And each one of them was facing me as if looking cautiously in the direction of the person being replaced.

Did this oarfish eat humans instead of krill?

How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

"This is the eyeball!"

"It looks like it's human!"

The man at the fishery testing ground was talking to the staff of the nearby aquarium and collecting eyeballs.

The person being replaced knows better than anyone that there are species of deep-sea fish with eyeballs similar to those of humans. If you think about it scientifically, something abnormal happened in the deep sea, and it ate other kinds of fish that usually coexisted, causing the death of this individual.

But...the person being replaced seems to know those eyeballs.

It's the eyes of the passengers on the bus.

Vision as cloudy as a dead mackerel...

It's mental pollution!

Through the perspective of the person being replaced, Yuan Subaru clarified the attack method of this trap. This method is currently not a big problem for Yuan Subaru and can be dealt with...

Um? !

It's the sound of sand!

Just when Yuan Subaru was analyzing the situation, he found that the position of the replaced person suddenly changed, and the replaced person who was sleeping on the bench suddenly opened his eyes.

Is it a time jump? Or is it the enemy's method? !

With such doubts, Yuan Subaru continued to feel the thoughts of the person being replaced...

Spending the night in a research lab is definitely not something to be praised for. Although it is not a task that needs to be completed regularly, it is still necessary to set boundaries every day, and it is not uncommon to sleep sloppily in the laboratory.

Having said that, what exactly is the sound of sand.

The replaced person stood up and looked around the dark room.

After circling the "island" formed by the terminals in the center of the room, the replaced person finally found the location of the voice.

The sealed small jar of transparent resin was poured on the test table, and the sand inside was flowing gurglingly.

The label on that jar was written in too much haste.

right. This is the seabed sand that clung to the plaque when it was picked up, and the person who was replaced threw it in here.

Then why does it flow out...?

The replaced person continued to think vaguely with his distracted mind, but he was stunned and failed to notice an extremely important fact.

Sand had formed a knee-high mountain on the floor. The small jar only holds about a liter. Sand poured out of the overturned bottle like an avalanche.

Keba Keba...

Someone's knocking on the door.

Who else could it be at this time? What time is it now?

The replaced person turned around, and the window was covered with darkness.

Keba Keba...

At this moment, the replaced person found that he could not do anything and could not move his body.

There was more and more sand around the legs, covering half of the floor.

At that moment, as I was looking at the floor, something long and white passed across my field of vision.

Something was moving around the "island" in the center of the room.

Keba Keba...

The serotonin secreted in the brain of the person being replaced announces it to him. This unreasonable thing is not reality.

The sand on the floor was very wet. A rustling touch came to the walking feet of the replaced person.

The replaced person walked around the "island", trying to confirm what was there.

Keba Keba......

The visitor knocks anxiously.

Really, if it wasn’t locked, you wouldn’t have come in by yourself!

The replaced person shouted in his heart, while bending the drooping corner of the terminal wire, and then saw... the oarfish. The current posture of this fish is consistent with its name, with a long body of white and pink. Lying on the sandy ground, his beard swayed.

Obviously, this fish is still alive and well, and fish cannot survive on land, so... is this... in the water? Moreover, is this still a deep sea where one can survive?

The person being replaced began to accept the unreasonableness. At this time, the sand completely covered the entire floor. The person being replaced suddenly and inexplicably remembered that he was still breathing and felt that he could walk to the other side of the door.

By the way, the door, someone is knocking on the door.

The replaced person who thought of this wanted to greet the visitor and stood in front of the door. He put his hand on the handle, opened the heavy steel door, and said softly:

"Who is it? Who wants to enter my dream without understanding the charm."

However, there was no one on the other side of the door.

Not only that, the corridors that should have the facilities are not there either.

And some are the scenery of the thousand-meter-deep sea where the plaque was recovered, extending into the wilderness at the foot of the huge undersea mountain range.

There is no doubt that the person being replaced is walking in the deep sea.

Compared to arthropods, which endure huge water pressure and move slowly, he can walk normally.

That's it. There are several huge craters on the sea floor. It's inside one of them, here is...

The replaced man came to the depression in the sand where the plaque once stood and slowly knelt down.

Is this a dream?

The feeling of the sand touched by the replaced person's hand had to be said to be reality. He buried his hand in the sand and found something hard underneath. The replaced person took the time to brush the sand away. What appeared to be cold and hard, part of some huge object, was revealed.

The replaced person thought in a daze for a moment, put his hands on it, and then made a sound.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn…

This is the first time that the person being replaced consciously spoke this language with his own will.

Then, he immediately regretted it. The horror receptors in the replaced person's body opened their mouths like a crocodile, and the feeling of unpleasant things flowing into it... It was not only horror that penetrated the body, but also the distant feeling. The abyss of the past and the memory of the near future...

This mountain range is a city, and the people who built it are not humans and cannot be humans. It flourished in an era before human beings were born.

And what sleeps beneath it—

Huge, extremely huge, with a shell of a shell on its back and a body like a reptile.

Because of its large size, the ugly eyes are located under the upper jaw. This must be looking at everything that is destined to perish.

Oh oh oh oh uh uh uh uh oh oh oh oh uh uh uh uh

The grotesque mouth was exposed, and a deafening roar came out from the cracked mouth cover, spitting out terrible darkness.

The sky gradually became filled with mucus. What this darkness brings is...

Destroyed! ! ! !

Everything originally came from nothing.

That ominous darkness will inevitably corrupt this entire planet.

Those who see the darkness will have the light of hope wiped out, and those who come into contact with the darkness will have their bodies turned into intangibles. The darkness itself has consciousness and obeys the orders of the Old Ones to eliminate all light.

The replaced person looked up when he heard the cry.

Are they relatives of the monster?

Countless blood-colored monsters with insect wings flew like slime in the dark sky at incredible speeds, spitting out bloody light balls, burning this unknown culture and unknown city to death.

I can hear you....

The mournful cries of people who are gradually perishing...

Is this a memory from the past? Or is it something that will happen in the future?

Countless flesh-colored tentacles sprouted from the shells of the Old Ones, and each of them squirmed like a living creature.

That's it...

A part of the tentacle does not sleep and survives endlessly for a long time.

Rising to the distant sea, perhaps observing the things that dominate this planet and the civilization they have built.

It must have been doing this until the day of destruction.

"He's about to wake up."

Suddenly, in front of the kneeling replaced person, Tetsuo Uchiharato stood there. On his light black head, there were countless insects like lugworms shaking and twisting in place of the hair.

"This is the precursor to the awakening, and it's going to keep happening from now on."

Uchiharato showed a slightly happy expression for the first time.

"It will swallow the light emitted by the evolver."

What is this man talking about? Speaking of which...this man...

"Who are you? This, this huge...god? Can you call it a god? Or something like that..."

"I am not a believer or an apostle, I am a prophet, the one who is destined to wake up and seal this planet into darkness again. The words I retain will be conveyed to people in the future."

Uchiharato passed in front of the replaced person and walked towards the door the replaced person walked out of.

After he walked through, he left thin footprints in the sand.

Could it be that he has abandoned me?

This uneasiness strikes the person being replaced, who then stands up and chases after him.

However, at this time, the replaced person had no body. His body was eaten by countless oarfish, and he lay quietly on the sand with only his head.

If another deep-sea boat visits this place, they might find his head turned into corpse wax.

But will that time come? Compared with this, this planet was shrouded in darkness and all people died. This is already unknown to the replaced person who became the head of a mannequin. .....

PS: This period is really not going well, so I don’t care if I work overtime every day. The Xingtie Genshin character pool is all guaranteed. Although Ark is not guaranteed, it is almost guaranteed. The Huangquan martial arts pool is also distorted. I already have a hero. I specialize in martial arts. I want to grit my teeth and withdraw my krypton gold, but I look at my wallet but I don’t even have the qualifications to grit my teeth. It’s so uncomfortable. Why is it so bad recently? It’s so uncomfortable...

In this time bubble, the story of the replaced person ends here, but Yuan Subaru's trip has not ended yet. The replaced person is undoubtedly contaminated with the rather bad aura of the evil god, and has changed. It ended like this.

However, the experience of the replaced person does not mean that this poor guy is the target of the evil gods and others. He is just an innocent person who was randomly affected.

This evil spirit...

Although they are not related to the original energy, they are still somewhat similar in their expressions, and such similarities are likely to be assimilated into the original energy.

Look, isn’t this the case!

Yuan Subaru raised his head and looked at the sky. The green light was flashing, trying to affect the world.

And this time bubble, if Yuan Subaru guessed correctly, should have been separated from the earth on Yuan Dagu's side. After all, Yuan Subaru also felt a faint and familiar light reaction in the person who was replaced.

And if Subaru is not wrong, this guy wants to modify this time bubble and integrate it back into the timeline of the Great Ancient Earth to influence the development of the entire Earth.

Damn it, this original creature... is actually proficient in such means!

Subaru's expression was not good, especially until now, he did not see the appearance of the senior gatekeeper of the Time Falls, which means that this method may have distorted the perception of the Time Falls. In this way, it can be said that the enemy's goal was achieved without anyone noticing.

Huh? !

Just when Subaru was waiting for the enemy to start formally modifying this place so that he could take action, he saw that the enemy suddenly disappeared, which made Subaru's expression quite subtle. He did not expect this guy to be so cautious. He was afraid that he would retreat immediately after noticing his existence.

To be honest, this was the first time Subaru encountered such an enemy. For a while, he did not know what to say.


He must not be allowed to continue like this. He had to think of a way to take him down.

Yuan Subaru twisted his body and left the time bubble. After arriving at the long river of time, he thought for a while and activated the ability of [Comparison] to observe the changes in it. Soon, Yuan Subaru found what he wanted. He waved his hand vigorously and tore off the entry. A time bubble that had been modified and was being integrated into the TPC Earth was forcibly pulled back.

Almost at the same time, Yuan Subaru entered it and started his plan...

In this time bubble, it was dusk, and a warm breeze suddenly blew in the White Fox Forest. The lush oak and oak trees swayed their leaves in the wind, making a rustling sound, as if mocking a warrior sitting quietly on a big tree.

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