Yuan Subaru listened to Camilla's story expressionlessly while complaining in his heart.

Very soon, ah, it can’t be considered very fast. It has been three hours since I finished speaking, and a summary of what Camila said is——

Thirty million years ago, when Senior Tiga was still a dark giant, Camilla and Senior Tiga were lovers. At that time, the earth was successively ruled by monsters and giants. Later, after defeating all the monsters, among the giants, The civil war began.

Then, Dark Tiga, Camilla, Durham and Hitler teamed up to defeat the other giants and became the final winner.

However, Senior Tiga, under the persuasion of You Lian, the captain of the Earth Defense Force at the time, took away Durham's power, Hitler's agility, and Camilla's dark power. Then darkness turned to light, and Tiga The senior transformed from a dark giant into a giant of light, while Camilla, Hitler, and Dallam were sealed in this Luluye ruins by senior Tiga.

"How about it, now you understand."

Camila said in a very complicated tone:

"If that little bitch hadn't instigated the relationship between me and Diga, how could you be so reluctant to call me Master Mu now!"

"...Suppose, what you say is true."

Yuan Subaru rubbed his temples to calm his rumbling head, and said softly:

"Senior Diga is quite excessive."

"Diga is not wrong!"

Camilla stared and yelled at Yuan Subaru:

"He was just bewitched and confused. It's all that little bitch's fault!"

"No, if what you said is true, Senior Diga did something wrong."

"He's right!"


"That's right!"


"Why don't you just fight?"

Seeing the two people in front of him arguing like children, Hitler said weakly:

"After the beating, whoever is not dead, even if who is right, it is best for both of you to die together... I am a bitch, it is my fault, you continue."

Before he finished speaking, Hitler felt the two sharp gazes suddenly falling on him, slapped himself skillfully, and then lay quietly on the ground pretending to be dead.

"You're just a little kid. You haven't experienced those years of strife with Diga. You don't understand. You don't understand Diga."

Seeing Hitler fall, Camilla immediately turned her firepower, aimed at Yuan Subaru, and shouted:

"You little brat, why are you so presumptuous to your teacher!"

"When it doesn't involve human issues, wrong is wrong and right is right. I don't think there is anything wrong with my point of view!"

Yuan Subaru confidently turned back to Camilla and said:

"Even if Senior Diga is here now, I dare to question him. Since he chose to devote himself to the light, why not take you out of the darkness together. Either Camila, you concealed the truth from me, or Diga The seniors sealed you without any consideration, and did not give you a chance to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. Of course, there is another possibility..."

Having said this, a strong murderous aura emerged from Yuan Subaru's body, and the dark energy seemed to be crawling with life. He looked directly at Camilla and said coldly:

"That's this seal. It was the decision made by Senior Diga who believed that there is no possibility for you to be in the light. If so, please rest in peace here. I will not allow you to harm humans after unsealing." "

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong with you little brat?"

Seeing Yuan Subaru who was about to kill him, Hitler stood up uncontrollably and shouted loudly:

"You are more murderous than us. Also, calm down, your energy is starting to go crazy!"

"Help, help me, it's going to explode!!!"

At the same time, Durham felt the scorching heat, and his voice trembled slightly. He could accept that he died in the battle, but he could not accept being killed in such a humiliating explosion, and Camilla also discovered Well, this little brat is the same as me, but he is obsessed with Tiga, and he is obsessed with human beings...

It's really funny. A dark giant is obsessed with protecting human beings. He has received some kind of messy education since he was a child. It feels like he is more than normal.

But let’s ignore the topic of crookedness or not. Right now, if this little brat really starts killing, they really can’t stop him. Diga, what can I say... you have indeed found a student who is very good at fighting. ....

116 The Power of Leonix

Just when the battle in the ruins was about to break out, Yuan Dagu was sitting in the victory team's mobile vehicle in the city, looking at the sky with some worry. Yuan Subaru had been gone for a long time, and he didn't know what happened. No danger was encountered.

Suddenly, Yuan Dagu felt a little hot in his chest. Since Yuan Dagu was the only one in the mobile vehicle at this time, and this was a monitoring point with no pedestrians around, he took out the spark prism directly. He looked curiously at why this one was glowing.

Immediately, Yuan Dagu saw a flash of light in the middle of the spark prism, and then flew out directly. Yuan Dagu was shocked and quickly called the equipment on the mobile vehicle to check that no one happened to be passing by. After confirming that there was no such scene, he felt relieved. However, Yuan Dagu also fell into a new round of confusion. He couldn't figure out why such a situation occurred. Could it be because something happened to Subaru?

At the same time, Camilla, Hitler and Dallam looked at the dark Nexus in front of them who was about to go berserk, and nervously prepared to respond to the enemy. Oh, Dallam didn’t need to, because he was about to be blown up. .

At this moment of life and death, Camilla noticed something. She looked up unexpectedly and saw a ray of light falling straight down, but she was unable to move forward due to the darkness and the ultimate cross barrier.

But then, the light of Tiga in Yuan Subaru's body also echoed and emerged from the darkness. As a result, Camilla and the other three saw a familiar light shadow appear beside Yuan Subaru. , reached out to stop his arm that was holding the Ultra Guillotine and tried to swing it out, and at the same time assisted Yuan Subaru to wake up from the rampaging dark energy.

Don't you want me to kill them?

With reason once again occupying the high ground, Yuan Subaru looked at the phantom of Tiga next to him. This was not the consciousness of Tiga coming here, but there was still some basic logical thinking in the light he left behind, and he just appeared to stop it. Own.

Since it is what Senior Diga means, forget it.

Gen Subaru dismissed the Ultra Guillotine, waved his hand, and canceled the self-destruction attack on Durham, then looked at Camilla in front of him and said:

"Give me the stone statue sealing technique. Since Senior Diga has been paying attention to you, but has never come to lift the seal, I guess he has his own ideas. When I see Senior Diga next time, I will ask you what the situation is. Unblock."

You're talking nonsense, you're clearly afraid of us going out to Huo Huo, the human being you miss so much.

After staying with the crazy woman for a long time, Hitler and Dharam didn't even need to think about it. They both knew what this person was thinking, but what could they do if they guessed it? , it’s better to be honest.


You can set up a little trap quietly, hum, Camila, you know, a little back door.

Hitler secretly winked at Camilla, but Camilla dismissed it and simply handed over the complete stone statue sealing technique to Yuan Subaru. Then, Hitler looked at her with a black look. Looking at Yuan Subaru, he skillfully sealed them with the Dark Ultimate Cross Barrier.


Before the Dark Ultimate Cross Barrier was formed, Yuan Subaru grabbed a bunch of light particles from his body and threw it into the barrier seal. Then Camila, Hitler, and Dallam saw the black light rain falling, A unique realm was formed, and then their energy, which had been sealed for 30 million years and had not yet recovered, was once again suppressed and absorbed by this magical realm.

I'm convinced, what kind of damn seals are these.

Hitler sat on the ground speechlessly and glanced at Camilla next to her...

"Ah~~~Diga still has me in his heart. No one is here on this planet, but his light is still protecting me. Ah~~~Diga..."

Well, this woman is no longer useful.

Hitler turned his attention to Durham, who was almost as weak as himself and had a bit of a fool in his head. After thinking about it, Hitler went straight to the ground.

Forget it, let's destroy it. The dark giant from 30 million years ago was made so ugly by such a little brat. Let's kill him with a knife.

Outside, Yuan Subaru was still nervously observing the changes in the seal. This serial seal was something he had envisioned a long time ago, but he could not use it because of the instability of light energy caused by his own cell problems. But now it looks like Come on...it seems okay?

Yuan Subaru nodded, turned around and left with some confidence. These three dark giants were originally low on energy, and now they are absorbed and suppressed by the Dark Meta Domain. It seems that they don’t have the strength to break the seal, plus the outside There is an ultimate cross barrier blocking it.

Even if he leaves, the Meta Realm will not dissipate so quickly. When he comes back in the deep blue space and has mastered the stone sealing technique, this seal should still be effective.

But having said that, since this 'external tower field' is successful, I should be able to try other ideas I originally had. After finishing the stone statue sealing technique, I can also make arrangements.

While Yuan Subaru was thinking, he quickly came to Yuan Dagu's side, only to find that Dagu was intoxicated by Sakaki Reina's "Dagu team member", so he did not show up to disturb him, but hid. On the side, while pondering the stone statue sealing technique, he observed the movement over there.

Finally, when he was explaining to the third policeman that he was not a lost child, Yuan Dagu waved goodbye to Rina Sakaki. Yuan Dagu, who was humming a tune, was about to drive to another testing point when he saw a policeman. He walked over with Yuan Subaru in his arms. After completing a series of interrogations and examinations, the policeman put Yuan Subaru into Yuan Dagu's arms and said in a helpless tone:

"Young man, although I, uncle, can understand how young people feel when they are in love, I can't ignore my younger brother. Well, uncle, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Um...please walk slowly."

Yuan Dagu sent the policeman away with a slightly red face, and then looked helplessly at Yuan Subaru in his arms. Yuan Subaru stuck out his tongue at him, made a face, and then jumped out of Yuan Dagu's arms. He came down and said with a smile:

"Don't care, don't care. After all, it's too much trouble for me to explain like this. Why don't you come forward quickly? Okay, let's get down to business. I have to go back quickly now. Dagu, call me this time tomorrow. I'll come over and take care of the rest of the trouble."

"Do you need my help?"

Hearing this, Yuan Da Gu immediately realized the problem and looked at Yuan Subaru, asking anxiously. To be honest, there have been no alien monsters appearing in this period of time, and he really wants to rush.

"No, no, it's just a small problem. When I learn this trick, I will teach you."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru disconnected and returned to the deep blue space. He began to study the stone statue sealing technique and used his clones to continuously conduct one test after another.

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Light, Seven has returned. Unfortunately, the wormhole can no longer be found. For a while, there is no way to go to the Earth in the parallel world to find the time and space mark of Yuan Subaru's world.

Hikaru was very calm about this. As a researcher, he had already anticipated this result. He was currently developing a new tool that could be used to lock light. Since Ultraman Noa had added a shield to the child, I would lock the shield and the light of Subaru together. I really don't believe that the technology of the Kingdom of Light could really make this worrying.

"By the way, where's Zero?"

After sighing with his brothers, Seven suddenly remembered that his bastard could also go back in time, so he planned to call him over, go back in time, and make the wormhole appear again.

In response, Zoffy patted Seven's shoulder and said helplessly:

"Seven, stop it. If you want to turn back time to that extent, Zero will be exhausted."

"Don't we still have the life solidification technology? It's not a big problem."

Seven answered without thinking at all. The so-called life solidification technology is a super technology that fixes and tangibly fixes life energy, injects it into the body of a dead object, and then resurrects it. It is a magical prop that Hikari made in the past. It is precisely because of this that Hikari was awarded the medal.


Seven can say this, but Zoffy doesn't dare to accept it. Zero has been in a lot of trouble recently, so don't let him really die.

At this time, Zoffy and Seven suddenly noticed something, and looked up suddenly, and saw a ball of red light falling crookedly from the sky. It was Taiga and Titus, but they were not in good condition at this time. They were covered with wounds and seemed to have experienced a big battle.

Seeing this scene, Zoffy, Seven and Hikari hurriedly went up to catch the two children and urgently sent them to the Silver Crusaders. After being treated by Mother Ultra, a stream of strong dark energy was expelled from Taiga and Titus.

Looking at these dark energies, everyone couldn't help but frown. This energy made them think of Belia, but Father Ultra and Mother Ultra standing next to them looked at each other worriedly. In this dark energy, they felt an ominous breath, which was the power of [Leonix].

When it comes to [Leonix], we have to mention [Ultimate Life Form Reblad].

Reblad once ruled the entire universe for tens of thousands of years, and possessed a powerful force that frightened the evil cosmic people such as the Yabo people and the Hippolytus people.

Later, Reblad's body was destroyed for some reason, but although the body was destroyed, the spirit body has always existed.

He finds new successors by spreading the Reblad gene or possessing souls, and takes over their bodies to regain his position of ruling the universe.

As for those earthlings or cosmic people who have obtained the genes of the ultimate life form Reblad or been infected by their spirit, they are called [Leonix].

The life of a general [Leonix] is very tragic. They must fight with other Leonixes until they become the strongest one among Leonixes or die.

In addition, once [Leonixes] are angry or stimulated, they may go berserk. In addition, under the influence of the genes or spirit of the ultimate life form Reblad, their nature has become more belligerent, so that most [Leonixes] end their lives in uncontrollable rage.

Among the many [Leonix], there is one who is quite famous, at least in the Land of Light. He is Ultraman Belia. He was expelled from the Land of Light and became the [Leonix] among Ultraman. He is also the most special Leonix, and his strength should be one of the best among all Leonix.

He holds the [Ultimate Battle Instrument] and has the power to control a hundred monsters or aliens, and has brought huge disasters to various dimensional universes many times.

Thinking of this, Ultra Father couldn't help but clench his fists uncomfortably. At first, he didn't know that Belia was used by the Reblad starman, and was eventually possessed by him, so he became the evil Ultraman.

But by the time he knew and started to think of ways to expel the soul of the Reblad star from Belia's body, Belia had already broken free from the prison and attacked the Kingdom of Light. Under desperation, Ultrafather had no choice but to watch his former comrade being destroyed....

At this time, Ultrafather felt the warmth on his palm, came back to his senses, saw Mother Ultra looking at him with concern, nodded, said he was fine, then looked at Taiga and Titus who were still in a coma, and frowned.

Now, the power of [Leonix] reappears, and even this power begins to try to control Ultraman, which is really incredible. Fortunately, this power is not too strong, and Taiga and the others can still hold on. Otherwise, I am afraid... who is behind this secretly operating...


At this moment, Taiga and Titus woke up from coma, looked at the familiar people surrounding him, and covered his head in a trance. He only remembered that he was suddenly attacked, and then the rest of the things were not very clear, but he just remembered to hurry back to the Kingdom of Light... So, did I escape back?

"Taiga, what happened?"

Ultrafather saw that Taiga's condition was getting better, so he asked in a serious tone. Taiga and Titus could not explain what happened. It was just that on the way back to the Kingdom of Light from U4O Star, a space-time crack suddenly appeared, and someone attacked them from it....

"Oh, I remember now."

At this time, Titus thought carefully and said softly:

"The enemy seemed to be looking for something. Before he fainted, I seemed to hear him say, 'Tsk, why is it wrong again? Where is it hidden?'"

117 Gua Corps

"Looking for something? Looking for what?"

Hearing this, the Ultramen looked at each other in confusion. They couldn't figure out what Taiga and the others had that could make the enemy who could tear through space and time have a wrong perception.

"Wait, where's the Sword of the Sage!"

At this moment, Taiga suddenly remembered something and subconsciously felt around him in panic. After failing to find the sword, he hurriedly asked his uncle, grandparents, and found that it was sent by Jonias when they were about to leave the U40 galaxy.

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