"It's amazing. I just made a request, and you guys solved it so quickly."

Gen Subaru looked at the regulations on the document, looked back at Matsunaga Kaichiro in surprise, and helped him push down his glasses. Matsunaga Kaichiro smiled and touched his head, and said softly:

"In the end, you helped yourself. If you hadn't defeated those powerful enemies, we wouldn't have had the chance to study these things. By the way, Subaru, come with me. I have something I want to show you."

? ? ?

Gen Subaru tilted his head curiously, jumped off Matsunaga Kaichiro's lap, took his hand, and was led deep into the TLT-J base by the management officer. Not long after, he went through a series of reviews. After that, Matsunaga Kaichiro took Gen Subaru to a familiar place, which was the place where the previous 'Mobile Ultraman' project was built.

It's just that at this time, the frame of the 'Mobile Ultraman' has disappeared, replaced by a tall mecha shell, and it is already in a completed state.

"Didn't you tell us before that [Pure White Native] has no trouble with active aggression, and that you want a new identity to eliminate the troubles caused by being a 'Son of Beria'?"

Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at the mecha in front of him with a smile, and said softly to Gen Subaru:

"This is the product we created to solve these two problems. You should remember that this is the development base of [Mobile Ultraman], but later, considering the feasibility and danger of [Mobile Ultraman] , we restarted the [Ark] plan within the framework of [Mobile Ultraman], led the auxiliary work for Nexus, and then conducted further design around your needs in subsequent construction, and finally... ..”

Matsunaga Kaichiro stretched out his hand towards the tall mecha, and the device on his wrist made a beeping sound. Amidst the red lights flashing crazily around him, Gen Subaru saw the open mecha shell closed, and then Neat and dense cracks appeared on the mecha's shell, and they were reduced into tiny squares, shrinking rapidly inward.

Not long after, the mecha, which was almost as tall as Nexus, shrunk into an ordinary Rubik's Cube-like cube and slowly fell, floating in the hands of Matsunaga Kaori. The administrator smiled, turned around, and moved the Ark. The module was handed over to Yuan Subaru:

"The 'Ark' project has been successfully constructed. In this module, we have added equipment to deal with various situations. Most of the prototypes of those weapons and equipment are drawn from the enemies you have dealt with, as well as from the Barossa aliens. It won’t be difficult for you to master the confiscated weapons.”

Listening to Matsunaga's words, Gen Subaru reached out and took the module blankly. Immediately, the module seemed to have completed some kind of binding process, and various styles popped up for Gen Subaru to choose.

Finally, Yuan Subaru chose the bracelet style, and immediately, the module turned into a black bracelet and wrapped around the boy's right hand.

"It's a pity though."

Looking at the completed module command, Matsunaga Kaichiro sighed and said helplessly:

"The expanded shape of this module cannot be adjusted again. After all, the main materials used for this module are still relatively difficult to manufacture on the current earth, so you cannot redesign it. However, Subaru, Don’t worry, we have avoided similar physical elements to Beria, Nexus, and Noah in this shell, ensuring that when you use it, no one will be reminded of your identity.”

"Thank you, I didn't expect that...Thank you..."

Looking at the bracelet, Gen Subaru was a little stunned for a moment. The two points Matsunaga Kaichiro just said were just his casual complaints during the conversation. Unexpectedly, everyone at TLT actually remembered them and implemented them. , the young man took a deep breath, clenched his right hand, and nodded towards Matsunaga Kaichiro. The administrator took a step back with understanding.

Then Yuan Subaru suddenly raised his right hand high. In the pure white soft light, mixed with blue module materials, a helmet with a main color of blue, matched with golden patterns, and a circle of olive leaves appeared. The patterned mecha wrapped up Yuan Subaru's original form. In the impact of the transformation, the [Ark·Native] form suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

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Seeing that the Ark module fit so well, Matsunaga Kaichiro finally breathed a sigh of relief, while Gen Subaru felt the various functions of this mecha. It can be said that the design is quite comprehensive, and it can be seen that, The designer took into account the characteristics of pure white light and made detailed adjustments to the mecha's skills. It can be said that this is a mecha module specially built for [Pure White·Native].

"Subaru, how are you feeling?"

"It feels very good at the moment, but we still need to practice it in actual combat to determine its strength."

Gen Subaru released his transformation and watched as the mecha module transformed into a data flow-like light belt, flew back and wrapped around his wrist. He looked at Matsunaga Kaichiro unexpectedly and said:

"Mr. Matsunaga, I'm curious as to what material this is made of."

"The raw materials are those strange weapons 'sent' by the Barossa people."

Matsunaga Kaichiro pushed up his glasses and said softly:

"Some weapons and armor are not suitable for humans after appraisal by the visitors. However, if they are used directly for you, there may be unknown risks. So to ensure safety, we will work with the assistance of the visitors. Reprocessed》"

Speaking of this, Matsunaga Kaichiro said in a subtle tone:

"However, I have to say that fortunately those weapons and armors fell into the hands of the Barossa Stars before, and they first carried out a wave of destruction of various weapons and armor systems. We were able to get started so quickly. Just use your body For this mecha module.”

Matsunaga Kaichiro picked up the personal terminal, tapped twice, brought up the page, and said softly:

"This set of 'Ark' mecha is an addition and modification based on a set of alien armor. According to the program of the internal system of that outer armor, it was developed by a cosmonaut called 'Hikari'. , as far as the reverse inference results of the visitors' data are concerned, if you want to use normal methods to break the program of the armor, it will take a long time to kill a generation, and if it is cracked by force, no matter whether it is successful or not , may bring the risk of energy loss.”

Having said this, Matsunaga Kaichiro knocked on the terminal and said softly:

"So, at least three or four Barossa Stars must die before we can dismantle and rebuild this suit of armor so smoothly."

"This is really unexpected. I hope there will be another wave of Barossa invasions."

I didn't expect such a result. Gen Subaru whispered in surprise, and Matsunaga Kaichiro couldn't help but nodded. Although the number of Barossa Stars is really large, the rewards after winning are also very amazing. .

At this moment, Matsunaga Kaichiro noticed that Gen Subaru was rubbing his chin thoughtfully, and asked doubtfully:

"What's wrong? What happened?"


Yuan Subaru frowned slightly and said:

"Why does the name Hikari sound so familiar to me? I seem to have heard it somewhere... Hmm... Forget it, I can't remember it. It probably doesn't matter. Mr. Matsunaga, let me make some stone statues first. , and then go to the deep blue space to try the ability of this 'Ark'."

"Okay, go ahead. If you have any questions, remember to report them to me in time."

"Yeah, see you later, Mr. Matsunaga."

While waving his hand, Gen Subaru left the manufacturing factory. After transforming into the youth form Nexus, he made a few stone statues, controlled the degree of light energy reserve, and then lay on the bed and used the sleeping stick. Entering the deep blue space, I began to become familiar with this 'Ark' module.

But so be it.

Pure manipulation made Yuan Subaru always feel that something was missing, so he skillfully opened the selection list and prepared to find an Ultra Projector to compete with each other. At this moment, a figure suddenly caught Yuan Subaru's attention. It was no one else. , it was Ultraman Jonias whom I had seen before. Unexpectedly, after not having a special projection training for a while, there were so many updates.

Okay, Senior Jonas, let your projection compete with me today!

Yuan Subaru was just about to press the button to summon the projection. At this moment, he heard a call from above the deep blue space. It sounded like... the sound of the sky and the earth. Did he encounter any problems there?

So, Yuan Subaru closed the selection interface, turned into a gray stream of light, and went to the world where Da Kong Daichi was.

However, as soon as he arrived in that world, Yuan Subaru saw the frantic Ultraman X attacking everything around him. Fortunately, it was surrounded by mountains and was still a certain distance away from the gathering place of humans. At present, it seemed , has not caused any casualties, and the humans closest to him are the members of Team Xio.

What confuses Yuan Subaru is that the technological level of the Xio team is one of the best among the Earth Defense Forces he has ever seen. But now, everyone in Xio is holding ordinary weapons and attacking Xio. Terman launched an attack. Even if it was waterproof, this would be too much. Moreover, since it is waterproof, wouldn't you use some black technology to control Ax?

Yuan Subaru couldn't understand, but obviously he couldn't continue to sit idly by in this situation. It was just the right time to try the power of [Ark·Original].

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and raised his wrist. In the light, the giant of light wearing steel armor appeared in front of everyone. How should I put it, after the [Ark] mecha unfolded, the device on its back, With the addition of modules such as shoulder armor, Yuan Subaru looks a bit bulky, but in fact, Yuan Subaru does not feel any inconvenience in movement.


At this time, Yuan Subaru's appearance immediately attracted Ax's attention. He stretched out his neck and let out a crazy and animalistic roar. During this period, the boy also noticed that Ax's body flashed yellow from time to time. The garbled patches and water pipe-like tentacles seemed to be about to proliferate from his body.

What exactly is going on? Isn't X the electronic Ultraman? Could it be that he was also infected with the virus?

Yuan Subaru is a little confused, but this does not affect his fighting spirit. The electronic Ultraman in front of him is undoubtedly the best opponent to test this mecha. If it can withstand his attacks and invasions, this mecha will also Even if it is qualified.

"Please don't hurt Ax!!!"

At this moment, Yuan Subaru heard the shouts of the sky and the earth. He waved the dimmed X terminal and shouted with all his strength:

"Aix has just been invaded. We are restarting the system and creating corresponding anti-virus software. Please buy us some time."

ah? ! It was really invaded.

A series of question marks appeared in Yuan Subaru's head, and he immediately questioned the value of X's data. He shook his left and right hands, and the arm guard modules on both hands decomposed a layer. Small blocks formed a pair of gloves on Yuan Subaru's hands, ready to start fighting with X.

But at this time, X obviously had no intention of fighting with Yuan Subaru. His eyes suddenly lit up, and immediately a wave of electric waves like a swarm of bees came towards Yuan Subaru. Obviously, this was a data attack. Yuan Subaru concentrated his mind and energy, and had no intention of dodging. He chose to take this move hard to detect the mecha.

Therefore, at the moment when the electric wave touched the mecha module, Yuan Subaru clearly felt that something had drilled in and attacked himself and the mecha, but immediately, the automatic program in the mecha started, and X's data attack was being blocked outside the firewall.

But this radio wave also brought other things, attacking the mecha and enhancing the data offensiveness of X, so a new program was started, and Yuan Subaru felt the reaction of the mecha and provided the energy it needed.

Then, in the next second, the unknown substances attached to the mecha were completely cleaned and transformed by the pure white light. After the medium was gone, the threat of X's data attack rapidly decreased and was finally eliminated by the firewall.

Not bad, really good...

Yuan Subaru nodded with satisfaction, and he agreed with the performance of the "Ark" mecha. After completing this test, Yuan Subaru did not continue to be beaten passively. Yuan Subaru raised his left hand, opened a muzzle on the arm guard, and fired a large light bullet. The light bullet split during the flight, suppressing X's actions with a barrage of bullets.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru pulled out his posture sideways, and the light energy was transmitted to the thruster behind him. As the white-red flames spurted out, Yuan Subaru hit X like a meteor and knocked X out.

Then, the modules on both sides of the thruster unfolded transparent energy wings, allowing Yuan Subaru to fly in an arc in the air, grab Aix's hands, spin rapidly in the air for several circles, and fall hard to the ground.

Aix quickly adjusted his posture to complete the buffering in the air, but when he was buffering, Yuan Subaru shrank into a ball. Under the joint force of the wings and thrusters, a meteorite-like sphere rubbed the red light in the air, accurately predicted the trajectory of Aix's dodge, and sent it fiercely into the mountain.

However, what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that Aix could still stay awake, still roaring and trying to struggle, and attack Yuan Subaru, so Yuan Subaru pressed Aix's head with his right hand, opened the module in the palm of his hand outward, and activated the "electric shock" function. With the blessing of pure white light, he successfully curbed Aix's subsequent work.

Let me see, what's wrong with you?

At the same time, Gen Subaru ignored the distressed call from the sky and the earth behind him, and began to spread the Ultra Telekinesis. Soon, the boy realized that in X's body, there were some things like cell tissues that were constantly assimilating his power and occupying his body. In short, they were some very bad things.

But "assimilation", right? In this regard, I still don't believe you can be stronger than the pure white light.

Gen Subaru snorted coldly, locked those bad things with telekinesis, and used the pure white light to initiate reverse assimilation, passing the assimilated light to X to let him recover. Therefore, after Gen Subaru assimilated all those bad things, X's condition was relatively better.

"Thank you for your help."

After Subaru turned off the electric shock, X said thank you in a weak tone, then turned into a data body and returned to the terminal of the Sky Land. At this time, Subaru also planned to remove the armor and ask what was going on. However, the things sensed by the diffused Ultramanence made Subaru raise his eyebrows and decided to keep the appearance of the costume.

"X, what's wrong with you?"

When Subaru and others came to the side of the Sky Land, a ball of red light fell from the sky, and a figure of a giant of light appeared in front of everyone. The person who came was none other than Max who left the Kingdom of Light to carry out the search mission. However, what happened at the moment forced him to stop the search.

"I was attacked... This person saved me. I wonder who you are..."

"I am the Space Warrior Dragon God. You can just call me Aaron."

Faced with X's question, Yuan Subaru added a fake identity without blushing, hugged his arms, and said calmly:

"I heard the wailing of this land, so I changed my route to come and see. May I ask what happened? What invaded your body?"

"Let me answer this question."

Seeing that X was in a bad state, Max took over the topic and explained-

This incident started with a monster called "Goddess", which is considered a huge threat to the entire universe.

Its own cells are identified as retroviruses, but their abilities are much more complex and developed than the cell structures of any known organisms.

Goddess' cells can fly at high speed in space, live anywhere on Earth, and can parasitize or possess many objects, most commonly living things, but there are also incredible characteristics that they can parasitize negative emotions and abstract legends.

Moreover, after completing the entire parasitic step, Gordis' cells can absorb the power of life, turning the host into an evil monster, and then controlling its actions. Even Ultraman is not immune to this. Monsterization caused by Dis cells.

"I didn't expect that Gordis' cells were so powerful. They could even parasitize Ultraman Electronics. It's really unbelievable."

Listening to Max's explanation, Yuan Subaru whispered in surprise, but in response to Yuan Subaru's exclamation, Max shook his head and continued:

"If it's just Gordis' cells that are causing trouble, it would be easy to deal with, but what's more troublesome is that there are also Magma people appearing in this incident..."

The Saber Tyrant Magma, the evil cosmonauts who destroyed many planetary civilizations in the universe, have the means to control monsters and also have a huge fleet. They once destroyed Ultraman Leo's home planet L77 and killed Leo. It can be said that Ultraman's parents are a rather vicious and restless cosmic race.

"The Magma people collected Gordis cells and used them as weapons to launch dirty bombs containing Gordis cells at every planet their fleet passed, thus causing turmoil in the universe. I originally I wanted to join forces with Ax to try to smash the conspiracy of the Magma people, but I didn’t expect that Ax..."

Before Max could finish his words, Yuan Subaru interrupted him and his eyes fell on him. In an instant, the Ultra warrior felt the terrifying murderous aura spreading from the man of steel. .

"Tell me, how many planets have been damaged now?"

"...I don't know, but from what I have observed so far, there are at least thirty galaxies and more than a hundred planets that have suffered the tragedy of civilization collapse due to this."

Max answered in a heavy tone. Yuan Subaru nodded silently, looked at Max and said:

"Give me the current location of the Magma people, and then go and save those eroded planets. I will deal with those bastards."


"Is there still time to hesitate now? Believe me, I am not just acting alone. My strength... Ultraman X has also been experienced by me."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Max thought quickly, thinking that he had sent out the Ultra signature anyway, and he believed that support would arrive soon. Before that, considering the strength of this space fighter, he should be able to delay it for enough time. .

So, after Max handed over the current cosmic coordinates of the Magma people, he left the earth. Yuan Subaru was not in a hurry to leave. He looked at the captain of Team Xio and said in a solemn voice:

"I have also heard about your affairs, and I know that there is a great cosmic doctor there, so I have two requests."

"Please speak."

"I hope you can share some weapon system data with me. You have also seen that my main combat power is on this mecha. Your weapon system data may make my strength even further, and then... "I don't know if the spaceman doctor knows where the Magma planet is. I'm worried that I won't be able to stop the Magma planet's fleet from escaping, so I want to go directly to its home planet to guard it."

After listening to Yuan Subaru's words, the captain of Team Xio immediately used the communicator to discuss. After a while, he raised his head, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"There is no problem with the weapon system, but we need some time to copy the data. As for the Magma planet's home planet... I'm sorry, we don't have specific coordinate data for this."

"Then I'll come back to get the data after I finish fighting the Magma people. Goodbye."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru turned into a stream of light, disappeared in front of Team Xio, and rushed towards the spatial coordinates given by Max.


"What's wrong, Dadi?"

On the earth, hearing the whispers of the sky and the earth, Aix asked curiously:

"Is there anything you forgot to take care of?"

"Ax, do you think...that space fighter feels a bit familiar?"

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