"Xiao Lu!!!"

The next second, Aizaki Moya rushed into the room like a tiger descending from the mountain, and suddenly threw herself into Asakura Riku's arms. Asakura Riku subconsciously hugged his lover in a daze, although he still couldn't. I understand what's going on, but from the trembling body of Aizaki Moya, I can tell that this human woman must have suffered something terrible, so that only in Asakura Riku's arms, she To gain some sense of security.

I'll leave it to you here.

Yuan Subaru glanced at Asakura Riku, and then decisively left with Peijia. This kind of relationship and communication between lovers was really inappropriate for two outsiders here.

"What the hell happened?"

Peijia looked at Yuan Subaru subconsciously, and Yuan Subaru also shook his head in confusion and said softly:

"I'm not omniscient and omnipotent. I'm afraid we can only wait until Aizaki Moya calms down before talking about this kind of thing. This matter is really troublesome one after another."

"But it's really enviable."

Pejia's sudden words made Yuan Subaru look at him a few more times. To be honest, he didn't quite understand why the Pegesa star would say this.

"Mr. Gen Subaru, don't you think? When you feel uneasy or scared, there is a place where you can feel at ease."

At this time, Peijia also noticed Yuan Subaru's confusion and explained aloud:

"Just like Miss Aizaki Moya hid in Xiaolu's arms, it seems that she can calm down all the negative emotions and find a place to rely on... Speaking of which, Mr. Gen Subaru, do you have a lover?"

Peijia thought of something, looked at Yuan Subaru with a rather gossipy look and said:

"It stands to reason that a hero like you should be very popular with girls. Come on, come on, let's talk. Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so why not let's talk together."

"This... for me, it's more or less too early, love, love, etc., I'm sorry, I haven't thought about this aspect yet. In my current situation, even if someone really uses it, that so-called He looked at me with affectionate eyes, and I was afraid that I couldn’t feel anything.”

Yuan Subaru looked at Pejia with a subtle expression. He didn't expect that this spaceman cub had such thoughts, so he answered casually:

"As for relying on anything, I don't have that kind of thing, because I have always been someone else's to rely on. Just like now, with me here to control the situation, don't you and Xiao Lu feel a lot more at ease?"

"That's what I said, but... Mr. Yuan Subaru, you just said it yourself, you are not omniscient and omnipotent."

Peijia shook her head in confusion and said softly:

"Others are relying on you, so who should you go to when you need support? Mr. Yuan Subaru, have you ever thought about this question?"

"Humph, why should I think about this? This is a question that is not necessary to think about. You are still free to think about it."

439 Subaru: Not locked up

As long as I'm strong enough, I don't need to rely on you.

Yuan Subaru has always felt that this sentence is quite reasonable, but Yuan Subaru has no intention of explaining this truth to Peijia. It is too troublesome. He does not have his own experience, and it is difficult for him to understand this, so Yuan Subaru He didn't continue and just ignored the matter.


Speaking of people who admire you...

Yuan Subaru tilted his head. As Peijia said, there were indeed many. When he was at TLT-J, when he was still 1.8 meters tall and with a deformed body, there were female logistics staff with unknown circumstances, and there were also A nurse from the medical department sent him a love letter.

However, these people were immediately 'arranged' by Manager Matsunaga. When they saw him next time, they were so embarrassed that they could not lift their heads up from their blushes.

Speaking of which...

Team members Rikka and Minami seemed to be looking at me a little bit wrong...

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru tilted his head to the other side and carefully recalled all the past events. Then the child shrugged his shoulders and stopped thinking about this issue. It was meaningless. In another year or so, he would When you are about to die, if you have time to think about this, you should think more about what you can do for everyone in the universe before you die.

"It's quiet inside."

Yuan Subaru straightened his head and whispered to Peijia:

"Do you want to go in with me?"

"This... of course."

Peijia noticed that Yuan Subaru didn't want to continue the topic of 'reliance' with him, so he made such a blunt turn. Pejia nodded cooperatively and followed Yuan Subaru inside.

"Sorry, you two, to excuse me."

Gen Subaru seemed not to notice the couple who were getting tired of each other. He sat directly on the chair next to the bed, looked at Aizaki Moya and said:

"what happened?"

"Um...thank you, Brother Yuan Subaru. Without you, I'm afraid I would be dead."

Moa Aizaki quickly sat upright and expressed her heartfelt thanks to Gen Subaru. Moa Aizaki, who had just been working overtime on the dark side where the people of space live, was naturally affected by the mysterious ritual, but fortunately there was a source. Subaru gave her the protection of light, so Aizaki Moa survived.

Then, Aizaki Moya dutifully reported to the AIB headquarters about the dark side where people live in the universe, and cooperated with the follow-up personnel to complete the handover of the affairs. After getting the AIB headquarters, she was allowed to take a break to adjust her emotions. After the notification, Aizaki Moya came here and vented her uneasiness to Asakura Riku.

"That Baltan guy?!"

After hearing Gen Subaru ask a new question, Aizaki Moya was slightly stunned, and then answered seriously:

"The Baltan named Barbatos is dead. Although I didn't see the body and found no specific report, I heard from other colleagues that his brain seemed to have exploded. resulting in death.”

This thread is broken.

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly in his heart. In this way, he could only take a trip to the dark side where people live in the universe to see if he could find anything useful there.

"By the way, brother Gen Subaru, something is wrong with Zena-senpai!"

At this time, Aizaki Moya remembered something and quickly said to Gen Subaru:

"Senior Zena seems to be possessed by an evil spirit. He is quite weird. Why don't you bother to take a look at him first?"


Yuan Subaru responded with some surprise, how long had he been separated from Zena, and something happened to the Xade star who was quite capable of fighting?

"Where is he now?"

Gen Subaru didn't say much and asked directly. Moya Aizaki immediately picked up the communicator and typed, 'Zena-senpai, where are you now? I just received the news about my vacation. I have to pass on something to you before I can go on vacation.” The flag showed Zena’s current position.

"The East Third District of AIB headquarters?"

Seeing Aizaki Moya trying to show him the way, Gen Subaru waved his hand and said:

"No, I've been to the AIB headquarters. I have a pretty good understanding of the layout and division of the areas. I think it won't be difficult to find the place. Okay, let's go."

After saying that, Gen Subaru turned into a ray of light and disappeared in front of everyone. Aizaki Moya looked at the chair where Gen Subaru was sitting just now, looked at her lover silently, and said softly:

"Well... Brother Yuan Subaru seems to be more vigorous and resolute than I imagined."

"I think so too."

Riku Asakura also answered thoughtfully. He realized that Gen Subaru was now serious about his actions. The calmness of an old monk before was probably hiding an astonishing thunder.

On the other side, at the AIB headquarters, Zena, who received the message from Aizaki Moya, suddenly stopped in the middle of the road like a robot. After replying to the message, he stood there motionless, waiting for Aizaki. With the arrival of Mengya, fortunately, the AIB headquarters has sent out almost all its personnel due to various matters. There are no people walking around in this area. Otherwise, with Zena like this, I am afraid that the agents will have to try to It's taken.

After all, Zena's reaction was really strange. As AIB headquarters agents who deal with cosmic people and cosmic creatures every day, they have seen too many weird things and phenomena. If Zena fell into the trap, they wouldn't feel it. strangeness.

At this moment, Zena, who was standing on the spot, suddenly took off on the spot, spinning crazily like a top, and then fell heavily to the ground without any movement.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru's figure appeared next to him. The child bent down and looked at Zena. He sensed that there were indeed strange interdimensional space fluctuations in this Shade star. He casually turned Zena over. He met him, put his hand behind Zena's ear, rubbed it gently, and then with a sudden force, he pulled out a silver instrument that looked like a cross from behind his ear.

Is this the one controlling Zena?

Yuan Subaru pursed his lips slightly and used his telekinesis to try to follow the source of the signal and follow the clues to see who the real culprit was behind the scenes. However, the other party was obviously guarding against this. In the chaotic interdimensional space, if not Given a given frequency and coordinates, finding its source is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

"Ugh...it hurts."

At this time, Zena's body twitched and he slowly woke up. To be precise, he woke up from the pain. Zena felt as if he had been hit head-on by a large truck and almost been sent to another world.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop it, it was a bit too strong."

"Huh?! Who?!"

440 The obsession on the door

Yuan Subaru squatted in front of Zena, shook the extra-dimensional controller in his hand towards him, and said softly:

"Where did you fall for this trick?"

"....It's you?"

Zena was slightly startled at first. It was obvious that this was the first time the Xade star saw Yuan Subaru's true form, and he could barely identify his identity based on his voice.

"Have I...never formally introduced myself? Ah...I can't remember clearly, so regardless of whether I have or not, I will introduce myself again."

Yuan Subaru pointed at himself and said slowly:

"My name is Gen Subaru, I am Ultraman Nexus, the light born from the earth, and the guardian of mankind on earth. Okay, answer my question, when did you fall for the trick?"

"When I was in a detective agency, I went there to look for the larvae of a space monster, and then..."

Zena told Yuan Subaru his experience in short words. Yuan Subaru nodded, and then put his hand on Zena's shoulder. Then, Zena saw his vision suddenly flicker, and instantly From the AIB headquarters he came to the neighborhood where he had been recruited before.

"Aren't you going to hide your identity?"

Seeing Yuan Subaru's behavior, Zena realized something and couldn't help but asked:

"With your actions just now, even if you have the strength to easily destroy the AIB headquarters, that doesn't mean that you won't be discovered by the AIB headquarters..."

"It's no longer necessary. Have you seen the controlled Ultra Warrior?"

Yuan Subaru directly spread out his telekinesis and locked everything around him. While conducting a search, he said softly:

"This situation no longer allows me to hide my identity any longer. Let me tell the senior officials at AIB headquarters that I will have no objection to the upcoming battle even if they want to watch from a distance. But don't be stupid and give me some meaning." Unknown operation, otherwise, I will eliminate the existence of AIB before destroying Beria."

"....I see."

Yuan Subaru's toughness was beyond Zena's imagination. The Shad star took a deep look at this Ultra warrior who looked like a boy. He didn't expect that this adult with "full firepower" would act like this. When I was possessed before, I never imagined it would be like this.

Could it be that this gentleman has never been serious before? !

Zena quickly reported to the AIB headquarters with a subtle expression. Of course, it was impossible for him to pass on Yuan Subaru's words intact. Zena knew the senior officials and councilors of the AIB headquarters too well. They were standard dead. To save face and suffer the consequences, although the Speaker can suppress the noise and make correct judgments, it is still unknown how long this process will take and whether some members will allow their private troops to interfere during this process. .

After all, Zena still prefers AIB. He doesn't want this organization to be wiped out by the wrath of the Ultra Warriors because of some idiots.

"That's it."

Just when Zena was making a report, Yuan Subaru's voice suddenly came. He looked up and saw that the detective agency that had been converted from a restaurant was dragged over by an invisible force. Yuan Subaru saw After Zena nodded, he immediately started to deal with the detective agency without saying a word. With precise mind control, every brick in the detective agency was inspected.


"Cunning Beria escaped so quickly."

Yuan Subaru whispered helplessly. He found a lot of weird traces from this detective agency. There is no doubt that in those weird corners, there should have been traps used by Beria to design people, but now Everything has been demolished, and even the owner of the detective agency has disappeared.

Um? !

At this time, Yuan Subaru's eyes fell on the door of the detective agency, and he noticed a rather subtle reaction of power. Yuan Subaru moved the door in front of him and looked at it carefully. He felt a very ancient aura, as if a magical power had passed through here a long time ago. It was such a 'stubborn' power that even after the erosion of time, there were still some traces.

This...should not be Beria's power.

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly and murmured thoughtfully, one thing to say, let alone Beria, even a guy like himself, in a certain sense, is probably not so profound. 'Obsession', what on earth is this?

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru put his hand on the door and tried to trace the source of this obsession. But immediately, Yuan Subaru stopped this action. He realized that this thing probably did not exist in this universe. Although I don’t know how the owner of this power did it, he seems to have indeed completed the leap between the big universes.

Is it a response based on ‘mind’s thoughts’? !

Yuan Subaru whispered in his heart in amazement. Although Yuan Subaru had always heard about the power of idealism, he never expected that an existence that could achieve such an idealistic level actually existed. In a certain sense, To put it bluntly, this is quite outrageous.

Speaking of which, if I call to this door, will it directly pull the owner of that obsession power over just like when I was called?

Encountering such an interesting thing, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and decided to give it a try. To be honest, if it could succeed, Yuan Subaru really wanted to ask for advice and ask the mysterious man what happened. How can one use the power of idealism freely when he has exerted it to this extent?

Yuan Subaru closed his eyes and began to try to call out the remaining breath on the door, hoping to find the owner of that power. But at this moment, Yuan Subaru vaguely felt that a terrifying 'whirlpool' was coming from A projection came out from the door. Although I don't know what that person has been through, there is no doubt that he seems to be in a very bad situation now. He must have encountered some big trouble.

Yuan Subaru hesitated and wanted to try to reverse summon and pull one of his clones over there to see if he could help. Unfortunately, this was beyond his ability, so he had to put it aside for now.

I'll try again in the future. I hope the masters over there can withstand it. That level of 'whirlpool' is also quite scary.

"Sir Yuan Subaru, something happened!"

441 Ultra Bombs are still useful

When Yuan Subaru put away his curiosity about the door, Zena's face suddenly changed, he raised his head, and said in a serious tone:

"I just received news that the arsenal at the AIB headquarters was..."


Before Zena finished speaking, an extremely sharp buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the energy impact as fast as light fell on the space-time barrier outside Xingshan City, causing the space-time over there to be distorted to a considerable extent.


Whether it was Gensuba or ordinary humans, they all saw the mad giant looming outside the barrier of time and space.

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