The young man waved his hand vigorously and said fiercely:

"No matter who it is, no matter what the purpose is, who is the first cosmic person to launch an attack on the earth, we must be ruthless, kill the chicken and scare the monkeys, and let all the cosmic people who pay attention to the earth know how powerful we are. If necessary, we will I think we can carry out a war of annihilation!"

Destroy the stars! Genocide!

When these two words rang out in the conference room, everyone was shocked. Then, Matsunaga Kaichiro seemed to remember something, pushed up his glasses, came behind Gen Subaru, asked him to raise his head, open his mouth, and gently He patted his back gently, and then everyone saw a wisp of black air coming out of Yuan Subaru's mouth.

Sure enough, he was influenced by his father's dark power.

Seeing Yuan Subaru, who was obviously no longer head over heels after exhaling, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and said softly:

"I went a little too far just now. I destroyed the stars first as a punishment. If I don't change, I will hunt down and kill the clan. In this way, the process will be more normal."

What kind of normal process is this?

The three officers couldn't help but complain. Although it is indeed necessary to show the prestige of the earth to let the people in the universe know that this planet is not easy to bully, but going up to directly destroy the planet like that would have more advantages than disadvantages for the earth's status in the universe... Looks like...

No, no, no, no, you have to think about this carefully...

The three officers, who were already confused, were interrupted by Gen Subaru, and their thoughts became even more confused. They had to temporarily terminate the meeting and let Gen Subaru go have a good rest. On the way back, Gen Subaru looked at Matsunaga next to him. Kaichiro asked curiously:

"Speaking of which, Mr. Matsunaga, have my physical examination reports been released?"

"It's out, but... the medical department... hasn't made a precise conclusion yet, but your cell stability coefficient is still not much improved at the moment."

When it comes to Gen Subaru's body, Matsunaga Kaichiro also has a headache. According to the medical department, Gen Subaru's cell activity seems to have declined, but whether this decrease in activity is beneficial or harmful, no one can Maybe, the medical department has been holding meetings these days, discussing this issue with TLT headquarters, branches, and visitors.

"It's a good thing that it hasn't gotten worse, and it's worth celebrating."

Gen Subaru was very open-minded about this. He smiled and made a scissors gesture towards Matsunaga Kaichiro. Looking at the child's happy smile, Matsunaga Kaichiro was silent for a moment and said softly:

"Subaru, don't launch a Star Destroyer War easily. Otherwise, not to mention other aspects, you will be overly prominent and attracted the attention of the people in the universe and become their hunting target..."

"Then let them come!"

Gen Subaru interrupted Matsunaga Kaichiro's words and said seriously:

"I think my current strength is pretty good. Ordinary people in the universe can't do anything to me. If someone targets me, I will kill the person who targets me. If someone targets humans, I will target their fellow humans. If someone targets the earth, I will target them. I want to see how many people on its home planet are not afraid of death!"

110 Jonias: Explosive Genius


Matsunaga Kaichiro was speechless for a while. To be honest, before Gen Subaru gave his report, he really hadn't thought much about dealing with the relationship with extraterrestrial civilizations.

All he was thinking about was what to do if Dark Zaki and the space people join forces, or what to do if Dark Zaki finds a space monster as a thug. Now that Dark Zaki is in trouble, his brain circuit really changes for a while. Don't come.

"Mr. Matsunaga, you see, a weak country has no diplomacy. I believe this sentence is applicable even in the universe."

Gen Subaru looked at the silent Matsunaga Kaichiro and continued to express his thoughts:

"Right now, we know nothing about the situation of the people in the universe. There is no problem in being tougher against the invaders. Could it be that if they came to invade us and we just eliminated the invaders and stopped, wouldn't the earth be the same? Being in a passive state of being beaten all the time, people in the universe can constantly harass us while pondering the loopholes in our defense system in their own nests. This is undoubtedly a kind of chronic suicide for us! "

Having said this, a murderous look flashed in Yuan Subaru's eyes. The young man waved his arm vigorously and said decisively:

"To cut the grass, we need to get rid of the root. No matter where the cosmic being is hiding, if possible, we must find it and make it pay an equal... no, it must be many times more than the cost of the earth's loss. Only in this way can we Let the people of the universe sit at the negotiation table calmly and have friendly conversations with humans!”

After saying this, Yuan Subaru took a breath, and then said helplessly:

"Actually, in my opinion, the best way is to let every civilization have a few or even several weapons that can destroy the universe. In that way, there should be a lot of peace in the universe. It's just this idea. Not very realistic..."

What book is this child reading recently? !

Matsunaga Kaichiro silently pushed up his glasses, muttering in his heart, but it has to be said that he seems to be really about to be convinced by Gen Subaru now. If it is based on Gen Subaru's strong enough foundation, this will be a good thing for the earth. In other words, it is indeed a feasible path, although the pressure it will bear will be much greater, whether it is the earth or this child...

"Mr. Matsunaga, I think you can make a filing."

At this time, Yuan Subaru's little brain began to work quickly, absorbing and analyzing knowledge from the books he read, thinking about his next action plan, and said in a concentrated voice:

"According to the history of human wars, once the war begins, the variables will be difficult to control. We currently know nothing about aliens, so first dispose of my file from TLT. Although I was raised by earthlings, in terms of blood, I am an alien, so..."

Yuan Subaru raised a finger and said softly:

"An alien has become the guardian or ruler of the earth without the consent of humans. Both of these identities can motivate him to retaliate against the outside world..."

"Okay, don't think too much."

Matsunaga wants Ichiro to hit After interrupting Subaru, he patted his head gently and said:

"This matter is not as simple as you think. Let the adults think about this matter. I have read your physical examination report. Your physical data is still in a weak state. You have not recovered from the consumption in the battle with Dark Zagi. Go and rest. No matter how to deal with the aliens, you must take care of your body first."

"Okay, Mr. Matsunaga, I will go to rest first."

Since Matsunaga Yoichiro said so, Subaru did not continue to dwell on this matter. He went to the cafeteria to eat some food and went to rest in the room. Mr. Matsunaga was right. He had not recovered yet and still had to rest. At this time, Subaru began to feel that the reduction of cell activity was not a good thing. At least in the past, in this situation, he would recover by eating more.

Let the main body fall asleep, Yuan Subaru continued to practice [Saga Super Acceleration] in the deep blue space. Now, the system of this skill has been perfected, and what is needed is a lot of practice, so that he can use it skillfully and accurately like Senior Saiga.

Moreover, since Yuan Subaru participated in this system throughout the whole process, he was relatively familiar with it, and his skill proficiency increased relatively quickly, so he began to try to do two things at the same time, thinking about other things while letting his body instinctively perform [Saga Super Acceleration]. In order to strengthen training and simulate actual combat, Yuan Subaru also split into two to attack himself to achieve a better reaction.

As for what he was distracted thinking about...

Naturally, it was still about the aliens. To be honest, Yuan Subaru felt that there was nothing wrong with his idea. Just look at it, just some monster corpses, once fused with the aliens, they became so big, not to mention that there must be living, complete monsters on the alien side. In this case, it is not impossible to make another troublesome fusion monster.

In that case, even if I defeat the monster, the space runners will create new monsters, and they may be modified according to my data to defeat me.

Therefore, it is better to attack the space people directly. Even if I can't destroy them all at once, I have to destroy their technology industry. Just like what I read in the book before, even if I can't win on the front battlefield, I can achieve indirect victory by attacking and destroying the enemy's heavy factories and other facilities.

However, if I face the space people next, I may have to fight continuously, and my light energy reserves may not be enough. I have to ask Mr. Matsunaga to make some fast charging devices. After all, although the youth form Nexus is powerful, it can't use light energy to cut dark energy, and dark energy to cut light energy to prolong the battle time.

'Damn it! Damn it! If I could also become huge...'

Hmm? The frequency of rescue is a bit frequent recently.

The sound coming from above the deep blue space made the boy slightly stunned, and then he was taken away by a silky combo of the clone. The reborn Yuan Subaru patted his clothes, and without much hesitation, he responded to the call and headed for the unknown universe.

As soon as Yuan Subaru appeared, he saw a familiar figure waving his pincers at him. Nexus reacted immediately, punched sideways, and repelled the Jetton, then grabbed Jetton's arm and threw it over his shoulder to the ground. With a low roar, he pulled off his pincers and used it as a weapon, quickly piercing the head of the Jetton.

So... so fast....

On the ground, the unknown warrior of this planet also transformed, but only human size. He looked at the sudden appearance of Nexus in amazement. The support action was so fast that he didn't see how Jetton was knocked down.

"That... over there!"

But no matter what, since they are here to deal with Zetton, they are good people. The unknown warrior quickly pointed to the east and said:

"The enemy leader is over there, fighting with Jonias. Can I trouble you..."

'Huh! '

Before the unknown warrior finished speaking, he was interrupted by the sound of the wind when Nexus took off. When rushing to the east, Yuan Subaru's face became solemn.

Because on this planet, he saw a lot of Zettons destroying everywhere, and there were more Zettons pouring in from the east. To be honest, this scene made it hard not to wonder if the enemy had formed a Zetton army.


At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly froze for a moment. He remembered the Death Star he had encountered before, and the assembled bishop monster, and the remnants of Belia. He seemed to be able to command one or two. If he could bring them back...form a legion...

Isn't that deterrent power greater than if I rushed up and destroyed the star myself? After all, that is military strength visible to the naked eye.

So... so regretful....

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru used Ultra Telekinesis to kill the two Jettons who surrounded him, and then covered his chest with some unacceptable regret.

I shouldn't have let the Death Star explode. If I could take it back...ah~~~I can't think about it anymore. If I think about it, I feel so heartbroken.


I don't think I can take that big thing away.

That's fine. I don't feel bad anymore.

Quickly adjusting his mentality, Gen Subaru put his attention back on the battlefield and frowned slightly. Although he had some experience in killing Jetton, his speed in conquering Jetton was far less than the number of Jetton's reinforcements. It was really terrible. If similar enemies appeared on was simply unimaginable...

No, move faster.

Although this is not Earth, the boy couldn't help but clench his fists when he saw the tragic scene. He avoided the ordinary Zettons and ran directly to the east, hoping to end the invasion by defeating the enemy leader.

Just when Subaru could see the giant Ultraman and a humanoid Zetton fighting, a figure suddenly appeared, and Subaru was shocked and widened his eyes.

Hyper Zetton!

That's right, the one who blocked Subaru's way was the Hyper Zetton he had fought before, and there was more than one. There was also a Zetton who was similar to Hyper Zetton, but with sickles in both hands.

Seeing this, Subaru didn't hesitate at all, and immediately evolved into the youth form Nexus. His body instantly turned into light particles, and he performed [Sega Super Acceleration], teleported behind Hyper Zetton, and slashed at the wings behind them, and at the same time... at the same time... eh?

Yuan Subaru, who had prepared other pursuit and killing moves, stared blankly at the two Zettons in front of him. They were hit so easily by him, lost their wings, and then had their heads cut off by two vertical guillotines.

These two... are so weak....

Yuan Subaru's first reaction was whether he was under an illusion, and then he looked at the exploding Hyper Zetton with a subtle expression. He had already noticed that these two Hyper Zettons did not get too much nutrients, so their strength was completely inferior to the one he had fought before.

A false alarm.

Yuan Subaru muttered, and then super accelerated and joined the central battlefield. At this time, the Ultra Warrior with a star energy lamp on his forehead and a sense of power, the Zetton who was fighting was holding a long spear with two forks, and while swinging it, he continuously emitted energy arcs wrapped in purple flames.

Moreover, in the intervals between battles, he was constantly summoning new Zettons to join the battlefield. It seems that as long as he is eliminated, the number of Zettons can be curbed.

"Oh? Another one coming to die?"

At this time, looking at the Nexus that suddenly appeared, the Jetton sneered, raised his hand, and offset the attack of the tough Ultraman Warrior. Then he turned the spear at his waist, and the circular energy arc spread out in all directions.

The tough Ultraman Warrior jumped to avoid the energy arc and planned to attack from the air, but the surrounding Jetton immediately aimed at him and fired dense fireballs. The Ultraman Warrior had to stop and deal with these attacks.

On the other side, Gen Subaru threw out his lightsaber and super-accelerated to the side of the Jetton. In an instant, eight sword lights enveloped the spear Jetton, and the swordsmanship from Gagula took the enemy's life directly.


However, the strength of this Jetton was extraordinary. He roared and waved his spear. The powerful force forcibly dispersed the sword light and forced Gen Subaru to retreat, although the next second Gen Subaru super-accelerated to kill him again.

But this Jetton's reaction is quite amazing. Gensuba's super acceleration is not as smooth as Seiga's. Between each use, there is always a certain buffer time for the body to adapt.

Although the buffer time is not long, during this time, the attack of Long Spear Jetton is extremely fierce and intensive, making it difficult for Gensuba to continue to seize the opportunity and super accelerate in actual combat.


Even if there is no chance to use super acceleration, I am not afraid of you!

Gensuba spun around and flicked the lightsaber. Several crescent-shaped sword energy rushed towards Long Spear Jetton. Then his figure flashed, and Nexus turned into a stream of light, following closely. Long Spear Jetton snorted coldly, and stabbed forward with the spear. The energy arc turned into a torrent of impact, which hit Gensuba's attack head-on.

But what he didn't expect was that when the energy impact hit the Nexus stream, the stream suddenly separated, and six Nexus rushed towards him from different angles.

Moreover, they threw dense light particles at him. The light particles were like a skynet. The spear Jetton could not avoid them. He just wanted to swing his spear to disperse these meaningless things, but one of the Nexus teleported over with super acceleration. There was black energy flowing under his hands, and he grabbed the spear tightly to prevent him from using it.

"Looking for death!"

Jetton cursed and raised his leg to kick Gen Subaru away, but when he just raised his foot, Gen Subaru took a step ahead and kicked his shin bone, then swept to the side, trying to kick his other leg away, causing his body to completely lose balance.

But Jayton raised his knee and put it on the sole of Yuan Subaru's foot. His other leg also slowed down at this time and kicked Yuan Subaru's lower abdomen. Yuan Subaru did not continue to fight with Jayton's kicking skills, but used his feet to exert force. , he flew into the air and began to spin, trying to wrest the spear from Jayden's hand.

It was just that Jayton felt the huge force coming from the spear, gritted his teeth, and red energy lightning burst out all over his body, forcing Yuan Subaru to retreat, and put down the spear to save himself, but as other Nexus The clones swarmed forward, and the spear Jadon failed to pursue Yuan Subaru.

"What a great fighter."

At this time, Yuan Subaru, who was forced back by the energy lightning, was caught by the macho Ultra Warrior. The Ultra Warrior said softly:

"I'm Joanias. Thank you very much for coming to help. Please go and clean up the Jettons who are destroying them everywhere. Leave this space terror man Jeton to me."

"No, this universe is afraid... If Jayton doesn't die, those Jaytons won't die either. Look over there."

Yuan Subaru pointed at the two Hyperjedon and said:

"The two that I knocked down have stood up again. We have to kill this...this...this Jayton as soon as possible."


Jet, the space terror man who brandished a spear and faced the Ultra Disc Man's clones, shouted in an angry tone:

"I am Jet, the Space Terrorist, remember it well!"

"I don't care what kind of monster you are, just die!"


The moment Yuan Subaru noticed that his clones were seriously injured by the Space Terrorist Jet, he rushed towards the enemy at super speed from Jonias's arms. Just as Jonias was about to stop him, he noticed the Space Terrorist Jet's... Terrifying energy fluctuations came from the side, so much so that his body instinctively made Jonias lie down on the spot, but Jonias reacted and immediately threw the shield towards Yuan Subaru.

It's just that Nexus in the gray state cannot be selected, so Jonias's shield cannot be put on. Seeing this, Jonias immediately became anxious and wanted to rush over and drag Yuan Subaru back, but after At this time, a violent explosion suddenly sounded, so terrifying that even Taiga and Titus in the Valley of Heroes could detect it.

As for why Taiga is here, the reason is not complicated. After discussing with Zoffi, and after discussions between Zoffi, Ace, and Taylor, they thought that Taiga could go out and start his spiritual journey.

Of course, part of it is because during this period, the mentality of the Ultra brothers is very subtle. Considering that this may affect or stimulate Taiga's young and sensitive emotions, it is better to let him out. Anyway, he wants to We went to the U40 galaxy, which has good relations with the Kingdom of Light and is relatively safe.

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