In the end, Ai Rancheng still didn't go. It wasn't because this fanatical fan realized that his attitude might scare people, or because he wanted to give Hongkai a whole life temporarily. It was just that his body was still injured, especially The injuries on his body were aggravated by his jumping, jumping and rolling behavior just now.

Therefore, the medical staff would not watch their big benefactor continue to act like this. Even if Ai Rancheng was reluctant, the doctors and nurses pressed him on the bed and started a new round of examination and treatment.

the other side.

"Senior Hongkai, are you okay?"

"It's... not bad, but I'm still a little dizzy."

In the deserted street, Hong Kai supported the wall and answered somewhat unbearably. For an Ultra Warrior, such a spin was still too exciting.

"Senior Yuan Subaru, thank you for your help."

Minato Hokai walked up at this time and thanked Yuan Subaru sincerely. Then, he smiled slightly and said softly:

"Thank you also for staying at the dream training ground. If we hadn't experienced such special training, it would have taken longer for my brother and I to achieve the results we have today."

"Yes, Senior Yuan Subaru, thank you."

Speaking of this, Minato Yonghai also said quickly, but in response to this, Gen Subaru's expression was quite retro. He was silent for a while and said embarrassedly:

"Well... I should apologize to you. My mental state was not right at that time. I was a little too cold, so I set the difficulty of the training ground in the dream too high. I can no longer treat you like that. It’s considered training, but something close to torture.”

"Master Yuan Subaru, you don't need to apologize."

Before the Minato brothers could say anything, Miken Saki rushed over excitedly and said enthusiastically:

"Master Yuan Subaru, your decision is not wrong. It is only them who are wrong. It is their inability to accept your blessing and their incompetence. Sir, you must not take other people's faults on yourself!"


As soon as these words came out, Hong Kai, who was still holding on to the wall, felt that he was no longer dizzy. He stood up straight in shock, looked at Yuan Subaru, and quietly used the same ability as 'Secret Word' to engage in a similar spiritual process with Yuan Subaru. Communication exchange:

"Subaru, when did you get such a fanatical follower?"

"How should I put it? Senior, you can see this memory for yourself."

Yuan Subaru directly handed the memory to Hong Kai and asked him to use that memory to learn about Meijian Shaji. He himself looked at Meijian Shaji and stretched out his hand towards her, pure white light It bloomed and enveloped it. Not long after, Mei Sword Sha Ji appeared in front of everyone again, but this time, both the Minato brothers and Hong Kai could clearly feel that Mei Sword Sha Ji's His temperament has changed drastically.

At least now, this woman no longer looks like a crazy woman.

"I wasn't strong enough last time to see through your thoughts."

Yuan Subaru breathed out softly, looked at the beautiful sword Saki, and said softly:

"Originally, I thought you were affected by the light of Nexus, but I didn't expect that it was only secondary. More importantly, you were overwhelmed by the loneliness and negative emotions of these long years. You were just sober. Crazy.”

Only Meijian Shaji heard this, and she nodded silently. Looking back now, she was indeed in a bad state, but she didn't know what kind of method Yuan Subaru used to wake her up like this.

Of course, this is just Yuan Subaru's use of pure white light.

"Master Yuan Subaru, there is something I need to tell you."

Although Gen Subaru repaired Miken Saki's abnormal mental state, it was precisely because of this that Miken Saki became more aware of her own thoughts. Now she is just a crazy fan who has lost her mind. , and became a sane follower with a sense of boundaries.

Therefore, after re-examining her past, she immediately said:

"Well, you also know that because of my brothers, I have an extremely strong hatred for Cosmic White Blood Cell Lugoset. In addition, Lugoset can also turn into a vaporized state. In that state, He can ignore any attack and can devour any material at will. Therefore, in order to turn Lugoset back into a physical state that can be attacked, and thereby destroy it, I planted "light" on this planet. kind'."

"I won't explain what the 'Seed of Light' is specifically. I believe that when you see it, sir, you will understand the principle of its existence. Before, I planned to use the buried Seed of Light to germinate. The energy of light turns the earth into a light bomb, sacrificing the life of the entire earth to destroy Rugoset.”

? ! ? ! ?

Meijian Saki's words made everyone's eyes widen. In response to this, Meijian Saki couldn't help but lowered her head and whispered:

"There are too many Seeds of Light, and I won't be able to clear them all out for a while. I'm also worried about whether any changes will occur to the Seeds of Light during the removal process, so I can only trouble Master Yuan Subaru, you take care of these things.”

Although he was entrusting others, he was still entrusting Gen Subaru, but there was no pressure on Meijian Saki at all. Who is Gen Subaru? Even among Ultraman, he is equivalent to a god. This kind of thing, for For him, it is not an easy matter.

It is indeed true that Yuan Subaru wants to modify the result of this light seed. It is only a matter of one or two skills. But as Mei Sword Saki said, the cosmic white blood cell Lugoset is still in action, and there will be a day Day, he will come to this earth and cause unimaginable destruction.

Moreover, Yuan Subaru also knows why this Rugoset became like this. When he was dealing with Tregear's affairs, he had seen in Tregear's past that he had a strong relationship with Rugoset. The picture of Gossett taking action shows that he modified the action logic and identification rules of Cosmic Leukocyte Lugoset, turning him into a crazy Cosmic Leukocyte that attacks indiscriminately.

Yuan Subaru thought about it carefully. If he directly used the ability of pure white light to forcefully restore Rugoset's state, the energy consumption would be too great. It would be better to stabilize the state of the light seed and become Rugoset. When he appeared, he used the seeds of light as bullets and shot them all at Rugoset to weaken his condition.

But he couldn't stay here forever. Lugoset's strength was still very strong. After all, he was a cosmic white blood cell. If he reacted slower, other accidents might happen.

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru looked at the Minato brothers. Immediately afterwards, Minato Hokai and Minato Yukai saw a ball of pure white light appearing in front of them, forming a Lob crystal that their transformers could use.

But at the moment when the crystal was formed, Gen Subaru seemed to realize something. The crystal shook, split into two, and fell into the hands of Minato Yukai and Minato Yonghai——

The transformation crystal power of Subaru Nexus is too powerful for one of them to use alone, so it is safer to separate this power and let the two brothers activate it together, and even so, After using the Nexus Crystal, Minato Houmi and Minato Yuumi might have to lie down in bed for a while due to overdraft and soreness.

The moment they received the Nexus Crystal, Minato Hokai and Minato Yukai understood the situation they were going to face next, as well as Gen Subaru's reason for handing the crystal to them, so they moved firmly towards Yuan Subaru nodded, indicating that he had accepted this responsibility. When Lugoset appeared, he tried his best to awaken the power in the Nexus crystal, or to delay it as much as possible.

It always feels a bit unreal.

Looking at the quite stressed Minato brothers, Gen Subaru felt a little dazed. How should I put it? To ordinary Ultra warriors, Rugoset might be the equivalent of the final boss, but in Gen Subaru's case In his eyes, it was just something that could be solved with a few more skills.


Is my stage no longer here?

Do I already need to re-examine who my opponent is?

Yuan Subaru realized that he should look at himself from a new perspective. In other words, traveling in the universe could no longer improve himself. With such power, he should face more powerful ones. Enemy, this is what you should do at this moment if you have strong power.

In other words, should I face all the dangers brought by the original essence, or even directly face the original essence...

"Subaru, here I am, and here I am."

While Yuan Subaru was deep in thought, Hong Kai, who was standing by the side, saw that he didn't show any signs of giving him any strength. He quickly came over, lightly bumped Yuan Subaru's shoulder, pointed at himself, and said with a smile:

"I didn't intentionally damage your Ultra Fusion card. It was that abominable Prime Creation that did it. I'm innocent. You can't put the blame for damaging the card on me."

"I know, I didn't say that I won't make up for you, senior. It's just that compared to giving you this Ultra Fusion card, I have something more important to me..."

Yuan Subaru looked at Hong Kai. Hong Kai was still laughing at first. He seemed to think Yuan Subaru was joking with him, but gradually, he felt something was wrong, because Yuan Subaru's eyes were full of scrutiny, and he was observing. It depends on whether Hongkai owns it, or whether it meets certain conditions.

Therefore, Hong Kai stopped laughing and began to correct his attitude, letting Yuan Subaru take a good look at him. However, Yuan Subaru didn't say anything in the end, and just handed a new Ultra Fusion card to Hong Kai's hand.

"Is this the end?"

Hong Kai carefully checked the Ultra Fusion Card and found nothing strange at all. Yuan Subaru just nodded and said nothing more. The secrets in it will only be revealed after he really dies.

"and you...."

"Lord Uub!! Ya!!"

Hong Kai wanted to continue asking, asking why Yuan Subaru looked at him with such eyes just now. At this moment, a very excited roar came. Everyone looked up and saw a man in a white suit with a head on his head. The guy with a bandage on his body was pushed in a wheelchair and rushed towards this side.

"This is a cosmic being inhabiting a human body."

Yuan Subaru only glanced at it and saw through Ai Rancheng's true identity. However, seeing his extremely fanatical appearance, he did not take action directly. He turned to Hong Kai and whispered softly:

"Then I'll leave the rest of the matter to you, senior."

"Are you leaving now?"

Hong Kai subconsciously resisted, and then he realized something, looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"Have you found the whereabouts of the original creation?"

"To be precise, it is the space-time energy fluctuations of this type of original creation. I have already summarized it here."

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he casually restored the ruined residence of Sha Ji, the beautiful sword, and then disappeared into the void without leaving any room for redemption.

As Yuan Subaru said, he has mastered the rules of tracking these messengers of essence. After these two encounters, he has realized that the creation of essence that is doing things should be separated from the same subject. , therefore, it is not difficult to track it based on this.

This is.....

Soon, Yuan Subaru made a discovery, but the time segment of the discovery made him raise his eyebrows. This time was not unfamiliar to him. It was the location of another Nexus, but it was not there. Come to think of it, they actually destroyed the enemy's poisonous hand. At this time... it has been changed into a completely incomprehensible look...

On the other side, the owner of the photo on the table is a man. The face is long, and the intelligent eyes behind the lenses are staring at the camera intently. At first glance, his face looks healthy. Even being told that he disappeared just a few months after the filming ended was hard to believe.

"This is your father, Mr. Matsunaga Kaname Ichiro."

Ji Yaquan said in a confirming tone, and then Matsunaga Hazuki nodded. Himeya compared the photo with the girl sitting in front of him with her back straight.

Matsunaga Hazuki seems to be a "good boy" who has always been loyal to his parents' instructions since he was a child. His father, who is over fifty and wears a neat and well-fitting jacket, is very similar to her. How could her parents not love such an honest child like her? In the past month, the living room of Matsunaga's family was technically maintained with only her two hands, but it seemed a little distant because she cleaned it too carefully.

After putting the photo back on the table, a business diary was immediately placed next to it.

"Father, before he disappeared, he had been writing a business diary."

"Oh. That's it."

Although he was not being begged by the charming female Rika, he was uneasy about advancing the conversation in such a nonchalant manner.

The time when I started writing the diary was January 4th this year, which was the day I started working. Since then, the layout has been divided into upper and lower parts to record daily business. However, only the working hours and off-duty hours are recorded. The same goes for the page that turns over, and the same goes for the page that follows.

"Ever since he was transferred from the sales director to the subcontracting factory in the form of transfer of ownership, he has always been like this..."

Matsunaga Hazuki calmly told him the facts. The content recorded in regular regular script in the business log will be the same every day even if it has been read for a month.

Go to work at 8:30.

Get off work at 17:30.

Just these two lines.

Ji Yajun works in a publishing house and is an employee of a magazine. Because he is also a company employee, one can imagine how painful it must be for Matsunaga Kaichiro, who has to go to and from get off work repeatedly but has nothing to do. In a company organization, there will be no accumulation of pressure of not having any work and not being expected.

As he read through the pages of the diary, he began to feel unbearable.

"Your Majesty, you have been working in the sales department before, right?"

"I feel that the company is also in a difficult situation. Because at the same time as my father, several people resigned."

Matsunaga Hazuki said this, seemingly transferring her emotions to the company that demoted her father. According to the business card she got, she also works in the human resources department of a large company.

Ji Ya turned the page of the diary accurately. Still no record of any work, just the date changed to February. The reason why he became interested in Matsunaga Hazuki's letter in his submission to the magazine was because of the existence of this diary and the fact that Matsunaga Kaichiro disappeared while his wallet was still at home.

Although there are many cases of disappearances in Tokyo, it is very strange that they do not bring any money necessary for survival. Moreover, after a little investigation, I found a rumor that there were several cases of middle-aged and elderly people similar to him disappearing from the world. The premonition of encountering long-lost material worth tracking aroused my unstoppable curiosity.

As soon as I turned over a page, I found a record on that page.


As if he knew what Ji Ya had seen, Matsunaga Hazuki muttered: "That was two or three weeks before he disappeared, and he started writing some strange things."

"weird stuff?"

Without thinking, he turned his attention to the business log again. Matsunaga asked Ichiro for his meticulous regular script, and it was obvious that for the first time, he had written down things other than work.

On February 16, I met Eisuke Wakura who had resigned. I heard the legend from him.

"That legend?"

Thinking that the answer was at the front of the page, he naturally turned the page. At this time, the overwhelming foreign body feeling made him shrink into a ball in fear.

Colorful circular marks were painted on the page like elementary school students' graffiti, and were arranged together with various shapes such as pentagons and two-part bodies.

A curious note that says "Delivery Person's Mark" is underlined. That was the foreign object that broke into Matsunaga Kaichiro's boring life.

"I thought if I were someone from the magazine, I might know about this kind of thing. So..."

Himeya was brought back to reality by Matsunaga Hazuki's words.

"Um, can you lend me this book for a while?"

"Well, please."

Unable to hold back his interest, Jun Himeya flipped the next page again. The record was no longer a vast expanse of white, and wonderful graphics were dancing.

The handwritten notes of Matsunaga Yoichiro, which changed their appearance on February 16, ended in less than a month. The last record was only one line.

- March 5, go to paradise.

The next day, Jun Himeya visited the factory where Matsunaga Yoichiro worked before he disappeared.

The gloomy dark clouds in the sky crowded together, and it was about to rain. He was trapped between the towering buildings around him, as if he was locked in a gray prison. The factory is located on the elevated road near the expressway, a 20-minute walk from the station, and there is no street tree around it. It is said that most people who come to Tokyo from all over the world will be surprised by the lack of greenery. While walking on the road where there are no flowers even though it is already April, the noise of the production line came from somewhere opposite.

"Bullying? It won't sound good if it gets out."

In the reception room separated by partitions in the office, the young factory director, who was only in his thirties, frowned.

"Even if we have to do that, this gentleman is a guest from the headquarters, so we have to treat him well."

"That's not what I meant. Isn't it painful for people who regard work as the meaning of life not to work?"

From the sofa where he was sitting, Jun Himeya peeked at Matsunaga Yoichiro's seat through the partition. The man who once climbed to the position of sales director wrote the boring business log here. The factory's production line continued to run endlessly, urging everyone with the sound of regular operation. On the top of the whiteboard that served as a schedule on the wall of the office, next to Matsunaga Yoichiro's name, there was a blank. I'm afraid that this box has never been filled with a scheduled work schedule.

"It depends on the person, right? If I encountered such a thing, I would have been so happy that I couldn't find my way."

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