Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1124: Stubborn Hickel

"Xike'er, you have a soulmate," Jiela said with a smile, "This guy's interrogation methods are also good, you can recruit him. Then there are two hunting dogs, hahaha! Will you bite?"

This Mephilas star known as Xikel ignored Jie La, completely ignoring Jie La's teasing tone and insulting words. Just glanced at the Starry Night Four with sharp eyes, and contrasted with the countless wanted orders recorded in the brain, until it was confirmed that these four were not criminals on the wanted order, they said indifferently: " The four of you... leave Jila, and then leave me here quickly, otherwise I will arrest you together on suspicion of obstructing official duties."

"Then you have to wait a while, I still have questions to ask him, and I will naturally leave after asking." Xingye shrugged and then shook his right hand with five fingers, and the light cord **** with the robbery immediately tightened and restrained the robbery. The pulled body, and it is still tightening, has been tightly strangled into the soft tissue of the robbery.

"Uh! Uh!" Jiela snorted in pain, and the collision between the bones of his whole body and the light cable screamed, "Ka, Ka! ’The sound. The twisted face made Mirai Kazuma turned his head with a trace of reluctance, even Asuka's face was a little uncomfortable. But the three of them didn't say anything. After all, they could only fight monsters. As for the interrogation, they really didn't know anything.

Xingye hugged his arms in front of him with a calm smile on his face, and looked at the painful Jie La and said: "I can play with you slowly. I have time. It depends on how long you can last. Don't worry, I have tried a lot. People, there are hard bones among them."

"I'll say one last thing, hand him over. Then leave honestly, he is the prisoner I want to arrest, and you won't be able to go if you want to go after a while." Hickor said, putting his hand behind his back. On the handle of the huge sickle, it was obvious that he was ready to use violence.

Xingye turned his head and hung his right hand down, and his palms were already holding the cone-shaped evolutionary trustee. The gems in the center immediately lit up with green light, and the gems on both sides shone with golden light. Xingye's eyes fixed on this impatient face. Mephiras star: "I also said one last time, I haven't asked what I want to know, you... wait for me, after asking, this guy will do whatever you want."

"I never wait!" Hickel murmured normally after speaking, and shouted sharply: "Now I suspect that you are suspected of participating in financial criminal activities involving criminals. Come with me now."

Before he finished speaking, Hickel suddenly took the huge sickle on his back in his hand, and then jumped up to the starry night, and the huge death sickle in his hand swung forward forcefully.

"Want to fight? I will stay with you to the end." Xingye forcefully pulled out the evolutionary trustee, immediately surrounded by a strong light, and quickly rushed to Hikel with a flashing golden light.

The light cord on Jie La's body was suddenly loosened, and Jie La let out a long sigh of relief, "Hoo!", his face that was so painful that it was distorted just now became cheerful and full of gloat: "The interrogation methods are almost the same, so powerful. What? Can you tell the difference?"

The huge Death Scythe in Hickel's hand slashed down towards the rapidly rushing Nexus. Nexus slanted his right foot on the ground, and his forward body moved toward the left side with the help of recoil. , The body rises from the ground.

The Reaper's sickle almost wiped Nexus's shoulder, and fell towards the rocky ground. The shimmering sharp blade seemed to cut tofu and plunged into the hard rock without any hindrance.

Nexus just leaped up and was still in the air, when he saw an iron fist wearing a stomachache slamming over, and Nexus subconsciously raised his arms and crossed them together.

"Boom!" With a bang, Nexus just felt his arms numb, and the tremendous power carried by the pair of iron fists made Nexus fly back at a faster speed, flying hundreds of meters before landing. On the ground, even so, it took dozens of steps backwards before it finally stopped.

The future and the others couldn't help but stunned, looking at Hickel with a trace of surprise, but they didn't expect that Nexus would suffer from the first contact. To know that Nexus's strength is the strongest among them, it seems that this guy named Shikor is also very strong.

"It turns out that you are Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light," Jiela looked up at Nexus with effort, his eyes rolled, and said with a smile: "That's it, you kill this guy. I will tell you who instigated me."

"It's not rare," Nexus shook his numb arms, and said to the future three without looking back: "You guys have to look at this guy~www.NovelMTL.com~ until I finish the fight. Treat him well."

Hickel raised the Death Scythe inserted in the rock, and his tone was still extremely indifferent: "Don't give up yet? It seems that I want to try the blade of my beautiful Feralas Deathside."

"Cut, how did you make you so stunned with one move?" Nexus clenched his fists. The scarlet energy core immediately burst out with dazzling golden light, which instantly covered Nexus's whole body and silver-grey body. It immediately turned into a dazzling gold color and a dazzling silver color, and the extremely strong breath blew around, rolled up the gravel on the ground, and flew around randomly.

Hickel’s always indifferent eyes, fluctuating for the first time, looked at the imposing opponent with a hint of surprise in his eyes, clenched the death sickle in his hands involuntarily, and a surge in his heart rose. Strong will to fight.

"Huh!" Nexus raised his eyes and glanced at Xickel, and disappeared instantly. This scene surprised Xickel, and even his brain didn't respond, and he felt a strong breath behind him. Then he felt a huge force hit his back.

"Oh!" Hickel was kicked out by Nexus. Even though he endured the pain, he reacted quickly, and he held the ground with the sickle handle in his hand to stabilize his body but he still flew hundreds of times. Mi stopped, and two deep gullies hung with his feet on the ground.

Nexus flicked his right arm, and the dazzling golden energy that was visible to the naked eye quickly flew out of Nexus and flew to the right, condensing a sharp sharpness on the raised right arm of Nexus. With the golden lightsaber, Nexus calmly said to Hickel, "I say it again, I want to know who is behind the robbery. I will give it to you after asking. If you still want to fight, I will accompany you. in the end."

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