Yuan Subaru felt something fall on his head. He subconsciously touched it, but he didn't feel the texture of metal. It was just hard paper with no special ingredients. Looking at the tool in front of him, it could be said that it was straightforward. The hill made of butter and the five candles of different colors and lengths found on it. At that moment, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but want to take a picture of his forehead——

Sorry, I haven't been a human for a while, and I forgot that for humans, a child's birthday is a very memorable event.

Wait, in the eyes of these two seniors, didn’t my reaction just now mean that I was clearly asking for a birthday gift? Oops, no, I'm not that kind of willful child. I have a great reputation throughout my life, so why would there be such a misunderstanding!

"Thank you two seniors."

However, even though he was wailing in his heart, he couldn't say anything else. If nothing else, it was obvious how hard these two seniors worked to make this birthday ceremony feel. Whose Ultra When the human body is not fighting, it can turn its tired little face pale and pale.

Yuan Subaru responded obediently, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart. He gave himself a few words in his heart and decided that he would never open things like this in the future. He just said that he was going to die and it was over. It was really conscientious to torment his seniors like this. make life difficult for....

"Hahaha, you're welcome, you're too polite, that, that..."

With a few pieces of red cream on my face, Takayama smiled and put my hand into my pocket. I fumbled around, but couldn't find the lighter. My face suddenly changed slightly, and I looked at Fujimiya Hiroya with some helplessness. He couldn't help but keep looking at them. There was no doubt that according to the original plan, the two of them should have a lighter each as a preliminary option, but he was in such a hurry just now and he forgot to take it.



At this time, Yuan Subaru breathed out, and the five candles lit up. Then Yuan Subaru put his hands together, made a wish according to human tradition, and then blew it out in one breath.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!"

Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya immediately sang a birthday song, and Minamoto Subaru also smiled and sang along. After singing this, the three people present raised their hands in unison, "ye"! ! ! With a cheer, Takayama Kamuo and Fujimiya Hiroyuki each took out a pen, one red and one blue, and handed it to Gen Subaru. Takayama Kamuo said softly:

"Subaru...how should I put it, it's a coincidence. This is the first gift I received from my family, and Boya's pen comes from the same source as me. Now, let's take this gift, As a gift to you, we also transfer to you the blessings we received from our family.”

"Subaru, I wish you a carefree life, health and happiness."

After Hiroshi Fujimiya handed the pen to Gen Subaru, he reached out and held the little fleshy hand, and said very gently:

"I rarely believe in so-called ghosts and gods, but at this time, I hope they can be effective."

"Ah, yes, if they can be effective, I will build a temple for them."

Gao Shan Wo Meng said this casually, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he quickly changed the topic and said:

"By the way, Subaru, what wish did you make just now? Do you want Bo and I to guess?"

"Hey, I just hope that before I die, I can take away the guy who is the original essence."

Yuan Subaru waved his hand carelessly and answered:

"If it really works, I will also build a temple for everyone on this planet. Okay, the birthday thing is over. Come, let's talk about business. I still have one year to live."

Yuan Subaru took off his birthday paper hat and began to say seriously:

"This lifespan is determined by the replication engine that coexists with me. Basically, there is no way to save it at the moment, so the two seniors don't have to think about extending their lifespan. I'm here to ask, what if my senior Meng and Senior Hiroya ....If I fail to destroy the original substance before my lifespan is exhausted, can the two seniors take my remains, that is, the replication engine, and continue fighting?"

Yuan Subaru felt that there was no need to be too flashy, and it would be better to be honest, otherwise the yin and yang of the original essence would find fault, and it would not be good to suddenly have an explosive mentality while fighting.


These two seniors seem to be a bit unable to handle this...

Yuan Subaru looked at the expressions of the two seniors in front of him that instantly solidified, and he knew that there was no hope for them to wait for these two to take the copy engine and fight with the original master, because they just heard this , looking completely unbearable.

"Okay, okay, come on, share the cake and eat it."

Seeing Gao Shan Wo Meng seemed to want to say something, Yuan Subaru quickly waved his hand and changed the topic. There was no way to continue talking on this topic. If the conversation continued, these two seniors would probably hug each other. I started crying.

Don't discuss such dark topics with Ultra Warriors.JPG

Therefore, after eating the birthday cake, Yuan Subaru ran away without much hesitation. He couldn't stand the 'pampering' from the adults. It was obvious that they were neither as good as him nor as good-looking as him, but he still couldn't stand it. I still think of myself as a child.

On the other side, regardless of the raging fighting spirit of Gamu Takayama and Hiroshi Fujimiya, on the other side of the Telega universe, Hikari said "Yes", and the instrument in front of him burst out with a bright light blue. The colored light means that he has successfully completed the lock and can set off along this space-time passage to find the whereabouts of Yuan Subaru and Beria!

Really, what level are these two guys at? They can actually fight like this...

However, while being happy, Hikali did not feel uneasy. That was also nonsense. As far as the detected data was concerned, if Beria had returned to his peak state at this time, it would not be easy to deal with Zero here. .

But Hikari didn't take this matter too seriously. Even if Beria has recovered his strength now, we also have Subaru on our side. Now, instead of worrying about whether he can subdue Beria, it's better to Think about it carefully, if Yuan Subaru has solved the Beria matter this time, how will he handle the follow-up?

"Let me go with you!"

At this time, Triga's figure rushed from the earth. How should I put it? At this time, Manaka Kengo looked more or less embarrassed, and also a little scared. The main reason was that Manaka Kengo felt that he continued to be there. If the earth stays here, it will become quite dangerous. During this period, Carmila didn’t know what was going on, and she kept dragging herself to the basement. Her posture looked like she was going to eat herself. of.

However, Manaka Kengo couldn't remember what he said. Where did he offend Carmilla? So, after thinking about it, Manaka Kengo thought he should go out and hide for a while, waiting for Carmila. After your anger subsides, come back by yourself, apologize profusely and angrily, and ask what happened.

Moreover, this time I am going to help senior Yuan Subaru support the show. This kind of thing, no matter how I say it, I cannot do without!

Just like that, as the space-time tunnel opened, this group of Ultra Warriors rushed over. Just as they passed by, they noticed quite astonishing fluctuations in the space-time force. It was the simulated black hole that Yuan Subaru used to seal the Belial base. This The seal is still playing its role, allowing everyone who has arrived now to glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the intensity of the battle between Yuan Subaru and Beria.

Um? !

The moment these Ultra Warriors appeared, Beria, who was tutoring his son in Nebula Manor, put down the test paper in his hand, took off his glasses, and slowly stood up. He sensed that those things were either familiar or unfamiliar. The light energy reaction came outside the earth.

There is no doubt that those Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light are chasing after him.

It's a pity that the me I am now is not the me I used to be. If you want to take me back, I'm afraid you won't be able to do that.

"Read well!"

Beria slammed the table with the teaching stick, which frightened Asakura Riku, who was distracted, and couldn't help but tremble. Then he grimaced and continued to think about today's topic. Asakura Riku felt bitter now, why did it become like this? ....For the first time, I have someone I like and a dear father. Two happy things come together. And these two joys bring me more happiness. What we got was supposed to be a happy time like a dream... But why did it become like this...

Why has it become such a painful study time? What happened to the children in the Kingdom of Light? Why do you have to start studying such painful things at such a young age? What kind of demonic place is the Kingdom of Light!

"Senior Beria, it seems that everyone has found their way here."

At this moment, Max also noticed something, came to Beria's side, and said softly:

"Senior, let me go up first and help explain."

"No, let's go up together."

Beria shook his head, and then he and Max flew into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and stopped in front of the Kingdom of Light group.

"Bay! Lea! Ya!"

Who is most sensitive to Beria's energy reaction is naturally Zero. Although I noticed that Beria's energy reaction seems a bit impure this time, these are all minor problems. The most important thing is the appearance of Beria. Got it! That means the men are about to start fighting!

Yes, Zero's fighting attitude this time is quite correct. He is rushing to fight Beria to the death. This time, he has to knock Beria down no matter what and prove his manliness. Sit down Wen Yuan Subaru’s father’s position! ! ! !

"Hey, this call sounds really familiar."

Although Beria is no longer controlled by the soul of the Lebrondo star, although Beria is still very happy that the Kingdom of Light can produce a junior like Zero, but because of the experience of being controlled in the past, ...Body, he mocked involuntarily, as if it had evolved into instinct.

"Beria, what did you do to Max!"

At this time, Ultraman Xeno noticed Max's weak aura and immediately questioned him. Then, before Max could explain anything, Zero waved his hand and shouted in a concentrated voice:

"Don't talk nonsense to Beria. This guy will only be a little more honest after being beaten to the ground. Brothers and uncles, come shoulder to shoulder!"

"Wait!" X2

However, just when Sero was about to start filming, Severn and the first generation held Sero's shoulders and stopped him one by one. Sero shook his head in confusion and dissatisfaction, and wanted to He threw away these two hands, but after being slapped on the back of the head by Severn, he became completely honest. Then, Zofi slowly walked out, came to Beria, and said softly:

"Senior Beria, are you...awake now?"

"Humph, Zoffie, you..."

Looking at the Ultra warrior in front of him, Beria made a gesture on his chest and hummed softly:

"You are really promising. I have even hung up the star badge, hum."

"This... is just a trivial matter."

To be honest, after hearing this statement, Zuo Fei felt that the original senior Beria must have returned. He used to use this tone to talk to other people, which was a little bit prickly, but you can I didn't feel it in a malicious tone, and now, I don't know whether it's because of age or too much experience, but I feel that the thorn has softened a lot.

"Okay, come on, let me introduce you."

Beria waved his hand, and the energy projection appeared in front of everyone. The person in the picture was Riku Asakura who was working hard on the problem. Beria clicked on Riku Asakura, and softly introduced to everyone:

"My youngest son's name is Riku Asakura on Earth, and Geed is the name of the Kingdom of Light."

"Ah...ah, okay, when I get back, I will fill in the file of this little Geed kid."

One thing to say is that at this beginning, everyone did not expect it. They thought that they would go to war with Beria, they thought that they came here to help Yuan Subaru fight, they thought that Beria had been whitewashed by Yuan Subaru and left here. Unexpectedly, Beria would move out with a third son so suddenly.

"Well, there is also my other son, you should all know him."

Beria nodded with great satisfaction at Zuofi's approach, and then he continued to speak like an old god:

"It's Yuan Subaru. When registering Geed, just register him as well. If he has any opinions, let him come to me and tell me."

That's right, Beria plans to kill it first and then tell the story. What's the mess? My Beria's son must be from the Kingdom of Light. Otherwise, the welfare benefits I created before will be reserved for others. The rest are children. Why do you have to worry so much about losing your temper? If a child is not sensible, how can an adult not know what is good and what is bad?

However, this time... Zoffi did not respond. Everyone present, except Beria, knew Yuan Subaru's persistence in belonging to his own home planet. If he really followed Beria's words and forcibly gave Yuan Subaru Subaru has registered as a registered permanent resident in the Kingdom of Light, and there are many things that might lead to conflicts with the child.


"Beria, I will kill you!!!"

Just as what was happening in front of him, Cero was the first to have an opinion about Beria's proposal, and he had such a big opinion that even Severin rushed up to help.

Therefore, I, Zuo Fei, will settle this issue first and wait for you two to fight. No, I will come back when the discussion is almost over.

Just like that, Zoffie chose to avoid it with a smile and quite gentleness. The other Ultra Warriors also silently gave up the place. This kind of internal conflict within the family really cannot be mixed up at all.

"Sero, you've gone too far!"

Beria scolded Sero first, and then frowned slightly. He didn't understand why he registered a household registration for his eldest son...

Oh, Beria understands now. He vaguely remembered that when he was possessed, he seemed to have received a message about Yuan Subaru's single-handedly conquering the Kingdom of Light. Although he didn't know the specific process. What's going on, but at that point in time, it was because Zero defeated himself that the Kingdom of Light was in the limelight, and he was considered the strongest among the new generation of the Kingdom of Light.

Therefore, when Yuan Subaru was alone in the Kingdom of Light, he must have been killed as if he were a monster. This guy must have felt that such a thing was quite shameful. Now I want to register Yuan Subaru in In the household registration of the Kingdom of Light, this Zero felt that his shame was going to be directly on his face, so he started to get anxious, right?

Humph, you young man, I can clearly see your thoughts.

Beria sneered and hummed in his heart, but what he didn't understand was why Severn also looked like he wanted to fight him desperately, and... it shouldn't be his own illusion, he wanted to fight desperately There is still a bit of entanglement in your appearance, as if you can fight with yourself, but can barely accept being at odds with yourself. What the hell does Ken look like? Ken has taught you to be such a entangled thing over the years, huh, Ken, this guy really doesn't know how to teach children.

Beria felt quite happy when he thought that he could go to the Kingdom of Light to digest his old friends and his wife. At the same time, Beria's eyes also fell on Asakura Riku, and his eyes condensed slightly. There is a saying, my family knows their own affairs, and everyone knows how Yuan Subaru's child was raised. Except when Beria is joking, he will take Yuan Subaru's affairs on himself, at other times , especially in public, Beria always wants to admit that Yuan Subaru has made his own efforts and walked his own path step by step.

Therefore, in this way, the only way to truly witness how good his parenting skills are is from the future of Asakura Riku. In order to avoid losing face in front of Ken in the future, it seems that he has to carefully sort out the future training plan of Asakura Riku.

(Asakura Riku: Eh eh eh?!?!?! What's wrong? What's wrong? Why do I suddenly feel a chill on my back? Is there something bad targeting me? Wuwuwuwu, father... No, brother Gen Subaru, I miss you so much, please come back and help me with the questions, wuwuwuwuwu...)

"Belia! I am Gen Subaru's father!!!!"

However, just when Belia was thinking about the three hundred years simulation and five hundred years of the main exam plan, Zero's shouting made the eyes of this old Ultraman sharpen suddenly. He couldn't pretend that he didn't hear such a thing. He even said such words. It's really not decent. Do you know how hard Gen Subaru has worked to save me! In order to repay his kindness, I will do whatever it takes to get you...

"Senior Belia, Senior Belia... Listen to me, listen to me..."

At this time, Max, who had been watching from the side, finally found an opportunity and hurried over to try to explain. Max really didn't expect this. He really didn't expect that Senior Belia didn't know the background and blood composition of Subaru. This was obviously a biochemical experiment done by your subordinates, and you don't know what's going on! ! !

Although Belia has now gotten rid of the control of the soul of the Rebrando star, his temper is not very good, so he was so angry when he was confronted by Zero. Now Max rushed over to explain something. In Belia's eyes, he was just a guy who wanted to be a peacemaker.

However, seeing that Max had been doing his best to guide Asakura Riku during this period, Belia turned a blind eye and was patient. He planned to wait for Max to finish speaking before he went to have a good exchange with Zero with his fists.


As he listened, it became obvious that Belia's expression changed, and his light energy reaction also showed abnormal fluctuations. Although it was unclear what Max said to Belia, in the end, Belia pointed at himself with a blank look on his face. It can be seen that his mood is quite complicated now.

"I don't know, I haven't even heard of this!"

Belia felt his scalp tingling and rubbed his hands slowly. He knew that Subaru was the creation of a biochemical experiment, but in his memory, shouldn't Subaru be the creation of Belia Nexus? How did another Zero appear, Zero Belia... Wotoma, how did you come up with such a heaven-defying combination! ! ! !

Where is Fukui Ideshi! Fukui Ideshi... Oh, that Fukui Ideshi has been pressed to death by Subaru, damn it! How did you come up with such a bastard idea, it's so beastly! ! ! !

Belia scratched his head frantically. Even he didn't expect this to happen.

Suddenly, Belia and Zero met each other's eyes. They were speechless, but the noise was beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The original conflict between the two of them basically dissipated with the departure of the remnant soul of Rebrando. They no longer had any reason to continue fighting.

But now, the gunpowder smell between Belia and Zero has become so strong that it cannot be ignored. Although... Although in order to avoid being caught by Subaru, I, who was possessed by the remnant soul of Rebrando, did things that possessed human women, but! Yes! This does not mean that I have maternal instincts! ! !

"Let's go outside."

Belial put down his hand that was scratching his scalp, looked at Zero expressionlessly and said:

"I know a place, there is no life around, and there are no resources necessary for civilization, we can fight at will."

"Okay, let's go!"

Zero didn't say anything, without saying anything, he followed Belia and went straight away. Looking at the two murderous people, Max couldn't help but sighed, tell me, what kind of thing is this.

"Eddie, go and take a look."

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