Subaru, who was lying on the bed, yawned, set the timer of the air conditioner, clasped his hands together, sincerely thanked the scientist who invented the air conditioner, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


After entering the deep blue space, the boy immediately let out an unacceptable cry of grief. Subaru looked pitifully at the character selection interface in front of him. The projection options of Ultraman Ginga, Ultraman X, Ultraman Tiga, and Ultraman Orb had all disappeared. This was really unacceptable. The projections of these Ultra Warriors had not yet sparred with me. How could they just disappear? Ah~~~ I can't accept it....

My Ultra Warrior projection is so big, come back quickly, I still want to strengthen myself tonight...

ε=(′ο`*))) Alas

Accept the reality. It just so happens that I learned some swordsmanship today. Find Mr. Gagula's projection... Eh! ! Why can't Mr. Gagula's projection be turned on? Should I ask someone to calculate if I'm unlucky today?

Just as Yuan Subaru depressedly selected the projection of Ultraman Leo and started tonight's training, in another universe, the earth was shrouded in darkness. No matter which corner you looked up, you couldn't see a trace of light. This was not a unique natural phenomenon, but a monster like a locust crossing the border - [Destruction Demon Bug Debixi] filled the sky of the earth, making the world shrouded in darkness.

Moreover, in this situation, almost all human communication methods were invalidated, only the TV channel could still operate normally, and the loyal TV station employees desperately presented the situation outside to the world truthfully.

Faced with this dilemma, the Ultra Warriors on this earth naturally would not sit idly by. Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Aguru started fighting in the dark away field.

At the moment when Gaia and Aguru appeared, thousands of demon insects Debisi gathered and merged into Caesar Debisi. Gaia and Aguru tried their best to destroy the monster.

However, the space wormhole in the sky failed to be destroyed. A steady stream of demon insects were pouring towards the earth. Caesar Debisi continued to appear. Without light energy replenishment, Gaia and Aguru's energy indicators began to light up, and the battle situation began to lean towards the bad side.

Suddenly, a dazzling light fell from the sky, and the dark sky sprinkled holy light. The Caesar Debisi surrounding Gaia and Aguru was instantly destroyed by this light, and a huge angel of unknown identity slowly descended in the beautiful glow.

Moreover, in this glow, the energy of Gaia and Aguru was fully replenished, which restored the strength of these two Ultra Warriors to their peak state.


Just when people were cheering for the arrival of the angel, the angel they regarded as the savior suddenly took action, completely defeated Gaia and Aguru with a crushing attitude, and absorbed the light of the two Ultra Warriors.

At this moment, the TV station staff finally understood that it was not that the TV channel had luckily avoided interference, but that the enemy deliberately left them behind, fortunately giving humans hope and then taking them away.

People did begin to despair, and even the top leaders of the Earth Defense Force began to think about how to surrender to this angel, but the planet itself did not give up. The monsters born from the earth and possessing the light of the earth left their nests, rushed to the ground, and attacked the demon insects in the sky, guarding their home planet in their own way.

However, how could these demon insects be beaten obediently? One by one, Caesar Debisi appeared and began to destroy the earth monsters. Although the earth army provided timely support, the number of earth monsters was still rapidly decreasing.

Damn it!

The commander of the army looked at Caesar Debussy, who was determined to kill the Earth monster despite the artillery fire, and angrily punched the console, then laughed in self-destruction.

His mood is still quite complicated now. From the beginning, he was ordered to destroy the Earth monster, to now he risked his life to save the Earth monster, from being disappointed to knowing that Ultraman was a human, to now hoping that Ultraman would come to the rescue, this human heart, it's really...

Huh? !

Suddenly, between the increasingly dark sky and earth, a soft light appeared, at first it was a little flickering, and then it turned into a torch that illuminated everything, and a shining giant emerged from it.

The giant that appeared was naturally the source of Subaru who responded to the call. When the boy just saw the situation around him, he was still quite surprised. After all, it was the first time he saw such a dense crowd of monsters in the sky, and in front of him, there were two monsters fighting.

Okay, let's warm up with you two first!

Nexus waved his hands, and the rotating crescent blades immediately rushed out, but what he didn't expect was that one of the crescent blades was hit by a shell and the monster's attack, and the trajectory was completely deflected. Yuan Subaru looked back in surprise and saw a man dressed as a soldier standing next to the cannon, waving his hands and shouting at him.

What? You want me to protect this monster? This is the first time I have heard such a request.

After hearing the soldier's request, Yuan Subaru looked at him seriously with some surprise. After confirming that he was not controlled, he used telepathy to ask him what happened on this planet, while protecting the so-called earth monster behind him and facing Caesar Debusi.

The monster Caesar Debussy, but in terms of its shape, Yuan Subaru thinks it is quite interesting, just like its head, which is quite unique. There is a mouth full of sharp teeth in the middle of the head, and there are four gem-like eyes on both sides of the mouth. The pair at the back is blue, and the pair at the front is purple. There is a protruding eyeball at the corner of the mouth in front, and the pattern under the eyeball looks like a clown's grinning mouth.

Then there are wings like airplane wings on both sides of the body, which look very sharp. The sickle and claws in the hands can attack alternately, and there are two protruding eyeballs at the knee joints.

To be honest, whether it is slashing along the mouth on the top of the head or attacking the three eyes, Yuan Subaru feels that it is a very easy thing to do.

However, this monster was unexpectedly fragile. Nexus gathered high-heat destructive light energy with his hands and punched the big eyeball on Caesar Debisi's chest a few times, knocking it out. Before the destructive light energy could be converted into a burning energy ball, Caesar Debisi self-destructed.

While beating Caesar Debisi, Yuan Subaru also learned from the commander about the current situation on Earth and the next plan -

It was very simple. When the sunlight was blocked, they planned to use the Earth light in these monsters to let Gaia and Agul's human bodies regain the ability to transform.

As soon as the commander finished speaking, a fighter plane flew over and deployed an anti-gravity device, ready to deflect the energy of the Earth monster to the location where Gaia and Agul's human bodies were.

At this time, in the sky, there was a terrible space vibration. It was the angel named ‘Zog’ who descended again. Whether it was because it noticed the appearance of Nexus or wanted to prevent Gaia and Aguru’s human body from regaining light energy, there was no doubt that it must not come to protect humans.

In this case, come on, I’ll go first.

Nexus gave a thumbs up to the pilots on the fighter plane, cheered them up, and then turned directly into a red ball and flew to the place where the angel Zog descended.

After getting closer, Yuan Subaru found that this Zog was really tall, one or two Nexus taller than Nexus, but it was just a giant. I have fought enemies like you before!

Looking at Nexus who rushed over without hesitation, Zog did not hesitate to continuously fluctuate through the air, generating huge energy in his hands, turning into a wave bomb, and hit Nexus.

Subaru could feel that the wave bomb had a lot of destructive power, but Nexus still rushed forward. Just when the wave bomb was about to hit him, the gray mist allowed Nexus to avoid this fatal move.

Then, at the moment when the wave bomb just left his body, Nexus immediately lifted the virtualization. Without saying a word, five clones separated from his body. With a sound of "Taku", six Nexus kicked on the spot and flew into the sky, flying around Zog at high speed and disorder.

Of course, Nexus was not just flying there. Although Zog was also using finger beams, eye rays, and wave bombs to attack Nexus and his clones, compared with the attack speed and density of the Ultra Brothers, Zog's attack was too easy for Subaru, who had already undergone special training, to dodge.

Therefore, when Zog attacked, the Nexus or clones that were locked on immediately used various means to dodge, and the others were...

Particle Feather, Cross Ray Storm, Core Shock, Ultra Disc Blade, Ultra Rocket, Vertical Guillotine...

Soon, in the blink of an eye, Zog's whole body was lit up with flashes of light energy impact. Although Nexus was not as tall as him, in order to deal with this big enemy, Gen Subaru also increased the output power of these skills, and the damage would definitely be dealt, and it would not be low.

After seeing that the holy halo on Zog's body was unstable, Gen Subaru rushed out without hesitation, using [Void] to prove that he was the original body, attracting all of Zog's attention, and the other clones ignited a raging flame and crashed into Zog's body, causing a terrible explosion.

That is, the explosion completely dispersed the halo on Zog's body. At the moment when the holy light dissipated, Zog's originally huge body expanded again. The face that could still be seen as a human suddenly turned into a ferocious beast head. There were eight-winged white tentacles on both sides of the head, and a pair of fluttering moth-like wings were folded behind the back, and the lower limbs were on all fours.

Ah... Is this what it looks like without makeup?

Looking at this huge monster that was about 600 meters long, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but complain in his heart. Fortunately, the current battlefield is outside the city, otherwise, this thing would only stomp its feet and flap its wings, and the city would be damaged.

At this time, Zog, who entered the second stage, let out a deafening roar. At the same time, a larger and more powerful wave bomb attacked Nexus. It must be said that being large is still good. It will be AOE if you hit it casually, and small enemies need to dodge at full speed.


Where do you get the courage to become big in front of me and become a living target!

Nexus stepped back at high speed, avoiding the wave bomb, and at the same time, he held the golden-red lightsaber in his hand. Nexus held the hilt with both hands, and the light energy of his body rushed into the sword body. In an instant, the lightsaber extended beyond the universe.

Following Nexus's roar, the slender sword body carried the momentum of a falling mountain, and drew a canyon filled with sunlight from the darkness that covered the sky. Under this sunlight, six tall figures The movement of the one hundred and sixty-six meter terrifying monster came to an abrupt halt.

at this time....



Following two shouts, two rays of light, one red and one blue, fell from the sky and rushed to the battlefield. When they landed, the huge impact raised high dust, and then...

Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Aguru, who subconsciously put on a fighting stance, looked at the Ultra Warrior whose energy core was shining with a red light and swung his lightsaber coolly, then put it away neatly. Behind him, the tall Zog was turning into ashes little by little.

"Don't be dazed, the battle is not over yet."

Yuan Subaru shook his palm to wake up the two stunned Ultra warriors, then pointed at the demonic insect in the sky and said in a solemn voice:

"Let's go, these things have already interfered with people's lives and safety."

After saying that, Nexus took off directly and killed the demonic insects in the sky.

No, wait a minute, let us two replenish your energy!

Seeing this scene, Gaia and Aguru hurriedly chased after them. Seeing the Ultra warrior rushing forward as if he was desperate for his life, the cold sweat on his body suddenly increased. The two of them hurriedly moved left and right. He was guarding the Ultra Warrior, replenishing his energy along the way.

Because of this, Gaia and Aguru saw the most spectacular 'fireworks' in history. Seeing the way of constantly doppelgangering and then detonating them, Agulu was silent for a moment and looked at Gaia silently, although he did not speak. , but Gaia understood what he meant and immediately looked back:

This one is indeed very fast, and it explodes into a big piece, but!

Regardless of whether you have so much energy to put into the clone, as long as you use this hand to operate delicately and self-destruct without wasting any energy, what do you use to train it... Wait, how did he train this Ultra Warrior, the clone? If it was a clone, how many times a day would he have to practice?

Outrageous! X2

Gaia and Aguru couldn't help complaining in their hearts at the same time. Soon, with the efforts of these three Ultra Warriors, the demonic insects in the sky were quickly wiped out, and the wormhole used to transmit the demonic insects was quickly wiped out. ..

Can not be done! You can't go in! There is turbulent space in there, who knows what will happen if you enter!

Looking at Nexus who was about to rush in, Gaia and Aguru quickly stopped him from the left and right. For fear that this man would get in again, they immediately worked together to break up the wormhole.

And this move made Yuan Subaru very happy! No! open! Heart!

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. Maybe you can catch the mastermind behind it if you rush in!"

"That, we have detected it before, there is no energy reaction there."

Gaia's human body Gaoshan Womeng said in a weak tone:

"And our current state is not good. It will be difficult to defeat the enemy when we enter."

" fault, I should explain the situation to you first."

Yuan Subaru, who was a little beaten, patted his forehead to wake himself up, and said helplessly:

"My state is quite special. It doesn't matter even if I die. If I find something, I should be able to pass on some information to you before I die. It's a pity, it's a pity. It's my fault. It's my fault. I spoke so harshly just now. Really? Excuse me."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Gaia waved her hand quickly, then pointed to the ground and said:

"How about we go down and talk?"


As the three beams of light fell on the ground, Ultraman Gaia's human body Gamu Takayama, Aguru's human body Fujimiya Hiroya, and Nexus' capable person Gen Subaru met for the first time. The princes saw each other's faces. Takayama Womeng, who had just raised his hand to say hello, pointed at Yuan Subaru's face in surprise and said urgently:

"You are hurt!"

"No way, you can't even hit me with that kind of thing... Oh, this."

Yuan Subaru subconsciously denied it, but when he lowered his head, he saw the gap on his cheek. He subconsciously wanted to take the cell stabilizer from his arms, but then he realized that he was now a collection of light energy, and there was nothing to worry about. Yes, he waved his hand disapprovingly and said with a smile:

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't I say it? Even if I die in this state, I'll be fine. Don't worry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Yuan Subaru. I'm a capable person from Nexus. Nice to meet you. "

"My name is Fujimiya Hiroyuki, and I am the human body of Ultraman Aguru."

The young man who looked a bit aloof took a step forward. While introducing himself, he extended his hand towards Gen Subaru. After a brief shake, Takayama Gamu also introduced himself as Ultraman Gaia. body facts.

Then, Yuan Subaru brought the topic down to business. He was curious as to why a monster as tall as Zog appeared on this planet.

Therefore, Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya introduced the culprit of everything to Gen Subaru - the destruction of the root and the summoned body.

But even though Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiraya have been fighting against this guy for so long, they know nothing about the relevant information about the mastermind behind the scenes. Even the name [Root Destruction Summoned Body] was used by them to distinguish them from others. Monster, and gave the mastermind the title.

This mastermind has never shown up. What it mainly does is to send creatures from various planets in the universe or its own troops to the earth through wormholes. It not only sends monsters to attack humans and the earth, but also sends electronic life forms and The cosmic microorganisms even sometimes carry out psychological attacks on Takayama Kamuo, Fujinomiya Hiroyuki, and the people around them, using unscrupulous methods.

"EMMM...this...I don't have the relevant means to investigate."

Yuan Subaru scratched the back of his head helplessly and whispered:

"But in the future, if you find its location, you can call me to be a thug. As you can see, I am very brave."

This man talks like a child.

Hiroshi Fujimiya also looked at Gen Subaru, who was patting his chest with pride, and couldn't help but complain in his heart, but he must also admit that this Ultra Warrior can indeed fight. He and I Mengjia, say no Definitely can't beat them.

"Then how should we call you then?"

Takayama Gamu came over and asked with great interest. Shaking people was secondary, but mainly he wanted to know how to establish stable communication with other Ultra Warriors. This is a topic worth studying!

"Just call my name."

Yuan Subaru gave a thumbs up to Gaoshan Gaomeng and said with a smile:

"Although it's a bit metaphysical and unreliable, I always appear in response to other people's calls."

A savior?

Hiroshi Fujimiya thought to himself secretly, then reached out and patted Gen Subaru on the shoulder, and said softly:

"Tell me about your physical problem. Maybe my dream and I can help you solve it. You don't have to be polite to us. Just think of it as a thank you gift for defeating Zog."

"It's like this. Due to some reasons, my body's cells are not very stable..."

Gen Subaru naturally told his situation to Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiroya. As they listened to the boy's story, the expressions of the two men became serious, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on the gap on Gen Subaru's face. On, they now have reason to believe that this Ultra warrior is exchanging his body... no, to be precise, he is exchanging his lifespan for that astonishing combat power!

" seems the time limit has expired."

Gen Subaru, who was speaking, suddenly paused. He looked at the light particles that were beginning to escape from his body. He smiled and waved goodbye to Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya:

"It seems that I was a little careless in the battle before, so see you next time, Mr. Meng, Mr. Hiroya, take care of yourself~~!"

However, just after Gen Subaru left, before Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya could say a few words, a vortex of time and space suddenly appeared in the sky, and an ominous aura pervaded it.

"I'm dreaming, do you want to call someone?"

Looking at the huge city that appeared out of thin air, Hiroshi Fujimiya took out his transformer with a smile and said jokingly.

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