Ji Yazhun was shocked by this huge thing, and for a moment, he was completely mesmerized.

It seems like I can hardly believe that this place is underground. Even if a supermarket four floors above the ground were to be crammed into this hole, it would definitely be more than enough.

At a glance, people looked dirty as if they hadn't taken a shower in months, gathering in groups around the delivery man in a black coat. Most of them were middle-aged people in their forties or fifties, and no women were seen. As soon as the black sports bag was opened, the men lined up like worker ants.

The homeless people put the small boxes at the feet of the "deliverers" and received the distributed food in exchange. That piece of plastic as big as a video tape was undoubtedly something that was traded in convenience stores.

The exhausted figures gradually dispersed towards the square with food in their arms. He just took a cursory glance at the handmade residences made of cardboard in this huge space, and saw that there were nearly a hundred buildings scattered everywhere, forming a village.

This closed, dim place was too simple and lacked a sense of life. Ji Yaquan realized that it was the "paradise" that people yearned for so much that they even abandoned life on earth for it. Ji Yazhun took out the digital camera from his pocket, turned off the flash, and pressed the shutter.


Suddenly there was a sound behind him, so he turned around to look. A homeless man wearing a knitted sweater and a blue woolen hat was glaring at Ji Yazhun angrily with a dirty face stained with dust.


Hearing Ji Yaquan's panicked scream, the team in the square noticed him.

"There's an invasion!"

"Catch him quickly!"

Dozens of underground residents shouted and rushed over angrily. In the blink of an eye, he was swamped by the wave of people, and unable to escape, he was brutally captured. The man who saw him first snatched the digital camera from his hand. His arms were cut behind his back and he was forced to stand up.

At this time, dozens of hands, like the claws of a vulture, grabbed Ji Yazhun and pulled him staggering. At the same time, he found the person he was looking for.

"Matsunaga wants Mr. Ichiro! Matsunaga wants Mr. Ichiro!"

Among the unkempt men, there was a face that was no different from the photo, with his mouth wide open in surprise.

As if the inner vacillation was contagious, the people living underground started making noises. Matsunaga Kaname's calm eyes stared at him through the lenses.

"Who are you?"

The walls and roof of Matsunaga Kaichiro's current residence are made of cardboard and covered with a white waterproof cloth. The ground is still very cold at night, but the ground is quite comfortable where there is no chance of wind and rain.

There are everything from tables made of scrap wood to simple chairs made of milk cartons. Because the light from the desk lamp pours down, there is no feeling of darkness or depression at all.

For Jun Himeya, who was released as a guest of Matsunaga Koichiro, bathed in the warm light of the lighting, the subtle difference between imagination and reality was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Is the 'paradise' written in the diary...?"

"Yes, this is it."

The man with gentle eyes in front of Ji Yazhun admitted without hesitation.

"This is a comfortable place, so we call it paradise."

"Is it...comfort zone?"

He couldn't understand Matsunaga Kaichiro's puzzling words. Even here, he could see people squatting and motionless like corpses everywhere in the underground caves. He couldn't understand the sense of peace and redemption that he said. .

"Click, click, click"

It seemed like the sound of a plastic bag being lifted made Ji Ya feel a little uneasy, so he lifted up the thin waterproof cloth at the entrance, and then he saw another person arriving.

"My name is Hiroyuki Misawa."

The visitor smiled at Ji Yazhun, introduced himself and left. At the same time, Ji Yazhun saw several childish-looking men nibbling on their balanced nutritional meals, as if they were back in childhood, eating sweet and greasy meals. Japanese confectionery and snack bread.

"This hollow is said to be an underground street that was stopped in the middle of construction. I don't know when someone moved in and dug holes laterally to expand. Now it has expanded into a huge underground city like a maze."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to put the hot water bottle on the table, and then took out the instant coffee and a slightly defective cup placed in the corner of his house:

"How about a cup of coffee? It's a little old, though."

After Ji Ya thanked him accurately, he poured hot water into the coffee powder, and the pleasant-smelling heat came out.

"Okay, drink it while it's hot."

Ji Yazhun drank it in one gulp, and a soft warmth filled his stomach. Even if it was just instant coffee, its aroma seemed to be enough to soothe an exhausted body. At this time, Ji Ya noticed that whether it was a hot water kettle or a table lamp, they were all connected to the mysterious plastic block.

"This power supply is...?"

"I heard that it was an ultra-high-performance battery pack that was discarded during the development process. As for the charging power source...it was borrowed from the underground comprehensive pipe gallery that you also walked through. Thanks to it, the water here is It’s also very convenient to use electricity.”

Ji Yazhun completely understood the transaction process.

"Then, Matsunaga asked Mr. Ichiro to use this battery pack..."

"Yes, we give electricity to the delivery person, and the delivery person delivers food and other things to us in that form."

Matsunaga Kaichiro muttered to himself as if he had given up something, and the delivery person took the electricity stolen here and sold it on the street. If the utility tunnel and the subway are considered the internal organs of the city, then the people in the paradise are nothing more than parasites that steal nutrients from the internal organs.

Hime Yajun hesitated to include the crime of stealing electricity in the report and looked away. Matsunaga Kaichiro, as a former elite who had seen the world's troubles all his life, noticed Hime Yajun's intention and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Shops that want to do business with the delivery person place corresponding stones according to the transaction amount. The delivery person will show up after seeing it. This is the arrangement. For large shops, you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars every month. "Have you ever noticed what kind of power source is connected to the warmer for meat buns in convenience stores?"

I don't know why, but once I imagined that my daily life was related to this dark paradise, Ji Yaquan felt a nausea in his chest. Deep in Ji Yajun's nature, there is a desire to break away from the people who escaped from the harsh society.

"Who is the delivery person you are talking about?"

"I don't know. I don't even know whether they are men or women, or how many there are. I just know that there are people like that living in the city. This is true no matter what era. You were entrusted by my daughter to come here to find me. Yes."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to take out a piece of used tissue from his trousers pocket, wipe away the runny nose caused by drinking something warm, and then stuff it back into his pocket.

"My wife is very worried about you."

The steady Matsunaga Hazuki, because her father's life and death were unknown, was forced to submit an article to a magazine out of desperation.

"My daughter is doing well, right?"


After confirming this, the father's expression softened a lot. This man, who had not washed his clothes and did not look like he had taken a shower, talked about his daughter in a tone of nostalgia for someone who had stayed in a distant foreign country. The tone was full of loneliness.

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to put the coffee to his mouth, and Himeya drank the bitter liquid. If it were wine, it might make people speak freely and listen to their inner thoughts, but drinking instant coffee would not make you drunk.

Anyway, he still wanted to change the atmosphere first, so Ji Yazhun used the strategy he used when the interview reached an impasse and put on a funny expression.

"By the way...is there a toilet or something like that here?"

Matsunaga Kaichiro smiled, got up and took Ji Yajun to the excretion site here. Because of this, Ji Yajun was able to take a good look at the environment here——

The only source of illumination in the park is the lights of cardboard houses arranged on the ground, so the light cannot reach the ceiling.

Even after hearing the explanation, for Ji Yajun, this underground street was still a wonderful space. However, when he noticed those people who were reading books, chatting, or smoking, and were spending their time as they pleased. After that, Ji Yajun immediately had a deep understanding of the place that had its own order and characteristics, and seemed to be quite happy with it. Paradise seemed to be laughing at the narrow-mindedness of Ji Yajun, who still suspected that somewhere was a scam.

Suddenly, a group of about ten people suddenly appeared in Ji Ya's field of vision, which was considered to be very large in the cave. Someone there attached cellophane paper with snacks to the light bulb of the desk lamp to create a simple slide show.

Under strong light, the enlarged image of candy wrappers is projected onto the cardboard wall. The men sat in a circle, and the man with a smile on his dirty face was standing in the center of the circle. He was the homeless man named Hiroyuki Misawa whom he had just seen.

To be honest, it would be quite comfortable to live like this without having to work.

Matsunaga Kaichiro, who was walking ahead to take him to the toilet, looked at the situation with a smile on his face. Immediately, when people were amused by this simple entertainment, a bearded man who was too lazy to shave and let it grow freely ran out of the cardboard house nearby.

"Chirping, don't you understand what shut up means?"

His face turned red, and he hit Hiroyuki Misawa hard with an empty box containing a balanced nutritional meal. The roar echoed loudly, and Ji Ya, who was startled, looked around like a conditioned reflex. The scolded men stood up with their heads hanging down like dogs that had been splashed with water. The original happy expression was gone. The residents of the paradise lowered their heads slightly. Although there were so many people present, there was not even a conversation.

"Although he lives in the paradise, he seems very dissatisfied. Is there any reason?"

Matsunaga Kaichiro did not answer the question, but just lowered his head and led Ji Yajun to the toilet. The dark tunnel used as a toilet opened in the hollow wall. As soon as he walked in, a stench that smelled very much like a toilet wafted over.

"I'll wait for you outside."

In the quite reasonable toilet, Ji Yazhun unzipped his jeans to solve the urgent problem. Out of the proverbial curiosity, he took out the flashlight from his pocket and tried to use it to illuminate the surroundings. The food box where I lived still had wrapping paper. It seemed that the food wrapping bag was used as toilet paper after defecation.

Later, when he shined his flashlight at the tunnel wall, he was so frightened that he almost fell into the sewer.

The dirty concrete wall was covered in an appalling amount of graffiti, and at first glance it looked like it was painted completely black. That is the huge "toilet graffiti" that no one can remove over the years.

Ji Ya pointed the flashlight at it and concentrated on trying to decipher it. Most of the names left behind should be the names of family members, female names. There are also thousands of apologetic words such as "I'm sorry", "I was wrong" and "Please forgive me, Dad".

Are the people who wrote these things still living in that void? But if calculated this way, the food quota seemed to be out of proportion to the population here. Realizing this, Ji Ya felt a sense of terror running up his spine.

"Can you please stop looking?"

The sudden sound made Ji Yazhun tremble with fright. Facing the empty-faced Matsunaga Kaichiro, Ji Yajun couldn't ask him if he had left any graffiti here. Ji Yajun turned off the flashlight, and the tunnel once again fell into the gentle darkness that covered everything.

"I deeply understand that people who come here will always find a way as long as they have water, food and toilets."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to continue leading the way nonchalantly.

They went to water stations to wash their hands. Now that he has seen the wall covered with shouts, even Ji Ya can feel the emotional whirlpool that cannot be resolved. The so-called order that really operates the paradise is probably the despair and anger that is enough to make men abandon their lives.

The delusional passion hidden in the peace and happiness determines the distortion of this paradise. Ji Yazhun feels that the stench in this space is getting more and more pungent. It is a garbage dump that exudes a suspicious smell.

Suddenly, there was something soft under his feet and Ji Yaquan tripped. Although it was a person lying on the ground sleeping casually, it was like a corpse and showed no reaction at all. Ji Yazhun, whose heart was pounding with fright, opened the eyelids of the body and felt a little relieved after confirming that he was still alive. Apologize to that person:


At this time, Ji Yaquan looked up and vaguely saw human bodies, squatting in twos and threes in the darkness. Is this a garbage dump? He also said it was a morgue. Ji Yaquan felt a chill and said subconsciously:

"How many people live in this place?"

"Ah... maybe, there are hundreds of people."

When Ji Yaquan thought that there were so many people hiding in this hollow, Ji Yaquan subconsciously felt that this place was entangled with hundreds of resentful spirits with nowhere to go. At this time, Ji Yaquan remembered something and turned around to ask:

"Speaking of which, what happened to Mr. Wakura Eisuke?"

Ji Yajun also wanted to ask the other man in the diary about Rakuten's true identity. But Kaichiro Matsunaga, who was wearing glasses, hesitated as if he couldn't express himself in words. Afterwards, he managed to overcome his troubles and muttered:

"We all want to come here."

"Does it mean that there is something here... does it mean that there is happiness here that is not found on earth?"

After walking in the darkness for a while, Matsunaga Kaichiro answered hesitantly:

"Nothing. We are just waiting."

"'wait for what?"

Just when Ji Yaquan repeated the question...

Jingle bells, jingle bells....

The clear and sweet sound of the bell, like a magic needle piercing the skin, began to truly melt the stubborn ice in the heart. The clear echo came from the darkness underground, and then moved away to an unknown place, frantically. Whether it is passion or silent despair, they are all swallowed up by it.

"It seems like someone is missing again."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to stop and close his eyes.

"Could it be that......"

"That's it, waiting for the final moment."

The residents of the paradise began to show their signs, and they walked out of the shack one after another with small electric lights. The shadows lowered their heads, or prayed silently to express their condolences. The dozens of desk lamps and incandescent lamps they carried in their hands turned into a warm river of light to bid farewell to their souls.

"Okay, let's talk about you next. Although this is your private matter, what are your plans?"

"Aren't you going to let me go back?"

"No. Even if you want to go back, you don't know the way."

The stunned Hime stared at Kaname Matsunaga, and the shadow cast by the light hid Matsunaga's expression.

"Because we were just brought here by the delivery person, so we don't know the way back. That's the agreement."

Matsunaga Kaichiro calmly talked about the desperate situation in the darkness. However, for this reason, to Himeya Jun, he is just a man who has reached his limit. If he falls into the abyss of paradise, there is no need to continue to hit him. Things that can be ended, it sounds like Matsunaga Kaichiro is just bluffing.

"My sister is still waiting. Let's go back together. It's only a four-hour walk from the Shinjuku underground shopping mall. It won't be impossible to get back."

"Further along the sewer, it becomes a waterfall, and there is no way to go. To get to the original station, you still have to go through the maze. Do you remember that road?"

It's true that Ji Yajun can't remember the route or anything like that, but...

"Mr. Matsunaga Kaichiro, do you really believe this is a paradise?"

"I'm tired of thinking about whether to believe it or not."

The abandoned man on the ground showed deep pain on his face, as if to say:

'It is enough to stay in a dubious paradise. ’

To Ji Yajun, this underground cave is a monster living in the darkness of the city, but even so, for the men with deep wrinkles on their faces, this place is also a "paradise"...


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