But, I always feel that if this misunderstanding continues, it seems that many misunderstandings will arise. In that case, it will be...


So annoying!

Jonias sighed deeply and decided to go home to meditate for a while, calming down his somewhat irritable mood, and then think about what to do next. Anyway, there is still a lot of time, maybe if he delays a little, this matter will be solved naturally.

So, Jonias, who began to meditate, began to empty his mind, empty... empty... Hmm? ! No, where am I?

Jonias suddenly realized that something was wrong. He just dozed off. How did he come here in a trance, and...

Looking at the sky above this strange space, Jonias saw a light ball that was not as big as his finger floating there. Although the thing was small in size, Jonias sensed a terrible energy reaction from it. If he guessed correctly, it should be the light energy compressed to the extreme.

I have to say that this move is really beautiful. This compression alone is something that few people in the Kingdom of Light and U40 can do, and the energy inside has reached a delicate balance. The degree is very good. If there is no external interference, this light ball can be used as a teaching material.

Who is it? Who made this? It's amazing, huh? Wait, why did my body move on its own?

Just as Jonias was amazed, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He saw that his body released one barrier after another on its own initiative. To be honest, there is no problem with this response. If I really encounter this in actual combat, my first reaction is to defend it first and see what happens.


No, why can't I control my body.

Although this situation is very strange, Jonias quickly calmed down. No matter what happened, the guy who pulled him in must have some plan. Now he just needs to be patient and wait until the enemy... Is that... Nexus?

At this time, Jonias saw a familiar figure, with dark and light energy on his body. It should be the child he knew. Did he pull him in? I didn't expect the enemy to have such a big appetite. He actually wanted to eat both of us in one go. What a good appetite.

It's no wonder Jonias thought so. He himself is a legendary warrior of the U40 galaxy. The combat power of Nexus is also very strong. The two of them joined forces, even if they were against the Ultra Brothers, they could still fight.

It's just...

This kid...

Is he going to rush? !

Looking at the light condensed by Nexus, Jonias' cold sweat immediately came down. There is no doubt that this light is directed at the energy light ball. What will happen if you explode like this is really unimaginable!

Jonias wanted to remind Yuan Subaru, but his body was out of control, so he could only watch Nexus shoot out the light with all his strength.

Then, the next second...

Jonias saw a dazzling white light burst out in this strange space, followed by a terrifying light energy impact, which instantly destroyed the defense barrier set up by his body. At this time, Jonias saw a flash of black light suddenly flash in the center of the explosion. The dark existence immediately sucked everything around it into it, and even light could not escape this unimaginable gravity.

There is no doubt that this is a phenomenon similar to the black hole in the universe, but fortunately, this black hole did not last too long. It soon became unstable due to the absorbed energy and achieved self-disintegration.

So that's it. Using highly compressed light energy as the core of a simulated white dwarf to absorb extra energy, break the core balance, trigger uncontrolled energy fusion, and then completely destroy the simulated white dwarf, so as to realize the prototype of a supernova explosion and indirectly realize the conditions for the appearance of a black hole....

Looking at the dissipated energy, Jonias gradually understood everything and couldn't help smacking his lips. Putting aside his position, just this set of chain skills can be regarded as the absurd idea of ​​creating a black hole, indirectly realized through unscientific light energy. No matter how long this black hole lasts, it is worth praising for achieving this.

After all, judging from this method and thinking, the person who came up with this method should be a wild monk, and it is not easy to do this.

And just when Jonias was thinking about this, he accidentally saw Nexus in the distance directly took out a lightsaber and wiped his neck. The action was neat and tidy, and the move was accurate and ruthless, just to go for the possibility of no survival. Jonias was so stunned that his brain fell into a blank state in an instant.

Then, a surge of anger suddenly rushed from his heart to his brain. With a livid face, Jonias began to look for the mastermind behind the scenes to see what it was that actually controlled the body of a young Ultraman and made him end his life by committing suicide.

Then Jonias saw another Nexus appear in this space again, a brand new one, without any injuries.


Seeing this, Jonias felt like he had already put soap in his bath, but the water was cut off, and he couldn't get up or down. He didn't know whether he should let go of the anger or continue to hold it.

And just when Jonias was embarrassed for a moment, he saw a familiar ball of light beginning to condense in Nexus' hand...

No, you made that thing! ! !

Seeing this, Joanias didn't understand what was going on, and immediately shouted out. Although Yuan Subaru couldn't hear it, this didn't stop the legendary warrior from expressing his shock. Although it happened last time I think this kid is a bit reckless, but you... No, what kind of enemy is he dealing with, and he actually needs such skills to...

Jonias was still thinking, but his body had already rushed out, rubbing the compressed light ball in his hand. Yuan Subaru was obviously unable to use [Saiga Super Acceleration] to deal with Jonias in this situation. Because of Si's projection, he was unable to take advantage of his speed to gain the upper hand and form a suppression.


I am no longer the child who was beaten and held down by the Ultra Brothers' projections.

Yuan Subaru waved one hand, and three clones separated from his body and faced the incoming Jonias projection. These three clones worked together exquisitely to contain the attack of Jonias' projection. pace.

However, Jonias Projection also inherited that body that had been tempered for thousands of years, and the momentary stalemate was quickly broken by Jonias Projection's absolute strength.

After the breakthrough, Jonias Projection faced the transformed pseudo-pure white black hole. However, Jonias Projection also seized the weak period when the pseudo-black hole was just formed, and joined forces with both fists. , emitted a huge energy ball. This energy ball called "Meteor Spark" once knocked down and detonated a 900-meter-tall monster with one blow.

Therefore, this move is not too difficult to eliminate the crisis of face-off.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Subaru started a battle with the projection of Jonias head-on. Between the fists and shadows, a fierce collision echoed in the deep blue space. Although Jonias is worthy of being the strongest warrior in the U40 galaxy, , but Yuan Subaru also has skills such as [Nullification] and [Saiga Super Acceleration]. Like an assassin in the dark, he will suddenly appear with killing moves.

In this regard, Jonas just looked at it and felt that this Nexus was unusually difficult to fight, especially after the combination of [Saga Super Acceleration] and [Clone Ultra Bomb], your punch After you hit him, he teleported away, leaving a clone behind. The burning energy flame rushed towards you. The suppressive situation formed without hesitation was resolved in an instant. He was dealing with [Clone· Ultra Bomb] and at the same time, you have to be wary of attacks that don't know where they will come from.


This situation was reversed as Yuan Subaru's energy was consumed, and finally Jonias' projection caught the cooldown of [Saga Super Acceleration] and punched through the chest, ending the battle.

Let’s stop here today.

Yuan Subaru, who was resurrected again, looked at the projection of Jonias chasing him, sighed in his heart, and ended the training. When he deducted the memory from the frozen star's mind, his own telekinesis was also affected. Influenced by such a difficult fight, Yuan Subaru couldn't bear it anymore.

However, there is still a lot to gain this time. In addition to handling various battle details, I am also simulating the destruction of planets... that is, after destroying the suspended light ball, the range that may be affected and its power have been It has been recorded with the Ark bracelet. You can take it back and analyze it to see if there is any need to continue to develop in this area.

As for the rest....

Let's leave it to the actual combat against the Iludians. I wonder if the brain-computer interface experiment is over? I have to go back and take a look. If it's over, I have to quickly try to sort out the knowledge passed over there and use it for my own use as soon as possible.

Then it’s time to really have a good sleep. You still have to be in a better state to fight against the Iludians, and... and...

Yuan Subaru thought about what he was going to do next, and planned to arrange his arrival in order, but as he kept counting, he unconsciously lowered his head and lay on the floor of the dark blue space, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep. middle...

On the planet U40, Joanias, who suddenly woke up, subconsciously glanced at the left hand that penetrated the child's chest, then stood up, turned around a few times, and decided to go to the Kingdom of Light. He didn't want to. I felt like it was just a vivid dream.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was more likely the ghost caused by Beria. If he guessed correctly, he might need the help of Ultra's father if he wanted to rescue the child.

As for the sin of breaking my oath, I am willing to bear it for the rest of my life.

Well, that’s it, go to the Kingdom of Light and set off immediately!

129 Jagula: This is the Kingdom of Light

"The operation was successful."

The moment Yuan Subaru woke up from sleep, Barley and Tatami, one on the left and one on the right, said, teasingly:

"You are a girl now."


"What's wrong? This joke...haven't you heard of it?"

However, seeing Yuan Subaru's silent and strange reaction, Yi Mi and Tatami looked at each other and said awkwardly:

"It's not that you really turned into a girl. Just wait a minute. We will go to the human data terminal to check the origin of this joke."

"I know this joke, but I was a little confused when I fell asleep just now and didn't react."

Yuan Subaru smiled and waved his hand, interrupting the nervous search of the two visitors, and said softly:

"Plus, my head hurts so badly now."

How could it not hurt? Such a long needle, just looking at it gives me a headache.

Yimi and Tatami couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, and then began to bring the topic to business, and whispered to Yuan Subaru:

"The knowledge data transmission this time was still very successful. Those plans were basically not used. Now Pigeon is perfecting the teaching materials for you. You follow the teaching materials once, and all the knowledge transmitted in your mind will be activated, and you will naturally accept and master those knowledge."

"I see, then I'll go take a shower first, and after that, we'll discuss these issues."

Yuan Subaru touched his face, the soaked liquid was sticky, which made him unhappy, so he quickly washed his body, changed into a new version of TLT uniform, and began to plunge into the ocean of knowledge, whether it was Tartarus's space-time theory system or research on super-fast particle impact.

However, the former is fine, after all, the transmission has been completed, and it is mixed with the comments and insights of the "pigeon" visitor, and with the relevant teaching materials, Yuan Subaru's acceptance is still very high.

As for the latter....

Whether it is human scientists or visitors, they can only give Yuan Subaru certain suggestions, or just for reference. After all, they really don't know what kind of science to use to measure things like the light of Nexus. Yuan Subaru doesn't quite understand this. Obviously TLT has reproduced the [Cross Ray Storm] of the juvenile form of Nexus, why don't they know how to define it.

Then the researchers gave him a table. According to common sense, the compressed light energy ball that Yuan Subaru rubbed should explode when it is half compressed, but not only did it not explode, but it was fine, and even began to simulate a strong gravitational phenomenon. What else can be said about this? If it really has to be explained by scientific theory, I'm afraid that the relevant scientific and technological personnel will die suddenly one after another.

Therefore, Gen Subaru did not dwell on this issue and began to continue learning other aspects, as well as developing related skills after gaining knowledge.

And this intense study was terminated with the arrival of a report.

In the meeting room of TLT-J, Gen Subaru and Matsunaga Yoichiro looked at the report sent by the headquarters, which was submitted by the Space Defense Agency. They had detected the appearance of UFOs. If there were no accidents, it should be the arrival of the Iluds.

"I will go up to meet them. Don't worry, I have prepared the relevant measures."

Gen Subaru closed the report, said hello to Matsunaga Yoichiro, and flew out directly. In the memory of the frozen star, the Ilud race did not have a good relationship with other people, because their racial instinct was to assimilate everything that could be assimilated. When the Gu'a Legion was expanding its number, if the Iluds' behavior was not considered "destroying civilization", they would have been killed by the Gu'a Legion.

Yuan Subaru transformed into a young man, Nexus, and passed through the atmosphere directly. He saw several spaceships flying towards the earth. Yuan Subaru did not stop, and did not even release his skills. He opened his hands and directly crashed into them. The spaceships turned into fireworks in the universe.

However, what surprised Yuan Subaru was that the Iluds seemed to be a little impatient. Their wandering planets had not entered the solar system yet, but they had sent out spaceships. According to the memory of the frozen star people, the behavior process of the Iluds was generally to try to assimilate in a small range after arriving at the location. If possible, they would carry out a large-scale invasion between planets.

It seems that even the Iluds were worried that they would be killed by the three legion commanders of the Gua Legion if they went too late, so they were so anxious to invade this time.

But it was good that they did not enter the solar system, so it would be easier to deal with. They were originally worried that if they made too much noise, they would attract unnecessary attention to the earth.

As Yuan Subaru thought about this, he turned into a red ball and began to fly at high speed. In an instant, golden rays of light passed around the Ilud planet, interweaving into a net and wrapping it up.

These lines were what Yuan Subaru had figured out during this period of time thanks to his knowledge of space-time force. They were very rough space cuts, but because of the special nature of space force, the traces of the battle between the Ilud and Yuan Subaru should not be released before these rays of light dissipated.

It should be, after all, it was modified according to the ultimate cross barrier, so there should be no big problem.

Yuan Subaru thought about it, then nodded confidently, and then regardless of the communication sent by the Ilud, he raised his hands, guided the [Armed Nexus] in his hand to emit light, and then opened up a special space.

In this regard, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but sigh that Mr. Tartarus really didn't lie. After mastering the relevant space-time force knowledge system, he could really open up such a space of his own like him, but he was just getting started now, so this space is not very large now.

And this space skill seems to have other follow-up developments, but maybe because what was handed to me was just basic knowledge, Mr. Tartarus did not include the follow-up. But this is not a big problem, I have already mastered the relevant knowledge, although it is only the basics, but practice makes perfect. After two more experiments, I will definitely find other ways to develop it.

While thinking this, Yuan Subaru took out four energy-supplying stone statues of Nexus in his youth form from the storage space and unsealed them. However, the energy of these stone statues was not to be absorbed. Even Yuan Subaru, who had a body with energy reserves of this level, would be stretched to death.

So, under the watchful eyes of the brain of the Ilud people, Yuan Subaru gathered the energy of the four complete clones into a ball, and then used his own energy to cover the outside, and then launched it towards the Ilud planet!

At that moment, the alarm of the Ilud planet was full, and all kinds of anti-aircraft means were activated, attacking the spiral rotating light bullet, but the energy wave caused by the rotation of this light bullet alone offset most of the attacks, and those attacks that could pass through the energy wave and fall on the light bullet could not penetrate the "bullet shell" applied by Yuan Subaru.

After all, after putting on this "bullet shell", Yuan Subaru quickly knocked on the energy-supplying stone statue to recover.

Then, after realizing that the current power could not resist the landing of the light bomb, a large number of spaceships took off and fled outside the planet.

The light bomb easily passed through the planet's crust and drilled all the way into the core. Then the energy of the "shell" began to be absorbed, detonating the energy body protected inside, and then the violent explosion destroyed the stability of the entire planet from the inside out.

So, the brain of the Ilud people saw a gray vortex appear on the planet where it once lived. The vortex was getting bigger and bigger, swallowing every inch of the earth's skin, and as the vortex grew bigger, lightning kept exploding in it.

In the end, the vortex swallowed the entire planet, and with a dazzling light and scattered shock waves, this silent movie of extinction came to an end.

"Who are you?! Why do you want..."

Obviously, the brain of the Ilud people could not understand this sudden attack at all. They didn't understand why they were blocked by such a ruthless person when they hadn't assimilated anything recently.

And Gen Subaru was still the same. He thought it was a waste of time to say one more word to this alien. He threw out dense particle feathers without waiting for the Ilud's brain to finish speaking.

In response, although the Ilud's spaceship also wanted to avoid it, under Gen Subaru's Ultra Telekinesis lock, there was not much room for resistance.

But at the moment when those spaceships were destroyed, Gen Subaru saw that the bodies of the Iluds seemed to be summoned by something, and they all flew towards the mothership of the fleet. Then a huge Ilud put on armor and appeared in front of Gen Subaru.

To be honest, this Ilud looked like.... The silver body was added with blue lines and golden patterns, two horns extended from the bottom of the back of the head, and the eyes were red. Gen Subaru unexpectedly felt a little cute.

But this did not prevent Subaru from killing him. To be honest, the weakness of this Ilud was too obvious, which was the brain. Under Subaru's Ultra Telekinesis, it was useless even if it moved around in the body. In addition, its defense and reaction...

Using [Sega Super Acceleration] to teleport over, Subaru accurately pierced through the Ilud's brain with a sword, and eroded it into nothingness. Subaru calmly swung the lightsaber and couldn't help showing a subtle expression.

Originally, he was ready to fight to the death. He stuffed more than 20 energy-supplying stone statues in his personal space, waiting to fight to the death, but... that's it? That's it? !

Just as Yuan Subaru was thinking about it, he sensed the movement from the side. He turned his head and saw that some of the escape pods of the Ilud spacecraft collided with each other, causing an explosion. Looking more carefully, it was the Ilud inside who was operating the escape pod, and the operation suddenly stopped, causing the escape pod to fly in the wrong direction and collide with each other.

Until then, Yuan Subaru looked at the embers of the planet and the corpses floating in the universe. He realized that if the Ilud had no other branches, he would have achieved the small goal of "annihilating the planet and the clan".

It's just...


Not so shocking...

Yuan Subaru bit his nails and frowned slightly thinking about this problem. In his imagination, it should be more grand and vigorous. The scene made people shudder. He was a little too straightforward, and blowing up a planet or something should not be a rare thing for aliens.

No, my vision is too narrow. Just blowing up a planet, how can it be a deterrent?

Yuan Subaru hit his head in annoyance, and then used his half-baked space-time power to mess up the battlefield, and threw all the debris into the cracks of space-time. After all, the planet had just been blown up, and the surrounding space was not very stable. Even a beginner like Yuan Subaru could open a crack to clean up the garbage.

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