, what is this place? According to Jila's impression, he and Lu Ji Aier met here."

Hickel stared at the pictures on the computer blankly, and slowly raised his head to look at Jante who looked aside: "It's the headquarters, how is it possible?"


"Are you sure?" Jante put a hippie smile away and asked very seriously: "There is the headquarters, the most heavily guarded place in the plasma galaxy.

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