It turns out...he is also Ultraman...

Looking at the giant of the new light who had to take a few steps back due to his huge size, Yuan Dagu murmured softly, and then felt a little more joyful in his heart. He originally thought that he was the only Ultraman, but inexplicably The feeling of loneliness and the pressure of hiding his identity have made him feel a little uncomfortable these days. Now that he has found such a 'companion'...

Stop it! Tiga! He is not an enemy! !

However, before Yuan Dagu could laugh out loud, he saw Diga hit the new giant with a jab, and the other side used skill to push the punch away, and then hit Diga with a red and hot palm. He was hit in the chest, but was immediately kicked out by Diga.

So fast...

It wasn't until Nexus stabilized his body and the two sides resumed their stance that Yuan Dagu realized what had just happened. To be honest, if it were him, he wouldn't be able to dodge that slap... No, if it were me, this fight wouldn't happen at all!

"Hello, can you hear me!"

Yuan Dagu put his hands around his mouth and shouted loudly towards Nexus, hoping to stop the battle, but the Ultra brothers had to rely on the 'Super Tyro' form to intervene here. With his This call from the human body is indeed a bit whimsical.

And just when Yuan Dagu was making various attempts, the battle between the two giants of light had begun again. Facing Tiga, Nexus summoned the lightsaber without hesitation, holding it with both hands, Launched a killing blow and locked onto Diga.

But when he was about to swing it, Diga raised his hands flat and waved outward. The bright light energy instantly illuminated the entire dark blue space. Nexus did not hesitate because of this and swung the lightsaber down directly. But the pain of being torn came from his back.


Yuan Subaru was shocked and sensed his surroundings with his mind, but under the interference of the bright light, he didn't notice anything. In desperation, he could only start [Void] to offset the erosion caused by the lightsaber's sure kill. Therefore, this life was delayed until the disturbance disappeared.

Only then did Yuan Subaru realize that Diga had done nothing. After releasing the interfering light, he teleported in front of him, folded his arms, and watched the lightsaber strike before it hit him. Penetrated through his own body.

It turns out that after the perception is completely disturbed, the subsequent reaction of the lightsaber's killing blow is like this. I have learned that the calculations can be used for the next time.

The understanding Nexus released [Nothingness], allowing Tiga to punch himself through the chest, ending his life this time.


After Yuan Subaru was reborn, the young man looked at the empty dark blue space in front of him and tilted his head in confusion.

The battle has just ended, why has Senior Diga's projection disappeared?


In the medical department of TPC, the members of the Victory Team had just moved Yuan Dagu's body to the bed. Before the testing equipment could be connected, the team members saw Yuan Dagu suddenly jump up from the bed, his face turned pale. He looked at his right hand with fear in his eyes.

Just now, just now, Diga's right hand pierced the chest of the new giant, and the warm, moist and sticky touch...


"Dagu, what's wrong with you Dagu!"

Captain Megumi realized that Yuan Dagu's situation might be more complicated than he thought, so he turned to look at Munakata Seiichi, the vice-captain of the victory team, and said:

"I'll leave this to you. I'll go investigate and see if the Dagu team members were attacked by space people."


Zong Fangcheng nodded, took over the position of Hui Jian, and put his hand on Yuan Dagu's body to prevent him from making any unexpected movements. At the same time, doctors and nurses from the medical department rushed over and looked at Yuan Dagu's violent movements. In response, after making eye contact, the nurse took the sedative and quietly walked behind Yuan Dagu.

Looking at the little nurse's movements, Tetsuo Shinjo, a member of the victory team, couldn't help but take two steps forward, fearing that Yuan Dagu would make any move and hurt his nurse sister.

But thanks to the advanced painless syringe and the fast-acting sedative, Yuan Dagu fell asleep without any notice, which made everyone present heave a sigh of relief.

Except for one person, team member Sakaki Reina frowned slightly. I wonder if it was her imagination. Just now, team member Dagu seemed to be asking for help, begging him not to fall asleep.

On the other side, Yuan Subaru, who was worrying about why Jakula's projection couldn't be heard, suddenly noticed the changes in the dark blue space. He raised his head blankly and saw a beam of light coming down from the space like a projection lamp. , Diga's figure slowly condensed out of the beam. was Senior Diga who pinched himself. The special effects of this appearance are completely different from other projections.


At the same time, Yuan Dagu, who was in great pain, stared blankly at the young man not far away. After standing there for a moment, he immediately covered his face with his hands and cried with joy.

Just now...just now he felt ready to die to apologize. It was really great that this young man didn't die...

"The fight continues."

Um? !

Yuan Dagu's crying suddenly stopped. He raised his head suddenly and saw the two giants confronting each other again. He stretched out his right hand forward in pain, trying to stop the fight from happening, but what was supposed to come would still happen. Come.

This time, Nexus did not continue to use the lightsaber, but shook his body, and five clones emerged from behind him. Then, the six figures were covered with red light at the same time, and began to run around Tiga at a high speed.

On Tiga's side, facing this situation, he waved his hand casually, and the Tiga crystal on his forehead flashed, and two purple and red clones appeared beside him. Then the energy lights on the chests of the three Tiga began to flash, and Nexus's five clones were instantly dispersed.

Senior Tiga still has this trick?

Tiga also knows this? !

Subaru and Yuan Daigu shouted in their hearts at the same time, and seeing the purple Tiga flying into the air, the red Tiga rushing towards them with great momentum, and the red, purple and white Tiga slowly moving his feet and sweeping the formation on the side, the boy immediately realized that the situation was not good, and without saying a word, the Ultra Guillotine shot out.

Kill one first!

Nexus carefully controlled the flying Ultra Guillotine, seemingly heading for the three Tiga, but in fact, the next second, they would all chop at the red one, because he rushed so far forward.


Yuan Subaru looked at the Ultra Guillotine, which had turned around, and was sucked into the energy vortex that appeared between the hands of the red Tiga, with some depression. In the next second, through the energy conversion technique, he turned the power of the guillotine into his own attack, rubbed out an energy bomb, and threw it at himself.

At the same time, the purple Tiga in the air crossed his wrists and spread out the photon bullets that covered Nexus densely, and the three-color composite Tiga used Ultra Telekinesis to turn into chains, blocking Nexus's actions from all directions.

Ultra Bomb!!!

Faced with this situation, Nexus ignited the flame without hesitation, and the violent explosion offset all the attacks. Then, in the flames of the explosion, Nexus, who was almost covered with holes, rushed out with the help of the power, and threw a flaming punch at the composite Tiga in the distance.

Composite Tiga immediately deployed the shield, but the fist that fell on it immediately triggered a second explosion, which blew the shield apart. However, when Nexus was about to detonate the remaining energy at this close distance, the purple and red Tiga came and threw Nexus out fiercely. Composite Tiga directly combined his hands into an L shape and shot out a simplified version of the Zeppelion ray, destroying Nexus in the air.

Damn, even the three-continuous self-explosion technique can't hurt Senior Tiga? As expected of Senior Tiga, he is too strong.

Gensuba, who was reborn again, took out the Evolution Truster at will, and a crazy smile appeared on his face.

But it is precisely because of this that there is a meaning to challenge!

Why... He was being killed all the time, why did he keep fighting....

In the projection of Tiga, Yuan Da Gu couldn't bear to watch the boy who was constantly reborn, and silently questioned in his heart. He could feel the feeling transmitted from Tiga, and also felt the severe pain when Tiga's arm was hit by the giant, and he could also realize what the boy had experienced during this period of time.

"Enough, enough! I say Tiga, enough!!"

Yuan Da Gu looked at the tired boy who couldn't even stand steadily, and yelled loudly, but after seeing that Tiga didn't stop, he gritted his teeth and took out the spark prism for transformation from his arms. After activating it, Yuan Da Gu didn't get the control of Tiga.

So, Yuan Da Gu used the spark prism as a weapon to kill himself. Now, he would rather die than let Tiga hurt the boy again!

Yuan Da Gu succeeded, and when he opened his eyes again, the ceiling of the medical department that came into his sight made him breathe a long sigh of relief, and the whole person relaxed.

Nightmare, a complete nightmare, why, why do you have to fight with other Ultraman like that, Tiga, Tiga, what on earth are you going to do!

The angry Yuan Da Gu took out the spark prism from his arms and threw it hard on the wall. At this time, the little nurse who heard the movement in the room hurriedly opened the door, and the spark prism bounced and fell right beside her feet.

"Team Da Gu, is this yours?"

The little nurse observed it and confirmed that it was not a medical device here. She shook it towards Yuan Da Gu and asked curiously.

".... It's mine. Sorry, I just woke up and I'm a little confused."

After a little silence, Yuan Da Gu sighed in his heart and asked for the spark prism back. After putting it away, looking at Iruma Kei and Sokata Seiichi who came in, Yuan Da Gu hurriedly wanted to get out of bed, but was stopped by Iruma Kei.

The next question was about the sudden coma of Yuan Daigu. However, Yuan Daigu himself did not understand what happened. Iruma Kei and Sokata Seiichi naturally could not ask anything. Iruma Kei still trusted his team members, so he asked Yuan Daigu to have a good rest. He left the ward and went to report to the relevant personnel.

After Sokata Seiichi asked about some physical matters with concern, when he was about to leave, Yuan Daigu suddenly stopped him, hesitated and asked:

"Commander, what do you think people...will fight for without fear of death?"

"This...there are many reasons."

Songkata Seiichi did not expect Yuan Daigu to suddenly ask about this kind of life philosophy. He was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and then answered softly:

"But whether it is to protect the family or for one's own ideals, in the final analysis, it is because there is a goal that must be achieved, team member Daigu, have you found such a purpose?"


Yuan Daigu thought for a while and shook his head silently.

"When you find it, I think you will understand that feeling, but now, you should have a good rest first, the Victory Team is still waiting for you to come back for training."

Song Fang Chengyi smiled and pressed Yuan Daigu to lie on the bed, then turned around and left here, leaving Yuan Daigu lying on the bed looking at the ceiling without saying a word, wondering what he was thinking...

075 We are all geniuses

Or... sleep again.

Yuan Daigu thought silently for a while, then slowly closed his eyes-

In the future, if he has to watch Tiga hurt the child as long as he falls asleep, then this will be a difficult hurdle that he must overcome.

Moreover, he already has experience. If he really can't control Tiga's actions, then he can use the spark prism to commit suicide. Although suicide is painful and torturous, it is better to die by himself.

With this thought, Yuan Da Gu began to empty his mind and tried to fall asleep.

While Yuan Da Gu was pondering, Yuan Subaru was not idle either. After taking a short break and regaining his spirit, he sat cross-legged on the ground, poked at the "Gagurula" on the character selection interface, and shouted helplessly:

"Hey~ Mr. Gagurula, are you there? Can you let your projection come out? It's really strange, why is there no response when Mr. Gagurula's projection is clicked."

What is Gagurula in Yuan Subaru's mouth doing in reality? The cosmic swordsman who had just finished a day of running around found a cave and found something at random, and roasted it on the campfire. He was trying to find out which cosmic people were conducting forbidden biochemical experiments in recent years. Although he and Yuan Subaru were not in the same plane universe, he might be able to find the answer by analogy.

After eating and drinking, and setting up the warning trap, Gagula yawned, hugged the Snake Heart Sword, leaned against the rock wall, and planned to close his eyes a little. Although the body of the cosmic people is much stronger than that of humans, he basically didn't sleep during this period, and he still needed to rest.

Just when Gagula closed his eyes and fell asleep, the projection of "Gagula" on the selection interface in the deep blue space suddenly lit up and became the object that could be selected. The yawning Yuan Subaru didn't notice this, and his hand was still subconsciously placed there.

So, Gagula in the form of a unicorn suddenly appeared silently. Just when the cosmic swordsman didn't understand what was going on, he saw Yuan Subaru yawning and wiping his tears, and also saw his raised Snake Heart Sword. A standard and deadly stab pierced the boy's neck in the blink of an eye, and then the horizontal blade was swung, and the head fell to the ground.


It all happened so fast that Gagra didn't react, and after he reacted, his head was buzzing.

Who am I, where am I, who did I just kill?

Gagra didn't want to face reality, but in the next second, he saw the body of the boy in front of him disappear, and a familiar figure appeared not far away.

However, the boy did not turn into Nexus, and used his telekinesis to rub out a sword embryo as a weapon. How to say it, Nexus's blessing on himself is still too high, and the skill training is too much, sometimes he unconsciously throws out the light, which is not conducive to swordsmanship learning.

But from Gagra's perspective, it was the Yuan Subaru who was ready to fight who was constantly killed by himself, and some dirty tricks that he hadn't used for a long time were used, and the boy on the opposite side was still the same, dying and alive, without saying a word, just holding the rough sword embryo, killing himself like a fool.

Enough, let's end it quickly.

Gagula turned his head away. He was glad that Subaru would not scream. He only needed to not look. Although he could still tell what happened from the sound of the knife and the sound of the flesh being cut, but...

Just divert your attention. This damn lucid dream...

But after training for a while, Subaru took the initiative to end today's sword training. He had consumed too much energy in the previous battle with Tiga. He could not concentrate in the battle with Gagula's projection and could not learn much. So Subaru ended today's training and went to sleep for a while.

On the other side, Gagula, who was awakened, rubbed his forehead uncontrollably. Then the subconscious action of holding the sword almost made him throw the Snake Heart Sword out subconsciously. Looking at the scene of the drizzle outside the cave, Gagula was silent and decided not to take the assassination mission and make some extra money.

I must have been under too much pressure during this period, which is why I had such a bad lucid dream. Cultivate your body and cultivate your character. Cultivate your body and cultivate your character. During this period, you must learn to be calm...

At the same time, Yuan Dagu, who had a good sleep, looked at the ceiling, and a few question marks appeared in his head. What does he feel now? It's like a fully armed knight ready to ride his beloved warhorse, but the horse disappeared and turned into a little donkey, and then the donkey happily took him to the seaside far away from the battlefield.

What is going on? It's really terrible.

Yuan Dagu sighed, climbed up from the hospital bed, and prepared to resume his work in the Victory Team...

In the following time, the alien beast was unexpectedly quiet and did not appear for a full week. Yuan Subaru was immersed in Leo and Jakura's special training. As for Tiga...

Yuan Subaru had no intention of trying the challenge for the time being. After experiencing the last battle, he finally understood why Senior Tiga did not agree to his request for a battle. For him, it is completely possible for him to be as weak as Ace. He would blow himself to death if he moved.

Therefore, you have to prepare more and make progress every time.

But that being said, people... always have itchy skin. After being beaten violently by Leo and this Jagula for a period of time, Yuan Subaru suddenly wanted to change the taste of beatings and see what he could do. Senior Diga's men persisted for several rounds.

However, when Yuan Subaru wiped his sweat and walked out of the training ground, a strange vibration aroused his alertness. This was not caused by an earthquake, but more like something exploding.

Is the enemy coming?

Yuan Subaru hurriedly rushed to the monitoring point not far away. Sure enough, he saw a meat mountain-like monster not far from TLT-J. This surprised him. Obviously after the last mechanical alien beast attack, All TLT departments have strengthened their potential barrier strength to prevent alien beasts from directly stealing homes, but why...

No matter, let’s fight first and then talk.

Yuan Subaru immediately pulled out the Evolved Truster, transformed into Nexus, and stood in front of the monster. Golden light rain fell, covering the two huge figures.

"Administrator Matsunaga, that position is..."

Everyone in the night attack team was not able to attack yet, so Yu Kirazawa naturally appeared next to Matsunaga Kaichiro. Looking at the place destroyed by the monster, he frowned slightly and asked in a low voice.

Matsunaga Kaichiro sighed with an ugly expression and said softly:

"It's really...such a pity..."

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