But no matter whether I have seen it or not, the best choice at the moment is undoubtedly to defend quickly. As long as I can hold on, I will win... What? !

Just when Victor Lugiel was concentrating on defense, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the ground, pulling Victor Lugiel down suddenly, and then another Nexus used this force to drill out of the ground and locked his arm joints from the front.

At the same time, another Nexus drilled out from the ground behind him, crossed his hands, and Ultra Flash began to take effect, further fixing Victor Lugiel's movements. Then, Victor Lugiel looked painfully at the two suicide bombers in his arms and on his head, burning rapidly.

Damn it! ! !

Victor Lugiel roared in his heart unwillingly, and then a shocking explosion sounded in the Meta field, and the Nexus that emitted Ultra Flash waved his hands, and dense guillotines flew into the dust raised by the explosion.

But with a series of crisp sounds, all the guillotines that flew in were knocked away, and the dragon-shaped Victor, who was originally wearing a heavy mechanical armor, walked out of the dust, but now his body was torn and tattered, like the meat left after a crab peeled off its shell, but...

As Victor moved, a humanoid thing seemed to be thrown out from behind Victor. Gen Subaru looked carefully and found that it was a person... No, there was no life reaction, probably a robot.

Is it the driver of this monster?

Gen Subaru glanced at Victor, who was obviously still moving independently, and the boy immediately ruled out this guess and began to concentrate on dealing with the monster in front of him that had not died yet.

"Interesting, interesting, hehe..."

Victor Lugiel sneered and moved his body. Then, black energy began to attach to the remaining flesh and bones. He simply moved his arms and whispered:

"I didn't expect you to come up with so many tricks. The only pity is that you couldn't blow me to death. Then, it won't be so easy!"

Victor Lugiel is a dark giant who opposes Ultraman Ginga. Although he was eventually defeated by Ultraman Ginga, at this time, the body of Dark Lugiel was fused with the out-of-control Victorium cannon system and the UPG base. After absorbing the Victorium crystal core and possessing huge energy, Dark Lugiel's consciousness was awakened.

To be honest, when Dark Lugiel just woke up, although this beast-like body was powerful, he was still somewhat uncomfortable with it. The movements he could do were hindered by this heavy armor. Now, although the defense is much worse, this sense of freedom made him quickly find the feeling of the decisive battle with Ultraman Galaxy.


I have seen through it. This so-called domain is your own body. In this case, such a good target has been laid out. Let me see how strong your body is!

Victor Lugiel gathered all his energy and gathered it into a scarlet vortex galaxy. He continued to shoot out light bullets from the specially protected muzzle on his chest, and the power of the vortex galaxy was also integrated into the light bullets. With the blessing of Victory's crystal core, the terrifying attack light flew through the air, and the power in it began to distort and tear the space in Meta's domain.

The power of darkness, haha...

Feeling the weakness of Meta's domain, Yuan Subaru chuckled twice, then Nexus stretched out his hands, and the deep black aura surged on his body, and then drilled into the bow-shaped energy core.

At that moment, in the outside world, Litang Guang and Xiang, who were unwilling to not be able to participate in the battle, suddenly realized something. Looking up, they saw an ominous purple-black lightning suddenly flashing in the sky. It seemed that two huge figures flashed through the city.

"What is that?"

Xiang looked at Litang Guang in disbelief and said:

"I feel an unprecedented darkness. Lugiel... Was it so scary before?"

"I don't know."

Litang Guang shook his head in confusion. There was indeed a trace of Lugiel's fluctuations in this dark aura, but... Could it be that the guy evolved again because of the Victory Crystal Core?

Obviously, what Hall Light thought was exactly what Ginga Ultraman thought. Originally, in the stone statue, Ginga Ultraman had retained a portion of light for Hall Light's later battle with Victor Lugiel, but now he couldn't hold back any more. If Victor Lugiel completed a new evolution, it would be a nightmare.

So, a ball of light flew out from the energy core on the chest of the Ginga Ultraman stone statue, and rushed straight to the phase where Meta's domain was located, rushed over easily, and then...

What is this? !

Ginga Ultraman stared blankly at what was happening inside. The supporter, Ultraman Nexus, was laughing wildly at this time. In his arms was Lugiel's strongest light skill, and the most terrifying thing was that the light energy was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was replaced by a huge head energy body emerging behind Nexus.

The energy body's head looked like a skeleton, with dark purple energy flames swaying in its mouth and eyes. Although there was no sound when it opened its mouth and roared, an invisible impact passed by, which made people shiver.

As for Victor Lugiel, his reaction was the same as that of Ultraman Ginga. He began to doubt whether he had thrown a fake ultimate move, but he also clearly saw that the guy opposite, who was not sure whether he was a dark giant, first used the light energy that was enough to drain the light in the auditorium to take the impact of his ultimate move, and then began to swallow the ultimate move bit by bit.

In other words, as long as the ultimate move energy is strong enough, it can directly knock this guy away. Humph, what I lack the least now is energy! !


Victor Lugiel roared, and the scarlet galaxy reappeared. Under the blessing of Victory's crystal core, the simulated stars wandering in the galaxy seemed to have turned into real planets and bombarded Nexus.


Seeing this, Ultraman Ginga hurriedly wanted to remind Nexus, but saw that Ultra Warrior turned around and grabbed the head energy behind him, like throwing a chain ball, spinning several times at high speed in place, and then threw it in the direction of Victor Lugiel.

Then, Ultraman Ginga saw that the head energy body was devouring the incoming light bullets with relish, while it was becoming unstable. In less than a second, Victor Lugiel saw such a terrifying energy body that was about to explode hitting his face.

Does this guy like explosions so much? !

Victor Lugiel immediately stopped the fatal attack, and his whole body emitted red and black light particles, which covered his whole body like flames and turned into a flashing light ball, intending to move at super high speed. When he fought with Ultraman Ginga, this acceleration reached the limit, which could be close to the effect of instant movement.

But he was now in the Meta Realm, and it was still in the Meta Realm that was blessed and transformed by the dark power. Nexus just stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air. In an instant, not to mention Victor Lugiel, even Ultraman Ginga, who was innocently affected, felt his body sink, and his own energy was rapidly consumed, no, to be precise, it was sucked away.

Under the control of such a domain, Victor Lugiel's movements could not help but become a little stiff, and it was this moment of flaw that the roaring head energy body opened its mouth and swallowed it fiercely. Then, a violent explosion that made Ultraman Ginga change color sounded in the Meta domain.

What shocked Ultraman Ginga the most was that this explosion was not a one-time explosion. The energy of the explosion was being converted into a new head energy body. The energy body swallowed the overflowing energy again, and then triggered a new explosion. After the energy of the explosion was completely exhausted, this terrifying attack ended.

"Hehe, hahaha!!!"

Looking at the Victor Lugiel who was blown to pieces, Nexus opened his hands, leaned back slightly, and laughed wildly.

Seeing this, Ultraman Ginga's eyes suddenly became cold. Although he didn't know what was going on with Nexus, his current situation was obviously not right. It was probably because he had absorbed too much dark energy and lost his mind.

The current situation... can't let him lose control!

So, without saying anything, Ultraman Ginga rushed directly to the Nexus, blended his energy into it, and began to try to communicate with the fit person. Then he saw that in the darkness, the boy stood on it, with his hands on his waist, laughing "hahaha" towards the sky.

Ah, this... sounds scary outside, but when you get closer, this person is laughing so foolishly.

Ultraman Ginga silently complained in his heart, but he still had to get busy with business. He cautiously approached the boy named "Subaru", but before he took two steps, a pair of sharp eyes fell on him.

"Hehe, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Ultraman Ginga."

Good... Such a sharp perception, I was discovered so quickly!

Ultraman Ginga was startled, looking at the boy with dark flames swaying in his eyes, he silently began to continue to use light energy, if necessary, he could only put it into actual combat.

"How is it? Are you scared by my powerful strength?"

With his face full of 'I'm a good fighter', Subaru slightly raised his head and said to Ultraman Ginga with a very proud tone:

"You are attracted by this power involuntarily, haha, I know that no one can resist the temptation of this power, hum, come here."

After that, in the question mark on Ultraman's head, Subaru stepped aside and called Ultraman Ginga:

"Don't say I'm stingy, come, let me show you two skills to make you feel good."


Do you know what you are talking about? Are you awake... Oh, you are not so awake.

Ultraman Ginga looked at the impatient Subaru who came to pull him, looking at him expectantly and said:

"Swing it, it's very cool, don't you know how to do it? Tell me earlier, I'll teach you, come on, come on, watch it."

How to say it, it's like a child who got a new toy and ran to his friend...showing off, yes, showing off.

Ultraman Ginga silently looked at the creeping darkness around him, and then looked at Subaru who was trying to teach him how to throw, and suddenly felt that the scene was a bit too fake.

083 The cub goes out

To be honest, if Xiaoguang had this concentration of dark power, he would probably go crazy...

Ultraman Ginga rubbed his head helplessly, and couldn't help but sigh that Noah was good at choosing people. He chose a person with such high resistance to darkness. Whose human body would be so arrogant like a child under such erosion?

Yes, Ultraman Ginga knew Noah. He was an Ultraman from the future, and he had fought Dark Zagi with Xiaoguang before. Although because of the parallel universe, the Dark Zagi he fought might not be the one Noah fought at the beginning.

At this time, Ultraman Ginga accidentally glanced at Subaru who was posing next to him, and suddenly found that the posture was a little bit wrong. Coupled with the rapidly intensifying energy around him, Ultraman Ginga, who had also dealt with Taro, immediately realized what this move was. He quickly grabbed Subaru, interrupted the casting, and said in a hurry:

"Okay, okay, I know it, I know it! You don't need to teach me anymore."

"Then come on, just cast your skills, I have plenty of energy, and don't say I was stingy and didn't let you play when you go outside."

Hey, you said "play" at the end, right!

"Okay, okay, I'll throw two."

Ultraman Ginga couldn't stand the expectant look in Minamoto Subaru's eyes in the end. He stood in Minamoto Subaru's original position, took a deep breath, and after connecting with Nexus, he felt the dark power surging like a tide. Unable to bear it, Ultraman Ginga quickly threw two skills at random, and then disconnected. He looked at Minamoto Subaru and said softly:

"It's really cool."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Minamoto Subaru looked up proudly, and said "yeah" three times, one louder than the other, and then his face sank. In an instant, a frightening pressure emanated from him. Ultraman Ginga, who had just experienced the dark energy, instinctively pulled away a little. If Minamoto Subaru lost control now, it would be understandable. After all...

'Swish! ’

Before Ultraman Ginga could take a defensive posture, his eyes flashed, and the deep darkness turned into a dazzling light. The young man with open arms was bathed in the rain of light, like the Son of God who had descended.

This is really crazy...

Ultraman Ginga was stunned for a moment. How could he not understand what Subaru had just done? He converted some dark energy into light energy, and used that little light energy as a trigger to pull up all the suppressed light energy in one breath, realizing the reversal of light and darkness.

However, Ultraman Ginga also saw that this person should have been trained in the energy conversion between light and darkness. Otherwise, if he forcibly reversed it a few times, his body would have problems. Although I have said it once, I still have to praise Noah again. He really knows how to pick people.

Ultraman Ginga watched the black energy on the boy dissipate little by little, and felt his rationality return, so he smiled and prepared to say hello, but in the next second...

"Gu, so embarrassing, I'd rather die..."

Looking at the boy covering his blushing face and starting to intensify his energy to self-destruct, Ultraman Ginga broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly stepped forward again to interrupt him, and couldn't help but complain:

"That's self-destruction, self-destruction! If you don't have an Ultra Heart, don't use such a dangerous move as a normal attack!"

"It's okay, this move looks dangerous, but in fact, it's just that after exploding twice and getting used to it."

Listen to what you say, is it human language? What do you mean by exploding twice?

Ultraman Ginga, with a black line on his head, directly intervened in the operation of Subaru's light energy and completely stopped the "Ultra Bomb". At this moment, Ultraman Ginga suddenly realized something, and suddenly exerted his strength to separate all his light from Subaru's body, and looked at the boy in front of him in surprise.

He didn't know if it was his illusion just now, he always felt as if something was recording his light energy, which made him have a bad premonition... Is this the child's special physique?

Ultraman Ginga took a good look, and then shook his head helplessly in his heart.

No, this child is just a simple light energy aggregate, the body is not here, and there is no clue.

"I am Ultraman Ginga."

Looking at the ostrich-like fit man hiding his head in his coat, Ultraman Ginga scratched his head helplessly and decided to change the subject directly, saying softly:

"What you may not know is that Dark Lugiel and I... the enemy you just destroyed, were originally one, but because of the difference in views on "eternal life", we separated into "light" and "darkness."

In the blink of an eye, Ultraman Ginga saw that the fit man turned from an ostrich into a good student, sitting there obediently waiting for his next words.

"I just saw your technique of reversing light and darkness. That energy conversion was really beautiful, but you seem to have separated 'light' and 'darkness' too clearly."

Ultraman Ginga recalled the boy's operation just now. He believed that someone must have taught him the relevant techniques, but he didn't know whether that person thought this matter was too simple and didn't elaborate, or that person had something else and didn't have time to explain it to the child clearly. Fortunately, he also had some experience in this area, so he could still make up for it.

"Whether it's 'light' or 'darkness', these two forces originate from you. Think about it from another perspective. They are both part of you. When you transform, don't simply and rigidly transform 'light' into 'darkness', but let yourself participate in it."

Ultraman Galaxy patiently explained his understanding in detail. Yuan Subaru nodded thoughtfully, then slowly raised his hands, one hand of light energy, and the other of darkness. These two powers were slowly moving along. The arms flowed down and met on the young man's chest.

To be honest, Ultraman Ginga felt a little numb when he saw this scene. He began to realize that something was wrong. This capable person seemed to not care about his body. Even though he was a photopolymer now, he used his body as a To complete this experiment with a medium, no matter whether it is successful or not, it will cause considerable pain to the body. In addition, he seems to be quite skilled in using [Ultra Bomb]...

Ultraman Noah, where did you find a capable person?

Come together...

Yuan Subaru didn't know what Ultraman Galaxy was thinking. He was pleasantly surprised to feel the "light" and "darkness" transforming into each other in his body. This process was much gentler. He raised his head happily and looked at Ultraman Galaxy. Man, Ultraman Galaxy also gave him a thumbs up in approval, and then...


"what happened?!"

The auditorium light looked at the sudden release of the field barrier and the numerous light particles rushing into the sky, and whispered in shock. A light flashed next to him, and the figure of Ultraman Galaxy appeared there, coughing and saying:

"How should I put it, cough cough cough!!! There was an accident, cough cough!!! Noah... cough cough, where did I find a capable explosive guy, cough cough cough!!!"

Regardless of Ultraman Ginga's complaints, with the explosion, Gen Subaru's consciousness returned to the deep blue space. Although the explosion caused by the conflict between 'light' and 'dark' was painful, this pain was nothing compared to gaining new ideas. Joyful, Yuan Subaru immediately sat up and began to practice the new idea of ​​​​transforming light and darkness.

But at this moment, an inexplicable dizziness hit him. Yuan Subaru covered his head in pain, and everything in front of him began to blur, as if covered with a gray filter. This reminded the young man of his childhood memories from Glizza. I hesitated for a while about the new abilities I gained there, and decided to leave the deep blue space first and go to the medical department to check my body.

Upon hearing that Yuan Subaru was feeling unwell, all TLT-J's medical resources were poured in. Soon, the new test report results were presented to everyone.

"To put it simply, Subaru, when using Ultra Clone, don't use the power of [Void] as well."

Matsunaga Kaichiro pushed up his glasses and said seriously:

"Visitors have conducted deductions and simulations based on your actual data, and the current conclusion is that this force exists in a rather weird way. Although they cannot be detected, they are real, just like cell tissue. exists in your brain."

With that said, Matsunaga asked Ichiro to tap Gen Subaru's eyebrows, and at the same time continued:

"When you copy this ability to the clone, in fact, part of your [emptiness] is separated and used by the clone. If the clone can return to your original body, there will be no problem."

After seeing Gen Subaru simply shaking his head to express that it was impossible, Matsunaga asked Ichiro to turn over the report and said in a solemn tone:

"But if the clone is destroyed, the separated [emptiness] power will directly and rudely hit you all the way back. During the process of their refusion, you may be turned into nothingness together, or your brain Being affected, etc..."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to close the report, handed it to Gen Subaru, and said softly:

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