Seeing that Hikali's emotions were too intense, Ultra's father stretched out his hand to knock Hikali unconscious. At the same time, he also used the power of Ultra props to put the Ultra brothers who were also too emotional into a deep sleep. Max and Mebius, who were in relatively good condition, sent these people to the Silver Crusaders.

In the Silver Crusade headquarters, Ultra's father quietly came to Ultra's mother, was silent for a moment, and said hesitantly:

"If...I mean if, that child is still alive, can the technology of the Kingdom of Light allow him..."

"That's the child's innate shortcoming, a conflict stemming from the genes themselves."

The Mother of Ultra looked like she had just cried, and she was still choked with sobs when speaking. She paused, cleared her throat, and then continued:

"In addition, the means used to create him are too crude. The technology of the Kingdom of Light can intervene, but to what extent it can be intervened is hard to say. He is too fragile. Even if we change his body, I I'm afraid he won't be able to survive those pre-programs..."

"What a sin..."

The father of Ultra looked up at the vast universe, remained silent for a while, and said softly:

"After they are almost recovered, I should leave the Kingdom of Light temporarily to find the whereabouts of the child."

"Don't you believe the kid is dead?"

"...After all, no one has seen him die yet."

The father of Ultra grabbed the railing hard and said in a solemn voice:

"Even if he is really dead, I will make the bastard who conducted such cruel biochemical experiments pay the price!"

"Captain, let me do this."

At this time, Max walked over from the side and said in a solemn voice:

"I brought back the news of the child's death. I have the responsibility and obligation to determine the authenticity of the news."

Looking at Ultra's father's hand that was still holding on to the railing, Max sighed, and then advised:

"The disaster caused by Beria has not completely passed. There are countless dark forces in the universe staring at the Kingdom of Light. Your injury has not yet healed. The Kingdom of Light also needs your presence, so let me go."


The father of Ultra didn't speak. After a long time, he let go of the broken railing, sighed, and said helplessly:

"Okay, I'll leave this to you Max. You hold this prop. If you encounter any situation that cannot be solved, remember to use it."

"Yes, Captain, then I'll set off."

After saying that, Max turned into a ray of light and rushed out of the Kingdom of Light. After watching Max leave, the father of Ultra moved his eyes to Canopus. Although he did not speak, the mother of Ultra understood that he was there. What was she thinking, so she didn't say anything. If the father of Ultra really made up his mind, she would go and get the Ultra key that could explode the star.

But in the end, the father of Ultra gave up this tempting idea. Although the king likes to fish, when he really goes out, he must have important things to deal with, so... let the Kingdom of Light go first Everyone, give it a try, if it doesn't work... Anyway, Canopus is right next to it and can't escape, so it can be exploded at any time!

089 Eddie: Where did Noah find him?

Just as the Kingdom of Light was quietly moving because of this, Yuan Subaru was using his telekinesis to help move things and assist TLT-J's logistics staff in completing the repair work on the headquarters.

But if it was just damage to the outer wall or building, that would be secondary. The key point is that the energy conflict was still too close to TLT-J. Even if Yuan Subaru moved in time, many precision instruments were still damaged.

But now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing more to say. The three officers have urgently launched a preparatory plan. If Dark Zaki takes the opportunity to infiltrate, then they will find a way to cooperate with Yuan Subaru to give him a hard blow.


What is Dark Zaki doing now?

In the mountains behind the city in another world, Dark Zaki, who was picking up 'trash', looked at the two Ultra warriors who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, grinned and grew in size, and prepared to take the two Ultra corpses back. , completely unaware that one of them had already killed a 'Dark Zaki'.

Although in comparison, he is much stronger than the other "Dark Zakis", but... He couldn't stand a certain Ultraman Dai who was wandering through time and space, and he accidentally bumped into him and came back. ...

Leaving aside the dark Zaki who was beaten and tried his best to escape, after assisting the logistics department, Gen Subaru approached Matsunaga Kaichiro and expressed his request. After hearing this request, Matsunaga Kaichiro had no choice. He took the boy to find the visitors.

Nowadays, the visitors have created a translator that can communicate with people on earth. They do not need to use superpowers as a medium to convey their meaning as before.

But after the visitors heard Yuan Subaru's request, the jellyfish-like alien visitors looked at each other, scratched their heads with their tentacles, and said softly:

"Subaru, regarding the Meta Domain, we don't know how to improve it. Although Dark Zaki now has the Dark Domain G that can erode the Meta Domain, that is also the ability that it awakened after its fall. We It hasn’t been developed that far yet.”

After saying this, the visitors did not talk too harshly, and promised Yuan Subaru that they would also carry out follow-up research, and if there were any results, they would inform him as soon as possible.

However, there is still good news, that is, the members of the Night Raid Team have successfully gotten rid of the shackles of the [Kamen Rider] armor and returned to normal training. However, when they came out, they always had an illusion of being in another world. They had only been in the observation room for a few days, so why did they feel as if they were out of touch with the battle situation? Is this increase in the intensity of the battle really something they can participate in?

The answer is no.

Currently, TLT-J has made new combat regulations, focusing on one key point, that is, you can not fire throughout the whole process, but you must not drag your feet. Of course, if Nexus is in trouble, you still have to rush.

However, at this point, whether it is the Night Raid Team 1, Team 2, or the Suicide Squad, basically all of them have transferred to logistics work. To be honest, the three commanders of TLT-J are now eager to apply for the air base of the headquarters.

Yuan Subaru was not idle either. He temporarily put aside the conversion between light and darkness and began to concentrate on the development of Meta Field. But to be honest, he really couldn't think of how to strengthen this skill. Even if he grabbed more light particles from his body, the strength of Meta Field did not increase.

Thinking left and right....

The boy sitting in the training ground scratched his hair hard, always feeling that one brain was not enough.

If only Senior Tiga was still here, he must know everything.

Let's go to the deep blue space and see if those Ultra projections are back.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru put his hands in the cloth pockets of his shirt, returned to the room a little unhappy, and lay on the bed. This time he didn't need a sleeping stick. After all, he was still very tired after such a fight, and fell asleep soon.

Then I was very surprised. Not only did the disappeared Ultra projection come back, but also Victory, Gaia, Aguru, Dyna and Cosmos were added. I understood. It was a bug when adding people. After I went out and played for a while, the bug was fixed.

Subaru put his hands together and thanked Senior Tiga again for the in-depth transformation of the Deep Blue Space. He reviewed his greed for two seconds before, and then without much hesitation, Orb, Ginga, Victory, Gaia, Aguru, X, Dyna and Cosmos were all selected.

After all, these projections are different from the Ultra Brothers. They are newly added, and they always have to be fresh.

That's right, I, Subaru, just like new things and hate old things.jpg

But in the end, it still became a situation where Nexus grabbed the clone and threw it as a bomb. How should I put it? Fighting these people is completely different from the Ultra Brothers. Although they are not so experienced, these projections have many tricks. From time to time, they will cut into a new form and take a new prop to give you a big surprise.

At the beginning, I was completely confused by these sets of beatings. I seized the opportunity without hesitation and used the clone Ultra Bomb to get rid of the dilemma of being beaten up. Only then did I see clearly what each of their forms or each prop was capable of.

However, no matter what their abilities and props are, they are still not as useful as my bomb. Once this trick is used, whether it is a god or a ghost, they have to weigh it before they dare to rush forward. I decided to raise the priority of the further development of the Ultra Bomb. Don't say it, a clone has two arms and two legs, plus a brain, it has to be bombed five times anyway.

Hey, this is a good idea. Why didn't I think of it before? Let's stop for a moment and think about it.

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru threw the clone in his hand out, and rushed over to completely blow up the gradually formed encirclement, so that he would have a chance to cancel this training after rebirth.

Then, in the next three days, Gen Subaru concentrated on thinking about how to control the flow of energy to Nexus's clone to further enhance the effect or power of the explosion.

But on the afternoon of the third day, the boy suddenly realized something and looked out. In the blue sky, he vaguely saw a group of ominous things flashing, like smoke, full of resentment.

'Mr. Matsunaga, this is it... I think there is something wrong, I'll go out for a while. ’

After Subaru sent the details to Matsunaga Yoichiro, he turned into a ball of red light and flew out of TLT-J. However, what he didn’t expect was that the location of the fog was not in the sky, but in a layer similar to the gap between reality and the void.

If Subaru hadn’t had the perception of Nexus, he might not have been able to detect its existence, let alone try to get into it.

Just as Subaru flew in the air for a while and found that the resentful smoke had gone far away and could not be tracked, he was about to go back, but suddenly found that in the same layer, there was a colorful stream of light flashing, the power of this stream of light was so wonderful that it exceeded Subaru’s current cognition.

Therefore, after a brief thought, Gen Subaru made a decisive decision. No matter what it was, he would rush in first. If it didn't work, he would just explode himself and then blast out. He really didn't believe that anything could withstand his continuous explosions!

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru went in confidently. Unexpectedly, the power of the colorful light was so magical that it even blurred the space barrier between reality and reality. Gen Subaru, who originally thought he would get a headache, rushed in without much effort.

When such a big thing suddenly rushed in from the outside, the people inside were obviously startled. The light energy in the body was instantly concentrated on the Ultra buckle on the abdomen, but after feeling the rich light particle energy, he He quickly changed his movements, removed its momentum, and caught it as gently as possible.

But even though the Ultraman inside had already reacted like this, Yuan Subaru still bumped into the person's head. Suddenly, in this colorful stream of light, the two Ultraman squatted on the ground, rubbing their heads with "ouch, ouch".

"Excuse me, are you... Nexus?"

Ultraman on the opposite side rubbed his head and asked curiously. What happened at this moment was too unexpected. Halfway through the question, he saw the identity of the person who came and shouted in surprise.

"I am Nexus, you are..."

Yuan Subaru rubbed his head with both hands and looked at Ultraman whose whole body was mainly red and silver, with the raised line in the middle of his head and its surroundings being red. He also realized his recklessness and asked embarrassedly. .

"I'm Ultraman Eddie, nice to meet you, Nexus, hiss..."

Eddie, who was just about to stand up, seemed to be affected by the pain in his head. He squatted down again halfway up. The two Ultramen just squatted and shook hands, getting to know each other.

Gen Subaru, who knew he had made a mistake, hurriedly explained why he rushed in such a hurry. When he heard that Nexus came towards the mist of resentment, Eddie nodded clearly and said softly:

"I didn't expect that you also noticed the resentment of the Yabo people. Very good, Nexus, I would like to ask you to help me this time to eliminate the Yabo people's plan!"

"Okay, Eddie-senpai! Well... what are Awa people?"

Yuan Subaru immediately agreed, and then he rubbed his head in embarrassment and asked. Eddie was stunned for a moment, and then he learned that the Nexus in front of him had just transformed less than two months ago, and he immediately understood that this was Noah. Ultraman had just found a suitable person, so he began to popularize the information about the Yabo people and the ins and outs of this incident——

The ultimate super beast, Ultra Killer Saurus, is the ultimate super beast created by the Yabo people. It is the product of the resentment of the Yabo people and high technology.

In 1986, the ultimate super beast Saurus launched a fierce battle with the original Ultraman, Ultraman Seven, Ultraman Jack, and Ultraman Ace on the moon. , showing the powerful power to crush the four Ultra brothers.

After a fierce battle, the ultimate super beast was finally severely damaged by the combined efforts of the four Ultra Brothers, and was sent flying to the waters near Kobe Port on Earth. However, because the resentment of the Awa people was too strong, they were temporarily unable to destroy it. The Ultra Brothers, who were completely wiped out, chose to use up the last light energy and sealed them together with the resentment of the Yabo people with the "Ultimate Cross Barrier".

As a result, the four Ultra brothers lost their ability to transform and lived in Kobe as earthlings.

Then decades later, the Alliance of Spacemen designed to capture the four Ultra Brothers who came to rescue Ultraman Mebius, and transformed the light energy of the four Ultra Brothers into negative directions, destroying the Ultimate Cross Barrier. The resentment accumulated after being sealed for twenty years made Saurus stronger.

Ultra Killer Saurus evolved into a stronger Ultra Killer Saurus NEO, and once again challenged Mebius and the Ultra Brothers to fight, but at this time, Ultraman Tyro and Zoffie Ultraman arrived and joined the battlefield.

In the end, this ultimate super beast was completely destroyed by the infinite form of Mebius, which was formed by the seven-fold combination of the Ultra Brothers, with a cosmic miracle collision.

"Huh? Has it been eliminated?"

Gen Subaru listened with interest for the first half, but later he raised his head in surprise and asked Ultraman Eddie:

"Then what are we going to do when we go back this time?"

"Yes, originally, the ultimate super beast has been destroyed."

Ultraman Eddie sighed with a heavy tone and said softly:

"However, an accident happened. The Yabo people's resentment didn't know where they got the power to travel through time and space. They planned to travel to the time when the ultimate super beast had not been destroyed, and further strengthen it, so as to eliminate the Ultra brothers. , For this reason, they also specially prepared a fourth-dimensional space to block the perception of the Ultra brothers. "

Having said this, Eddie breathed out a sigh of relief and said:

"Fortunately, I was dealing with the fourth-dimensional space incident caused by the Bam people. I accidentally learned about the Yabo people's conspiracy, and then I chased them all the way. Unfortunately, it was too sudden and I didn't have time to call people together. Otherwise, you and I The pressure could be a little lower.”

"Fight first and then talk."

Yuan Subaru was very optimistic, smiled and said softly:

"No matter what kind of enemy he is, he must fight with him first before he can decide whether to fight or not."

This new guy...why does he feel like a fool?

Although it is a good thing for young people to be motivated, Eddie was keenly aware of the situation of his new teammate. He secretly made a note in his mind that if this Nexus had a situation from above, he would have to stop him in time.

And just when Eddie was thinking this, strange fluctuations came from this beautiful four-dimensional space. It was the resentment of the Yabo people who began to use the fourth-dimensional device there. Eddie immediately used light energy to activate this The beautiful fourth-dimensional space rushed towards the unstable place.

After a flash of light of considerable dimensions, Eddie and Nexus came to the extremely vast new fourth-dimensional space. In the middle of this space, a ferocious super beast was quietly curled up.

And above this super beast, there were two vague Yabo people's resentment laughing. The Yabo people's resentment in the past and future showed mockery and disdain to Nexus and Eddie. Then, the two rays of light merged into the body of the Ultimate Ultra Beast Ultra Killer Saurus, allowing it to evolve directly into the Ultimate Ultra Beast Ultra Killer Saurus NEO without waiting for another twenty years!

In an instant, the lower body of this Ultimate Ultra Beast, which was originally bipedal, was further enhanced to a six-legged form similar to a super giant stag beetle. It was full of destructive power, and the number of tentacles increased from four to six.

However, Yuan Subaru felt that the six tentacles were just for deception, and there should be more tentacles hidden in its body.

"Nexus, it's coming!"

Looking at the roar of this Ultimate Ultra Beast, Eddie understood that this guy's next move should be to destroy the 'Ultimate Cross Barrier'. After all, the Yabo people's resentment in the future could not have been unprepared for this.

Considering that at this point in time, the Ultra Brothers have just lost their light energy and cannot have the ability to transform, and Mebius is afraid that he has not yet arrived on Earth. If this Ultimate Ultra Beast is allowed to escape, it will be a catastrophe for the Earth.

So, Eddie shouted and rushed up directly to interrupt the action of this Ultimate Ultra Beast.

After noticing Eddie's action, the tentacles on the Ultimate Ultra Beast immediately extended and flexibly rushed towards Eddie. At this time, a flash of light flashed behind Eddie, and several circling Ultra Disc Blades accurately stopped it, but the defense of this Ultimate Ultra Beast was a little beyond Gensuba's expectations, and he failed to infuse enough energy into the Ultra Disc Blade.

However, Eddie immediately launched a arrow-shaped light blade from each of his left and right palms to launch a continuous cut attack on the nearest tentacle, and then the light blade spread out, flexibly moving from all angles such as up, down, left, and right to attack the surrounding tentacles, and cooperated with the time difference between the two light blades to effectively cut the tentacles.

This contact battle also confirmed Subaru's idea. No matter how many tentacles the Ultra Beasts that the Ultra Brothers had dealt with in history, this Ultra Beast blessed by the resentment of the future Yabo people not only has a super regenerative ability, but also has more tentacles hidden in its body. At this time, it whistled out and emitted red lightning beams from the tips of the tentacles. Its powerful power made Eddie dare not resist it easily.

Looking at the tentacles that were trying to surround the two of them little by little, Subaru immediately split into five clones, and the energy cores flashed together. With the guidance of his arms, a huge timer lightning storm took shape, and violent energy lightning flashed continuously, offsetting the incoming red tentacle beams.

This is really an amazing light energy reserve.

Eddie noticed the energy core of Nexus that had not yet flashed, and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise in his heart. This level of light energy output, few of the Ultra Brothers could withstand it.

But just when Subaru was about to throw the super timer lightning storm at Ultra Beast, Ultra Beast's abdomen suddenly opened, revealing a powerful bio-energy cannon. The terrifying energy reaction immediately changed Eddie's face. He hurriedly threw out an energy barrier to buy some time, while trying to remind Subaru to leave quickly.

But I don't know if it was because of the lightning storm or simply because the energy was too huge that it couldn't move. Even though Eddie had accelerated towards Subaru, he could only watch Nexus being swallowed by the energy cannon's beam.

"Hahaha, did you see that? This is the end of fighting against us Yabo people!"

"Damn it!"

Eddie, whose anger value instantly reached the peak, clenched his fists hard and looked at Ultra Beast with murderous intent. It doesn't matter if he doesn't look at it. After looking at it, Eddie almost couldn't maintain his angry expression.

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