"You...are really more of a clown."

457 Let the small universe burn!

"Shut up!"

Yuan Subaru's expression really offended Beria. It reminded him of some bad memories. Moreover, no matter what others do, you, a son, should not show such a hateful smile to your father. ah!

Beria roared and swung a slash. At the same time, Yuan Subaru clasped his hands in front of his chest, and then opened them up and down. The Ultra Guillotine whizzed out and directly chopped into pieces looking at the ultimate combat instrument. attack, and continued to attack Beria with enough energy left.


This level of Ultra Guillotine will naturally not hurt Beria, but Beria is a little confused at this time. He is extremely sure that he has the most powerful power in the past few years. Logically speaking, facing him Shouldn't Yuan Subaru avoid the attack in embarrassment? Why do I feel like I'm still on the same level as him now? He clearly didn't use the power of the Star of Order.

"Is it possible that the power you desire is power that I don't really need."

Beria's shock was instantly captured by Yuan Subaru. The child waved his hand, moved his steps slowly, and said softly:

"Reblondo Star, you have really insulted Beria's reputation as a hero. When did a warrior's strength need to rely on so-called external forces and so-called props to grow? The root of a warrior's strength lies in a tough heart. You have lost... No, Planet Reblondo, you have never had the heart of a warrior, a guy who can only control and force others to fight... No wonder such sneaky things are happening now "


"Reblondo star, please open your eyes and see clearly now."

Yuan Subaru didn't give Beria a chance to continue speaking. After putting the hat on Beria, Yuan Subaru raised his arms, and a powerful energy storm suddenly burst out, like a super planet explosion, causing Bailey to Yabu couldn't help but change his expression immediately, and Yuan Subaru pointed at Beria and said:

"Reblondo Planet, do you think I didn't notice your little move? Do you think I don't know that your target is the Star of Order? Do you think that except for your plan, it is perfect? ​​Arrogance, stupidity, everything... It’s within my expectations. Now, I’m going to let you see clearly that no matter how sneaky and plotful you are, you will only lose in my hands!”


Although Beria was surprised by Yuan Subaru's sudden outburst, Yuan Subaru's words made him even more angry. Just when Beria was about to attack Yuan Subaru, Yuan Subaru suddenly appeared and punched him. Beria's face was hit, and Beria naturally planned to compete with Yuan Subaru's speed to see who would be hit first.

Of course, Beria is also prepared. He is planning the trajectory of Yuan Subaru's attack. He can avoid such a punch by tilting his head...


However, what Beria didn't expect was that the fist that originally attacked his face suddenly spread out and turned into countless light particles. Beria still felt a little strange about this, but compared to the strange , Beria understood that Yuan Subaru's actions would inevitably be accompanied by new unknown attacks.

However, although Beria reacted, his body could not keep up, and he hit Beria hard on the chest with a heavy punch. At that moment, Beria felt the amazing heat and was drilling. It went deep into his body, like an exploding missile.

"Stupid, really stupid."

Yuan Subaru whispered expressionlessly while continuing to launch attacks. If you want to talk about the research on the power of order, Yuan Subaru is definitely a lot. Even Beria had no idea about the star of order before. After many experiments, Yuan Subaru was confident that he would not be surpassed. Therefore, Yuan Subaru knew very well how to deal with Beria at this time, and also knew how to affect the power of order in his body.

But Beria should have thought of this, and after going through various simulations, he felt that he should not be able to affect the Star of Order that was powerful enough to affect his body. But what he didn't expect was that he had another trick. The trump card is that after igniting the small universe in the body, even without the power of eternity, even without using the power of truth, the combat power gained is quite astonishing.

During this period, while Yuan Subaru was deducing the power of the engine, he also sorted out his own power again and again. He never let go of the meditation method. He also broadened his horizons and had unique experiences again and again, and he got closer. With one step of capital, during this nearly month of meditation, Yuan Subaru was finally able to concentrate on sorting it out, making the galaxy in his body become more powerful.

Well, even though the galaxy has been clicked now.

However, Yuan Subaru has nothing to feel bad about. Based on the meditation method, Yuan Subaru also has a new idea and wants to try it. This time, if his idea succeeds, his strength should not only be maintained, but also It still has greater potential. After all, in his mind, the leader this time will be the 'pure white light' that has been excluded from the galaxy before!

So, little universe, let me burn it to your heart’s content!

Under such an explosion, Yuan Subaru's attacks were extremely fierce, and also under such an explosion of energy, many moves were also used. Just like the punch that just attacked Beria's face, it was used Using the technique of [Partial Saga Super Acceleration], the fist moved its position as if it were separated, and attacked unexpectedly.

Energy flames are flowing on the surface of Yuan Subaru's body, and they are also flowing in the orbit of the ring. As long as needed, they can activate [Aurora Power] at any time, and Yuan Subaru will also use [Spark Legend] to smear his face smoothly.

Therefore, Beria now feels numb all over. Although the changes on the battlefield were within his original expectations, what he did not expect was that Yuan Subaru could actually explode like this without using the Star of Order. Combat strength, which caused many of the back-ups he had prepared not to play their due role.

Beria was forced into a defensive state with an ugly face. Yuan Subaru had disrupted all his plans, and even he was not without the ability to fight back now, but this development still reminded him of something The bad memories made him feel chilly in his heart. At this time, Beria was a little annoyed, annoyed that he should start this decisive battle after recovering.

But, even so, I will not lose!

458 Beria: I will always be your father

"This... what a terrible battle this is!"

While Yuan Subaru was having a fierce battle with Beria, the congressmen in the AIB headquarters looked at the various numerical values ​​​​on the projection that continued to soar to '999999', and they couldn't help but let out unconscious exclamations, although they could not help but marvel at it now. The movements of Yuan Subaru and Beria could not be clearly seen, and the detection equipment in their hands was completely useless.

But this does not affect their understanding of the battle situation at this time. This kind of intense battle has far exceeded their previous understanding of the concept of [battle]. There is no doubt that they can no longer participate in it. This battle is over, and all the combat forces of AIB involved in that battle... no, just by the aftermath of the energy impact, they may have turned into a ball of scrap metal.

"It's like a battle between gods."

The speaker broke the silence in the conference room in a low voice, attracting everyone's attention:

"Everyone, pray, pray that our heroes can win the final victory. Otherwise, not only this planet, but also our AIB organization, the entire universe will be destroyed by the evil Beria!"


When the AIB executives really started to pray, in the Nebula Manor, Asakura Riku's eyes were red, and his eyes were moist, not because of any emotional stimulation. He just wanted to keep up with the movements of his brother and his father. At the beginning, Asakura Riku did it, but within a few seconds, he could no longer see clearly. He tried harder and harder to catch up.

The final result of this was that Riku Asakura's vision was blurred. Max on the side stretched out his hand to stop Riku Asakura from doing this. The Ultra Warrior knew very well that if this continued, Riku Asakura's vision would be blurred. My eyes are really going to be damaged.

Looking at the unwilling Asakura Riku, Max said helplessly: "Your father is a hero who made great achievements in the Great War of the Kingdom of Light. Your brother is a hero who once single-handedly defeated the entire Kingdom of Light. The unparalleled warriors of the Kingdom of Light, you have just learned how to transform, so being able to keep up with them for a few seconds is already an outstanding achievement."

After hearing this, Max felt Asakura Riku's unwilling movements and stopped. After a moment of silence, Max heard Asakura Riku's voice, saying in a pleading tone:

"Senior Max, can you tell me, now...Brother Yuan Subaru and my father...which side has the advantage?"


Max suddenly fell silent. He looked at the projection silently. The silence became more and more deafening. That is to say...Is there a possibility...I can't keep up with their fighting rhythm now? , I can’t see clearly what they are fighting about!

"It's Subaru!"

However, in the next second, Max firmly gave the answer. It was not that the Ultra warrior used any unique skills to detect the battle situation, but that Max noticed Yuan Subaru's actions before the battle started. The look of him calmly waiting for Beria to complete his evolution gave Max great confidence.

Max felt that he could question Yuan Subaru's thoughts on the development of the situation, but he could never question this child's decision-making in combat. In this regard, he was an absolute master!

Riku Asakura became completely quiet because of Max's words. He began to close his eyes and let his body repair the damage on his eyes. Max looked at the battle in the projection with worry. He believed in the source. Subaru, but after all, his opponent is Belial, and the soul of the Leiblondo star. These two existences once made the entire universe tremble. I believe that no matter who it is, after seeing such an opponent, they will Thinking about the young warrior.


Facts have proved that Max's worries were somewhat unnecessary. Yuan Subaru gave up other unnecessary fancy skills, [Saiga Super Acceleration], [Aurora Power], [Spark Legend], [Pure White Assimilation], and even even Both [Ultra Bomb] and [Ultra Guillotine] were abandoned by Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru continued to maintain close suppression, constantly increasing the speed, increasing the speed, and increasing the speed, pushing the rhythm of the battle to a higher level. of waves.

Beria could only look bitter as he was forced to follow Yuan Subaru to accelerate the pace of the battle. In this true blood-vomiting marathon, as long as one side slows down, it will be crushed by the opponent in an instant. In such a terrifying situation, In the battle, in one second... no, it might not take more than a second, and the opponent has already been hit by thousands of punches. In terms of Yuan Subaru and Beria's current efforts, not to mention thousands of punches, even if Hundreds of punches are enough to make the opponent unable to get up again!

Boy, don't think... I can't keep up with you!

Looking at the countless aurora-like attacks, Beria's expression gradually became fierce. It must be said that Yuan Subaru was very smart, and his choice of close combat was quite correct, so that he could not use the energy in his body. When the power of order comes into play, the weird pure white light around his body further affects his performance, making it so that even if he has the power of order, he is not much different from the normal state, which is really quite beautiful. choose.

But this also means that at this moment, the ability that Yuan Subaru is using is all his true strength. This boy... this arrogant traitor, who was shouting before that he will never be his opponent, okay , come on, now, I will defeat you from the front openly and openly, and let you understand that you will always be your father, and you can't change the world!

Thinking of this, Beria roared and began to actively increase the fighting rhythm. At the same time, the power of order also began to play a role, throwing all the ability blessings on Beria. For a moment, Beria's body An ominous and evil aura gushed out, like a demon god returning from the abyss. With every move of his hands and feet, he was filled with overbearing laws and conquered everything around him.

Yuan Subaru, on the other hand, continued to speed up the burning of the galaxy without saying a word. In an instant, Nexus turned into a bright white sun, bringing the light of hope in this desperate and terrifying field, like a stormy sea. In the middle of the lighthouse, the blazing flames dispelled the oppression brought by the ominous atmosphere.

Yuan Subaru's power collided with Beria's aura, triggering an unprecedented phenomenon. Seeing the strange black hole-like realm swallowing the two of them bit by bit, Max and Asakura Riku couldn't help but He sweated and looked nervously at the battlefield.

459 Beria: I haven’t lost yet!

"What the hell is this!"

When the battle became more intense, outside the solar system, in the scientific space station where AIB had spread out, the scientific researchers inside looked at the detection instrument that had completely exploded, and suddenly felt their scalp numb.

Especially other cosmic alliance forces that are several galaxies away have specially sent people to jump over to see what is happening in this solar system. The reason is very simple. On their side, all the energy detection instruments have exploded. .

And this is a quite terrifying phenomenon, which means that once an unknown situation breaks out in the solar system, it will be affected even several galaxies away. As far as the explosive instrument is concerned, it will be affected. The galaxies may also turn into dust.

"No, what are you AIB doing?"

The other members of the Universe Alliance who came over complained like this, but they also knew in their hearts that this matter probably had nothing to do with AIB. If AIB had this level of technology, their sphere of influence would have been expanded long ago. How far.

And now....

Such terrifying energy is concentrated in this solar system...

However, except for the planet named Earth, there is no impact on other planets. In fact, all kinds of data outside the Earth are quite normal, only the Earth! Only the earth! Such a small planet carries such terrifying energy. No, this is wrong. It is on this small planet, on that small island, that a small area carries such energy.

What is this? How is this so sacred? We can discuss any matter. Why can't you satisfy me? I beg you, old man, to quickly accept your magical power.

Although cosmic civilizations are complex and diverse, the cosmic people of any civilization now have the above thoughts in their minds. They are really scared, and some people have even committed suicide in despair. At this moment, there is still some friction among those around them. The Universe Alliance has put aside all conflicts and only hopes that this urgent cooperation can avoid the outbreak of this catastrophic disaster.

At this moment, outside the Earth's Xingshan City, Yuan Subaru and Beria had already noticed the strange black hole field, and they both knew what it was. They even understood why their battle did not spread. After all, with this kind of fighting intensity, within a few minutes of the war starting, the planet would be blown away.

The answer is naturally [Order]. No matter how Beria affects the Star of Order, it is also a manifestation of the power of Order. Yuan Subaru is the publisher personally selected by the [Order Tribunal]. Therefore, the conflict between the two of them is resolved by this. The [order] of the universe is determined to be [internal conflict]. This situation is not uncommon.

Just like truth, truth is both absolute and relative. With the advancement of human science and technology, the means of cognition of things have been improved. The truths that were once recognized will be replaced by new truths. its location.

Now, the battle between Yuan Subaru and Beria is regarded as such a [replacement]. In this case, [Order] will naturally not let this [internal conflict] affect the balance of the entire universe [Order].

Therefore, at the moment the battle started, the 'eyes' of [Order] fell here, observing the development of the situation, and carried out [isolation] in time. This is why Yuan Subaru launched the attack regardless of his life. The reason is because there is no need to worry about the safety of the earth and mankind.

However, now, as the battle between Yuan Subaru and Beria becomes more and more shocking, [Order] can no longer ignore it. If this continues, [Order]'s [Isolation] will become ineffective. Once [Isolation] is If it breaks through, the entire universe will be affected. If the situation is worse, the entire universe may be destroyed because of the explosion point generated here.

Faced with this situation, [Order] responded without hesitation, that is, to erase [internal conflicts]. This strange black hole is [Order]’s method of erasure. It wants to destroy Yuan Subaru and Bailey. These two unstable factors are completely eliminated!

In response to this, Yuan Subaru continued to increase his speed without caring, fighting with Beria without any care. Beria snorted coldly, saying that he had nothing to say, and went all out, putting on a show of determination. The posture of dying together with Yuan Subaru.

In this way, under the gaze of everyone, the black hole gradually engulfed the battlefield of Yuan Subaru and Beria, and began to shrink rapidly. It seemed that the moment the black hole disappeared, the execution of Yuan Subaru and Beria was completed. .

Asakura Lu nervously grabbed the corner of his clothes. Max had turned into a stream of light and flew towards the battlefield. Unfortunately, let alone his current state, even in his heyday, he could not Getting closer there, the fighting there was far beyond the level he could participate in.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Everyone was so nervous that they couldn't help but hold their breath, staring at the changes on the screen, watching the black hole completely disappear, watching the battlefield over there become empty...

Is this the end of this battle? !

In the AIB headquarters, the congressmen looked at each other, not knowing how to react for a moment. The direction of this matter was beyond their capabilities from the beginning, so that they could not judge which party had obtained the victory. won.

"Senior Max!"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious!"

Max grabbed the excited Asakura Riku and comforted the young Ultra warrior, but it also seemed to be comforting himself. He was waiting, waiting for the almost undefeated young warrior. Bring back his own victory!


Suddenly, a strange crisp sound came, and a crack suddenly appeared in the space on the battlefield over there. Then, like glass breaking, two figures emerged from it. The white stream of light seemed to have kicked the black light hard. , the distance between the two was quickly opened.

At the same time, everyone could clearly see the current appearance of the two. Beria had almost half of his body evaporated, and looked particularly miserable. Only the ultimate battle instrument in his hand was still the same as before, while Yuan Subaru's side , the child's condition is much better, but his left hand seems to have been attacked by something, and it is soft. It seems that he can no longer fight with it.

But no matter what...

At this time, it seems that the outcome has been decided, and Beria seems...

Wait, what is he going to do? !

460 Subaru: It’s so ugly

The battle is finally over.

Whether it was AIB or everyone in Nebula Manor, everyone thought so, but Beria had no intention of giving up. He still had the devil fragments, the batch of goods that were originally given to Fushii Izumi, that stupid and loyal subordinate. It has not been used up, so I still have a trump card! ! !

Beria yelled and summoned the fragments of his past, and merged them into his own body. However, this did not save much, but only restored his broken body to integrity.

"It's so ugly."

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru sneered disdainfully. Just when he was swallowed by the black hole, Yuan Subaru speeded up again, abruptly breaking Beria's rhythm, and beat the dark giant like a sandbag. In the end, he even Yuan Subaru carried Belia and tore apart the [Black Hole of Order], and this dark giant was able to survive.

Therefore, at this moment, facing Yuan Subaru's ridicule, Beria could not say a word. He was defeated. He was completely defeated. No matter what excuse he used, he was indeed defeated by Yuan Subaru again. in hand.


Too young and too stupid! What's the use of temporary victory! History...is written by the ultimate winner!

As if he had finally convinced himself, Beria stood up straight and stared at Yuan Subaru with a fierce look. The ultimate combat device in his hand drew an arc in the air and was aimed at Yuan Subaru. The purple-black energy Lightning began to flash.

"Beria, take a good look at your current behavior."

Gen Subaru stood up slowly. Although his left hand was temporarily useless, as an Ultra Warrior, his limbs were not necessary for combat.

"Is this something you would do? Putting aside your reserve as a hero, as Beria, would you do something like this that you don't even dare to admit failure? He will admit this failure and then do it even more Work hard to train yourself so that one day you can beat me down, instead of trying to kill me here to cover up the shame of your defeat."

Yuan Subaru pointed at Beria with his right hand and shouted coldly:

"So, Planet Reblondo, I will give you one last chance to get out of Beria's body, and I will let you die more happily!"

"Shut up, you traitor!"

Beria roared loudly. At that moment, he really couldn't help but doubt himself, but immediately, Beria strengthened his will. I am Beria, what kind of person from the Reblondo planet? The thing doesn't exist at all, let alone control me!

"Take your stupid ideas and go to prison for me. When you wake up, I will give you another chance!"


At this moment, as a new light lit up, Gede fell from the sky and stood between Yuan Subaru and Beria.

"Xiao Lu, it seems that there is no role for you in this battle."

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