


so hard.

In the deep blue space, Yuan Subaru has been "Ga" for more than half a month. During this period, except for eating and necessary physical training, he spent all the other time in the deep blue space, dying repeatedly, not to mention anything else. The number of deaths during this period has definitely exceeded the previous sum.

but! ! !

It’s not like he’s been dying in vain.


Among countless deaths, Yuan Subaru vaguely captured that wonderful feeling twice. It was a good beginning. As long as he continued...ah! ! !

The sudden severe pain woke Yuan Subaru up from the deep blue space. It was not that he encountered an attack, but the mental stress and exhaustion he suffered from too many deaths in the deep blue space during this period seemed to have also affected his physical condition. So much so that the cell stabilizer activated itself and gave him a shot.


Yuan Subaru wiped the sweat from his head and covered his racing heart. After calming down for a while, his face showed fierceness. He picked up the sleeping stick and sent himself into the deep blue space again. No matter what, , [Saiga Super Acceleration], you have to learn whatever you say! ! !

In this way, Yuan Subaru survived another week. Although alien beasts appeared during this period, their intensity was average and everyone in the Night Raid Team could handle it. Therefore, Yuan Subaru continued to focus on the new skills. In development.

It has to be said that there are still results. The latest time, Nexus successfully decomposed into light particles and re-condensed his body three meters in front.

Although, the teleportation time of these three meters was thirty minutes; although, after the teleportation, none of Nexus's body parts were in the correct position; although, after the teleportation was completed, Yuan Subaru immediately "ga"ed out Deep Blue Space and was given an injection of cell stabilizer...

But, this is a good start! !

Yuan Subaru's eyes were red with excitement. He pulled out the needle on the back of his left hand and replaced the empty nutrient drip. Considering that his hands were already swollen, the boy stuck the needle in his feet and continued to lie on the bed. , intending to continue fighting.

At this moment, in the haziness, Yuan Subaru heard a call coming from the deep blue space. The young man patted his cheek hard to wake himself up, then raised his hand and responded to the call. ...

098 My Father Beria

"Damn it, I won't lose!"

At this time, in another universe, an Ultra warrior with two horns on his head and a somewhat immature voice roared unwillingly after being hit by a round of cannon fire, but then came the The powerful light attack made his face froze immediately, and he could only roar and unfold the barrier, intending to continue the attack.

But at this moment, the young Ultra warrior felt a force of telepathy coming from behind and pushed him aside. Then, he felt a cold light passing by him and a vertical guillotine. He roared out, splitting the terrifying light attack from the middle, and cutting a gap in the enemy's protective barrier.

"So... so awesome..."

Seeing this scene, the young Ultra warrior was dumbfounded. With this level of cutting skills, he is considered a master even in the Kingdom of Light... Wait, could it be Uncle Ace...

Thinking of this, the young Ultra warrior hurriedly looked back, and did not see the figure he expected, but a warrior he had only seen in the database, his name was 'Nexus'!

"Looks like you could use a little help."

The visitor is naturally Yuan Subaru, and right behind him, there is a planet. It was because of the existence of this planet that the young Ultra warrior chose to resist, and it was precisely because of the prayers of the creatures on this planet. , Yuan Subaru can appear here.

"Hello, I am Ultraman Taiga from Nebula M78."

The young Ultra warrior introduced himself politely, but he completely pretended that the enemy did not exist, immediately lifted his defensive posture, turned around, and wanted to shake hands with Yuan Subaru. The young man couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. , quickly used his mind power to knock away the missiles attacking Taiga, stretched out his hands, and used the 'Ultimate Cross Barrier' to simply cover himself, Taiga, and the planet behind him, and then said softly:

"Hello, I am...Ultraman Nexus who passed by by chance. May I ask what is going on?"

Yuan Subaru looked at the mechanical planet in front of him, which was three to four times larger than an ordinary planet, and its surface was covered with energy shield launchers and attack ports. He looked at Taiga in confusion and asked:

"Which cosmic person created this killer weapon?"

"It's not a spaceman! It's a remnant of the Belial Legion!"

When this topic came up, Taiga clenched his fists excitedly and shouted loudly, and said in a condensed voice:

"This armed Death Star must have been swept here by the turbulence of time and space. It's so lucky. If I can destroy it, my father will definitely admit that I am a qualified Ultra warrior!"

But you seem to be invincible, otherwise the creatures on the ground wouldn't hope for someone to help you.

Yuan Subaru complained silently in his heart, but he just complained in his heart. With Taiga's blood-soaked look on his face, if he really said it, he might not have been directly provoked to rush forward.

But after complaining about him, there is another question...

"Who is Beria?"


Looking at the Death Star in front of him that was constantly venting its firepower, Yuan Subaru asked curiously. Listening to Taiga's tone, it seemed that if the man named Beria appeared, he would have to rush forward and punch him a few times.

When hearing Yuan Subaru's question, Taiga looked at him with a very shocked look and whispered:

"Beria, don't you know that Beria, the traitor from the Kingdom of Light?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not from your Kingdom of Light, and I just became an Ultra Warrior not long ago..."

"That's it. Then after we finish destroying the Death Star, I'll talk to you in detail!"

After saying that, Taiga moved his body and rushed straight towards the Death Star. Yuan Subaru could only put away the 'Ultimate Cross Barrier', detonate it one by one with Ultra Telekinesis, and at the same time, he rushed after Taiga. past.

But surprisingly, after he and Taiga rushed to a certain distance, the Death Star suddenly stopped attacking and seemed to be in some kind of downtime. Then, a huge space-time storm set off around it, and it rushed Taiga, who was too fierce, was immediately involved. Yuan Subaru threw a saving beam, wrapped it around his arm, pulled him to his side, and then used the 'Ultimate Cross Barrier' to wrap the two of him.

"This guy actually wants to run away, it's so disgusting!"

Taiga waved his fist angrily, while Yuan Subaru locked the position of the Death Star and said softly:

"Now that I have nothing to do, how about telling me the story of Beria? To be honest, I have never heard of such a famous person before."

Yuan Subaru really wanted to know, after all, if one day, that Beria invaded his earth, he would be able to strike first with his intelligence advantage.

After hearing Yuan Subaru's words, Taiga tidied up his words and began to speak in a eloquent way——

Thirty thousand years ago, the Dark Universe Emperor Ampera led his army to attack the Kingdom of Light. In this tragic battle, Ultra's father and Ultraman Beria joined forces to fight against the powerful Dark Universe Emperor Ampera, and finally... With the help of others, Ultra's father successfully defeated the Ampera aliens.

And just after that battle, Ultraman Beria could not resist the temptation of power. In order to gain stronger power, he planned to devour the energy core of the Plasma Spark Tower and attack the Plasma Spark Tower.

As a result, the energy of the plasma spark tower overwhelmed his power and failed to swallow him. He was later expelled from the Kingdom of Light for violating the M78 Space Security Law.


Having said this, Taiga raised his voice slightly with excitement and said:

"Unexpectedly, after he came back, Beria, who had made great achievements and glory in the war, actually became the evil Ultraman!"

Belial, who transformed into the evil Ultraman, immediately led an army of monsters to attack the Kingdom of Light. As a result, he was imprisoned in the cosmic prison by the King of Ultra, and his weapon [Ultimate Combat Instrument] was also sealed in the Valley of Fire.

However, after being imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, Beria successfully escaped from prison with the help of the Zarrab people and got back the [Ultimate Combat Instrument].

And the strength of Beria, who returned to the Kingdom of Light this time, was still terrifying. He easily defeated almost all the Ultra Warriors on his own, took away the core of the Plasma Spark Tower, and frozen the entire Kingdom of Light.

Later, Belial went to the Monster Graveyard, awakened a large number of monster souls from the Monster Graveyard, and assembled an army of super monsters in an attempt to use them to conquer the entire universe and become the king of the galaxy.

"However, that is just Beria's wishful thinking."

Taiga said in a proud tone:

"Soon, my brother Zero shattered his conspiracy and delusion, but this Beria still refused to change his mind and quietly ran to another universe to continue to dominate..."

In another universe, Beria relied on his powerful strength to form a huge evil force, which invaded and conquered everywhere. The evil army he formed, the Beria Galactic Empire, was invincible in that universe.

Speaking of this, a very interesting point is that the main army of the Belial Galactic Empire, Dark Lops, was created based on Zero. Therefore, in Belial, the demonic hand crossed the plane and reached out to the Kingdom of Light. When he was in the universe, Zero was quite surprised to see those dark Lops.

After the invasion of Dark Lops, the Kingdom of Light also realized that the enemy came from other universes. Therefore, in order to eliminate the enemy's ambitions, all members of the Kingdom of Light passed their light to Zero, allowing him to travel across the cosmic planes. , came to the universe where Beria was, and after meeting a group of new friends, and with the help of the props given by Ultraman Noah, Zero successfully defeated Beria once again.


Hearing this familiar name, Yuan Subaru was a little stunned and didn't know what he was thinking. However, Taiga had not noticed the change of Nexus beside him and continued:

"However, the battle between Brother Zero and Beria is not over yet..."

"Can't your brother Zero know how to last-hit?"

Hearing another 'but', Yuan Subaru couldn't help but complain and said:

"If we had eradicated the problem during the first battle, how could there have been so many subsequent incidents?"

"It's not that Brother Zero doesn't do last hits, it's just that Beria is too evil and cunning."

Taiga muttered quietly and continued:

"That was something not long ago. Brother Zero suddenly couldn't summon the [Palaj Shield] given to him by Ultraman Noah for a while, which caused a lot of problems. Uncle Zoffie therefore asked Brother Cero went to practice something similar to meditation on Earth to relieve the pressure caused by the abnormality of the [Palaj Shield], and while Brother Cero was practicing, Beria appeared! "

In the last battle, although Beria's body was wiped out, his soul was still alive and attached to the dark armor made by the Ampera aliens. With his old subordinates, he besieged Zero and used the dark armor to The power of the armor forcibly invaded Zero's body, and then massacred Zero's friends with overwhelming strength.

But what Beria didn't expect was that the stimulation of the massacre also forced Zero to regain his consciousness. Inspired by the shouts of all the souls of his friends, Zero realized that the things he should protect were still there and exploded. With his potential, he took back his body and gave birth to a new power - Glory Cerro.

In this form, Zero has the ability to manipulate time by manipulating celestial bodies and contains mysterious power that even Zero doesn't know about. With the "power of brilliance", Zero destroys Beria and also reverses time. , resurrecting dead friends again.


"No more buts!"

Gen Subaru continued to speak as if he was flattering, but this time Taiga said firmly:

"This time, both soul and body of Beria were destroyed by Brother Zero, so... hum, the threat of Beria has disappeared forever!"

"Sero? What an incredible Ultra warrior."

Hearing this, Yuan Subaru whispered softly. He had heard this name from other Ultra warriors, but he had never had the chance to see it. He didn't know if he had any good skills that he could learn secretly.

Um? !

"Taija, pay attention, the time and space teleportation is about to end."

At this time, Yuan Subaru, who was more sensitive to the force of space and time, noticed the changes around him, and quickly reminded Taiga that the Little Horn Ultra Warrior immediately became serious. His appearance made Yuan Subaru a little curious, and he couldn't help but take advantage of this. With the remaining free time, he asked softly:

"Why are you so obsessed with this victory?"

"Because... I want to prove that I am who I am, and even without my father's protection, I will still be an outstanding Ultra warrior!"

Taiga answered without hesitation. Although he carries the glorious identity of the great Ultra Warrior and the son of Ultraman Taro, this has also become a problem for Taiga.

The father's too great and glorious figure cast a huge shadow that completely blocked Taiga's efforts. No matter where he was, he would receive preferential treatment inexplicably. No matter what outstanding achievements he achieved in school or the dojo, he would be taken for granted. , and ignored his hard efforts.

Being treated only as "Taro's son" instead of as an independent identity as "Taiga" made the young Taiga extremely distressed.

Therefore, after encountering the Death Star by chance, Taiga wanted to defeat it to make everyone realize that he was no longer a child hiding behind his father, but an Ultra Warrior who could stand alone!

"Nexus, you should be able to understand my thoughts, right!?"

After briefly explaining the ins and outs, Taiga asked Yuan Subaru in a somewhat urgent tone. The young man could understand his current mood, just like a child who knew that maybe he shouldn't do that, but still tried to find a reason to convince himself to continue. .

So, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Although I don't have a father and don't have the opportunity to experience your troubles, I can understand your current desire to pursue a breakthrough! Come on, I support you!"

"Hmm! Huh? Hmm...!"

Hearing Yuan Subaru's answer, Taiga happily nodded in approval. But after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized something was wrong. However, it would be too rude to say "um", so Taiga quickly suppressed his nasal sound. Go down and pretend to be nodding.

"Get ready, it's time to go!"

Yuan Subaru could see Taiga's little thoughts, thinking that his intention of making Taiga realize something so that he could have a good talk with his father might have been achieved, so he changed the subject, and sure enough , Taiga immediately took a fighting stance, ready to attack at any time.

Soon, the time and space transfer of the Death Star ended. The moment the surrounding space stabilized, the two Ultra Warriors rushed out and rushed towards the Death Star like lightning.

Nexus flashed, and then two clones appeared. Then they hugged each other while flying. While their bodies were ignited with flames, they also began to spin at high speed, rushing towards the Death Star's energy like armor-piercing bullets. barrier and blast it through.

That's right, this move is [Clone·Penetrating Bomb]!

"Ultra Bomb?! Nexus, how can you do this?!"

At this time, Taiga next to him was dumbfounded and said softly:

"Do you also have an Ultra heart?"

"Me? No, just...wait, Ultra Heart?"

Yuan Subaru answered subconsciously, but at this moment, an idea flashed in his mind. Regardless of the battle situation in front of him, he threw out two clones to help protect the main body, and then began to think seriously.

As we all know, the use of [Ultra Bomb] is to set your whole body on fire, rush towards the enemy and hug the opponent, causing a big explosion, and die together with the opponent.

However, because Taro has the Ultra Heart, his shattered body can be reassembled to achieve the effect of rebirth.

And this... can it be understood as the "decomposition" and "reorganization" in [Sega Super Acceleration].

In addition, when fighting Hyper Zetton before, I had an inexplicable rebirth phenomenon. If I analyzed it correctly, it should be because after the self-detonation, the Meta Realm was also destroyed, but because there was an "ultimate cross barrier" outside the Meta Realm, the remnants of the Meta Realm could not dissipate.

At the same time, because a siphon-like phenomenon appeared at the center of the self-detonation, the energy was gathered again. In a sense, the Meta Realm can also be barely regarded as Nexus's own flesh and blood. Therefore, it created the effect of the "pseudo-Ultra Heart" and made himself reborn.

In addition, the clone that Senior Tiga taught him is empathy, which is based on the validity of the "Pseudo Ultra Heart" conjecture. So he can experience it personally or observe from the outside while experiencing it. Maybe he can really master the basics of the skill release of [Saga Super Acceleration] in this way.

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