"In this big universe, if I remember correctly, Senior Reggio once said that there are not a few replication engines like me. So, seniors, I need your help to find other replication engines for me. Coordinates, the more the better, and...."

Yuan Subaru looked at Zuo Fei and said seriously:

"I may need the help of the plasma spark tower. Also tell Senior Tartarus, the kingdom's energy tower. I'm afraid I have to drain some of the energy away."

"This should be no problem, but Subaru..."

Zuo Fei looked at Yuan Subaru who was in a hurry, even now unable to stand, and wanted to leave, and said in a solemn voice:

"Are you really sure?"

"If you rely on certainty in everything, you will miss the opportunity. At least for now, I think I can take a gamble."

Yuan Subaru responded seriously, without wavering at all:

"So seniors, please follow this to find it."

Yuan Subaru raised his hand, and the projections of the copy engines fell in front of the Ultra warriors present, and said softly:

"If I let the original essence realize my trouble, then this opportunity will be wasted. So, seniors, please work hard."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru was about to leave, but before leaving, he thought of something, stopped, turned to look at Zero, Severn, and Beria, remained silent for a moment, and said softly:

"Father Zero, Father Beria, and Grandpa Seven, please take care of yourself."

Then, before these three people could respond, they turned into light and disappeared.

Although he finally heard the title he wanted to hear, no one was happy at this time, especially Severn. He had thought about the various reactions he would have when Yuan Subaru called him grandpa. But I never thought that when I was actually called grandpa, I would feel so sad in my heart.

Because it is obvious that this is the comfort this child gives them. He has foreseen his possible death, so he does not want them to have regrets because of this, so he deliberately stopped before leaving. The footsteps called out that rather unfamiliar name...

"Let's start."

In the end, it was Zofi who broke the sad atmosphere. What Severn could realize, others could naturally think of, and all the Ultra warriors present fell into unspeakable sadness.

But sadness is useless, at least it is not the time to be sad yet, Subaru is still alive, and as long as he is still alive, everything can still be saved!

Thinking of this, Zuo Fei immediately led the people and rushed towards the Kingdom of Light.

On Yuan Subaru's side, as he hurried on, he looked at the energy book in his hand, which contained the Essence Ultra Dark Killer sealed in it, as well as the Essence Messenger summoned by it. He was still thinking about how to deal with it. What if If you kill it, you may get some feedback from the original body, and your situation may be exposed. But if you don't kill it, although this script ability is easy to use, there is also the risk that it may be broken through. After all, This script was also developed from the power of the twisted nature.

After a brief thought, Yuan Subaru thought of something and put his hand on the script...

Damn it, where is this place?

When Yuan Subaru pressed his hand on the script, the Ultra Dark Killer suddenly woke up. The first time he opened his eyes, he saw a white semicircular vessel, as if it had been polished smooth. Half a human skull, delicate and hard.

This is definitely not a natural formation, it must have come from the hands of a skilled craftsman from an ancient civilization. The waist of the vessel is surrounded by complex but unified dark blue patterns. I have never seen this kind of painting technique, and I have never seen this kind of art style. What is placed in the vessel is a pile of indescribable things stacked together. It exuded a sickeningly sweet smell that quickly spread and filled the entire space. This caused a sudden spasm of discomfort in the soul of Prime Ultra Dark Killer.

grass? Isn’t this the means of our primary energy?

Seeing this scene and feeling the surrounding aura, the expression of Prime Ultra Dark Killer suddenly changed. He never thought that as a creature of Prime, he would one day be trapped by something similar to Prime energy. .

At this time, the Original Ultra Dark Killer found that he began to get closer to the vessel, and the sweet smell became stronger. He even gradually got used to it and began not to dislike the smell. This strange smell revealed an unreasonable corruption. The sweetness made him addicted after smelling it for a long time, and he even ignored its fishy smell.

It is motionless, but it has warmth. The Prime Ultra Dark Killer is not sure whether it is still "alive", but he is very sure that it is a kind of creature, or...a part of some kind of creature?

A chill rose up in his body, and the Ultra Dark Killer felt restless and uneasy. He realized something was wrong and ran outside quickly. He was trying to call out his power, but there was no response at all.

But just after leaving that area, the Original Ultra Dark Killer saw a new monster. It was like a constantly changing submarine in the brown swamp, sneaking in the gelatinous world, and its color changed from gray and black to flame. Transformation, the face is covered with yellow powder, and the cockroach-like tentacles are stacked in the hard shell at random, emitting a smell of salt water in the snowy mountains.

The hair around the edges of its body floats like water plants, with bright white spikes looming among them, and its eyes rise and fall like searchlights in a deep well. It seems to be bound by something, and there are stars hidden in its belly.

It was leaning in the ball of silver-white water vapor, and the surrounding area was empty like an altar. Under the altar, there were countless black round holes making roaring sounds like horse hooves or an abyss. Sleep, killing and appetite are like gifts from nature in ancient times.

The Prime Ultra Dark Killer looked at the foam in its mouth in trance, as if one universe after another was going from rebirth to death...

At this moment, the Dark Killer of Essence Ultra also realized——

This is not the energy of the original substance... This is what I am worried about, the existence beyond the original substance, I... I'm done...

Got it.

Yuan Subaru looked at the silent energy fluctuations in the energy script, and couldn't help but let out a long breath. He learned what he was learning now, and used the methods of the ancient gods of the deep sea to destroy all the original creations and other original messengers. Crazy, in this way, these guys will not die and let the original essence get feedback, but they will also continue to maintain this state of no ability to struggle, so that they can feel at ease and stay together for the time being.

At this time, Yuan Subaru had returned to TLT Earth. He looked at the copy engine in his hand and without any hesitation, he rushed directly to the outer wall of the universe and rushed to the [Noah Final Seal] surrounding this cosmic plane. .

In fact, Yuan Subaru had thought about whether to go to TLT and take a look at his friends, but he still suppressed this idea. Soldiers are valuable and fast, and soldiers are valuable and fast. If he could kill the Prime Essence, Only then will they be truly safe.

Not long after, Yuan Subaru came to the familiar seal. Looking at the familiar energy, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but feel a little complicated. He didn't expect that one day, he would be the one to 'swallow' this seal with his own hands. Maybe at the beginning, Senior Noah and the original essence did not expect that this failed seal could still play such a role now.

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and began to think about the next action. After being enlightened by the script of the Prime Messenger, this immature Warrior of Light has already found the direction of his growth. The visualization taught by Master Lei Ting was This method serves as a buffer at this time, allowing Yuan Subaru to reintegrate his own power and let the pure white light take the lead, swallowing up all other types of light energy in the body as material for its growth.

But the energy in Yuan Subaru's body alone is not enough. If you want the pure white light to grow into a form that can resist the plasma in a short time, you need more supplies. This big seal is the best. choose!

Um? !

However, just when Yuan Subaru was about to take action, he suddenly noticed something, and quickly passed through the seal and came to the outside of the universe. There, as expected, there were the figures of King Ultra, Saka and Regedo. After the two dealt with the out-of-control Giga Endora, they found that Dracion had escaped from there and was hiding in an unknown universe. Maybe he is still in an unknown place with the original creation. Continue to pester.

And these three legendary warriors got together, and after summing up, they decided to check out the universe plane where Subaru was located, and at least solve the problem of this child's lifespan first.

As for the final seal of Noah who was blocking the road, although these three people could see that Noah was ruthless, and purely in terms of intensity, it was amazing, but if these three people did it together, it would be nothing. Troublesome thing.

However, in the end, these three Ultra Warriors had no chance to take action, because they saw a familiar figure. Although the giant form that emerged did not look like Nexus, they could still see it. , that is Yuan Subaru.

"Three seniors, please lend me your power."

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he disclosed his recent memories to these three legendary warriors and said softly:

"Don't miss the opportunity, three seniors, you should know my specialness, take action."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru removed his energy projection, returned to the seal, and continued his plan.


Saka looked at the current situation blankly, not knowing what to do for a moment. The three of them came to help Yuan Subaru extend his life, and then went to Noah to help fight. How come the situation turned into this in the blink of an eye? Look, the child I wanted to help has become the ultimate weapon against the original essence.

"This child's growth is truly amazing."

Reggio sighed with mixed emotions, and then extracted part of his power crystal and integrated it into the seal. The Ultra King on the side did the same thing. The three of them actually knew it very well. Realizing that Yuan Subaru's current plan is the best way to deal with the essence.

After all...this child has indeed grown into something they can't understand...

The King of Ultra patted Saka on the shoulder. Saka sighed, and finally threw in his own power. Then, the three people turned into light and dispersed separately. According to what Yuan Subaru said , to find the replication engines scattered in different cosmic planes that were used by Noah to block the movement direction of the original essence.

As for Subaru, with the assistance of these three legendary warriors, he felt more at ease. So, he calmly walked into the final seal of Noah, looked at the wandering Noah clone and the remaining energy of the original essence, and silently raised his hands. The ring constructed based on the visualization method gradually emerged, and the pure white sun rose!

Subaru is activating his true ability and making this ability reach the peak state at all costs. Other Ultra Warriors and the Absolute Clan are also looking for the location of the replication engine as Subaru instructed.

While the three legendary warriors are locating other replication engines, they are also covering up the actions of others to prevent the original essence or the original creation from noticing the existence of this plan.

For a while, the universe became unusually quiet, and even the monsters and cosmic people were less likely to cause trouble. But think about it, after all, there are three legendary Ultra Warriors who are constantly shuttling back and forth. For them, dealing with those evil cosmic people is just a matter of raising their hands.

While the undercurrents in the universe were surging, Noah and the original essence were still fighting, and the intensity of the battle was far beyond the usual. Even the entire universe was destroyed by the aftermath of their battle, and then became the supply of the twisted power of the original essence, turning into terrifying original creations, attacking Noah.

Noah certainly knew what the original essence wanted to do. He was going to break the engine in his hand and make this big universe completely his plaything.

But even though he understood, Noah had no way to deal with it for a while. He had already maximized the effectiveness of the engine within his ability. This time, the original essence finally chose to fight head-on instead of continuing to escape. This was also a rare opportunity. Now, it depends on which side will hold on to the end and win!

However, Noah also found something pessimistic, that is, compared with his own means of dealing with the original essence, the original essence seemed to have found a way to target the engine more. Although he could move in time and space to gain more opportunities, compared with the weirdness of the energy of the original essence, his actions seemed to be always a beat slower.

"Senior Noah, hehe, you are already hopeless."

The original essence laughed harshly, but when the sound reached the ears, it was so gentle. This completely opposite conflict gave people a feeling of vomiting.

"Senior Noah, think about it, we used to get along so harmoniously, why are we so diametrically opposed? It's because you are too stubborn, so come on, let me take good care of you this time, and become my right-hand man!"

It was the same temptation as before, but this time, Noah clearly sensed the crisis. This original essence no longer had the usual patience. This was more like an ultimatum. If he didn't agree, the original essence would launch the final attack.

Ah, why did it become like this...

Noah looked at the original essence in front of him with mixed feelings. After he obtained the engine given by the universe, he began to hunt down this evil force. During this period, his battle with the original essence affected a biochemical experimental base. Just when he wanted to leave, he found that a creature that should not have been born inside was glowing with the breath of life because of the aftermath of this battle.

Noah sensed the power of the engine and essence in the body of this creature. Looking at this little life full of desire for survival, Noah finally chose "hope", giving this little life hope to survive, and also giving him hope that he can rely on the power of the engine in the future to erase the energy of the essence in his body. It is also Noah's own hope. He hopes that the birth of this little life can bring different changes to this universe.

Noah left, but Noah's eyes never left this strange life. He watched him being adopted by a human village, watched him accept the name of the deceased, and watched him grow up step by step under the guidance of the human elder. Everything is so well-behaved, everything is so full of hope.

Until one day, the alien beast appeared, and the terrible monster attacked the village where he lived. Noah didn't think much and gave him the light of Nexus, which gave him the power to fight against the alien beast and allowed him to protect his loved ones with his own hands.

However, the child's fighting was really outrageous. Noah would occasionally give him instructions while fighting against the original energy, so that the child could learn how to fight more efficiently. To be honest, Noah admired the child, admired his unwillingness to give in, admired his stubborn temper, and devoted more attention to guiding him to grow up.


Why did it become like this?

Noah couldn't figure it out. Everything was so smooth and beautiful. Under his guidance, the child's fighting power was also soaring, and the light of Nexus was constantly evolving in him. By the time he fought against Dark Zagi, he could rely on his own strength to evolve into the appearance of Wingless Noah. Although this was a bit incredible, Noah didn't think much about it and just regarded the child as a good person.

When watching this child being placed with hope by humans, gathering the light of human hearts, and allowing the light of Nexus to temporarily evolve into the complete light of Noah, Noah just felt very relieved. A life that was originally quite dangerous finally grew into an existence that could protect life.


At this moment, an accident happened. The light of people gathered on him did not dissipate with the end of the battle, but was forcibly retained in the body by this child. Before Noah could figure out why, he saw that in this child's body, in a place that he could not easily detect... or in a place that this child deliberately concealed, a burst of energy that shocked him was released.

It was the energy of the essence. This evil power did not disappear from this life. Even this child was deliberately cultivating this evil energy. The posture of the wingless Noah was the manifestation of the distortion of the energy of the essence. Noah, who was distracted, was perfectly deceived.


Everything on that planet became the basis for the child to evolve the energy of the essence. Even Noah, because of the connection between the light of Noah and him, became the bridge for the energy of the essence to attack and devour him.

Although protected by the engine, Noah was not assimilated by the Essence, but when Noah woke up, the child he had taught himself had become the most terrifying combination of Essence energy in this universe. This Essence natural disaster that had been almost destroyed by Noah not only revived, but now became a horror that could not be stopped.

There is nothing to say about what happened afterwards. Noah went to find Reijido and borrowed his power to better play the role of the engine, and then began an endless pursuit. At the beginning, while the Essence itself was not too powerful, Noah did use the engine to kill the Essence itself.

However, the Essence itself did not die. He had extended his existence infinitely and used this evil energy to assimilate countless "selves" in the parallel universe. Each "self" can provide the Essence itself with the possibility of "resurrection".

Therefore, even if the original essence is still a complete opponent of Noah and the engine, even if Noah also summoned his clones to kill all the "original essence" in the parallel world, it is still too late. The growth rate of the original essence is beyond Noah's imagination. He no longer has many opportunities to destroy the original essence. He can only look for increasingly slim opportunities in the long chase until today.

Um! ! !

At this time, Noah groaned, and another original essence creature was hidden in the replication engine, and it rushed to his side with the energy circuit. This kind of thing that can be called a self-destructing bomb is not only harmful to himself, but also a burden to the engine.

On the other side, although the original essence was also seriously injured by the power of the engine, he had too many things to replenish himself. In comparison, Noah was really at a disadvantage.

'Cut! '

However, bad things continued. Noah heard something quite bad. Under such a high-intensity attack, the engine had already appeared to be overwhelmed, and even a strange noise came from it. This made Noah's heart sink, and the original essence was immediately shocked. He laughed wildly and continued to attack.

As the attack of the original essence became more and more terrifying, bad things continued to develop. The strange noise in the engine was constantly coming out. After finally finding the right way, the offensive of the original essence was so fierce that it exceeded Noah's imagination.

Just when the situation on Noah's side took a sharp turn for the worse, the people on TLT Earth looked up in astonishment, because they saw that there was a round of pure white star in the sky that was brighter than the sun, but the light was unusually soft!

At this time, a voice sounded in the minds of the people who were looking for the location of the copy engine. The voice was full of holiness, but they could clearly realize that it was the voice of Yuan Subaru, who "took away" the memory of the coordinates of the copy engine in their minds.


Noah and the original essence, who were fighting, noticed that something was wrong at the same time. They looked up suddenly and saw endless pure white light on the horizon, and a tidal wave formed in the universe.

What is this? ! X2

This thought came to the minds of the original essence and Noah at the same time, but compared with Noah, the original essence was more inexplicably panicked. He vaguely realized that something beyond his control was about to happen, just like the planet that was constantly remade before, the kind of power that seemed to exceed the distortion of the original essence...

"Senior Noah, thank you for your hard work."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in Noah's heart. Noah looked up suddenly and saw a familiar figure walking out of the light. The person who came was very similar to the child he brought up personally, but Noah also understood that he and him were definitely not the same person.

"Without you resisting the original essence for so long, I would not have the opportunity to get such a long development time. Now that my power has awakened, let me take over the next battle."

After saying that, Noah felt that the engine in his hand was out of his control. To be precise, the engine had chosen its real owner. Yuan Subaru put his hand on the main engine, poured his power into it, and then , all the replication engines were dyed with pure white light.

The original essence realized that something was wrong and immediately wanted to borrow the power of distortion to escape from here. However, before taking over the main engine, Yuan Subaru found a batch of replication engines with the help of other companions to complete this space. Locked so that there is no possibility of escape for the primeval matter.

"Sakura Giraku... I haven't seen this name for a long time."

Yuan Subaru looked at the original essence, and with just such a glance, the original essence trembled violently, and then the original essence drank coldly and stepped back. Just now, he had the feeling of being seen through by the person in front of him.

In fact, when Yuan Subaru stood here and began to assimilate the energy of the original essence, he had already begun to collect all the information about the original essence. Yuan Subaru, who had understood everything, stared ruthlessly at the other self in front of him. , said softly:

"You feel that everyone is sorry for you, but there is nothing in the world that you deserve. Just like the name Sakura Yile, you don't like it, but you don't refuse, even if your mother-in-law later offers to change your name. , you have not faced your own heart, the choice is in your own hands from beginning to end, yes... No, forget it, there is no need to reason with you anymore. "

Yuan Subaru raised the main engine, and the engine turned into a star on the child's wrist, and then triggered the final transformation. Under the dazzling light, the pure white and original posture appeared again, but this time, in Under the stimulation of the main engine, the pure white native turned into a flaming figure. At the same time, all the copy engines also turned into the blazing 'pure white sun'.

"No matter what brought you to this point, you have committed an unforgivable sin. Come on, I will send you on your way!"

After saying that, Noah saw everything in front of him suddenly disappear. Both the original essence and the child disappeared. There was only a pure white star flying at an astonishing speed in the universe.

"You want to kill me, but it's not that simple."

In that star, in the script constructed by Yuan Subaru, the original essence looked at the familiar face in front of him and let out a low and sinister smile. Indeed, he did not expect that he would be in this parallel world that he had not yet had time to swallow. , can actually rely on the existence of the copy engine to successfully evolve into its own 'anti-virus software'.

However, my family’s great cause is not something that your instant anti-virus software can fight against!

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