Hearing this, Sero nodded in approval. If one day he was treated like this, he would have to recall everything he had done in his life and think carefully about whether he had committed anything. Things were revealed.

"Eddie, what's going on? What did you tell them?"

Severn was also quite curious and couldn't figure out what was going on, so he asked Eddie. Eddie took him off the patrol track and explained the purpose of returning to the Kingdom of Light. It was also very simple. He had not been there before. I went back in time with Yuan Subaru to fight the Ultimate Super Beast. Before I left, I felt that Yuan Subaru's mental state was not good, so I left a space coordinate so that I could check out the situation later.

However, it was very strange. When he returned to his own time and looked up the four-dimensional space coordinates, the response he got was very vague. He bit the bullet and tried to teleport it twice, but neither of them reached the correct location. Regarding the location, Eddie began to wonder if he had lost it by mistake. In desperation, he returned to the Kingdom of Light, hoping that Hikali could help analyze it.

"Speaking of which, let me tell you, that Nexus is really scary when he fights. He dismembers his body when he says it, and self-destructs when he says it. He even dares to touch the ultimate cross barrier directly. I am so reckless. I can't even keep up with his rhythm...Seven, what's wrong with you? Why is this...energy light flashing?"

As he was talking, Eddie suddenly heard the sound of "ding dong ding dong" and looked around blankly. Finally, his eyes were locked on Severn's energy lamp. Suddenly, Eddie felt that he should have fallen into the enemy's illusion. Otherwise, the shining plasma spark tower would be lighting up next to it. How could it have a flashing light with insufficient energy?


Eddie was keenly aware that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between Severn and Zero in front of him, which made him feel obviously uncomfortable.

"Ahem, what about that? I'll go check it out at Hikali. I hope there are results from Hikali."

After saying that, Eddie flew away directly. He wanted to take a closer look to see if this was the Kingdom of Light that he was familiar with. He hadn't been back for a long time, so why did he feel like everyone was so unfamiliar.

After Eddie also left, Seven silently reached out and patted his chest to restore his energy lamp to normal. Then he quietly looked at Sero next to him. Sero coughed awkwardly and said softly:

"Dad, you know me, and you won't joke about this kind of thing. Besides, you also know Uncle Max, and he won't cooperate with me in this kind of thing."

"Then...that is to say, Yuan Subaru's child is still alive..."

Seven sighed thoughtfully, then shifted his gaze to Sero and said softly:

"Although the misunderstanding has been resolved, it was not the result of you finding a partner behind everyone's back, but...Sero, he does have your blood flowing through him, so...Sero, what are you going to do?"

"what to do?"

This question directly brought Zero down. To be honest, he had never thought about this question. After all, before this, in his knowledge, Nexus was already dead in battle. How could he have thought about it? Then what should I do if I'm not dead...


Sero had never encountered such a situation before. He turned his attention to his father as if asking for help. Severn smiled and nodded towards him. He stretched out his hand and patted Sero's shoulder gently. The fist father attacked again. Cero was deeply moved by love. Is this his father, or does he know that he loves him...

"Sero, didn't I say that?"

Just when Sero was moved, Severn said in a gentle tone:

"I will always stand behind you and support you!"

Uh-huh! ! Um?

Sero nodded vigorously subconsciously, and then realized something was wrong. He thought carefully about whether his father meant...

If you want to go, just give me an answer after you think about it.

"No, dad, you can't do this."

Zero looked at his father with a headache and said weakly:

"I'm not even six thousand years old yet. This kind of father-son issue is too early for me."


Severn smiled and continued to pat his shoulder and said softly:

"You are already a qualified Ultra Warrior and should make your own decision. I will always stand behind you and support you!"

Dad, when did you become a repeater?

Zero scratched his two corners with black lines. It was obvious that his father was very confused now and didn't know what to do. Then... what should I do? ! !

Zero squatted on the ground, still holding his two corners, and began to brainstorm. How should I put it, children are actually quite fun... No, it's very good. Look at the children in the Kingdom of Light Kindergarten. You guys are so well-behaved and obedient...

No, that Yuan Subaru’s body is flowing with my blood!

Zero suddenly remembered the things he did during his rebellious period, such as touching the plasma spark tower, such as touching the plasma spark tower, such as touching the plasma spark tower, such as touching the plasma spark tower...

What is the Plasma Spark Tower? It is the energy base of Ultra Star. Its importance is like the sun to the earth. It is an alternative energy source developed by scientists from the Kingdom of Light after the explosion of Ultra Star's sun. It is also It is precisely because of this energy that the "humans" on Ultra Star evolved into Ultraman.

Although I was in the rebellious stage at that time, it was quite ridiculous to be able to do that kind of thing. Now, even though I have passed the rebellious stage, Yuan Subaru should not have passed it yet. He should have started to be sensible now, so let’s do some calculations. , the rebellious phase of his Earth age comes once, and the rebellious phase of Ultra age comes once, I am afraid he will have a headache to death!

"very good!"

Sero stood up suddenly, put his hands on his hips, looked at the sky with self-defeating eyes, and said in a hollow tone:

"Then don't worry, let me teach the children, then we'll have to wait for another 20,000 years!"

"Sero, are you sure?"

"Hahaha, dad, you...you..."

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Zero's strong spirit was suddenly broken, and he turned back weakly. Then he saw the Ultra Head Dart that disappeared above his head and appeared in Seven's hand.

"Sero, I support your choice, but I feel like your rebellious phase has come again. Let me help you wake up! Stand still, my head will move very quickly!"

"Hey! Dad, I don't see where your support for me lies! Also, listen to your last sentence. Are you sure you want to help me wake up instead of sending me to sleep forever? "

Zero jumped back twice in a hurry, couldn't help complaining, then weakly lowered his shoulders and said softly:

"Okay, okay, I know what I just said didn't sound right. It was just a joke. No one else heard it anyway. So... what should I do? Dad, I really have nothing to do. , although I should not avoid this problem, but..."

Seeing his son's pitiful appearance, Severn sighed, put the Ultra Head Dart back on his head, and said softly:

"To be honest, I didn't expect to have a grandson so soon, and I felt very complicated. Let's go and have a look at Xikali to see where the specific spatial coordinates are. On this issue, I'll rush there while we're there. Think about it, but..."

Seven raised his finger, looked at Sero and said:

"After the matter with Xikali is settled, let's go find your uncles and have a good talk."

Hearing this, it was his father who raised his head again, and Zero nodded in approval. But after thinking about Yuan Subaru again, he still had a headache and scratched the back of his head, and followed Seven to Xi. Cali's laboratory.

Then I saw Jack beating Hikari... The other Ultra brothers were nervously waiting for the next step. As for the father of Ultra, he took off the red cloak that represented his identity and began to move his body. It was obvious that , this time he also plans to attack together.

"Sorry about his brother Noah!"

However, before waiting for a while, everyone saw Hikali suddenly got angry and punched the alloy plate next to him, and cursed out of control. Seeing this reaction, the hearts of the Ultra brothers suddenly became cold. But Zuofi still cheered up and asked Hikali:

"Hikari, what's wrong?"

"Did I really type in the wrong coordinates?"

At the same time, Eddie, who heard Hikari's foul language, also flew down from the sky, questioning life with some doubts.

"It's quite certain that Yuan Subaru's child is indeed not in the same universe plane as us."

Hikali sat on the chair, took a breath, and whispered with a headache:

"Eddie, your coordinates are correct. Even if you are in the fourth-dimensional space, you have left quite accurate data. If the child is also in this cosmic plane, you will definitely be able to find him."

"Wait a minute, this isn't even in the same cosmic plane. I'm using the fourth dimension to chase the Yabo people's resentment. How did Nexus get involved?"

Eddie's head was filled with questions and he couldn't understand it at all.

"Of course it's because of the special nature of Noah's light."

Hikali said softly:

"I don't know whether the child awakened the space-time power of Noah's light on his own, or whether Noah deliberately left the relevant power when he selected him. There is no doubt that the child can already cross the plane of the universe to fight against other people. to intervene in the incident.”

"Then can't we deduce the plane of the universe where he is in reverse?"

The father of Ultra frowned slightly, thought about several plans in his mind, and then suggested it to Hikali. In response, Hikali silently clenched his fists and said softly:

"That's why I lost my composure. Whether Noah was trying to protect the capable person, or for some unknown reason, he was in the child's body, no, he might be in the plane of the universe to which he belonged. There is a layer of... something that can be regarded as a barrier, similar to the doors that people on Earth lock after going out. Now because of this, all the reverse methods I have tried have failed. This is also why I couldn't get through that place in the first place. The reason why the so-called deep blue training space cannot be located.”

Having said this, Hikali sighed long and helplessly and said:

"Now unless I can find a complete space-time channel that has been linked to it and has never been disturbed, I can have a way to get there smoothly. Otherwise... I will have to try my luck and find an extremely chaotic space-time wormhole. If you drill inside, you might be lucky enough to be teleported somewhere randomly. Of course, this probability is completely impossible to calculate. As for the rest... I have no idea. "

If Tiga heard this, he would definitely give Hikari a thumbs up. After being refused by the Light of Nexus, if he hadn't thrown enough stone statues, he really wouldn't have been able to find the planet where Subaru was. It can only be said that Ultraman Noah is still very good at using space-time power.

As for Hikari, Hikari hated the thief who stole the imitation knight's aura from him, and hated his luck. You say that a room full of masters from the Kingdom of Light are worried about how to get through, but he is so lucky that he actually managed to get through so successfully.

At the same time, on the other side, after hearing what Hikari said, Zero suddenly remembered the space-time tunnel that he had rushed halfway under the guidance of Hong Kai, and he quickly told Hikari about it.

But after hearing that Zero's ultimate armor could not complete the positioning again, Hikari shook his head helplessly and regretfully.

"Um... do you think the King has a solution?"

At this time, in silence, the first Ultraman asked quietly. It's no wonder that the first Ultraman thought of this, mainly because it was near the Kingdom of Light... No, to be precise, among those mysterious and powerful Ultra Warriors, only the King of Ultra is easier to find. Coupled with the powerful strength of the King of Ultra, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the barrier of Ultraman Noa.

What the first Ultraman thought of, others naturally thought of too, so Ultra Father coughed and said softly:

"You go prepare the Ultra Telekinesis to block the observation of the Kingdom of Light on Canopus..."

"I'll go get the Ultra Key!"

Ace stood up and ran out first, but was pulled back by Ultra Father, who said softly:

"It would be too much to really blow up Canopus, I'll just use the Big Beam to hit it a little, I believe that if the King has left a trick on it, he will sense it."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent. Big Beam - Ultra Father's original beam skill, with a high temperature of 800,000 degrees, before being broken by Zoffy's M87 beam, this move was the recognized high temperature beam of the Kingdom of Light "Ultra Olympics".

And Ultra Father also possesses the ‘True Power’, which is his real power. After entering the awakening state of the True Power, the Ultra Horn on Ultra Father’s head will become nearly twice the original size, and the combat power will also be greatly improved.

During the Ultra War tens of thousands of years ago, Ultra Father awakened the True Power, which allowed him to fight against the powerful dark power of Empera in battle and even injured him.

After experiencing the Belia Rebellion, Ultra Father has been turning on the True Power awakening state and no longer shuts it down. In other words, what Canopus has to face now is the big light under the True Power.

Yes, in a sense, this may be more powerful than the Ultra Key.

“No, wake up, that’s Canopus!”

Hearing this, Eddie suddenly felt that everyone was going to be stupid. Do you know what you are talking about? Canopus! The planet where the King of Ultra lives, how did you think of attacking the King’s planet!

Sure enough, I was tricked again. I was in an illusion!

Thinking of this, Eddie used the timer flash without hesitation to dispel the illusion, but Taro and Mebius, who were standing by, held him up by one arm each. After whispering to one side for a while, Eddie came back and nodded to everyone, clenching his fist and said:

"I will do my part to prevent everyone in the Kingdom of Light from seeing the scene of Canopus being injured."

Very good, then attack!

Under the leadership of Ultra Father, everyone present quietly flew out of the Kingdom of Light, and then worked together to cast a special barrier, opening it between the Kingdom of Light and Canopus. Then Ultra Father waved his hands and shot out a large beam of light. In no time, Canopus was covered by the light....

"I'm so stupid...really..."

After a while, Ultra Father, who sat back in the research room of the Kingdom of Light, supported the big horn with one hand and said in an annoyed tone:

"For the king, repairing a planet is not a piece of cake. For the king, which planet cannot be Canopus, and why should we pay special attention to the existence of Canopus? I am too stupid. I was so self-righteous that I actually thought this could attract the King who was dealing with the cosmic crisis back. This is my fault. "

"Father, don't worry too much. After all, no one has ever thought of this kind of thing before..."

Zoffy comforted him while looking at the sky with the corner of his eyes. Although everything observed by the naked eye was normal, behind the shielding barrier was the Canopus that was blown up like a waning moon. Now, the other Ultra Brothers are using Hikari's instruments to repair it, but they don't see the power of King Ultra emerging. Zoffy couldn't help but sigh in his heart and continued to comfort Father Ultra.

And what about King Ultra?

The King of Ultra did sense the unusual movements on his own planet, Canopus, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After he was first named 'King of Ultra' and the name spread throughout the universe, whenever he left Canopus, there would always be some fearless aliens who got the news and sneaked up to him to do something. He didn't care. Anyway, if the commotion got too big, the Kingdom of Light would naturally come over to deal with it.

As for whether someone would set a trap for him....to be honest, if there really was one, he would really like to see what a trap that could work on him looked like.

But then again, it has been a long time since any alien or monster came to my planet Canopus to cause trouble. I am quite curious about who is so brave when one suddenly appears.

Forget it. I have something important to do right now. If I still remember this little thing, I will go to ask Ultra Father or Ultra Brothers after I finish my work.

Thinking of this, King Ultra put aside his attention on this matter and cast his eyes on the vast universe, frowning slightly.

Where is it? What is it? It makes me feel so uneasy, as if the universe is about to be destroyed. What is it...

Just as King Ultra was thinking, the light particle aggregate of Gen Subaru also appeared on a strange earth. It can be seen that the civilization of this earth is well developed, with tall buildings everywhere. On the streets, Gen Subaru also saw many small mechanical modules that he could not recognize but looked quite powerful.


There was no one. No matter how Subaru used his telekinesis to sense the surroundings, there was no reaction from a single person's breath...

No, not just people, there was no reaction from birds and animals, and there was no corpse. It was as if in an instant, all life in this city, except for trees and other green plants, had evacuated from here.

It was too quiet, so quiet that it was a little scary.

Subaru took out the energy blaster from his arms and planned to go to a nearby place where he could find surveillance videos to see what happened in the city. Just when the boy searched around and couldn't find any usable surveillance equipment, he suddenly moved his ears and vaguely heard something in the dead silence.

So, Subaru turned into a ball of red light and flew to the source of the sound.

"Xiao Wu, come back soon!"

At this time, in another city, a monster was wreaking havoc in an uninhabited city, and Subaru recognized it at a glance. It was the deep-sea monster Guvira, which was recorded in the visitors' monster illustrations.

Its main features are easy to remember - it looks like a shark, has a white base with black patterns and yellow patterns on its back, crawls on all fours, has a drill-shaped horn at the tip of its nose, is quite hard, has white eyes and blue pupils.

As for its strength...

Minamoto identified it as a vegetable.

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