Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1091: Beria's end

Cerro shook his hand casually, and then straightened his arms abruptly, posing a fighting start to Beria, staring at Beria with sharp eyes, and shouting: "Remember my name ——Altman Cerro!"

"Huh! Huh!" The emerald light flashed at the place where the two ice axes on top of Cyro's head were in contact with his head, and then flew around Cyro for two laps before falling into Cyro's palm. In the middle, with a turn of his wrists, he aimed the sharp edge of the ice axe at Beria.

"Hey, Cerro, how can you grab my record?" Nexus shouted at Cerro from the side: "You won't come when that guy is so strong. The power of the stars was wiped out."

"Clang!" Sai Luo's ice axe on both hands touched, making a crisp crashing sound. Sai Luo moved his neck from side to side, and said warly: "But now I grab it, that's mine."

Speaking of Cerro, he opened his legs and quickly rushed towards Beria. Beria stood up and looked at Cerro with a very contemptuous tone. He roared in anger and waved his black claws. , Sellow caught Siro.

"Bang! Bang!" The black claws collided with the ice axe, splashing violent sparks, and the huge impact force caused the ground around Beria and Siro to shatter every inch, splashing dust in the sky.

"Haha!" Sai Luo suddenly threw away the ice axe in both hands, bent his right arm, and then slammed Beria's chest with a punch, kicking Beria back several steps, while controlling the ice. The axe revolved around Beria, attacking Beria frantically.

Beria hurriedly resisted under the attack of the two spinning ice axes and Siro, but the fists that blocked Siro were chopped by the ice axe, and Siro was suppressed.

"Really, this is my credit!" Nexus murmured, swiping his right fist backwards, knocking out a monster behind him, then turned around, and waved his hands one after another. A light blade smashed each monster into pieces.

Looking down from the sky, in the sea of ​​black monsters, Ultraman bravely went upstream. The monsters along the way exploded one after another. The army of monsters that had lost control of Beria was already a bit chaotic. Some even started to kill each other.

Nexus traveled through the group of monsters like a bolt of lightning. The lightsaber in his hand was swiftly waving. The monsters were chopped in half by the waist and exploded.

This continuous path of flames directly cut the monster group in half. Niksus lowered the lightsaber on his right arm, and then turned around. The few remaining monsters have also been bettered by Meng. Si, Leo and the others were wiped out, and for a while, this floating continent reverberated with the roar of monsters exploding everywhere, and the continuous blooming flames illuminated the huge valley into a day.

Nexus shouted at Cerro who was still fighting with Beria over there, "Hey, Cerro, why haven't you solved it yet? Do you want to help?"

"My master doesn't need it!" Sai Luo yelled, and pushed Beria's arms out with his fists, and then slammed Beria's arms with lightning and hit Beria's chest straight. On a red colored timer.

The speed and strength of boxing compresses the air and oscillates like water waves.

With a sound of "bang!", Beria wailed and was knocked out from a distance, falling to the ground like a ball and bounced several times before stopping.

"You bastard, how dare you..." The anger in Beria's heart has burst. He is a warrior who has fought for more than 100,000 years. He has almost witnessed the entire history of the Kingdom of Light. When he fought with the Aberra Stars The guy in front of him didn't know where he was, but today he was beaten up by such a guy who hadn't heard of it before, which made Beria furious.


Siro stood there and didn't mean to evade at all, staring at Beria who was flying over, and snorted coldly: "Your flaws... are too many."

Just as Beria flew over, Siro jumped up suddenly, and while his body rotated to avoid Beria's claws, he took advantage of a rotating kick with his right leg and hit Beria's. On his back, Beria lay down on the ground with a cry of pain, drew a deep gully on the rocky ground, and finally stopped.

Beria lay on a pile of rubble, stood up very angrily, her eyes were full of madness and infinite anger, and her eyes wanted to eat Siro raw.

When I turned around, I saw the two ice axes whirling behind the opposite Siro ~www.NovelMTL.com~ stuck on both sides of the colored timer on Siro's chest, and then Siro spread his arms and began to gather energy. The axe burst into dazzling silver light.

"Uh!" Beria raised his right hand, and the five sharp claws flashed with dark red light, and then clasped his hands together to form a cross shape, emitting a black and red destructive light-Disxum light.

"Ha!" Sai Luo yelled, facing Beria’s Disxum light, the ice axe on his chest and the color timer released a siro timer light, and Beria’s Dishum The lights collide together.

"Bang! Bang!" The powerful recoil force made the rocky ground under Cyro's feet shattered, splashing flying rocks all over the sky, and the Cyro timer light was like a sharp blade that directly split the Disxum light.

In Beria’s horrified gaze, Disxum’s light was completely defeated, and the Cerro timer light bombarded Beria’s body unimpeded, and the powerful energy contained in it madly impacted Beria, causing Beria shouted in pain, and his body was rushed by the light of the Celo timer and flew toward the sky.

Cerro stopped the energy output and slowly turned around, Beria behind his body was full of sparks, wailing and falling towards the lava river below. As Siro turned around, a fierce flame burst into the lava river behind him, rushing straight into the sky for several thousand meters.

"Huh! Huh!" The ice axe on both sides of Sai Luo's color timer flew up, spinning and flying back into the groove on the top of Sai Luo's head.

"Great!" Ultraman was finally relieved when he saw this, and Saiwen hurriedly said: "Siro, hurry up and send the plasma spark core back to the Kingdom of Light."

"Yeah!" Sai Luo nodded and immediately turned and flew to the nearby cliff. He pulled out the plasma spark inserted in the rock, and then jumped off from above.

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