Just then, a woman walked up the stairs with a brisk pace. He had a feeling that he remembered where he had seen her, so he kept a close eye on her whereabouts. Suddenly, the woman stopped halfway in the middle of the stairs and turned back to look at him.

Jun Jiya remembered and couldn't help shouting out. She was the female employee who was scolded in the smart building. Moreover, her height was almost the same as the delivery person he followed last night. Thinking carefully, it was strange that the person who first spread the legend of the paradise to Eisuke Wakura could not be found anywhere?

The woman grinned as if she was mocking, and then ran up the stairs as before.


Jun Jiya also stumbled and chased after her.

Then, the bright light came on....wherever the sun reached, the dazzling light burned the vision into a pale white. Jun Jiya felt dizzy and couldn't stand steadily. He had to hold the handrail tightly. His body, which had been used to the ground, wailed.

No matter how much he looked around, he could no longer see the woman. Although he could not find her anywhere, she seemed to be everywhere. He checked the faces of the people he passed by again and again.

After that, Himeya Jun stood there alone in a daze for a long time without moving. At this time, a sweeper followed the regulations and collected the garbage solemnly and solemnly. If it was left for a while, it would overflow. Foam plastic, various empty boxes and paper were thrown into the filling port, and after being compacted by the rotary scraper, they were stuffed into the box.

But there was no scream before death, or the sound of breaking bones and sucking blood. Under the sunlight that he thought was ordinary until yesterday, this place looked like a different world full of light.

Where should I go?

Himeya Jun adapted to the sunlight in the sky again, and fell into confusion for a while. Should he escape, or...

The other side.

In the ‘paradise’, a man groaned. At this time, as long as he moved a little, his head would hurt badly. He hugged his head and leaned against the wall of the tunnel. As soon as he put his hand on his head, his fingers were stuck by the wound. At the same time, he also found that the blue woolen hat knitted by his wife, who died of illness, was gone.

And at this time in the darkness, it seemed that everything had been settled, and the sound of clacking echoed around him.

Hmm? What is in my hand... It's a digital camera. It was what I got when I found the man named Himeya Jun who came to visit Matsunaga Yoichiro in the paradise.

While rubbing the sweat on his eyelids, he called up the image on the LCD screen. Before he could operate it a few times, the image of the convenience store under the night sky appeared in the camera, and it seemed that there was a stone mark.

Seeing this, he recalled the calculation made by Matsunaga Yoichiro, who was said to have been the sales director on earth. Assuming that there are hundreds of residents in the park who steal 100,000 yen every month, on average, the maximum amount of profit damaged each month is 10 million yen.

However, when it comes to the cost of maintaining the secret of manufacturing killing machines, 10 billion yen per month is considered very cheap. Speaking of this, why do they still come to kill them all?

The park is a place where no one can see it, and no one can hear it no matter how loud it screams. Moreover, the people living here are all missing persons who came to the park of their own will. For society, it doesn’t matter whether they exist or not.

The park is nothing more than an experimental field built to study killing machines that may create a lot of wealth in the future. Even the "delivery person" who watched the humans who were originally brought in being attacked but did not help them was very suspicious.

He dared not believe anything, and even being stranded in the park would be betrayed. This feeling was so uncomfortable that he couldn't get rid of it. That day, he and Matsunaga Yoichiro drank all the wine on hand.

"...... beast."

The surviving man shed tears of anger or despair. Even if they escaped, the next time they would only send a modified machine that would be more sure to kill them.

Matsunaga Yoichiro once muttered to himself in front of Wakura Eisuke's body: "We are just waiting."

That Matsunaga Yoichiro, like his juniors working in a security company, was probably protecting someone.

-- Ding-ling-ling, ding-ling-ling.

In the darkness as quiet as the deep sea, a pure bell sounded.

People died.

The man fell to the ground without paying attention to the cracked wound, and he scratched his head. How many companions were killed? As soon as he thought that everyone died peacefully, tears of self-deception flowed out.

Because the companions who fought against the white machine were tragically crushed by the roller, their bones and internal organs were crushed and stuffed into the trash can. Every time he heard a bell, his back trembled as if he had been whipped.

Ding-ling-ling, ding-ling-ling, ding-ling-ling, ding-ling-ling.

No matter how long they waited, the funeral bells would not stop. Suddenly, he heard a gentle reverberation. It was for Hiroyuki Misawa. Another one, which ended quietly with a crisp aftertaste, and Matsunaga Yoichiro was also dead.

He covered his ears and tried to look away from what he had lost. However, in the darkness underground where he could not see anything from the beginning, there was no point in closing his eyes desperately. He trembled with sadness, making a "ding-ling-ling" sound, and then everything was sucked into the bottom of the dark abyss.

The man was overwhelmed by the feeling of powerlessness, and he cried like a baby. As long as they were in paradise, they would continue to be treated as inhuman garbage.

Even if they understand this, they still ring the bell and beautify the death of their companions. Even when they are forced to be slaughtered, they don't even run away, but give the stupid reason that the underground cave is a "comfortable place to wait for death." . Those who feel despair at the bottom and end their lives in laziness can obtain salvation through self-writing and acting.

But even when working above ground, you have to resort to deception to get through each day. Even if he is overwhelmed by the gray buildings and sky, he still goes to visit his sick wife, and sometimes goes to Shinjuku to drink as a reason to be out of breath. However, at this time, the reason has become a life in paradise. He has no other place to live.

In the underground cavity next to the sewer, stealing electricity from the utility tunnel, like children raised by delivery people, they do not have to work and live comfortably. The inconvenience and unhealthyness are not tolerable, and it even gives them an excuse to rot leisurely. Lose.

Didn't that man named Ji Yazhun see their bravery in dying? To be honest, the paradise provided a peaceful life, but before they got tired of such a life, one-sided "evil" like killing machines soon appeared.

Then, the machines showed mercy and allowed them to suffer for only a few seconds before dying. They are intoxicated by the excitement of battle and the minimum sense of justice, which can even offset the pain of the moment before death.

In the darkness that seemed to be smeared with dried blood, the man wanted to go back there even though he was full of fear of the underground cave. The obsession with deception in order to adapt to the most unfortunate fate strikes a tender chord in a heart too accustomed to failure.

Jingle Bell.

Jingle Bell.

If you give up hope, there will be billboards advertising "Paradise" everywhere. Even if you can't believe it, if you stop thinking, there is no need to waver, this is your comfort zone. As if he had been refreshed, he felt that everything in front of him became clearer and clearer. If he had innocent eyes like Hiroyuki Misawa's, he would be guaranteed to enjoy happiness and peace of mind until his death, and a happy life is coming. Waiting for him.

Immediately, the memorial bells stopped with a lingering sound that seemed to last forever, while the distortion of the air still lingered deep in the ears.

The man supported the filthy wall with his hands and ran. The abyss where he would never fail again, and his companions gathered together because of the same weakness were waiting for him.

Hurry...go back to "Paradise"!

"Do you really want to go back?"

! ? ! ?

Just when the man in the blue hat was about to go back, a voice full of suppressed emotions sounded beside him. The man whose thoughts were already confused shivered suddenly and turned his head to look in surprise. In the dim light, he saw , it was the man named Jun Hime. He came back, and he even carried the unconscious Matsunaga Kaichiro on his back. He never thought that this guy who just got here by mistake could come back after escaping. Come here.

"As expected, I still feel that I can't leave you alone."

Ji Yazhun looked at the man in the blue hat in front of him with sharp eyes and said in a solemn voice:

"'Paradise' is not a paradise. This is a terrible abyss. You think you can eat and die here with peace of mind. You feel that such a life is just like living in the legendary paradise, but that is exactly what it is. This will never be a real paradise. This is a purgatory that is turning you into beasts. No matter what you have experienced, you decided to end the rest of your life here. I have no reason to interfere, but! !”

Ji Yazhun silently took the camera from the man in the blue hat, and the light in his eyes was so bright that the man in the blue hat felt extremely dazzling:

"You are human beings, and you are people with dignity. No matter who you are, no matter what the plans and conspiracies are, and you guys who give up on yourself, you should not trample on your dignity as a human being, so I To save you from here, at least let you die like a human being. I also want to take away the records about this purgatory. This kind of absurd paradise should not exist. Since you have chosen, no matter what, you will be fine. Life, then don’t worry about anything, don’t think too much, just leave with me!”

Ji Yazhun spoke very fast, and the man in the blue hat didn't hear it clearly. In fact, even Ji Yazhun didn't quite understand what he was talking about. However, he felt that he should do something, under such bright sunshine. , watching the distributor disappear in the light, no matter what Ji Yazhun thought, he felt that those people living in the paradise should not end up like this. They were reduced to that kind of place because of the distributor, that Can I pull them back into the sunshine?

Ji Yazhun didn't know. He didn't know if he could do this, and he didn't know if he could escape from the hands of those killing machines. However, Ji Yazhun was extremely clear that...

What should I do? No matter what, I should face the fear of the past and face the cruel reality. If I escape from here and don't do anything, wouldn't I also fall into this trap? Another kind of 'paradise'.

Therefore, Ji Yazhun was back. At this moment, even he was surprised that he actually came back like this.

At this moment, in the space that Ji Yazhun didn't notice, a green light began to flicker...

"... Let's forget it."

Faced with Ji Yajun's invitation, the man with the blue hat was quite excited for a moment, but with the shining of the green light, the thoughts that were aroused in his heart subsided again. He shook his head dully, squatted on the ground, and said softly without paying attention to the bloodstains:

"It's useless. Even if you leave, what will happen? Even if you can really report the situation here, what will happen? It's meaningless. No, it's better to say that it's a bad thing if you report it. You must not destroy the paradise!"

"Wake up!"

Ji Yajun said nothing and punched him directly She hit the man on the cheek, then grabbed his wrist and said in a serious tone:

"Don't you have any dignity as a human being? Get out of here! No matter what... I will change everything."

However, at this moment, a dull mechanical sound rang around the two of them...

Just as Himeya Jun was trying to change something in the "paradise", a woman woke up quietly on the other side of the island. Saida Riko shook her head. Unexpectedly, this time she fell into a dream that was no different from the past. It was a nightmare she had dreamed of since she was a child. In the dream, she kept falling into the deep and cold darkness.

Even if she struggled to swim up, she was powerless. She kept sinking to the bottom of the water. The darkness that filled the surroundings dragged Saida Riko like a heavy lead block. The sticky darkness like tar rushed into her lungs through her mouth and nose. I can't breathe. It hurts. I'm going to die if this goes on.

Who will save me!

Saida Riko always woke up suddenly here, breathing rapidly, her heart beating violently in her chest. After confirming that she was not in that dark world, but in her own bed in her own room, she calmed down.

It's okay, it's okay...

She took a deep breath to adjust her breath and dispel the remnants of the dream lingering in her mind. Then, she finally realized that she was sweating all over, and her whole body was soaked with sweat.

However, today's dream is different.

Suffering from infinite torture, Saida Riko has almost completely lost the power to resist. Suffering is endless. It would be better to let herself blend into the darkness. If she can be freed from this, it would be such a relaxing thing...

At this time, she felt a faint warmth, and Saida Riko opened her eyes nervously. She saw the warm sunlight like the morning sun shining into the darkness, and the light slowly increased. Then, the world was suddenly illuminated by light, and the dazzling light made her cover her eyes.

What on earth is going on, what is that...

She slowly let go of the hand in front of her.

Standing there with the light on her back, as if embracing everything, is...

At this moment, Saida Riko opened her eyes. She raised her head from her arm and saw the screen of the computer glaring at her. Left alone, it showed its presence by displaying a word.

Ah, I am completely awake now...

Saida Riko sighed and looked around. The office was silent. There was no sound except for the faint breathing of the neatly arranged computers. There were no other colleagues except Saida Riko.

She was going to work, but she became drowsy without knowing when, and her body was swaying back and forth, as if she was rowing a boat.

Saida Riko finally remembered that she was alone in the Ministry of Science in the dark night, busy operating the computer in order to make up for the lagging progress of work.

But even though she realized this, she was still immersed in the afterglow of the dream without moving.

What an incredible dream.

She had this dream several times recently. She suffered countless painful tortures in the dream, but was saved by a mysterious existence and overcame the crisis. What is that existence full of light? She has no idea anyway. Whenever she is about to see his true face, Saida Riko will wake up.

What does that dream mean?

She doesn't understand this matter. However, this dream gave Saida Riko a clear premonition that she would see some changes in the near future.

In addition, Saida Riko has been calling the mysterious existence that saved her in the dream the savior since some time, and it is an existence that illuminates the dark world with light.

While Saida Riko was overwhelmed by this transcendent existence, she resumed her boring and monotonous work.

In the evening, after finishing the work for the day, Saida Riko stretched like a cat, but the unfinished work displayed on the screen in front of her made her feel exhausted.

If you don't complete the work quota specified by the computer, you can't go home. This is a natural social operation mechanism.

However, today, when Saita Riko was operating the computer, she suddenly thought of -

What is the purpose of her work? This was the first time that a question came to her mind. What is the use of her work to this society?

Although I feel that I am operating the computer, is it actually me who is being operated?

No way.

Saita Riko shook this thought from her mind. Sure enough, something seems to be wrong today. It is too abnormal to think about such things.

After a while....

Okay, now it's finally done. Saida Riko was about to stretch this time.

Just then, she noticed the strange folder displayed on the screen. She blinked. Why is this folder still here?

The name of the folder is 'Poseidon'. The so-called Poseidon Project is a new energy development project conducted by the Ministry of Science. The project is innovative by applying special waves to water to convert it into a new energy source.

If this plan succeeds, it will solve the world's energy problems and easily ensure that powerful energy comparable to atomic energy can be obtained from water that can be found everywhere.

However, the plan was frozen in the process. The reason for the freeze is that even employees of Saida Riko's level don't know this. It is said privately that it is because the experiment failed, but it is difficult to tell whether this statement is true or not. In short, all the information related to the Poseidon Project has been discarded.

If this is the case, what is the matter with the folder that appears in front of her at this moment? Curiosity naturally surged in her heart. Saida Riko slowly reached out and opened the folder.

All these words seemed to be imprinted in Saitada Riko's mind, and then she stared at it all in a daze. What on earth am I looking at? Saitada Riko realized that she was looking at something she shouldn't be looking at, and her hair stood on end.

Suddenly, with a snap, the computer issued a warning sound, and Saitada Riko felt that her heart was about to stop beating.

Discovered! ?

Saitada Riko kicked the chair away without thinking and stood up. She looked around but couldn't find anyone. The office was filled with silence that was like a torture. If there was any sound, it was only her own violent heartbeat.

It was a psychological effect....

But the feeling of being seen by someone really came to her, making her shudder.

Who is looking at me, staring at me...

No matter what, I want to leave this place. Saitada Riko wiped the cold sweat, turned off the computer, and ran away, leaving the Ministry of Science behind.

But even when she walked to the street under the night, the sight did not disappear.

Saita Riko felt the gaze that was staring at her, almost burning her skin, approaching step by step. But when she looked around in fear, she could not find anyone around.

Suddenly, a loud noise from the sky startled Saita Riko, and she shrank back.

"The national labor efficiency has decreased by 3.4% compared to last year. The government has introduced a new system to promote efficiency improvement. Citizens, please work hard for the development of society..."

Above her head, a huge floating display was moving slowly.


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