"Did you just bury something?"

Before she could finish her question, one of Miyuki's hands had already grasped her shoulder tightly, and the other hand blocked Haruna's mouth to prevent her from screaming and causing trouble.

"You have to be obedient, okay?"

Miyuki said to Haruna in a threatening tone.

Haruna was so frightened that she could only nod.

"Hey, what should I do?"

Nomiya asked Miyuki.

"What else can we do? But she saw it all!"

I saw the trees swaying and cheering again.

"Want to kill...kill her...?"

Nonomiya's voice was trembling as he spoke.

"We have no choice!"

At this time, the trees seemed to be swaying and cheering even more. Nomiya, who was unaware of this, had to make up his mind and pinched Haruna's neck with his hand, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead. Haruna was so frightened that she kept trembling. Nomiya's hand gradually began to tighten. After Haruna made a "hmm" sound, she fainted.

"This little girl is also unlucky. You really shouldn't be wandering around in the middle of the night!"

Miyuki said, looking down at her watch.

At this time, the hands exactly showed that the time was three o'clock in the morning.

‘Boom, boom, boom, boom. ’

Nomiya raised his head in shock.

there's noise. But the sound came from nowhere, as if something was gushing out from the ground, and the sound was particularly low.

‘Boom, boom, boom, boom. ’

Listening again this time, it seemed like the cry of something.

"Did you hear that? What was that sound?"

Nomiya asked Miyuki. But no one answered.


Nomiya hurriedly looked at Miyuki, and was struck by the sight in front of her.

Terrified and speechless.

It's not that Miyuki didn't answer his question, it's that she couldn't answer his question.

Miyuki still stood there, her light cream-colored training clothes dyed red bit by bit from the large amount of blood that flowed out.


Nomiya screamed and fell to the ground. Miyuki's head was nowhere to be found.

Someone must have cut off her head in an instant. Slowly, Miyuki's body lost its balance and began to sway left and right. The amplitude of the swaying gradually became larger, and finally fell to the ground. When Miyuki's body fell, that someone came from the pit dug by Nomiya. Climbing up, the first thing that caught his eye was three nails as hard as steel. The nails dug deeply into Miyuki's body, and then pulled Miyuki back into the pit at an extremely fast speed.

Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.

The sound coming from the pit made Nomiya want to cover his ears in shock. The sound must have been the person who was cutting Miyuki's body into pieces in the pit just now.

Nomiya wanted to escape quickly, but his body was frozen and unable to move. The fear he had never seen or experienced before wrapped around him tightly like a chain, preventing him from moving.

Gulu gulu...

There was the sound of swallowing in the pit, and then it became quiet.

After the forest returned to calm, Nonomiya looked into the pit with a trembling body. In an instant, someone in the pit flew out very quickly again.

The speed was so fast that Nonomiya had no time to see his true face clearly, but Nonomiya vaguely felt that it was a person. After this person came out, he stood behind Nonomiya. Nonomiya felt an unusual cold air coming up from behind. He thought I looked back, but my neck didn't listen to me.

"Do you want to see who I am?"

Voices came from behind.

Then, Nomiya felt the touch of human hands on his neck.

This is...the feel of these hands.

The owner of these hands is a person that Nomiya is very familiar with. However, Nomiya has no chance to recall the owner of these hands. However, these hands used great strength to twist his neck a hundred times. Eighty degrees, in the moment before his consciousness completely disappeared, what Nomiya saw was the face of his wife who was killed by him...

The trees kept swaying their branches and leaves.

They seem to be welcoming the owner of the forest back.

Someone possessing Nonomiya's wife noticed the unconscious girl next to him. The owner of the forest snorted and stretched out his sharp claws towards the unconscious girl. At this moment, he heard an unusual sound and appeared in front of him. He walked away from the girl with a painful expression.

At this time, his right arm was burned, and he looked towards the direction of the attack.

Nothing at all.

Looking at his right arm, there were a few fine white hairs stained on the burned area.


The master of the forest relaxed now and put away his claws.

"So you've been staring at me."

No one knew who he was talking to, and no one answered.

"You want me to let this kid go, right?"

Still no one answered.

The forest owner slowly touched his wound with his left hand, and saw that the wound had healed in an instant, with no trace of injury at all.

"You always elude me."

Gradually, the appearance of Nomiya's wife began to change. Her eyes gradually became thinner and longer, and her black hair turned into transparent white, becoming white hair reaching her shoulders. Finally, she seemed to have turned into a handsome young man. .

The trees continued to cheer.

Once upon a time, there was an evil ghost in the forest. This ghost was revered as the lord of the forest. The evil ghost was subdued by the warriors who wandered around the world and passed by here. Tonight, after hundreds of years, the evil ghost resurrected again, carrying with him full of resentment. , back to his forest again.

On the other side, there were many sounds coming from the forest, including low screams coming from the ground, the sound of hard objects being crushed, and the screams of a man.

What's going on with all these sounds?

Mengzi and Kentaro, who stayed in the forest, naturally had no clue. Finally, the forest returned to tranquility. The two of them kept covering their ears and shrinking their bodies until they could no longer hear the sound. I don’t know who said it.

"...it seems to be over."

They didn't know what ended. After the forest returned to tranquility, they realized that something big must have happened on the other side of the stage just now. Now, the forest is as peaceful as when Mengzi and the three of them first arrived.

"Let's go get someone here."

Kentaro said.

Really, they should call someone over.

In the low-lying land that passed through the trees in front of them, which was the stage of the forest, something must have happened that the children, Yumeko and Kentaro, had no control over.


As soon as Kentaro stood up, he was hurriedly grabbed by Yumeko.

"Haruna, she..."

Kentaro lowered his head and said.

"But there's nothing we can do to save her!"

Mengzi also felt that they might not be able to save Haruna, but when Haruna was unwilling to leave the dormitory, Mengzi called her a "coward", but the coward Haruna bravely walked into the stage alone when they were all afraid, and so on. , wouldn’t he become a real “coward”?

Thinking of this, Mengzi made up his mind and said:

"I'm going to see the stage."

Um! ?

Kentaro looked at Mengzi in disbelief. From the look in Mengzi's eyes, Kentaro confirmed that she really wanted to go there. He felt unbelievable for a moment.

"Kentaro, go back and call someone!"


"I'll go over and see Haruna myself."

The scene now was exactly the same as when Haruna went to the stage. When Yumeko got up and walked forward, Kentaro patted her on the back.

"I will go with you."

Hearing this, Yumeko turned to Kentaro and breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought you were so bold, but it turns out you are also scared.

Although Kentaro thought so in his heart, he did not dare to say these words. After passing through the narrow gap between the trees, the two of them finally came to the stage. Putting aside their fear for the moment, the stage in front of them was different from usual. No changes.

"There's nothing."

Mengzi looked around and said:


Kentaro echoed.

"Then... what were the sounds just now?"


Mengzi pointed to a big tree, where Haruna was sitting under the big tree, with her back leaning against the trunk. The two of them quickly ran to Haruna.

"She can't be... dead, right?"

After Kentaro finished speaking, Yumeko swallowed nervously.

"Chun, Haruna..."

Mengzi gently called Haruna's name, but Haruna didn't respond.

"Hey! Haruna!"

Mengzi grabbed Haruna's hands and shook them, shouting excitedly:


Haruna finally made a sound and slowly woke up. Only then did Yumeko and Kentaro dare to relax.

"What's going on? Why am I sleeping here?"

Haruna looked around the stage sleepily.

"Why do you act like nothing is wrong!"

Seeing Haruna's appearance, Mengzi was really surprised. She had just finished blaming Haruna when Haruna suddenly understood and stood up.

"I...someone was pinching my neck, a man, a woman...there was a big hole there."

Haruna said as she hurriedly ran to the center of the stage. But let alone the big pit in the center of the stage, there are no traces of digging.

"How is this going...."

Seeing Haruna's confused face, Mengzi quickly asked:

"Haruna, what happened?"

Haruna told Yumeko and Kentaro what she remembered.

"By the way, I also saw another woman."


"Yes, after I fell into coma, I woke up once and saw a woman staring at me. She also talked to me."

"What did you say?"

"She told me not to be afraid. She said it was okay. That woman was very beautiful. Her hair was black and long... and by the way, she also had a hairpin."


"Well, it's a wooden hairpin. The pattern on the hairpin is very beautiful."

Before she finished speaking, something fell on Haruna's feet. She picked it up and took a look. All three of them took a breath. What fell on the ground was a wooden hairpin. The wooden hairpin was engraved with, It's the image of a white fox...

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