"Why do you know so much about me? Could it be that you approached me from the beginning because you knew I was an employee of the Ministry of Science and Technology?"

Saita Riko stood up, turned around, and walked toward the door without looking back.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Hearing this questioning, Saita Riko burst out with sadness and roared:

"Escape alone. I can't believe anything anymore... You are dating me just to monitor me, right?"

Tears fell uncontrollably. Sure enough, I am lonely and helpless in this world. The loneliness I have experienced since childhood is not a mistake. Nothing in this world can be trusted. What a fool you are for letting the ice sealing your heart melt away. That's why I'm so sad and sad.

"not like this."

Someone grabbed her shoulders tightly, and Saita Riko was startled. Gumen Yihui looked at her with sincere eyes.

"The reason why I am close to you is to protect you. I will definitely save this world. This is my promise to you."

The hand on his shoulder was quite warm.

Ikki's words gently melted the remaining ice in Saita Riko's heart.

Saita Riko nodded vigorously and let her body fall into his arms. In doing so, her uneasiness, sadness, and despair dissipated. That's right. Haven't I always thought so? If you are with this person, you can survive no matter what kind of world you are in.

There is nothing to worry about.

Gumen Yihui suddenly raised his head and looked out the window.

"It seems like there are pursuers coming. Let's run away."

Ikki Gumon subconsciously walked towards the door alone. Riko Saita held his hand tightly. Ikki Gumon seemed a little surprised and looked at Riko Saita's face. However, he still nodded firmly to the smiling Saita Riko.

We must save this world! ! !

From the day they made this promise, the two began a life of escape.

Saita Riko hacked into the Ministry of Science's computer, broke through countless firewalls, and successfully obtained the files that made her life a target.

The Poseidon Plan is the further invasion plan of the invaders who dominate this world.

The Poseidon Project claims to the outside world that it is a plan to generate powerful energy beyond nuclear energy by exerting special fluctuations on the lake water.

But in fact, the experimental area enclosed because of the Poseidon Project is actually creating, producing, and breeding something unknown for the dominating invaders.

But no matter what it is, as long as it is what the enemy wants to protect, it is what Ikki and Saita Riko want to destroy!

At this time, Gumon Ikki was holding a briefcase in his hand. Placed inside was a high-explosive Zandan and detonating device.


"Liko, you don't have to come."

Ikki Gumon looked at Riko Saita beside him. She was clumsily holding the heavy beam gun in her hand. The reason why she was shaking was not because she was laughing so hard, but because she was desperately enduring the future. The burden of battle was about to fall on her shoulders.

Ikki Gumon glanced at Riko Saita in this state with his peripheral vision, his chest ached a little, such a girl was about to pick up a gun and be involved in a bloody battle.

This is absolutely unacceptable. As long as she didn't know the secrets of the rulers of this world, such a thing would definitely not happen, but this was exactly the path she chose. She chose a path determined to get closer to the truth of the world with Ikki Gumon.

Before taking action, Gumon Ikki took great pains to persuade her. So far, as an agent, he has had several desperate experiences in fighting the invaders. Therefore, Gumon Yihui, who has experienced hundreds of battles, also knows that this battle is full of dangers.

In order to destroy those guys, we must go deep into the tiger's den. I simply can't imagine what kind of trap those guys would set and what kind of strategy they would use to ambush Gumon Ikki and the others. Even if the enemy is successfully defeated, the possibility of survival is slim. Therefore, I hope Saita Riko will stay no matter what, in order to keep her alive.

But Saita Riko didn't agree with anything.

"No. I want to go with Gumen."

She stared into Ikki's eyes and said this. As if to say, if you do this, there is nothing to worry about.

"......Are not you afraid?"

"Afraid. I'm scared to death."

"Then why do you want to go?"

A smile appeared on Saita Riko's face, which was about to cry, and she said:

"Because that day, Gumen made a promise to me to protect me. So, I also want to protect you."

Gumon Yihui hugged her body without thinking. This body was so weak that it seemed to be falling into pieces. Why do even such girls have to stand up and fight? why? This makes Gumon Yihui feel frustrated and helpless.

Saita Riko whispered to Somon Ikki, who hugged her tightly with a trembling body.

"Then let's quickly end this absurd world, shall we?"

Gumen Yihui felt her violent heartbeat all over his body, and at the same time, he nodded deeply. It is imperative to bring back from this world a world where Saita Riko can live without having to hold a gun with this hand.

Since knowing the malicious intent behind the Poseidon Project, Ikki Gumon has contacted TLT several times, but the personal terminal tied to his wrist has not given the slightest response. No reply was received from the conductor at all.

Originally, the so-called TLT was such an organization. The agents only followed the one-way instructions given by the headquarters who did not know where they were located to fight the invaders.

Ikki Gumon had always only relied on those instructions and regarded them as reliable imperial edicts while fighting. However, he began to realize that even this source of intelligence was untrustworthy.

Ikki got the explosive device from his old friend who was a spy. Immediately afterwards, a long-lost instruction was transmitted to the personal terminal.

"The alien who mimics the form of agent Ikki Komon is currently on the run. He has obtained the detonating device and is attempting to carry out sabotage activities. Agents are requested to confirm his identity immediately and eradicate him."

Sure enough, even TLT is now controlled by the invaders who rule this world.

Ikki Gumon was so convinced that he finally felt that he was cornered and forced to the edge of the world. He became the person who was being hunted by even the agents who were his former partners.

But now, the only one he can trust is the woman who is clenching his hand desperately, the woman he swore to protect.

Riko Saita, who came with her only if she believed in me, is someone I have to protect even at the risk of my life.

This battle is for this purpose.

"Someone is watching."

Riko Saita, who was lying on the ground next to Ikki, said softly.



His powers of observation are really sharp, Gumon Yihui secretly praised. There were two people in front of the facility's back door, one person under the tree, and another person in the grass. Ikki Gumon quickly estimated. All of them were armed with guns. And the safety devices on the guns were all disarmed.

Ikki Gumon also disarmed the safety device on his gun. Although it was originally a weapon used to crush the ambitions of the invaders, it may have to be used to attack fellow humans in the future... Let's pray as much as possible. , don't let this happen.

Ikki took a slow, deep breath. He felt the tension spreading through his blood vessels to every corner of his body.

Okay, ready.

The lonely Ikki turned his gaze to the lover beside him. Saita Riko squatted slightly, her body in a tense state. Suddenly, he said: "Lizi, how about we go to a distant place after these things are over."

She looked up at Gumon Ikki with an expression of disbelief.

"It would be nice to have a street where you can see the sea. After everything is over, I won't be an agent. I want to go there and live a life as two of you."

Two people opened a small shop on the beach. One family sells jewelry made from shells. On nice days, the stall closes early, so it would be nice for two people to go fishing together.

In this way, from morning to night, we live a life of two people.

A life of only two people.


Saita Riko nodded brightly, as if she had thought of something, her body stopped trembling, and at the same time, she held the handle of the gun more firmly, as if she wanted to use it to realize her and Gumen's wishes.

Ikki Gumon didn't notice Riko Saita's actions. He took a deep breath, a cold light flashed in his eyes, calculating the next actions and possible accidents, and then he said in a solemn voice:

"Then, let's go."

Ikki Gumon and Riko Saita stood up slowly and took heavy steps. At the same time, the birds that stayed on the treetops above their heads flew away with a splash, and the monitors in black were start to act.

Has it been discovered?

Without thinking, Gumon Ikki kicked the ground hard and ran towards the entrance door. At the same time, he felt the fierce breathing of Saita Riko who was intertwined with him.

At the same time, Gumen discovered that the all-black guys waiting at the entrance were indeed his peers.

He had a familiar feeling about the man who was knocked unconscious by punching him in the center. He should be an agent who had formed a team before.

Seeing this situation, an almost burning anger welled up in his heart. He was obviously a partner who wouldn't have had to fight if this thing hadn't happened. Those guys are always like this, treating fellow human beings as pawns in the game and letting them fight, while they themselves watch the fire from a safe place and watch the excitement. This is absolutely inexcusable.

Gumen Yihui pushed away those who blocked the door one by one.

However, when you want to erase someone from the world, there is probably nothing better than an agent. As soon as a target is declared alien, they are quickly and reliably eliminated. Because they completely trust the instructions given by TLT, they will not have any doubts about the assigned tasks.

After Ikki Kōmon knocked down the opponent in front of him with his sweeping leg, he shot at the foot of the man approaching Riko Saita. The man fell down with an excruciating groan.

The path was clear, and now the door lay exposed to them, defenseless.

"go in."

Ikki Gumon forcefully took Saida Riko's hand and ran into the facility through the small door with all his strength. The moment the heavy door closed behind him, bullets were heard on the surface of the door from the other side. The burst of sound was truly a critical moment.

He hurriedly locked the door from this side. There was a sound of the door being kicked in the distance from outside. I heard that if you install a strong door unnecessarily, you are asking for trouble. This is a good lesson. In this way, it should delay a little time.

"Where is the way to the deepest part of the facility?"


Saita Riko led Ikki to the front of the corridor.

Dive into the core of those guys as deep as possible and let the detonating device explode. This is the plan of Komon Ikki and the others.

As soon as I entered the facility, the smell of grass and earth that I felt before disappeared, and it seemed like a sterile space isolated from nature. The inorganic walls painted white continue as if there is no end. There is no so-called human touch in this place, and it seems to be a straightforward symbol of the society built by those guys who control intelligence.

Sure enough, this is no ordinary place. Once the fire is sown, it will explode instantly, and the air around is filled with danger and tension. Ikki Gumon recalled the invaders' base camp that he had sneaked into countless times before, and his feeling was exactly the same as this one. No, this is a worse stink than those.

The corridor turned a corner, where many doors continued as far as the eye could see.

The floor made a clattering sound as the two of them walked down the corridor, and an unpleasant alarm suddenly sounded in their ears, as if it was irritating their nerves.

"What's this?"

"Notice of our intrusion."

Ikki Gumon quickened his pace as if driven by the alarm.

"Riko, remove the gun's safety device."


"The pursuers will appear soon. If you are attacked, you must counterattack without hesitation."

In fact, what he originally wanted to say was that even if he hadn't been hit yet, our side would be the first to attack the moment he saw them, but Ikki Gumon swallowed this sentence back. He didn't want to ask Saita Riko to do it. Such cruel behavior.

Saita Riko picked up the gun with unfamiliar skills and reluctantly made the ready posture as practiced.

As if looking at the right moment, there were approaching footsteps from behind. There were several people.

"Arrest target."

A cold, emotionless voice sounded.

When he turned to look behind him, he saw heavily armed troops approaching, wearing bulletproof vests and black helmets on their heads. Unable to recognize their expressions hidden there, he saw that they were holding repeating rifles.

It's professional.

Ikki Gumon judged by the aura they released. The murderous aura was approaching step by step. With a "click", the team members raised their rifles at the same time and aimed at this place.


In order to protect her, Gumon Ikki rolled over on the floor. A loud sound that shook the air exploded nearby, and his right leg was almost wiped by the heat wave. The floor directly ahead was filled with steaming holes. The front of the windbreaker worn by Ikki Komon was burned off, which was caused by bullets.

Saita Riko wanted to scream, but Gumon Ikki didn't have the time. While getting up, he fired bullets at those guys from his side to fight back.

Ikki Gumon calmly counted the number of team members who were knocked down by carefully fired bullets.

For the special guns that TLT equips agents, bulletproof vests actually have no effect. That energy that can even penetrate the skin of huge creatures can easily blast things like humans into the sky.

Although the troops were also attacking Ikki and the others, their ballistic trajectories were all within Ikki's visibility. She made Riko Saita move so as not to get into it, and then launched the offensive.


If it was determined that at least four people had been killed, Gumon Ikki and Saita Riko quickly ran to the next corner of the corridor. So far, not even a few seconds had passed.

Next, how many more people will be killed?

"The solitary door!!!"

It's Riko Saita.

Ikki was startled and looked back hurriedly, but when he saw Riko Saita holding his hand desperately with tears in her eyes, Ikki's heart suddenly turned into a fighting machine, and he realized His heart pounded in his chest. The blood that stained the snow-white corridor red caught his eye.

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