I don’t know why, why am I still looking forward to that kind of scene? Oops, I've been too busy lately, and I've been under a lot of pressure, so I have such crazy thoughts popping up.

Looking at the two people, Beria and Zero, whose fighting intensity was rising, Eddie calmly touched his bald head, and then calmly withdrew a distance away. The two men had obviously been hit on the head. , if I were still sitting there, I might be affected...


No, let me tell you.

Eddie, who had just moved to another place, saw that the place where he was just now had been blown away by Beria's light bomb, and most of the star had been blown away. He couldn't help but clicked his lips. He thought, these two people may have been together for a while. You can't tell the difference between male and female, no, you can't tell the winner. Although Zero has a lot of tricks in his hands, his opponent is also the Ultra Hero Beria... Hmm! ?

Um! ?

Eddie, who was concentrating on eating the melon, suddenly noticed something. He suddenly turned his head and looked around. He didn't see anything strange or any strange energy reaction, but Eddie believed in his perception. Ability, the moment he was touched, there was definitely something looking at him!

"Ultra Spiral Beam!"

So, Eddie crossed his hands and waved them above his head several times, and his fingertips generated photon energy in the shape of a cross. Then he stretched his two palms forward and closed them, and then emitted a green spiral electric light from his fingertips, which began to sweep across the In the surrounding area, smash all the small meteorites and floating garbage from the universe, and clear out an 'isolation zone'.

"Hey, stop it now."

At this time, Beria and Sero also noticed the movement on Eddie's side. They were grabbing Sero's wrist and pulling him over. Beria, who was about to hit his head, stopped and spoke to Sero in a condensed voice. Luo said:

"Eddie won't mess around like this for no reason, little bastard, you don't want us two to be picked up by something bad, right?"

"Hmph, I'm still using your teachings. If you want to sneak attack me, no matter who the enemy is, they are still 20,000 years away! Let go!"

Zero shook his arm and got rid of Beria's grappling technique, then jumped up and flew towards Eddie's position.

But at this moment, Beria's expression suddenly changed. He seemed to have noticed something, and he suddenly swung out a claw strike energy, causing Zero to escape from his original position.

However, Zero didn't lose his temper because of this, but reacted quickly. A Yao Zi turned over, and two head darts flew out immediately, heading towards where he was just now.

"Jie Jie Jie... I was actually noticed in advance. Sure enough, is it because I am here?!"

Listening to this familiar voice, Beria's expression suddenly changed, and Zero couldn't help but widen his eyes, because it was the black Zero who walked out of the gap in the subspace, holding the ultimate combat device in his hand. And this form of Zero is obviously the Zero whose body was controlled by Beria's soul.

"Damn it, why did a disgusting thing pop up?!"

Zero couldn't hold himself any longer. In this form, he felt an unprecedented mental shock. Even now, Zero doesn't want to recall this past.

"Disgusting, hehehe... I have already defeated your existence, you are not qualified to say it is disgusting here."

Dark Zero responded with Beria's low, rhythmic laughter. Then, he looked at Beria aside and said softly:

"But the word disgusting is the right word to use on you. Look at how weak you are now. You are really worthless. Come on, be good and let me change you back to your true self!"

"Fuck, why do I feel like this is something created by the original energy?"

After all, Beria was well-informed. He realized that this dark Zero came from a parallel world. It was the blackened Beria in that world who slaughtered the members of the Ultimate Zero team and defeated Zero's will. , what a bad ending.

"Hmph, primeval energy...this is really even more disgusting."

Zero moved his wrist, summoned [Palaj Shield], and transformed into Ultimate Zero. He called to Beria and said:

"Come on, get rid of this thing as soon as possible before it takes too long and attracts Subaru's child again."

What Cero said makes sense. After all, Yuan Subaru's pure white light can restrain the energy of the original substance. It is no longer a special secret in the Kingdom of Light and the Absolute Clan. Cero has reason to believe that Yuan Subaru is the future. An important general in the fight against the Protozoa!

"Oh, Subaru, this name is really familiar."

However, what Cero and Beria didn't expect was that Dark Cero actually took up the conversation. He said in a rather emotional tone:

"That child, so unexpectedly naive, actually believed me and my lies, so he walked over obediently, and then..."

Dark Cerro raised the ultimate battle instrument in his hand and shook it slightly. Although nothing fell, Cerro and Beria could not help but imagine a picture. In that picture, the people close to Dark Cerro Luo's source, Subaru Nexus, was suddenly hit in the chest by this ultimate combat instrument, and then penetrated directly, turning into light particles and dissipating between heaven and earth.

And Zero and Beria also knew that the scene was not their imagination, it was based on the relationship between Dark Zero and Yuan Subaru, and it was something that really happened!

"What a pity. He is a good young man who is capable of killing."

At this time, Dark Cerro was still whispering and said rather regretfully:

"If you can obediently surrender to me, then I will be able to rule the entire galaxy easily. Unfortunately, that thing is too stubborn to agree, so I can't keep him. I can only kill him cruelly. Oh, now think about it. , I am still very sad! Maybe I can give you a few words of advice..."

"Die to me!" X2

Not letting this dark Zero continue to speak, Zero and Beria roared angrily and joined forces to rush over. Although they knew that Yuan Subaru in the parallel world was not the Yuan Subaru they knew, and they also knew that if it were changed, After becoming the Yuan Subaru they knew, this Dark Zero was simply not strong enough in front of him.

But listening to the words of this dark Cero, Cero and Beria could no longer suppress their anger and murderous intent. The two of them were thinking of ways to help Yuan Subaru and fulfill their responsibilities as parents, and You, a guy from a parallel world, actually took advantage of the child Yuan Subaru's trust in you...

Damn it! ! !

"Hmph, two wastes are still waste when they are added together. Don't you really think that if you speak louder, you can defeat me? Come on, let me show you my power, let you see the power of the future Galaxy Emperor! "

Dark Cerro laughed wildly and waved the ultimate battle device against the two Ultra warriors.

On Eddie's side, the Ultra brother was also in a tough fight. He concentrated the light energy in his body on the Ultra buckle on his abdomen, and then released it in one breath, focusing on one point with countless light arrows. , wanting to penetrate the enemy, but such an attack was easily dismissed by the enemy. The man in dark armor roared in a low voice:

"You losers of the Kingdom of Light, there is no new Nexus standing in front of you this time. Please surrender to me completely!"

An Ampera star? !

Looking at the enemy in front of him, Eddie's expression became extremely solemn. He had just used his skills to clear the surrounding vision obstacles, trying to find the mysterious peeping person, but he did not expect to find such an amazing thing.

And just now, Eddie used the 'Ultra Aura'. After converting the energy accumulated throughout his body into aura energy, he then changed the aura into a powerful skill for firing arrows of light. It has several times the power of the Ultra Light Gun. The entire body of the enemy hit will be surrounded by thermal energy, and even the monster's soul and negative energy will be completely purified and eliminated.

But such an attack was still defeated by the new Ampera star, but...

Eddie was keenly aware that this Ampera star was not that relaxed. It seemed that he had just finished a difficult battle. According to what he just said, it should be with Nexus...that is, the source. Subaru, have you finished beating that kid?

Eddie also knew about parallel worlds, but what Eddie didn't expect was that with Subaru's special birth conditions, there could actually be individuals from parallel worlds. It was really incredible, but no matter what, This Ampera star is not prosperous...

"Even if I just went through a fierce battle, I'm still not something an ant like you can fight against!"

However, the Ampera aliens on the opposite side had already seen Eddie's thoughts, roaring and turning the dark trident, and the dark energy storm roared up. The gloomy energy began to suppress all Eddie's perception methods, even if Eddie is not at the center of the storm, and he feels that his vision is constantly getting darker. If this continues, I believe it won't be long before Eddie will completely fall into darkness and lose all perception of the outside world. .

After all, he was the culprit who triggered the Ultra War. His strength is indeed extraordinary. However, I am Eddie, a warrior of the Space Guard, the ninth member of the Ultra Brothers. It is absolutely impossible for him to take me down so easily. !

Eddie roared, and his body lit up with energy fluctuations like light waves. Then he began to spin at high speed, and the energy impact like light arrows began to rush in all directions like a frenzy, like the light of dawn tearing through the night. Dispel this ominous dark storm.


The Ampera star was a little surprised. In his imagination, even if he was in poor condition due to the hard battle with Nanexus just now, it should not be something that ordinary Kingdom of Light warriors could resist at this time.

But then again, what is the background of this Ultra Warrior? Logically speaking, I should have noticed an Ultra Warrior of his level when I attacked the Kingdom of Light... Sure enough, this Isn’t the world the world I’m familiar with? Damn it, who is plotting me behind the scenes!

The Ampera star remembered very clearly that he had killed Nexus just a second ago. He had just returned to his car, his buttocks were not yet warm, and then he closed and opened his eyes and came here, his mind There is also some messy knowledge in it...

Humph, no matter who it is, who dares to tease the Emperor of the Dark Universe like this... he deserves to be punished!

After dealing with these annoying Kingdom of Light warriors, I will settle this debt for you slowly!

On the other side, Eddie rolled his body into a ball, and while spinning at high speed, he launched a high-speed flying collision attack towards the Anpera star, and his body surface was wrapped with a layer of pale white halo, which was obviously prepared to deal with the possible weapon attack from the Anpera star.

However, the pale white halo was not for strengthening defense. When the Anpera star swung out the slashing wave and fell on Eddie, the dark universe emperor unexpectedly saw that the halo on Eddie's body actually had an explosion reaction. While guiding it away from his slashing, it also accelerated himself and attacked him at a process beyond his expectations.

To be honest, this skill made the Anpera star feel quite uncomfortable. After all, the battle between him and the Nexus just now was a nightmare experience. Who would have thought that the chopped-off clone arm could still explode.

Could it be that there is some connection between the Nexus and this warrior from the Kingdom of Light?

After realizing that this Ultra Warrior was also good at self-destruction, the attention of the Anpera star was immediately drawn, and after the collision failed, Eddie immediately threw countless star-shaped shurikens at the Anpera star. Of course, these shurikens also have the nature of self-destruction. This skill is also one of the materials that Yuan Subaru originally input into the skill library of the Kingdom of Light.

Although after discussion, the Ultra Brothers unanimously agreed to ban the branch skills of the Ultra Bomb, so as not to give the young Ultra Warriors any wrong impression, [Ultra Bomb] is definitely not an ordinary skill! ! !

But these skills are not something that the Ultra Brothers need to avoid, especially Taro, the sixth Ultraman, who found a lot of inspiration in these skills. Of course, the other Ultra Brothers are the same. After all, these skills of strong attack are really useful.

In this way, Eddie struggled to hold back the Ampera starman, and because of Ampera starman's arrogance, the Dark Universe Emperor did not defeat Eddie's Ultra Signature, so Eddie believed that as long as he held back for a while, he could wait for support and take down this Ampera starman who appeared from an unknown parallel world.

"Ah, did Eddie over there release the Ultra Signature?"

On the other side, Dark Zero noticed the movement in the distance, and tapped his shoulder with the Ultimate Battle Instrument helplessly, muttering to himself:

"Better safe than sorry, he didn't even understand such a simple truth, how could I lose to such a fool in the first place, it's really embarrassing, hum, it seems that I have to end the battle here quickly, otherwise, the emperor over there might have an accident, what do you think, am I right?"

"...... "X2

In front of Dark Zero, Zero and Belia's faces were not good, because of the previous internal fighting, their status was too different from that of Dark Zero. At the beginning, they could still hold on, but as the battle continued, they were really a little powerless....

"Hey, bastard."

Belia looked at the arrogant Dark Zero, and whispered to Zero through telepathic communication:

"How is your control of the power of light now? Or is it as embarrassing as before? Will rewinding time also rewind the enemy's state? "

"That kind of thing would not happen a long time ago."

Cero replied to Belia unhappily, and then said in a very serious tone:

"But, this disgusting guy on the opposite side seems... no, he must have mastered the power of light. Just now, when I wanted to use the power of light, he interrupted me many times accurately. If he didn't have the power of light, he couldn't do it. "

"Don't worry about what's going on on the opposite side!"

Beria flexed his fist and stared at He said to Dark Cero:

"You go back to our state, and I'll hold that guy off for now."


After clarifying the division of labor, Cero ignored Dark Cero, switched his form directly, and began to prepare to go back in time. Belia rushed forward and desperately held Dark Cero back. To be honest, Belia was now full of anger. His Ultimate Battle Instrument was placed in Nebula Manor to protect Asakura Riku's safety, so he was not around. Otherwise, he wouldn't have fought so badly with Dark Cero.

"Hmph! Trash is trash. He actually thought he could stop me like this. How pitiful."

However, what Cero was most worried about still happened. Even when Dark Cero was fighting with Belia, he still released the dark golden power of light to interfere with his actions. Although Cero's control over the power of light had been significantly improved after the experience of the Time Waterfall, under such interference, if he wanted to achieve the intended effect, he would probably waste a lot of extra time.


At this time, accompanied by a full-throated war cry, several beams of light came, it was Seven who came with Jack and the first generation Ultraman to support, Eddie's Ultra signature made the Ultra brothers put down everything in their hands and rush over here in a hurry.

"Humph, even if you have one more, I still... huh!? Wait!!!"

Looking at Seven and others, Dark Cero pointed at them with the ultimate combat device arrogantly. He was about to say harsh words, but before he could finish his words, dark smoke came out from behind Dark Cero, forming a space-time It exists like a wormhole. Dark Cerro is obviously unwilling to enter this wormhole, but as if being suppressed, Dark Cerro has no room to fight back and is swallowed up by this dark wormhole in the blink of an eye. , disappeared in front of Severn and others, so fast that Severn and others had no time to act.

At the same time, the Ampera people had the same experience. Zofi and others rushed to support. After seeing the dark universe emperor, Ace rushed forward, holding the Ultra Disc Blade in both hands and jumped And down, he rushed towards the helmet of the Ampera star, but when Ace landed, the Ampera star had disappeared. This made Ace very dissatisfied. Such a good opponent actually disappeared like this. At least let him chop it off twice!

"This enemy... seems to be here for testing..."

At this time, Eddie walked over slowly and whispered to Sophie:

"This Ampera planet reminds me of the puppet monster I once dealt with. The mastermind behind the release of him seems to be simply conducting related ability experiments. I'm afraid the real plan has not been revealed yet."

"Well...it looks like we have to get busy again."

Zoffie nodded and agreed with Eddie's statement. Then, he looked at Eddie's injuries and said softly:

"But you'd better go heal your wounds first. It's been really hard on you fighting the Ampera people for so long."

"This is nothing. There is one more thing. Zoffi, this Ampera man seems to have come here after defeating Yuan Subaru."

Eddie said with an unusually solemn expression:

"I suggest that we ask about the situation with seniors Zero and Beria. If their opponents only appear here after defeating Yuan Subaru, I am worried that the enemy's plan this time is to target them. He acted because of that child Yuan Subaru.”

Hearing this, Zuo Fei and others did not delay and immediately rushed to the location of Zero and Beria...

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

While Zuo Fei and others were busy, Yuan Subaru had completed setting up barriers in various human gathering places on the earth. To be honest, this is not troublesome. Simple light energy settings can achieve this goal.

However, during this process, Yuan Subaru discovered one thing, that is, the development level of the earth's civilization here is relatively high, and they have already achieved Mars immigration.

Judging from the activity of the Sphia sphere here, Yuan Subaru can deduce that the solar system at this time is probably full of traces of the Sphia sphere, so Mars is probably also suffering from the Sphia sphere. You have to go there to see the attack of the sub-sphere.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the Sphia Barrier. Regarding Yuan Subaru's arrival, the Sphia Sphere, which had just experienced a breach incident, immediately reacted and wanted to block Yuan Subaru's actions. , I am afraid that this is also a super powerful bomb and will open another hole in the Sphia Barrier.

However, this time it was not Bomberman, but the real Nexus. Yuan Subaru didn't even raise his hand. He just used his mind power to push these Sphia spheres aside so as not to hinder his path. , as for the Sphia barrier, silver light emerged from Yuan Subaru's body. In the face of the super strong space-time force, Yuan Subaru directly completed the transfer of time and space phase, and came to the earth without even triggering the Sphia barrier. outside.


At this time, a terrible roar violated the truth that vacuum cannot transmit sound, and sounded in Yuan Subaru's ears. The deep space-time wormhole suddenly opened, and the mother body Sphia hidden in it revealed her true body, with fierce eyes. Staring at Yuan Subaru, at the same time, all the Sphia spheres wandering in the solar system received the order and quickly gathered here. According to the calculations of the mother body Sphia, this mysterious giant of light is extremely dangerous and is needed. The object of strangulation in the first sequence.

And now, he appears alone outside the earth, losing all support from the earth. This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity. He must win it here to avoid hindering the next development of the Sphia race. action!

The mother body Sphia quickly mobilized the Sphia spheres on the earth, the moon and Mars, and gathered them on itself.

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