At this time, Team Horii, who was observing the brought back Qijela sample, couldn't help but share his thoughts with Team Nori, but Terra suddenly picked up what he said and said confidently:

"No, Qijela bloomed on the earth 30 million years ago!"


Horii suddenly became interested, poked his head out from behind the cabinet, and asked curiously:

"Then you've seen it?"

"I don't have this..."

Tela suddenly became unconfident, but immediately she cheered up and continued to speak confidently:

"But my father told me that when humanity is about to perish, Qijela will definitely bloom."

"Where is your father? What does he do?"

Yuan Dagu immediately asked, and Tela also cooperated and said:

"My dad is back on Earth too, and he's the one looking for other lands."

Other lands....

Hearing this, Yuan Dagu suddenly remembered that the earliest discovered time capsule machine carrying Youlian's projection had communicated with him, and he asked Youlian, since the humans at that time had established such a high degree of civilization, in the end How did they disappear and be destroyed? You Lian answered herself, some people died, and some people went to other lands.

So, are Terra and her father ancient people who left Earth long ago?

As for the destruction... could it be possible...

"Something happened, and the commander seems to have been tricked too!"

Just as Yuandagu's thoughts were spreading, Team Ye Rui's words suddenly turned everyone's attention to the projection, where Commander Zongfang was obsessed with posing in various fitness poses in front of the mirror. The look of the bag made everyone in the conference room dumbfounded. Team member Horii subconsciously took out his phone and recorded a picture. Then he realized what was happening and pointed at the projection, indicating to team member Yerui to zoom in on that corner.

At the same time, Captain Megumi connected to the communication channel of Commander Munakata, but no matter how he called, he could not wake up the commander who was immersed in the beauty of his good figure. The reason was very simple. In the place pointed out and enlarged by Team Horii, there was A zijla flower.

"Isn't the area where Qijela blooms just the plateau?"

Captain Hui Jianjian whispered in surprise. The fact was just as he expected. At this moment, Qijera was releasing pollen all over the world. Almost all human beings fell into the illusion of Qijera pollen at the same time. among.

"It has been confirmed that all continental branches have fallen."

Team member Yerui quickly used the authority of the headquarters to collect information about the situation in other places, and then regretfully said this. Then he stood up and applied to the captain:

"Captain, let me go and get the commander back. He may be in danger outside in this state alone."

"Okay, put on protective clothing."

Hui Jian thought for a moment, and finally nodded, seriously instructing team members Yerui, and then she was about to notify the director and activate an emergency plan. Team members Horii also rushed into the laboratory with the Qijela sample, rounding up Dagu is the only remaining combatant, ready to attack at any time.

However, at this time, Yuan Dagu noticed that Jian Jianhui's eyes were a little subtle when he looked at him. In that complicated look, Yuan Dagu looked a little stunned with such a clear understanding.

Before Yuan Dagu could figure out what this meant, Jian Hui looked at Terra and said softly:

"Tela, if Qijra continues to release pollen like this, what will happen to humans?"

"It will be very happy."

"Then what?"

"Death without pain."

This answer made Hui Jian's expression suddenly freeze, but at this moment, Yuan Dagu noticed something, and immediately tried to block all the gaps in the conference room that could allow air to flow to the outside. Unfortunately, Yuan Dagu was not a member of Yerui. In terms of program control, I am not that skilled.

Therefore, even though Yuan Dagu had noticed that Qijela Pollen had invaded the TPC base, he had no time to do anything. He could only watch his captain fall into a dream. As for the others, they had not checked. If necessary, they can't escape even if they want to.

"You are so pitiful..."

At this time, Terra suddenly looked at Yuan Dagu with pitiful eyes and said:

"It would be great if you could go to the dream world, for someone like you..."

As he was talking, Tela suddenly lay down on the table without warning, which shocked Yuan Dagu. In his perception, Tela's life breath disappeared all of a sudden, which basically meant that He was dead, which made Yuan Dagu at a loss. He didn't do anything, and there were no strange things around him. Why did he die suddenly?


Suddenly, the door of the conference room was opened, and a man dressed the same as Terra walked in. There was no doubt that he should be Terra's father.

"Hello, I'm Nuck, don't worry, my daughter Terra is just a little too excited about coming to Earth for the first time."

After the visitor noticed Yuan Dagu's gaze, he did not show off and said straight to the point:

"She will be back to normal soon."

With that said, Nuck helped Terra up and opened the back of Terra's head. This shocked Yuan Dagu, but he still walked over to see what was going on.

Then, he saw that Terra's brain mechanism had been completely transformed into a machine. Nuck took out a test tube-like thing from the back of Terra's head, and then completed the replacement. As Nuck closed the back of Terra's head, The girl also turned on her phone and began to wander around the conference room in a daze, as if she had lost her mind.

Yuan Dagu asked curiously:

"what is that?"

"It's nothing, just Qijela's essence."

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Keeping yourself alive by pumping Zijra into your body?

Yuan Dagu suddenly realized something and looked at Nuck in shock. He didn't expect Qijela's pollen to have such a use.

"You'll find out soon too."

Nuck sat down calmly, as if he had seen through Yuan Dagu's thoughts, and explained casually:

"Qijela's pollen not only makes people fall into dreams, but also allows human brain cells to maintain activity forever, but you can't use it."

At this time, Terra, who was sleepwalking, finally came back to her senses. She happily called Daddy and rushed towards Nuck. Nuck patted her on the shoulder and said softly:

"Okay, get ready, we are leaving here."

"Can't you stay here a little longer?"

Obviously, Terra hadn't had enough fun yet, and she begged her father like a baby, but Nuck's attitude was very firm, and he said in a solemn voice:

"If we don't leave, we will be destroyed and we can't stay any longer."

"Wait a minute, is the destruction you are talking about the evil god under the ruins of Luluye?"

This time, Yuan Dagu could finally ask directly without paying any attention. Nuck looked at Yuan Dagu in surprise, but shook his head and said softly:

"No, the main cause of destruction is human beings! Compared with 30 million years ago, human beings have not made any progress."

As Nuck's words fall, the automatic response program of the TPC base will be activated, and a new surprise is transmitted from the satellite - a huge plant rises from the ground, and that is Qijela's body.

"When it blooms, all humans will think that this world is paradise, and then... the Giant of Light will lose the meaning of existence."

Yuan Dagu was silent for a moment, looked at Nuck and said softly:

"Is this why the super-ancient giants who guarded the earth left the earth?"

"Yes, for human beings who are addicted to happiness and schizophrenic, the existence of the giant of light is no longer necessary. Then, the evil god you mentioned will destroy everything, that terrible darkness, that The huge evil is absolutely irresistible to humans on this planet!”

"But I'm human!"

Yuan Dagu naturally understood that his identity as Diga had been seen through by Nuck, so he said firmly:

"The super-ancient giant of light chose to respect human beings' choices and let human beings come to an end in a happy dream. But while I am Tiga, I am also a human being!"

Yuan Dagu knocked on the table hard, looked at Nuck and said:

"Watch carefully, I will show you the ending of human beings right now!"

"You might as well wait."

Nuck stopped Yuan Dagu who was about to transform, looked at the setting sun, and said softly:

"Qijela is a plant. After the sun sets, its activity will drop significantly, and it will resume activity when the sun rises. In other words, at night, people will be forcibly excluded from dreams. , return to reality, and you will see how humans will react."

"Humans will take advantage of Qijela's weakness to uproot it and completely destroy it!"

Yuan Dagu said categorically, but Nuck dismissed this statement and immediately refuted:

"In the super ancient times, there were a few poor people who wanted to try this idea. However, Tiga, human desires are deeper than Qijela's roots. This is the bad nature of human beings. Let's go, Terra."

After saying this, Nuck took his daughter and left the TPC base directly.

Then, as Nuck said, after the sun goes down, the effect of Qijela on human beings becomes much weaker. People who suddenly return to reality from the dream world become miserable. In order to seek Qijera The pollen gathered again, and many people ran directly under Qijela's body, shouting loudly, begging for the pollen to drop again.

On the street, it was even more chaotic. All the people were like walking zombies, swaying and moaning in pain, obviously looking like they couldn't live without Qijela Pollen.

At this time, in the TPC base, the members were well-trained warriors after all. Even though they were suffering from the pain of leaving the dream, they still cheered up, sat in the conference room, and held the meeting seriously.

"Now it seems that this Qijela is still a bud, but if it really blooms, all mankind will never be able to recover from the dream."

Because of the seriousness of the situation, the person presiding over the meeting this time was the Director General of TPC. He said seriously:

"We immediately began to appeal to the whole world to burn all Zijera tonight!"

"The director is right, I want to do the same..."

Xincheng rubbed his hair vigorously, and said with an unbearable expression:

"I also know that Qijela is not a good thing, but I still want Qijela's pollen more..."

"Once you inhale that pollen, it's not that easy to stop feeling trapped in a dream."

Commander Zongfang was slapping his brow and saying painfully:

"Damn it, I got hit without even realizing it. It's so embarrassing."


Lina still said in a daze:

"Maybe Qijela is a gift from the earth to us..."

"That kind of thing is not a gift!"

Yuan Dagu immediately slapped the table, drew the attention of everyone who was a little moved, and said in a condensed voice:

"Why should everyone hesitate on this matter? Although the reality is painful and difficult, we can also realize a better dream than Qijela."

"Dago, if I say, I mean if..."

Team member Horii was silent for a while, but couldn't help but said:

"If destruction is inevitable, then why do humans have to endure such pain? Isn't it good to die in a beautiful dream? Or can you save the world when destruction comes?"

"...How could everyone become so cowardly? I...I'm leaving first."

Yuan Dagu didn't expect that his teammates would say such things. He stood up with some disappointment, staggered out of the TPC base, and came to the street. He saw people fighting for Qijela's flowers. The fight continued and he became like a wild beast...

"Hey, hey, hey, don't rush, line up, everyone has a share."

Um! ?

At this moment, Yuan Dagu heard a familiar voice. He looked up and saw Yuan Subaru sitting on a tree, shouting at the top of his lungs. Below him, everyone was attracted by the shouting. People who left disappointed.

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"Senior Yuan Subaru? Why are you here?"

Yuan Dagu was stunned at first and asked subconsciously. Then he realized something and said with a wry smile:

"You weren't summoned here to help rob Qijela, were you?"

"Unfortunately, that's why I came here again."

Sitting on the tree, Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly, looked at the chaotic situation in front of him, waved his hand, set up a soundproof barrier, and said with a somewhat headache tone:

"So, even I can't help but want to tease them a little bit, but what exactly is this Qijela?"

Yuan Dagu saw Yuan Subaru taking out a Qijela from his arms, using a method he couldn't understand, to extract some pollen from it, and inhaled it into Yuan Subaru's own nostrils. Then, Yuan Subaru Without even being in a trance, he casually threw the Qijela in his hand into the trash can under the tree, propped up his cheeks, and continued to say to himself:

"It is very hallucinogenic. A year ago, I would not have been able to withstand it. This was spread from some alien civilization. This is not a good thing. You can consider destroying it."

After all, it’s Gen Subaru-senpai...

While Yuan Dagu was explaining to Yuan Subaru, he couldn't help but praise in his heart. To be honest, Yuan Dagu didn't think that he could be like Yuan Subaru and would not be immersed in the so-called sweet dreams at all. Wait, Yuan Dagu Did Subaru-senpai just say 'put it aside a year ago'? , let me think about it, does this...does it mean...Senior Yuan Subaru is now five years old? !

"I see, I understand, let's go together, Dagu!"

Yuan Subaru moved his shoulders, jumped down from the tree, and said softly:

"Now that you are here, I think, Dagu, you should have figured out what to do next."

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