The sudden situation caused everyone to fail to react, and even many people thought that they had encountered terrorists and struggled hard, but they were severely taught by those well-trained young men.

"Be honest with me! Squat in the corner and don't move! I tell you not to move! 99

"Hey, don't hit me.

"I don't move, I don't move, don't hit me.

All of a sudden, there was a wailing sound, quite miserable, and I thought that I had come to a feudal society that oppressed the poor masses.

A patient who was filled with resentment and selfishness just now suddenly became honest one by one, squatting obediently in the corner.

Under everyone's astonished eyes, the leading woman walked up to Su Chen and said respectfully.

"Consultant Lin? What kind of advisor?"

Those patients and doctors, as well as Xiaoxue, Li Zixin, and others on the side were all very surprised, but they also understood that this group of people came for Su Chen, and the arrogant patients just now said they would pull Su Chen. The patients who died together suddenly shrank their necks in fright, squatted in the corner, lowered their heads, and kept silent.

In the ward, looking at the heroic young woman in front of him, Su Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and he said in surprise: "Xue Han?

Wearing a special black uniform and tall, Xia Xuan carried the crowd on her back, suddenly winked at Su Chen, and stuck out her pink tongue playfully, looking quite cute.

Su Chen glanced at the sturdy young men in the same black uniform behind her, remembering that she had called herself Consultant Lin just now, with a look of doubt on her face.

"Which one are you playing?"

Xue Han approached, and the scent she exhaled hit 357 Su Chen's cheeks, itchy and crisp, she whispered: "Instructor Lin, now I am the leader of the National Security Special Command Action Team, of course I will call you Consultant Lin. now, isn't it, my security advisor?

Hearing what she said, Su Chen remembered that he did seem to have a national security adviser at the main office level, but why did Xue Han become the team leader of the national security, and also said that it involves national security secrets?

Is this just an ordinary tertiary hospital in hundreds of prefecture-level cities in China?

Is it?

Su Chen seemed to understand something.

"Consultant Lin, take a step to speak."

Xue Han glanced at the patients and family members who had been subdued by those tough young people, as well as Xiaoxue, Li Zixin, Uncle Zhang and others who were looking at him in astonishment, and said quite cautiously.

Under the surprised eyes of Xiaoxue and Li Zixin, Su Chen and Xue Han walked out.

Xue Han also proudly admonished those tough young people, and said coldly: "If they are dishonest, don't hold back and teach me a hard lesson."

(caaj) "Yes, leader!"

"If you hear me, be honest with me.

In the corridor of the ward, there was a well-trained young man standing three or five steps away. Others were searching for various electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets of patients, family members, and doctors, and even took over the monitoring of the hospital.

Su Chen's consciousness could even sense that in front of the gate of the ward building stood a row of tough young men in black uniforms. There were hundreds of tough young men in the hospital, carefully examining something, patients in other wards and outpatient clinics. The building was all driven out, and the entire city's No. 1 hospital was probably taken over.

The two walked to the doctor's office in the oncology department. There were several young men in black uniforms checking something, but Xue Han sent them out.

"Are you going out?

"Yes, Team Leader Xue." They said respectfully.

After the door was closed, Xue Han's serious appearance disappeared, with small hands behind his back, staring at big smart eyes, biting his lips, like a little girl, circling around Su Chen curiously.

Finally, she fixed her eyes on Su Chen and said with emotion: "I now doubt whether you are human.

Su Chen knew that she still had something to say, so she smiled indifferently.

"Do you know that what you are doing now has alarmed the head of the central center?" Xue Han exclaimed.

"Are you talking about curing Uncle Zhang's cancer? 99

Xue Han nodded and said in a somewhat excited tone: "Yes, do you know how much manpower and material resources the country has invested in researching cancer? The top medical biology experts in China, as well as the top doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, have invested in the country. Hundreds of billions of research funds have been researched for more than ten years, but there is no breakthrough, and nothing can be done.

At most, it will prolong the life of the patient by a few months, and the cost is very large and almost meaningless.

And you, it only took seven days to completely cure a patient with advanced gastric cancer, and the cancer cells completely disappeared. I have to say that this is a medical miracle.

Now the whole center is shaken by you.

Now those top medical biology experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are coming to Jiangcheng by special plane. If you can popularize your treatment method, you will make a huge contribution to the country.

Su Chen's eyes were sharp and said, "Did you already know that cancer is actually caused by someone poisoning human food?"

Xue Han didn't dare to look at Su Chen, his eyes flickered, and finally he didn't know what to think, sighed: "Forget it, it's okay to tell you this.

You are right. As early as ten years ago, we have discovered that the so-called cancer is actually caused by poisoning.

But by the time we found out, it was too late, because the methods they used for poisoning were too vicious, and they even touched the food people eat.

When there is a problem with the food, it is a big problem, because with the planting of the poisonous seeds, the pollen will spread rapidly and violently around, contaminating the good food. poisonous food.

We can't get rid of all the food, if that's the case, people will starve to death for what else to eat, and there will be a big mess. "

Su Chen said coldly: "I remember China's strict control over grain, how these poisonous grain seeds entered the country and were planted."

"Whether it is a country or any organization, there are worms, and some people have been bought by others, so these seeds are allowed to enter the country smoothly, which has led to a situation that cannot be handled now. 35

"I am afraid that the people who are bought are still high-level government officials, and ordinary small officials may not have this right. 99

"You're right, but we have already eliminated all these guys who are greedy and don't care about the lives of the people. It's just that when we find out, it's too late. This poisonous food has already begun to be imported in large quantities from abroad. , and it has been planted and spread in a large area."

“This is only happening in China, but it is happening all over the world.35

“According to our investigation, the food all over the world may have been manipulated by them.35

Su Chen froze in his heart and said coldly, "Someone wants to exterminate us humans."

"To be able to do this, there must be a powerful force hiding in the dark behind it. Do you know anything about them?"

"At the same time that we discovered the food problem, we have also noticed this problem, as you might guess, behind all this, there is a giant superpower hidden.

This force is too terrifying. Many high-ranking people in our country are even members of this organization, and they are hidden in various key positions. Although we have discovered and removed some of them, we still don’t know how many people are hidden in dark place.

Not only our country, but according to our intelligence, the heads of government, senior cabinet officials, and business tycoons of many countries in the world are inextricably linked with this organization.

We don't know anything about what's going on inside this organization, or what they're trying to do, but we do know that the upper echelons of it seem to be called Lords.

And this organization has a special symbol.

Su Chen said word by word: "One eye and one pyramid.

"how do you know?!!""

Xue Han's face suddenly changed greatly, and he exclaimed in surprise, with uncertainty in his eyes.

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