Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1122: Jailbreak hunter

The Starry Night Four quietly appeared in a dim corridor in this spaceship. Bright electric sparks burst out from the steel wall from time to time, and even the lights flashed like they would go out at any time.

Xingye took the computer and pulled out the wires exposed on the broken wall, then connected it to the computer, tapping with five fingers quickly.

However, within a few minutes of effort, Xingye cracked the communication line of the spacecraft, and then a messy sound came out. The communication channel that was originally used for command is now filled with various voices like a vegetable market: desperate screams, desperate shouts, dying cries, cries of the injured...

The corners of Xingye's mouth twitched twice, and he shook his head helplessly: "If you can win, it will really be a hell, just this miscellaneous army..."

Speaking of Xingye, he began to gradually control the spacecraft. Looking at the function of the spacecraft, Xingye really felt that the owner of this spacecraft must have been pitted by a black merchant. There are too many pre-installed functions that look good, but are useless, such as this telecommunication monitoring device. This thing is loaded on a civilian spacecraft and has no use at all except for the calculation of the central computer. It is completely cumbersome. .

But fortunately with this thing, Xingye found the command ship of this group of miscellaneous troops on the battlefield, because that spacecraft received and sent the most radio waves, except for the command ship.

Xingye put away the computer and said with joy: "Found it, let's go." Xingye said that it had already turned into a golden streamer and rushed out of the spaceship that was about to be shattered, and the three followed him and flew. Get out.

The four of them were more careful this time, always paying attention to the surrounding situation. This place has penetrated into this chaotic battlefield. They are advancing in concealment this time, and once they are blocked or hit by an attack, they may be exposed.

After avoiding several attacks along the way, four people entered the spaceship about a thousand meters long without any risk. The spaceships of the plasma galaxy are generally not particularly huge, and they don't have the spirit of splashing bigger and bigger sooner.

The four people condensed their figures in a corner of the spacecraft. As soon as they appeared, Starry Night raised the shockwave transmitter in his hand, Asuka and Mirai also raised the laser gun, and really held the folding Cerro Otto glasses. Aimed at another channel.

After confirming that there was no one around, the four of them relaxed a little. Xingye held the shock wave transmitter with both hands, and a weak laser was emitted from the tip, slowly cutting a square gap in the wall, exposing the dense lines inside.

There are hundreds of lines that emit a faint plasma light, and the sizes and colors they emit are very different. At first glance, it looks like a dazzling feeling.

Xingye carefully investigated for a while before reaching out and breaking a line and connecting it to the computer in his hand, and then quickly tapped the five fingers of his right hand, and said without looking back: "Please pay attention to the communication line here. The malfunction may be discovered."

"Do not worry!"

This time the deciphering is a bit more difficult, but Starry Night just downloaded the map of the spacecraft and immediately retreated to avoid being discovered. This time the opponent is the old fox who escaped from the Galactic Prison. He has not been caught for so long. There must be a unique way of escape. It's like Zaki's sincere strength and Noah who unfolded the wings of time and space bestowed by the universe, but he has an extremely rich escape experience, and he can always escape from Noah's hands again and again.

"Crack!" An automatic door opened slowly, and a cosmic man who looked like an amine rat who was only half a meter high behind the door immediately raised his gun and aimed, but there was nothing behind the door.

"*&Amp;amp;amp;*&%¥%¥!" The cosmic man made a series of sounds, while carefully raising the laser sword in his hand and slowly walking towards the automatic door, but it kept There was nothing unusual about walking to the door. Tilted his head and looked at the empty hallway, before he could do anything, a dark figure rushed down from above and grabbed his neck.

"Woo!" The cosmic man immediately struggled frantically, Xingye stretched out his hand and knocked him out with a hard hit, then threw him into a cabin on the side and locked the door.

Zhuxing really asked with a hint of boringness: "It's the fifteenth one. Where are so many guards? How long do we have?"

"It's almost here." Xingye walked into this corridor, looked up at the ceiling, looked down at the computer to determine the position~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then flew up and slammed a fist on the upper fence, It plunged in, and then jumped directly in.

"From here, you can reach the command room all the way. The robber might be there." Xingye said that he had already bowed his waist and quickly walked in the pipeline of this main line, followed by the future three. The four people walked cautiously inside, walking lightly like cats.

"Huh?" Xingye stopped suddenly, turned his head in some doubt, and then stretched out his hand to signal the three people behind to stop, and a very subtle voice was transmitted to the ears of the four.

"Master Lukiel, I am entangled by that hound now, and all the monster dolls you gave me are all used up. If this continues, I will be caught by them." An anxious voice sounded. Xingye then closed his eyes and carefully extended his mind along the line, and saw the scene of the room below.

A Naker star was holding a communicator and talking very anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot. The fluffy hair and orange luminous body on his shoulders and neck clearly showed that he was the jailbreak hunter.

"Luke El..." Xingye's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help thinking: "So those monsters and puppets were all brought by him."

"But Mr. Lukiel, it was an accident," Jila turned anxiously in the room: "I have sent all my main troops to the Kingdom of Light, otherwise I won't be trapped by the hounds. I can’t get out of it. My loss is also great. You see, I only have this group of miscellaneous cards now, and I can’t stop this hound at all.

The other party seemed to have said something, making Jie La's face a little frustrated, but his tone remained the same. The hideous and distorted face was obviously suppressing anger.

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