Saga scratched his head with a tingling scalp, turning around in circles in disbelief. At this moment, Saga suddenly thought of something, looked at the vortex transformed by Delacion, and said:

"You helped save people, right!?"

"The child has dark blood in his body. In my prophecy, he will threaten the future stability of the universe..."


Saga naturally knew Delacion's style of doing things. Hearing this, he immediately shouted angrily:

"That's just a child. Have you seen the scene of him fighting with Hypergeton for the earth? No! You just rely on the so-called prophecy..."

"But I still saved the child. I think it's a bit extreme to simply rely on the prophecy to wipe out a child's future."


Just when Saga was about to scold Delacion severely, the prophet said the second half of the sentence slowly, blocking all of Saga's words. Saga raised his hand pointing at the vortex, and for a while continued to point at it. It was inappropriate, let it go, it was a bit embarrassing.

Finally, Seiga super accelerated and teleported to the location of Drasion's body. He grabbed him with both hands, shook him back and forth without saying a word, and Drasion said calmly:

"Seiga, you are so old...ah, no, such an old Ultra Warrior, why are you still so impatient."

"You guy, I really want someone to punch you."

Seiga let go of Drasion, exhaled, and said helplessly:

"Then did you modify [Super Acceleration] for Subaru?"

"Of course."

"That's good, come on, since we have met, help me predict."

Seiga said while moving his fist:

"See where Noah is now, I'll go to him to talk about something."

"I can't predict."

Drasion still spoke slowly, but Seiga detected a hint of solemnity in his tone.

"I can't see Noah, and I don't know what he's busy with, but I can vaguely feel that he's busy with something very important."

"....Did something happen?"

Saga also became serious. When he crossed dozens of cosmic planes and smashed hundreds of Noah statues without getting any response, he realized that Noah might really be inseparable. Now that he heard what Drasion said, he was sure of his thoughts.

After a brief thought, Seiga looked at Delacion and said:

"Send me the coordinates of the universe where the child is. I will go to him first to leave some backup, and then continue to look for Noah's whereabouts."

"It's useless."

Delacion said softly:

"That universe is both a cradle and a cage. It is also the trial place chosen by Noah for his successor. Before the child faces himself, you can't enter, and I can't enter. Of course, if someone has left a backdoor in that universe in advance, that's another matter."

"...Give it to me, I'll try."

Although Delacion's words are very referenceable, Seiga still reluctantly asked for the coordinates and started to shuttle. After hundreds of attempts, Seiga returned to Delacion in a bad mood.

Drasion persuaded Saga:

"Don't blame Noah, that child should not have been born. The evil flowing in his body is unimaginable. To be honest, if I hadn't seen the pure white light shining, I would have killed him here no matter what."

"What if that child really embarked on the evil path, what are you going to do?"

Saga suddenly asked, and Drasion said calmly:

"Of course, pull Justice and Gauss over, give them both a shot, and let Regido deal with this trouble."


At the same time, Gauss and Justice sneezed together, and then Justice pulled Gauss's wrist and viciously He said ruthlessly:

"Let's go, Gao Si, let's go find Drasion together. That guy is too petty. He just said a few words that were not bad, but he actually sealed me up."

"Calm down, calm down, tell me what happened first."

Gauss comforted the angry Justice with a smile and began to listen to Justice's story. After hearing about the pure white light, Gao Si was stunned and began to ask in detail, but after the name, age, and appearance of the 'Hake' did not match, Gao Si did not associate it with Yuan Subaru, but was a little surprised that the pure white light was not unique.

And what is the 'Hake' Ultra Warrior doing now? Yuan Subaru has passed through the time and space tunnel and returned to his own world, but looking at the earth shrouded by unknown black air, the child's brows immediately wrinkled into a ball, and immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed to the earth...

108 Da Gu: Senior!!!

This black smoke... is poisonous!

Just as Subaru passed through the layer of black smoke that enveloped the earth, the irritation from his skin made the boy frown immediately. He felt something was wrong and immediately accelerated and rushed down, and then...

"It hurts... It hurts..."

"Doctor, doctor, I'm in so much pain..."

"Let me die, I can't stand it, let me die..."

Yuan Subaru just let go of his senses a little, and heard the wailing in the nearby hospital, as well as the people who couldn't squeeze into the hospital and were groaning at the hospital gate or at home.


Nexus, suspended in the air, clenched his fists immediately, and the Ultramana spread out, and soon found the abnormal point on the African continent. Yuan Subaru hurried over and found that a strange beast was fighting with an unknown monster. From the wreckage of the fighter plane next to it, it can be seen that the TLT departments should have led these monsters here.

At the same time, it also silently expressed to Yuan Subaru that TLT was unable to deal with this monster and could only borrow the strange beast to delay time.

Yes, the strange beast is not the opponent of this monster either. Although part of it is because Yuan Subaru killed all those powerful strange beasts, it is still quite amazing to be able to achieve a crushing state in the battle against the strange beast.

The black smoke covering the earth was emitted by the monster. It continuously released thick smoke from the tubes and holes in its body. The monster's figure was almost covered by the thick smoke, making it difficult for the alien beast to capture its movements.

Coupled with the toxins in the black smoke, when the alien beast was about to collapse, the monster spit out white spray, and the place where the alien beast was contaminated was immediately corroded.

This won't work. Although this spray is powerful, it can't completely kill the alien beast.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru shot out [Cross Ray Storm] to eliminate the alien beast in the battle, and then he fell to the ground and took over the battle with the monster.

After the close combat, Yuan Subaru immediately felt the difficulty of this monster. When he just killed the alien beast, he realized that the higher the concentration of the black fog, the stronger the suppression of light energy. After facing it directly, the suppression of light energy became more terrifying, and even the telekinesis was affected to a certain extent.

At this time, the monster's pincer-like hands slashed at Nexus at a very fast speed, bringing a whistling wind. Under the cover of black smoke, Yuan Subaru barely relied on the crisis intuition to dodge.

But Yuan Subaru's current state is not good. After several fights, he was still waved by the monster and flew out. He covered his chest and almost couldn't breathe.

Damn... This monster really has a good timing.

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath, trying to regain consciousness from his increasingly hot body. At this moment, the monster spit out white spray, and Nexus quickly rolled to the side, but his heel was still sprayed. In the blink of an eye, Nexus's skin was corroded and penetrated, and light particles began to escape from it.

However, Yuan Subaru also determined the location of the monster by the direction of the white spray, and slapped his hand on the ground vigorously, using the reaction force to send himself into the sky.

Then, using the thrust of the clone's self-detonation behind him, the hot energy condensed on his feet, rubbing out a red light during the rapid fall, and accurately kicked the monster's chest. Yuan Subaru rolled on the ground, the lightsaber popped out, and he turned around and stabbed and picked, splitting the monster's head in the middle. Then, without giving Yuan Subaru any time to dodge, the monster exploded and blew Nexus away.

In addition, some monster corpses, such as feathers and bones, also pierced into Nexus' body due to the explosion. Immediately, Yuan Subaru felt the infiltrating toxins causing his eyes to blacken.

What's wrong with this monster... Is it Dark Zagi's back-up? It shouldn't be...

Yuan Subaru gasped and climbed up from the ground with difficulty. Listening to the wailing sounds coming from his ears, he steadied his breathing, and with a sound of "Taku", he flew into the sky. Then, five clones appeared behind him and flew in different directions. While dispersing the black fog, they also sprinkled light particles to the world and landed on every human being tortured by toxins.

Although these light particles do not have the effect of curing toxins, after receiving the light particles, the body's resistance will be more or less enhanced, which can help people get rid of the troubles of toxins as soon as possible.

After completing this task, Yuan Subaru looked at the TLT fighter jets rushing over, nodded, and then tilted his head and fell into a coma.

Just as TLT was giving emergency treatment to Subaru, a sound similar to a woman's cry suddenly sounded in the universe, and then several tall figures gradually attacked the earth from the distant space.

"Subaru, how do you feel now?"

Ten minutes later, Subaru, who was injected with antidote and cell stabilizer, woke up slowly and opened his eyes. Standing next to him was Yu Kirasawa. Obviously, the commander's body was transferred here from the island branch. His purpose was probably to wait for his appearance so that he could connect with him.

"It's okay, I recovered. You know, I have a strong self-healing ability."

That's what he said, but Subaru still felt that he had no strength in his body, as if his bones were soft.

"Brother Kira, what happened? How long have I been away?"

"You were away for half a month. A lot of things happened in this half month."

Kirara Zeyou looked around and realized that the confidentiality level here was not enough. He held the child's hand and said softly:

"Subaru, talk to me telepathically."


Subaru nodded, closed his eyes, and said with Ultra Telekinesis:

'Brother Kira, can you hear me? '

‘No, Subaru, where is Dark Zaki? ’

Kira Zeyu nodded unconsciously, and then directly asked the question he was most concerned about. The device Ishibori Mitsuhiko had been studying before was a device used to track the whereabouts of Dark Zaki. As long as this device captures Dark Zaki himself, With the shock wave and energy data, even if Dark Zaki is possessed, he can be tracked out.

To be honest, TLT was still shocked that Mitsuhiko Ishihori was able to develop this. The original development resource support provided to him was just to try his luck, but they did not expect that he would actually build Unit 1 through his own experimental development. come out.

And that Unit 1 indeed captured the required Dark Zaki data on the interdimensional space barrier over the factory, but in the past half month, the whereabouts of Dark Zaki could not be found anyway. .

In addition, the extra-dimensional space also disappeared, and everyone suddenly ran out of ideas. Ishibori Mitsuhiko couldn't accept it, so he stayed in the laboratory, frantically conducting experiments and calculations to see if his Unit-1 was born. problem.

Now, after seeing the video record of Gen Subaru rushing back from outside the universe, Kira Zeyu suddenly had a premonition in his heart, and first asked Gen Subaru about the problem of Dark Zaki.

'died. ’

Yuan Subaru nodded and said in a firm tone:

‘Although there is a bit of resentment that has not been dealt with in time, with that resentment, even if he escapes the turbulence of time and space and returns to us, he should not be able to do evil. I personally feel that Dark Zaki can be pronounced dead. ’


Hearing this, Kira Zeyu subconsciously wanted to widen his eyes, but his excellent facial control allowed him to endure the shock. Only his pupils were trembling slightly. After a while, Kira Ze Yu said:

‘Subaru, don’t tell anyone else about this news. Wait until we return to TLT-J and I report it to the commander, then we’ll take a look at the situation. ’

‘Okay, Brother Kira, what’s going on with that monster? It doesn’t look like an alien beast. ’

After ending the topic of Dark Zaki, Gen Subaru curiously asked about the origin of the monster. In response, Kira Zeyu sighed and said helplessly:

'That is the big monster of space, Moruroa. Visitors said that it was originally a creature on the planet Moruroa, but that planet was involved in the space war and was destroyed. It was also affected by war weapons. , and turned into a huge cosmic monster, and used its ability to eliminate the combat power of both sides in the cosmic war, and then its whereabouts are unknown. ’

‘Then was it accidentally injured by the Earth’s space defense weapon? ’

After listening to Kira Zeyu's words, Yuan Subaru immediately thought of the rabbit-eared star and asked curiously, but Kira Zeyu shook his head and said with an ugly expression:

"No, after the incident with the Rabbit Ears Planet, TLT's space defense system was adjusted so that such an accidental incident would not happen. It's Dark Zaki!"

Just when TLT-J was frantically searching for the whereabouts of Dark Zaki and Gen Subaru, an astonishing communication light wave suddenly erupted from the Hokkaido area, and that was Dark Zaki in order to obtain more pieces of cosmic corpses. At the same time, It was also out of the thought that "even if I die, I still have to disgust the competent person", the living device of the alien beast left behind.

As long as you do not stabilize the living alien beast within a certain period of time, it will self-destruct and broadcast the things you have set up in it to the universe. In other words, at the moment when the living alien beast self-destructs, all nearby galaxies will be destroyed. Know the planet Earth.

'Damn dark Zaki...'

Yuan Subaru has also seen cosmic people in other worlds. Although it cannot be said that all cosmic people are bad, if ten cosmic people are lined up in a row and every other one is shot, some fish will slip through the net, and many times, they will not be able to go. Blame them and tell them about the earth, because from their point of view, the things they did are quite correct.

‘The big cosmic monster Moruroa, from an optimistic point of view, was attracted by the light wave. From a pessimistic point of view, it may have been lured here by the cosmic people in order to test the earth’s defense power. ’

Yu Kirazawa's words were very serious. Although TLT had quite good technological power in the battle with the alien beasts and with the support of the visitors, its record against the giant monster Moruroa alone was not enough. In other words, the answer given by TLT is not very good.

‘It doesn’t matter, I’m still here. I’ve evolved new strength this time and can withstand it. ’

Gen Subaru patted Yu Kirazawa's hand gently to reassure him, and then said:

'I'm still a little tired, let me take a rest, draw some blood, and do some tests. I feel that there doesn't seem to be such a fierce conflict inside my body. Maybe after awakening the new power, my physical condition will be better. It's getting better too. ’

"Well, okay, you continue to rest. If there is any problem, I will wake you up."

Yu Kirazawa touched Gen Subaru's blood-stained hair and replied softly. Then Gen Subaru tilted his head and entered the deep blue space.

There, Yuan Subaru took out the space-time city fragment blessed by Dracion from his arms and began to study the data on it. How should I put it, if you want to use [Saiga Super Acceleration], you still have to be in the youth form. In the juvenile form, it would be better to just use the [Ultra Particle Bomb] extended from this.

This... um... combined with Nexus' sensitivity to space-time forces, it should not be difficult to achieve. It just requires more contact, and this mastery of the types of particles that make up the body...

This is a bit difficult for me. My own cells are unstable, and the light of Nexus is also affected by this. It's barely okay to restore the body to its original state, but I can't do this kind of delicate work, so I use the old method to let the pure white light Let's transform all those foreign things.


"Senior, senior, senior!!!!"

Dagu? !

Yuan Subaru, who was studying the data on the fragments of the space-time city and acting at the same time, heard the sound echoing in the dark blue space, and then tilted his head in surprise. This Dagu's call did not sound like he was in danger. , more like shouting twice when there is nothing to do.

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