This made the director of TPC feel very troubled and uneasy. He wanted the victory team to find out what was going on, but even if the director asked so, the victory team now has no clue...

No, to be precise, the members of the victory team except Yuan Dagu had no clue.

Yuan Dagu still remembers what Yuan Subaru and Diga himself told him, saying that there is an evil god sleeping on this planet. It is a very difficult opponent. Even Diga himself will cost a lot to deal with. strength.

However, both Senior Yuan Subaru and Senior Tiga have said that there is a solid seal on the evil god. Generally speaking, there will be no problems and the evil god will continue to sleep.

Hope no accident happens.

After receiving the order from the director, Yuan Dagu immediately found an opportunity to transform into Diga and ran all the way to the Luluye ruins. After feeling that the familiar seal energy still existed, Yuan Dagu felt relieved. of leaving.

"In short, the director has not yet finalized the matter regarding those monsters, and the possible source of danger has not yet been identified."

Captain Jian Hui folded his arms and said softly:

"But we can't give up other work just because of these things. Munakata, let's tell everyone about 'Obik'."


Commander Munakata opened the new file, projected it, pointed at the messages on it and said:

"In the past two months, rumors about Obik have been fermenting in that section of Hikono Street."

As Commander Munakata spoke, he switched the projection file to reveal the legendary content of Obike:

"Moreover, many witnesses told the local police or priests that they had met Obik and even had contact with Obik."

"This number of witnesses..."

Looking at the projection files that Commander Munakata switched again, Team Horii frowned slightly and said softly:

"This doesn't look like a prank."

"Yeah, and... just last night, for the first time, there was actually a victim."

"Dead person?!"

Hearing this, Yuan Dagu immediately became energetic, raised his head and looked at Zongfang, the conductor, and said:

"Has that monster started attacking humans?"

"Um... Dagu, don't be so excited."

Commander Zongfang was a little frightened by Yuan Dagu's reaction. He stretched out his hand to comfort Yuan Dagu and then said:

"No one died, and no one was injured...Ah, I can't say that. To be precise, someone was scared, just very scared."

Commander Munakata called up a video. The protagonist of the video was the young man eating ramen. At this time, he was huddled on the hospital bed, his body trembling, shouting, "Obik is here, it's Obik, I see." Arrived at Obik!”

469 Xincheng: I’m not afraid.jpg

"His name is Long Hao Yixin, and he is a flexible employee."

Commander Munakata explained softly:

"His current job is as a delivery boy in a store, but last night was his day off. Look at this."

A surveillance video popped up on the projector. It showed Cong Hao Yixin walking forward while rubbing his belly. Then, Cong Hao Yixin disappeared into the blind spot of the surveillance.

Everyone in the victory team immediately looked at the surveillance screen next to them, but they did not see Isshin Ronghao reappearing for a long time. This meant that the location of Isshin Ronghao's accident had been indirectly locked.

"It's not that simple yet."

Commander Zongfang retrieved the event records and projected them on the map. Everyone immediately discovered that there was only a short five minutes between the disappearance of Rong Hao and his discovery by the police, and the distance between the place of disappearance and the place of discovery was even Even if you don't care about the terrain and obstacles and move forward in a straight line between two points, you can't reach it within five minutes by relying on human power.

And this is also the reason why the Victory Team officially intervened in the investigation of the ‘Obik’ incident.

"Now the situation of Cong Hao Yishin is stabilizing."

After talking about the map, Commander Munakata turned the topic to the victim and said softly:

"Rong Hao Yishin was just overly frightened. The TPC doctor went to see him. There is nothing wrong with him. If he takes good care of himself, he will return to normal. With the guidance of the psychiatrist, I believe there will be no sequelae."

Hearing this, everyone in the victory team couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. After all, from the looks of the video, they were really worried that this cager would be frightened into a lunatic. Then, Yuan Dagu frowned slightly and thought of something. Said softly:

"Why did Obik send Rong Hao back?"


Hearing this, everyone in the victory team all focused their attention on Yuan Dagu. Team Lina shouted in confusion, while Yuan Dagu said calmly:

"No matter what Isshin Ronghao encountered was Obik, some other monster, or a cosmic person, he came back alive and was even just frightened. Other than that, he didn't suffer any physical harm. Isn’t it strange that nothing strange was left behind?”

The more Yuan Dagu thought about it, the more strange he felt. No matter who the enemy was, his actions must have a purpose. But his acting style just made Yuan Dagu confused as to what this enemy was trying to do.

Yuan Dagu's confusion caused the entire victory team to fall into silence. They did not understand what the enemy was trying to do.

"In this way, starting tonight, everyone will start patrolling Hikoye Street and nearby streets."

Captain Hui Jian finally interrupted everyone's contemplation and said very seriously:

"We can't come up with the answer just by thinking here. Let actions tell us the answer."

"Yes, Captain!"

Everyone in the winning team responded in unison, and after seeing Captain Hui's gesture to dismiss the meeting, they picked up their respective folders and prepared to start today's work, but at this moment...

"Team Horii."

Captain Megumi called out to the fat teammate with a smile, and then looked at the painful expression on Team Horii's face. He couldn't help but laugh out loud, clapped his hands and said:

"You're just kidding, I really want you to help me, Team Horii, we're still waiting for your analysis results, so go get started."

"Hmm... I feel like the captain has become more fond of joking recently."

Team member Horii smiled helplessly. As for the reason, team members Yuan Dagu and Lina knew it. It seemed that the relationship between Captain Hui and her son had become much closer during this period.

"By the way, Team Dagu."

Just as Yuan Dagu walked out of the conference room and was about to go for combat training, team member Lina suddenly called him, put his hands behind his back, and said softly:

"You haven't conducted flight simulation training for a while. Although the Victory Feiyan has not been on many sorties recently, this is no reason for you to relax in your flying skills."

Team Lina brought her hands in front of her body, clasped her fingers and said:

"Look, since you joined the Victory Team, you and the Xincheng team members have crashed the most times. I can't control the Xincheng team members, but I taught you your driving skills. If the plane crashes like this, I can't ignore it. , come on, what are you waiting for.”

Lina's team members all said this, and Yuan Dagu naturally agreed, but he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. The crash... was something that couldn't be helped. If the plane didn't crash, how could he transform into Diga? , So, you should practice your driving skills, but I’m afraid crashing is still indispensable...


Think of a way to coax Lina in advance, otherwise, if Lina becomes angry because of the crash later, she will definitely have a headache if she tries to think of a last-minute solution.


It's about patrolling at night. Because the area of ​​Hikono Street is not small, there is no second or second team. The members of the Victory Team are each responsible for an area and patrolling.

At this time, the Xincheng team member's expression was quite bitter. Although it was a bit embarrassing to say it, he was indeed a little scared. The Xincheng player was really intolerable to the darkness and ghosts.


Suddenly, the Xincheng team members heard something coming from behind them. They subconsciously raised a flashlight and shined it, only to realize that it was just the wind blowing the plastic bags on the trash cans. After realizing this, the Xincheng team members patted their own Chest, calm down your little beating heart.

Then, he continued to explore forward with a grimace and a flashlight. It was a bit embarrassing to say that he really wanted to make a phone call and chat with someone casually. seemed inappropriate to talk to his teammates. After all, he was here. While on patrol, there was no chance of casual chatting.


Why don't you call your sister? That way...

No, no, what am I thinking? I'm on a mission. I have to concentrate on patrolling. How can I make a phone call... Come on, Xincheng, you can do it. Isn't it just a dark night with ghosts? ! You are still a member of the victory team!

Thinking of this, the Xincheng team member's slightly trembling legs finally tightened up. He closed his eyes, exhaled a long breath, calmed himself down, held the flashlight, and continued to move forward.

At this moment, the Xincheng team member suddenly discovered something. He took two steps forward in surprise and saw a ramen stall with a red lantern appearing in front of him...

470 Dagu: Let’s eat noodles first

Why is there a ramen stall here?

Doubts flashed through the minds of the Xincheng team members, but he didn't think much about it. After all, in the island country, such late-night stalls are also a sight. Workers who get off work late at night also want to eat something warm before curling up under the quilt and falling asleep.

Just like that, the Xincheng team member didn't pay attention to the ramen stall. He continued to walk forward and passed by the ramen stall. At that moment...

"come and play."

Upon hearing this, the Xincheng team member's steps suddenly froze, and even his expression froze, only his eyes widened.

"Playing with Obik."

Listening to the voice that sounded like a child again, the Xincheng team member sighed uncontrollably. The feeling of wanting to cry without tears was clearly reflected on his face at this time...

‘You absolutely can’t look back. ’

At this time, the Shinjo player remembered what Horii said. He took a silent breath, and then like a puppet with strings, he moved forward step by step with stiff steps. Every time he moved, he seemed to be stepping on the strings of his feet. It was as if a needle had been stabbed, and his expression was a mask of pain.

Behind the Xincheng team members, Obik was holding a pot and followed quietly without making a sound. Although Obik couldn't see the expressions of the Xincheng team members, he could tell from the human's movements that this human being I'm so scared that my legs are weak from fear. This is enough. I'm scared. Keep on being scared.

Obik smiled and left behind the New City players, then pulled up his ramen stall and instantly left the area that the New City players were responsible for. Obik reappeared and laughed proudly, as if he had scared the New City players and made him As if he had completed some precious task, he smiled more and more freely, and the speed of his feet became faster and faster, and then he turned a corner...

Team members Yuan Dagu and Horii happened to be blocking Obik's path.

The patrol areas of Yuan Dagu and Horii team members intersect, so the two of them can meet each other. Just now, Horii team members were making a bet with Yuan Dagu on what the Xincheng team members are like now. If a communication suddenly passes now, will you hear the voices of the Xincheng team members trembling with fear?

When seeing Obik, the more sociable Horii team member raised his head and glanced at the position of the moon, calculated the current time, and greeted Obik enthusiastically and said:

"Uncle, it's been very dangerous around here recently. If possible, we'd better set up a stall somewhere else. I'm from the TPC Victory Team. You should know who we are."

While Team Horii was communicating with Obik, Yuan Dagu was observing the ramen stall. He tilted his head, avoiding the lantern hanging on the stall, and saw the pot on the stall. The pot There was no lid on it, it was just open, but whether it was because of the angle or the lighting, Yuan Dagu always felt that the inside of the pot was so dark.

But to be honest, except for the pot, everything on the ramen stall didn't look quite normal, but Yuan Dagu still vaguely felt that something was wrong. As an Ultra Warrior, his intuition was trained by Yuan Subaru. It made him realize that he might not be able to let go of this ramen stall so easily.

"Just in time, I'm hungry too."

Just when the Horii team members were trying to persuade the stall to leave, Yuan Dagu suddenly said:

"Now that we've met, uncle, why don't you give us a bowl of noodles, just right to fill our stomachs."

"Ah? Ah..."

When Team Horii heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly echoed:

"Ah, yes, it's good to have something to eat. Patrolling everywhere at night is really annoying."

With that said, the Horii team members walked towards the ramen stall. Although they didn't know why Dagu said this, they had only been patrolling for less than two hours. Before setting off, everyone in the victory team had already eaten. Now, even the Horii team members, who are the most easily hungry, still feel quite stuffed.

Therefore, Yuan Dagu must have discovered something. This ramen stall may not be as simple as he thought.

Thinking of this, Team Horii's eyes changed slightly, but his tone was still as casual as before, and he approached the ramen stall owner.


Obik noticed the changes in Team Horii. He answered Team Horii's words with a smile on his face, pretending to start making ramen, but quietly took out a long and strange, suona-like one. A small long stick with pink vortex energy condensed on it.


Just when the pink vortex energy attacked the Horii team member, Yuan Dagu suddenly pounced and threw the Horii team member to the ground, thus narrowly avoiding the attack.

"What's wrong? What happened?!"

Team member Horii was still confused. He didn't realize what had just happened. Obike and Yuan Dagu's movements were so fast that even for him, it was just a blur in front of his eyes.

At this time, Obike's laughter sounded again. When Yuandagu knocked down Horii's team members, he changed back to his true appearance, from the bald ramen stall owner to a man in white. The man with white hair and an unclear face quickly left into the distance with his ramen stall.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Dagu flipped his hands, using one hand to perform the American Iai at an astonishing speed. The other hand took off something unknown on the belt. He clasped his thumb on his index finger and flicked it outward. With his physique strengthened by the light of Tiga, he accurately bounced things into the pot of the ramen stall.

However, Yuan Dagu's attack had no effect. Obike waved the suona and emitted several pink vortex-like energy, which offset the American Iai's attack and also shattered all the surrounding street lamps. In the darkness, Yuan Dagu saw that Obik and his ramen stall disappeared in a wisp of smoke.


Don't think that Obik has left. He pulled his ramen stall and appeared in other dark areas. Lina, who was driving the mobile car, suddenly heard some strange noises. She subconsciously turned her head and looked back. Looking in the mirror, I saw a white figure rushing up quickly, and with it came a rather proud laugh.

Just like that, Lina, who was driving at high speed, looked at the mysterious visitor and his ramen stall in shock, walking side by side with her. His white hair was swaying in the wind, like countless swinging willow branches. It will wrap around your body at any time, making people shudder!

471 Where is the new city?

Team Lina was still in shock, but Obik was already laughing and disappeared from Team Lina's sight with his ramen stand cart. This was simply incredible. How could one person... run faster than the ground vehicle of the Victory Team...

It was Obik!

At this time, Team Lina's head, which had been a little stunned, suddenly reacted. She turned on the communicator with some shame and reported to everyone:

"I found Obik!"

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