Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1103: Go, Guardians of the Galaxy

"Let’s look for it, and see what else these hunted Galactic Hunters have for us to use." Xingye said that he had already started rumbling in the sand and dust. It was not normal to clean the battlefield and pick up what was left. ? Anyway, these galactic hunters can't come back from **** to ask them.

Soon four people turned the messy battlefield upside down, and successfully found a transparent gun that looked like a machine gun, a sharp sword, and two small portable anti-gravity flight aids that looked like a schoolbag. Waiting for a lot of things, but really not much can be used, most of them were damaged by that dinosaur tank.

The only thing to be gratifying is that I found a small spaceship parked in the distance, so that you don’t have to become an Ultraman and shuttle in the space of the universe. After all, if you become an Ultraman, even flying requires physical energy. , It’s just that the cost of being combated is small.

Starry night said to the future, Asuka and Zhuxingzhen: "Well, now we start to divide the spoils, take what we need, and we must know that we will try to avoid turning into Ultraman when we have enough money to buy new ones. Before you equip it, you need to use these things."

"Then I'm welcome." Asuka carefully picked it up, and finally picked up the one-meter-long transparent firearm. You can clearly see the structure inside and the remaining amount of energy magazines.

Asuka squeezed the guns in his hand and nodded with satisfaction: "That's all for me. I was a sharpshooter in the Super Victory team."

"Then I will do it!" Zhuxing Zhen stood up a sword engraved with dense runes, and then immediately pulled out the sheath, randomly waved to the left, an energy blade flew up, and instantly disappeared into the sky.

Then, in the sound of the ‘rumbling’, all the stone pillars within a few hundred meters of the straight line were all broken in half, falling into the desert, splashing dust in the sky.

"It's amazing!" The eyes of the future looked straight, and I didn't expect such a sword to have such a powerful force.

"Guru!" Asuka looked at the sharp sword in Zhuxingzhen's hand, and then at the gun in his hand, a trace of joy immediately appeared on his face, and he happily walked aside and began to fiddle.

"In the future, you can also choose your own weapon." Xingye motioned to the future to pick one of the remaining things.

"Xing Ye Sang, you pick first." In the future, he politely let Xing Ye come first, and made Xing Ye nod in relief. It turned out to be a good boy, not the same as the two'rude' guys next to him. The style must be maintained.

There was not much at first, and there was nothing left to pick. Xingye took a microcomputer that could be placed on his arm. This is also the ‘remote control’ for controlling the spacecraft.

Then he picked up several plasma grenades hung on the armed belt, and signaled the future to go forward and pick it up. The future put on the small portable anti-gravity flight aid for himself. The bag-like shape and the future are slightly immature. The face makes people truly feel that this is a high school student on earth.

Then in the future, he will hold a laser gun with a slightly less powerful power in his hand, which is considered fully armed, after all, the poor will be cured first.

"Hum!" A huge sound suddenly sounded from the side, and then a thunderous popping sound was heard in the distance. Starry Night and Miku looked up, Asuka and Zhuxingzhen were stunned at the sky in front of them. Mushroom cloud.

The two guys fiddled with the huge gun together, and then tried to fire it. The result was the big pit with a diameter of more than fifty meters and a mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

"It's amazing!" With a full of surprise smiles on Asuka's face, the stars on one side nodded, holding a sword in his hand, eager to try, and wished he could try another monster.

"You two..." The corners of Xingye's mouth twitched twice, and he couldn't help shaking his head. Why did Asuka stay with Cyro like a child? No, it seems that Cyro is much more than Asuka said.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Okay!" The four people raised their weapons aloft, just like pirates returning from victory, and walked onto the small spaceship with their heads upright. Although it is small, it is relatively small compared to those large spacecraft.

This spacecraft is more than 20 meters long, about the same size as the Panlong, and the cabin area is more than 200 square meters, which is more than enough to carry the four of them.

Starry Night and Future tried to pilot this strange spaceship against the piloting instructions, but Zhu Xingzhen and Asuka, as soon as they boarded the ship, watched all the places of the spacecraft, and did not help Starry Night and Future. What they mean.

When the two of them are almost ‘crazy’ enough~www.NovelMTL.com~ Xingye has basically figured out the spacecraft. It is not very complicated. As long as you understand the words, you can easily pilot the spacecraft.

Starry night attracted the attention of the three with a high-five, and said to the future, Asuka, and the stars with great momentum, "Well, let's..."

Speaking of this, Xingye stopped talking, causing the three of them to look at the jammed Xingye in a puzzled manner. The future was even more worried and asked, "Xingye Sang, what's wrong?"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded solemnly, and said in a very solemn tone: "I suddenly thought of..."

The other three people immediately held their breath, pricked their ears and prepared to listen to the next words of Starry Night.

"It suddenly occurred to me... we... don't have a team name yet?" When Xing Ye said this in a very serious tone, even the honest person would want to punch Xing Ye in the future, just such a thing. Can you use such a serious tone?

However, the three also knew that Galaxy Hunters generally battled monsters in small groups, ranging from three to five people to more than ten people, and even groups of hundreds of people, each with its own name, and they used all kinds of things.

The four of them meditated, thinking about something that was very important to them, but Mao didn't use it.

"Just call the Universe Security Team." Zhuxing said with a grin, and was despised by the other three people after speaking. Such plagiarism by Chi Guoguo is shameful.

After thinking hard for the future, he said, "Since we have come to the Plasma Galaxy, we might as well call the Guardians of the Galaxy."

"If this is... it's okay, then this is fine." Starry night made a final word, and then raised his arm: "Now let's find the plasma monster. If we get enough plasma energy, we will go to the Galaxy Guild."

"it is good!"

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