Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1096: The need for cosmic barriers

"Go back?!" Asuka opened his mouth, the smile on his face disappeared, and asked with a trace of confusion: "I don't know how long that universe has passed, but the time I spent in different universes. Together, it has been more than three hundred years... I have been looking for a way back, and I have learned a lot during the journey through the universe."

The Starry Night did not interrupt Asuka, quietly listening to Asuka's confession, he had been traveling alone for too long, too long, and what he needed was a listener.

"After being engulfed in the black hole of Sfia, in that bright light, I met my father," Asuka said with a trace of recollection: "We flew in the light together for a long time, until I woke up. .."

Asuka said this and laughed suddenly, and said with a trace of firmness: "I don't think that is my illusion. Dad encountered light when he experimented with zero driving. It is not that after the speed exceeds the light, the time will be relatively reduced. Is it slow or even stagnant or even back in time? I believe Dad must be waiting for me somewhere."

"Yeah! Your dad... must be waiting for you somewhere." Xingye whispered, sitting on the edge of the building that is several kilometers high, "You can definitely find him, absolutely."

Xingye fully understands the feelings of Asuka. The life span of a human being is only a hundred years, but he has been wandering alone for hundreds of years in a different universe far away from his hometown. When alone, Asuka may have cried looking up at the stars of the unfamiliar universe, or may have been lost and given up because of the lack of hope in finding the way home... In the end, he was even afraid of finding his way home. Because he was afraid that he finally returned to his hometown but found that everything has changed. The earth is still the same earth, but it is no longer a human being.

"Nostalgic empty chanting flute fu, going to the village to turn over like a bad guy."

Originally it was just a poet’s fantasy, but for Asuka and Starry Night, it was a realistic and cruel fact. Compared to the time in the universe, which is often measured in tens of thousands, the life span of human beings is just too short a hundred years. It was so short that it was just a journey for Ultraman, but the humans on Earth have gone through several generations, and everything that was originally familiar has become a thing of life.

After two people stood there for a long time, Xingye asked, "Just understand, do you have any plans in the future?"

"I'm still on the road, of course, I'm going on." Asuka said with a smile: "Keep going and go to different universes like Senior Starry Night. You can definitely see many different cosmic wonders and more. Many people forged deep friendship..."

"Yeah!" Starry night patted the bird on the shoulder, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then cast their eyes on the huge floating continents floating in the distant emerald sky next to them.

Xingye didn't talk to Asuka about other things. Asuka knows many things himself, and there are some things that he can only think clearly.

Just below the building where Starry Night stood, Siro was standing by the street, looking at the residents of the Kingdom of Light around at a loss. For so long, he had been cultivating **** planet K76. Siro, who had already adapted to training, rest and then training for life, was at a loss for what to do in the easy life in the Kingdom of Light.

At this moment, a pair of Otto couples passed by Sai Luo talking and laughing while holding a small baby next to him, allowing Sai Luo's gaze to stay on them for a long time, with a trace of envy in their eyes until they reached them. Disappearing on the corner of the street, Siro has not even turned his eyes.

"Wow!" A slight stroking wind sounded, making Cyro startled, and turning around hurriedly, he saw Saiwen wearing a red cloak gently falling on the ground, looking at the person standing in front of him with relief. G.

"As expected... my son!" Sai Wen looked at Sai Luo with relief and excitement.

"Father!" Sai Luo stretched out his right arm, and the excitement that was difficult to suppress in his heart made Sai Luo's right hand tremble a little before he took two steps. Sai Wen was hugged in his arms, his arms held Siro tightly.

And Cerro also hugged Saiwen with a bit of choking, crying like a child, completely devoid of the strong fighters he had when facing Beria.

The Kingdom of Light, which was thawed from the ice, quickly got on the right track, restored its original tranquility, and everything was on the right track. What made the residents of the Kingdom of Light even more pleased was that the King of Otto, who hadn't been seen for tens of thousands of years, appeared, standing on a platform of plasma sparks to encourage the elite forces of the Space Guard.

"Otto warriors, we have regained the power of justice~www.NovelMTL.com~ to restore the original vitality here. However, this does not mean that all evil forces have been eliminated, and there are many threats hidden in the universe. In order to save and help the weak, we will continue to fight in the future. This is the mission of our Ultra fighters. Cheer up, Ultra fighters, for peace and justice, for the future of the entire universe. The Kingdom of Light Warriors, let us embark on a new journey!"

The words of the Otto King made all the Otto fighters shout loudly, and the shouts of the warriors gathered together and echoed in the kingdom of light for a long time. This is the Otto fighter’s undaunted vow for future battles, and it is also The determination to dedicate ourselves to protecting the peace of the universe.

The Otto King looked at the young Otto warriors below and nodded in satisfaction. He was very pleased that the kingdom of light became stronger and stronger, and the power to guard the peace of the universe became stronger.

Then the King of Otto stepped into the plasma spark tower, and stopped until the plasma spark nucleus blooming with dazzling light, and his scarlet eyes stared at the plasma spark nucleus.

He came back this time besides showing up to let all the forces peeping at the Kingdom of Light know that he is still paying attention to the Kingdom of Light, just to check the plasma sparks. After all, this is the core that maintains the Kingdom of Light, and there must be no mistake at all. .

"So many civilizations desperately want to invade other planets, occupy more resources, and then allow their own civilization to continue to advance. When civilization has progressed to a certain level, they want to break through the barriers of the universe to reach other universes to occupy there. Resources," the King of Otter said as if talking to himself: "They never understand that the best place for their civilization to develop is the universe they were born in. Once they leave their universe to invade and occupy the resources of other universes, then This civilization has entered the countdown to destruction."

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