Then, Gen Subaru clenched one fist on his waist and raised the other hand above his head. The converted energy turned into colorful light, condensed in his palm, and finally turned into a white energy spear, which he threw at the dark giant. The dark giant roared and held the spear with both hands, but the equal and amazing power pushed him back involuntarily, and his feet plowed two deep and long grooves on the ground.

How to say it, now calm down, this light is also quite easy to use, and it is not impossible to kill enemies if used well.

However, it is still not as fast as Nexus. It is so refreshing to have five [Clones·Clustered Ultra Bombs] at the beginning. The incompetent enemies will die directly, and the competent ones will suffer half as much.

Just when Gen Subaru was thinking about how to replicate [Ultra Bomb] in this form, the dark giant finally offset the light spear and recovered the state of free movement.

At this moment, a whistling sound came from outside the field. It was a huge flying shuttle. It was obvious that it was rushed and the shells of some parts had not been knocked on yet. But since it was sent here, it meant that it had strategic value for the decisive battle. Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru casually pointed, and the surging white light band turned into a railing to block the action of the dark giant. He immediately went to the flying shuttle.

At the same time, after detecting the appearance of Yuan Subaru, the flying shuttle immediately began to transform. Although it can be seen that according to the original setting, this should be an auxiliary mecha module, but because of the tight time, the overall has not been perfected, but the most important thing is that the decisive battle firepower system of this module has been set up. It seems that Matsunaga Yoichiro also thought that if an accident happened one day, at least this thing could be forcibly dragged to the battlefield to fire a shot.

Yuan Subaru happily raised his arms, and cooperated with the deformed flying shuttle attached to his body. When the mechanical arm gently clamped the armpit, Yuan Subaru chuckled because he was still uncomfortable with the itch.

When designing this shuttle, it was also considered that Nexus might have a big appearance change like Nexter, so the adaptability was fully considered. Therefore, the 'Ark' was quickly assembled. At this stage, it only matched a breastplate for Gen Subaru and a pair of mechanical wings connected to the breastplate and erected upwards.

But the pair of mechanical wings were not used to assist Gen Subaru in flying. They fell forward and rested on the shoulders of the giant, becoming two powerful fire output points.

Very good, let's go!

Gen Subaru smiled and swung out a pure white light band, which was wrapped around the arm of the dark giant. Then he grabbed the other end and shook it hard. The wave-like shaking was then transmitted to the dark giant, just like the force of Nexus's full uppercut, which instantly threw the dark giant into the sky.

Then, the muzzle on the giant's shoulder began to charge, and Yuan Subaru also added pure white light energy to it. With a sharp roar, the ultimate pure white light burst out. The defense of the dark giant was as fragile as thin paper in front of it, and it easily passed through its body.

The majestic dark energy suddenly poured out from the gap, but in the next second it turned into pure white light rain. In an instant, within the range covered by the light rain, green grass grew and branches sprouted. The injured people felt a warm current slowly flowing out of their bodies, allowing the wounds to heal quietly and painlessly. In the blink of an eye, the scorched earth that had turned into ruins due to the battle evolved into a vibrant scene.

And this restored light rain still has its upper limit after all. Just like the dead cannot be resurrected, the injuries of Nexus, who was finally separated from the dark giant, cannot be healed either. There is no way, the injury is too severe.

Yuan Subaru watched Nexus return to his original form, lying on the ground. His body was already riddled with holes. Even through the cross section of the wound, the boy could sense that some organs had been destroyed by the dark giant. If it weren't for the light of Nexus, this body would have died long ago.

That's fine. Anyway, I've made a good start for the next fit person.

Yuan Subaru sat on the ground a little tired, looking at his body, smiling and fiddling with it, then looking up at the stars in the sky. It might be because he awakened too late, or it might be because of the existence of the two energies in his body. This light that belongs to him is really not much in terms of reserves. Although he can still hold on for a while, no matter what kind of life it is, it has already entered the countdown...

Oh, I said it wrong, that's gone first.

Yuan Subaru glanced at his body, which had obviously completely stopped life activities. He didn't care, thinking about leaving something for TLT-J next, so that he would not die in vain.

But just when the physical life of Gensuba ended, in the distant starry sky, the King of Ultra, who was looking for something, stopped. Leo and Astra looked at the king unexpectedly, wondering what he noticed this time, so that he showed such a sighing expression.

"I... saw the fall of a warrior, a warrior worthy of respect, but it was a pity that he fell too early."

The King of Ultra sighed, and then waved his hand, and the backhand he left in the deep blue space was activated, and a ball of energy flew out of it.

"In this case, then be reborn in my power, and I hope that the Ultra Star will shine forever in your future."

Also, Noah, what's wrong with you, don't you show up to save such an outstanding fit person? You have a high standard.

As the King of Ultra spoke, he was complaining in his heart about a certain Ultra warrior who had never been seen before. Then he looked at Leo and Astra and said:

"Let's go, we still have business to deal with."

This ball of light is...

Just when the King of Ultra withdrew his sight and continued to be busy, Yuan Subaru in the giant form noticed something, suddenly took action, and grabbed a ball of golden light from his body. He felt it in astonishment. Although this ball of light energy is not much, in terms of quality, it is really terrifying. Who left this here for me? Could it be...

The legendary Ultraman Noah?

Yuan Subaru blinked his eyes in surprise, raised his head, and looked around. After receiving no response, the young man sincerely thanked the great god in his heart, and then happily raised the ball of light with his hands. Raising it high, pure white light immediately poured into it and transformed into the same golden light, which then flew out around and attached to every human being who died in this battle.

"Father, father, father!"

"Huh? Song? I'm... not dead?"

Priest Xiao Lin, who was lying on the gravel, touched his painful head. He hugged Xiao Lin Song, who threw himself into his arms and cried. He was a little confused. According to the ancestral teachings, he inherited the blood of the super ancient priest and opened the long box. After that, he should have died of exhaustion, how could he...ah...this is...

Priest Xiaolin's eyes widened, looking at the golden light that streaked across the sky like a meteor shower. At this time, Priest Xiaolin felt that he seemed to be observed by something. Then, a golden meteor in the sky changed its direction and crashed down. , and then, Priest Xiaolin saw Pigmon, who was cut off by the boulder, reborn in the golden light.

"It's Mr. Subaru..."

Priest Xiaolin realized something and opened his mouth. In the end, he just sighed softly, hugged his child hard, and was immersed in the joy of reunion.

Just like that, a golden meteor returned to life in exchange for a fresh life. When the last victim was resurrected, the huge figure with his hands raised silently turned into light particles and dispersed between the sky and the earth. Watching The white light particles drifted away in the wind. After the rebirth, Ishibori Mitsuhiko reached out his hand sadly to catch it, leaving at least some traces of Gen Subaru's past existence.

But just when Ishihori Mitsuhiko's hand came into contact with the light particles, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sting. He suddenly pulled his hand back, looked up in surprise, and saw that the surface of the light particles had appeared at some point. There was a translucent cover, and at this moment, all the escaping light particles stood still in place.

At the same time, in the deep blue space, the Noah projection floating on it slowly opened his hands, and then squeezed hard, and time and space were all under his control!

Then, Mitsuhiko Ishibori and others saw the light particles disappear suddenly. Then, not long after, brisk footsteps were heard in the woods. The smiling boy stood on the stone and waved the TLT-J Night Raid towards them. He called them loudly, jumped down from the stone with a "hey", and hugged everyone who came over.

"Subaru, how are're not..."

Ishibori Mitsuhiko rubbed the boy's face a little harder. He was too scared now, too afraid that this was his hallucination or the trap of Dark Zaki. Hiragi Shiori also nervously circled around Gen Subaru while rubbing hard Pinch yourself, afraid that this is just a dream.

"It's Ultraman Noah."

Yuan Subaru chuckled and said:

"He helped me and everyone else. really great!"

"Yes, that's great, thank you, Lord Noah."

Hiragi Shiori clasped her hands together in tears and thanked the Ultra Warrior she had never seen before, then wiped her tears and said with choked sobs:

"Since you're fine, let's go. Next, we have to leave this place to the memory police."

"To be honest, Chief Koyanagi, who is now in charge of memorizing police matters, is so worried that his hair is starting to fall out."

After the initial excitement, Ishihori Mitsuhiko quickly calmed down and couldn't help but complain. Hiragi Shiori also cheered up and whispered:

"Don't say that, Chief Xiaoliu doesn't have much hair to begin with."

"Actually, Chief Xiaoliu has classic M-shaped hair loss. If he had sprayed some medicine earlier, he wouldn't be bald like that."

"To be honest... Ishibori, you seem to be a little naked."

"Hey? Is it there? Really? Shiori, don't scare me! Subaru, Subaru, look for me, is it really there?"

"It does seem a bit..."

"Wow, no!!!"

Amid Mitsuhiko Ishihori's cry of "I don't accept it," the three members of the Night Raid team successfully returned to the team and returned to TLT-J.

"Subaru, it's good. It's good that you come back alive."

Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at Gen Subaru who had returned, put his hand on the boy's shoulder, and squeezed it a little harder. Then he put away his personal emotions and began to devote himself to the situation in front of him. He looked at Gen Subaru and said softly:

"I'm sorry, Subaru, Sakura Seikai's mental state, even though it has been dealt with by the memory police, but she..."

"Grandma Sakura... I'll leave it to everyone at TLT-J to take care of her for the time being."

When this topic was brought up, Yuan Subaru's expression dimmed, and he weakly whispered:

"One day after the Dark Zaki and the alien beasts are eliminated, I will take care of my mother-in-law."

"Okay, let's talk about the next thing."

Matsunaga Kaichiro had anticipated the seriousness of the topic about Sakura Sekai, so he put it first. It was so convenient to change the topic. He pushed up his glasses, looked at Gen Subaru and continued:

"Subaru, do you know anything about the new dark giant that appeared this time? That dark giant seems to be quite restrained by Nexus."

"It's not about restraining Nexus, it's about restraining me."

When talking about this topic, Matsunaga Kaichiro noticed that Minamoto Subaru's expression became darker. He looked at Mitsuhiko Ishihori and Shiori Hiraki next to Minamoto Subaru for some reason, but the two of them had no idea what was going on. Minamoto Subaru Then he continued to say with some pain:

"Because... that's my father, and I can feel... the intimacy of flesh and blood."

Gen Subaru didn't lie. Although the moment when he was hugged by the dark giant was quite painful, the boy did feel strange emotions because of it. It was more intense than Granny Sakura's hug, and it touched the throbbing deep in his heart. Emotions, coupled with various reactions during the fusion, Yuan Subaru really couldn't find any contrary reason to infer that he was not his father.

"It's just wishful thinking on my part. My not a so-called hero."

Yuan Subaru lowered his head and whispered in a disappointed tone. The people standing next to him at this time were all people who had heard the young man talk about the dream of a 'heroic father'. Therefore, the belief that he has persisted in since childhood The pain of being shattered in an instant, but just when they wanted to comfort themselves, they saw the young man raising his head and saying in a firm tone:

"But... that's all in the past. There's no hero. As long as he can destroy Dark Zaki and destroy the alien beasts, he's a hero. Don't worry about me. Let's get on with business."

092 Dana, you called the wrong person

He's holding on.

Although Yuan Subaru's face showed a calm expression, everyone who knew him knew that he worshiped his father as a hero. If he were alone now, he would definitely get EMO.

"In that case, let's come here first today."

Matsunaga Kaichiro closed the folder, pushed up his glasses and said:

"Although there are still many things I want to consult with you, those issues are not that high priority in comparison. You have just experienced a fierce battle, so go and rest first."

"Well, okay, call me anytime if you need anything."

Gen Subaru nodded, turned around and left. After the boy left, Hiragi Shiori frowned slightly, thought about it, turned to look at Ishihori Mitsuhiko and Matsunaga Kaichiro and said softly:

" it my imagination? I feel like Subaru has become shorter."


Ishibori Mitsuhiko and Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at each other, and then said softly:

"Still such a big guy."

"I still feel like I'm short...Forget it, this question is not important. By the way, Manager Matsunaga, where is our captain?"

"Captain Wakura is currently dealing with matters related to fighter planes. You can come over and help later..."

Just when Matsunaga asked Ichiro and others to discuss the business arrangements, Gen Subaru sat blankly on the bed in the room, emitting EMO just as those people expected. But soon, he shook his head and cheered up. Why? Speaking of which, those things are no longer important. The important thing is to quickly improve your strength. Right now, you have to be busy not only with the development of Ultra Bombs, the learning of the ultimate cross barrier, and the drill for converting light and darkness, but there are also many more. An adaptation to a new form, there is no time to think about random things here.

So, Yuan Subaru picked up the sleeping stick and gave it to himself, sending himself into the deep blue space. This time, after hesitating for a while, the young man decided to click on the avatar of 'Diga'. For training, he needs Yuan Dagu's help.

Therefore, in another universe, Yuan Dagu, who was sleeping soundly, tilted his head and fell into a deeper sleep...


Yuan Dagu opened his eyes and saw the familiar dark blue ceiling. He immediately understood where he had come. He immediately got up from the ground and shouted subconsciously. Yuan Subaru smiled and waved to him and said softly:

"Mr. Dagu, I didn't disturb you."

"No, no, I happen to be sleeping too."

Yuan Dagu waved his hand quickly, then thought about it and said a little embarrassedly:

"Subaru-senpai, you'd better call me Dagu. Mr. Dagu sounds weird."

"Then just make it simple and call me Subaru. Senior or something like that, I don't have that much qualifications."

Yuan Subaru responded with a smile, then straightened his face slightly, looked at the Tiga human body in front of him and said:

"Da Gu, I have gained a new power, but I cannot exert its true strength alone, so I hope to get your cooperation."

"no problem!"

Hearing this, Yuan Dagu immediately agreed without even thinking about it, and then he asked belatedly:

"Um, Subaru, do you want me to spar with you?"

One thing to say is that after watching Nexus fight against Eltagar, Yuan Dagu didn’t know what others thought, but he said that he was unwilling to compete with such a giant of light. He was too fierce and wouldn’t say anything. In addition, he felt like he couldn't handle the [Clone Ultra Bomb] alone.

"No, you will be my teammate this time."

Yuan Subaru pulled up the selection interface and signaled Yuanda Gu to transform quickly. Then, the projections of these Ultra warriors, Orb, Galaxy, Victory, Gaia, Agur, Ax, Dyna, and Gauss, appeared immediately. , and very decisively fired the light towards Diga.

Pleiades! Isn’t this a bit too exciting!

Looking at the light skill that seemed to be killing people due to light pollution, Yuan Dagu's expression suddenly changed. At the same time, on the other side, the expressions of everyone trapped in the Ultra projection also changed. They had previously collaborated to kill Yuan Subaru. It's unbearable for them. Now there is another Yuan Dagu. What the hell is this dream? Does he specialize in killing his comrades? If you have the ability, you can turn into a cosmonaut or a monster!

Just when everyone put on the pain mask, a pure white light belt appeared, spinning into a shield in front of Diga. Although when he caught these light skills, he couldn't help but step back slightly, and a line of pure white light appeared on the shield. There were thin cracks, but at the moment when the cracks appeared, all the light skills were converted.

Then, in the curious eyes of everyone, the shield turned on the spot, and the shield reflected light like a mirror, and then colorful rays of light shot out from it, hitting the projections of the Ultra Warriors accurately.

"Subaru, is this... huh?"

Seeing this scene, Yuan Dagu turned around in surprise, only to see an Ultra warrior he had never seen before standing behind him. If he hadn't made sure he remembered correctly, he would not have recognized Yuan Subaru.

There is no way, the boy in the Nexus state is just a fool, and the boy in the Dark Ultra Warrior form is even more murderous. But in the new form in front of him, Yuan Dagu doesn't feel a trace of violence from it, but only helplessness. Comparatively gentle and natural, even if Yuan Subaru was standing upside down and washing clothes, he would not feel any curiosity, just like he should be.

"It's my new ability. You don't have to worry about the attacks of those projections. Just attack. I'll take care of the rest."

Yuan Subaru used telepathy to inform Yuan Dagu about his next action mode, so Yuan Dagu immediately switched into the powerful red Tiga form, struck his left fist against his right palm, and then directly faced the Ultras. The warrior's projection came on.

To be honest, Yuan Dagu was really a little scared at the beginning. After all, there were too many Ultra Warriors, and there were too many skills attacking him. Looks like he's dying.

But at the same time, strips of pure white light appeared somewhere beside Diga. Those strips of light were flying around Diga like dragons, intercepting every attack accurately.

After withstanding a certain amount of energy, the light belt shrank into a ball and turned into a long thorn. According to Yuan Subaru's will, he rushed towards the designated Ultra Warrior projection, interrupting his movements and shaking forward, or moving towards it on his own. The projection of the Ultra Warrior closest to Tiga rushed over.

And, that's not all. When Diga caught Gaia's flaw and was about to charge up an electric punch to hit it, the vine-like white light belt entangled the projections of other Ultra warriors who wanted to sneak attack. There was also a band of light that merged into Diga's electric fist, causing it to emit a milky white light. Then, as Diga's punch came out, the projection of Gaia's Ultra Warrior was immediately enveloped by the huge shadow of the fist. Died instantly.

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