Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1119: Nexus VS Zaki

Two fists, one gold and one black, immediately collided with each other, making a loud bang. The collision point of the two fists burst out with endless energy, sweeping the surrounding area.

The black robe on Zaki's body was instantly torn into rags under this powerful impact, and was swept into the sky by the hurricane. Under the strong shock wave, the rocks around the two people sent out an unpleasant ‘crack!’ Click! 'With the sound, long cracks spread from the feet of the two of them towards the surroundings. Countless splashes of rubble hit the surroundings randomly, but the rubble that flew towards Nexus and Zaki has not yet When they approached, they were gasified by the strong energy emanating from them.

Nexus couldn't get a hit, and immediately raised his right leg, and a whip kick hit Zaki's left shoulder fiercely. At the same time, Zaki's left fist also hit Nexus's chest.

Both figures retreated dozens of steps, and separated from each other. Nexus covered his chest and moved a little bit, but there was some pain, which was not a major problem.

"Huh!" Zaki shook his hand nonchalantly, but didn't step forward, staring at Nexus with scarlet eyes and grinning: "Since I said hello, let's give you a meeting gift."

Speaking of Zaki's hands, he slammed it outwards, and an Ultraman doll flew up and fell randomly on the gravel in front of Zaki.

"Shoo!" A black and purple beam of light rose up, and a huge black figure walked out of the black and purple beam, with scarlet eyes staring at the extremely tiny Nexus in the middle. Originally, all the red patterns on Tyro's body became black patterns, and the rest of the silver patterns became silver gray; the eyes turned red, and the color timer turned red, which looked very vicious.

Zaki's legs couldn't help backing, the black and red patterned body was hidden in the darkness, and disappeared in an instant, running faster than the rabbit, leaving only Dark Tyro standing there and raising his right fist fiercely 'S hit the Nexus ahead.

"Cut, isn't it just afraid?" Nexus curled his lips, folded his arms, and then raised his hands. The whole body immediately glowed with golden light, and his body quickly expanded, but within a few seconds it became five. A giant of ten meters high.

Both sides tried to fight each other, even if it was just a little fight, it roughly tested the strength of both sides. Nexus exclaimed that Zaki's strength was several times stronger than the last time he met, and Zaki was also horrified by the rapid growth of Nexus' strength.

"Haha!" Nexus grabbed the right fist thrown by Dark Tyro with his left hand, and then slammed a fist on the face of Dark Tyro next to him, hitting him directly into the air. He rolled obliquely for several laps, and then slid on the rocky ground for thousands of meters before he stopped.

"Wow!" Dark Tyro climbed up from the opposite side with difficulty, then raised his right hand to his waist, then raised his left hand and crossed his right hand to form a T-shape, emitting a dark purple dark Strim light. .

Nexus didn't even move his footsteps, and directly stretched out his right hand. The golden palm that exuded golden light directly resisted the flying dark Strim light, and the turbulent dark energy madly impacted Naik. Seth, but he could only make Nexus' feet move slowly one millimeter by millimeter on the gravel.

"Haha!" Nexus yelled, and a turbulent beam was released from the palm of his hand, which immediately smashed the dark Strim light and pushed it all the way to Dark Tyro. The violent energy instantly turned the darkness into darkness. Tyro flew out.

"Huh!" Nexus kicked **** the ground with both feet, his body jumped high, and swiftly descended towards Tyro who had been blown up and hadn't landed on the ground. Nexus kicked with turbulence. The flame energy kicked the dark Tyro fiercely.

Dark Tyro was suddenly hit hard by this, and his body bent like a bow. Before Dark Tyro began to fall, the raging fire swallowed Dark Tyro's body, but it was instantly burned to ashes. The extinguishing of the flame disappeared completely.

And here, Siro flew up and dodged the dark blue dark cluster rays emitted by Dark Seven. At the same time, he crossed his arms in the air. The indicator light on his forehead flashed and released Amelim's cutting, instantly hitting the Dark Game. Wen's body blasted it directly out, and one head hit the rocks behind.

"Wow!" Dark Saiwen supported the rocky ground with his arms and stood up from the ground with difficulty. Large and small gravels fell from him and hit the ground.

Dark Saiwen raised his right hand and grabbed the silver-gray ice axe above his head, raised it high, and slashed towards Cyro forcefully.

'call out! call out! 'The two ice axes on top of Siro's head whizzed and flew up~www.NovelMTL.com~ successively slashed on the ice axe that hadn't been cut down by the dark game, and all of a sudden, his momentum was offset, and then the game Luo Fei rushed forward, grabbing the ice axe with both hands and slashing down vigorously.

The ice axe in Cyro's right hand collided with Dark Savin's ice axe, and with a crisp sound, Dark Savin's ice axe was directly split into two halves, and Cyro's left ice axe continued. Down, from the top to the bottom of the dark Saiwen's chest.

The huge impact carried on the ice axe directly slashed the Dark Saiwen out. The chest of the retreating Dark Saiwen had a gap of more than ten meters in length, and the black and purple energy springs generally spouted from this gap. Dark Saiwen's figure shrank rapidly with the passing of energy, but in an instant he changed back to a small Ultraman doll.

"Clang!" Sai Luo touched the ice axe in his left and right hands before putting it back on top of his head. Then he stepped towards the pile of rubble and gently picked up the little Seven Doll.

And Nexus here also gently fell to the ground, the flames in front of him had completely dissipated, and the rock returned to darkness again. The distant horizon has already lit up, and this satellite has turned to the side of the gas planet, about to be enveloped by the light of the star.

However, clusters of light spots flashed in the cosmic void on the left, which were the flames of light that bloomed when the spacecraft exploded. The spacecraft that was chasing behind had already caught up, and without a word, the missiles and laser beams rushed to the spacecraft hovering in front.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The missiles and laser beams hit the spacecraft intensively. The turbulent flames produced by the explosion instantly illuminate the void of the universe. The spacecraft was blown into powder on the spot in so many attacks , Don't even try to find a slightly larger piece, the broken pieces can hardly be broken.

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