Peijia was silent and thinking quickly. To be honest, he didn't think Asakura Lu had such a brain, and even if Asakura Lu thought so, it didn't make any sense. After all...

Mr. Genzuo Subaru is a very serious person.

On the other side, when Yuan Subaru heard this, he couldn't help but agree with Asakura Riku's realization. Since he said so, he naturally had to satisfy him.

So, in the next second, Peijia saw Asakura Riku, who had been so powerful just now, suddenly turn pale, and his whole body fell to the ground as softly as noodles, even as if he had stopped breathing.

"Xiao Lu!!"

Peijia knew that Yuan Subaru would not hurt Asakura Riku, at least he would not leave him with any fatal injuries or sequelae, but when he saw his friend like this, he couldn't help but worry about approaching him and looking at Asakura Lu's eyes widened. Pejia hesitated for a moment, then lightly punched Asakura Lu's chest.

This punch, like an electric shock, suddenly made Asakura Riku's body tremble, and he began to gasp for breath. A large amount of cold sweat burst out instantly, and it penetrated Asakura Riku's underwear. The dilated pupils also condensed again, but they also revealed the uneasiness of being frightened——

Just now, Riku Asakura... It's hard to describe what he saw. He only felt that at a certain moment, an invisible impact seemed to appear around Yuan Subaru's body, making the surrounding space look like water patterns. It started to fluctuate, and then...

Asakura Riku didn't know what happened next. All his perception abilities seemed to have stopped at that moment. All that was left was a hysterical desire to escape, as if every cell in his body wanted to escape from this danger immediately. space, and such intense nerve signals caused his brain to shut down.

If Peijia hadn't awakened him like that, no, if there hadn't been external stimulation to awaken him, Asakura Lu felt that he would have maintained that posture until his physical death.

"How is it? Be honest now."

Looking at the frightened Asakura Riku, Yuan Subaru gave himself a thumbs up in his heart with satisfaction. Sometimes, the stimulation is too strong, but it will not make people fear, because before the fear, his consciousness has already fallen into He went into a deep sleep of self-protection, just like Asakura Riku now, was he frightened? Sure, but scared? Haha, he doesn’t even know what he should be afraid of, so how can he be afraid?

"I understand, Brother Yuan Subaru, I am too arrogant."

Asakura Lu nodded obediently and said honestly:

"I'm going to find a human martial arts gym and try to improve my fighting ability there."

"I know your unwillingness, but... to be honest, this is not a bad choice for you."

Yuan Subaru tilted his head helplessly and explained softly. To be honest, it wasn't that he didn't mean to belittle or look down on Asakura Riku, but it was just that Yuan Subaru had not encountered this kind of less difficult battle for quite some time.

Therefore, even if he can adjust the difficulty of dream training to a certain extent, this kind of thing can be regarded as a very delicate job. For the control of difficulty, one must also consider the strength of Riku Asakura in the process. It will continue to improve, and Yuan Subaru has to make real-time adjustments. To realize this process, a large number of various simulation calculations must be carried out behind the scenes.

One thing to say, Yuan Subaru feels that this is completely unnecessary. Although he is not unable to do this, Asakura Riku can be improved by normal means now, and there is no need to suffer such a crushing blow.

At some point, if Asakura Riku feels that normal means cannot allow him to continue to grow, then it will be enough for him to try his own dream trial...

Speaking of which, are the two Minato brothers okay now? Before I left, I should have lowered the difficulty for them. It must have been lowered! ! ! This thing makes me feel so guilty now...

433 The mythical Fengdu Office

Just when Yuan Subaru was muttering in his heart, Markel, a Jeton star, had already led people outside the detective agency. For him, wanting to find out where Zena had been during this time was not Nothing difficult, and Zena's change didn't last long, nor did it take much time.

Is this the area?

Markel, a Jeton star, looked at the terminal in his hand and glanced around the somewhat deserted streets. His eyes naturally fell on the strange detective agency. He had never heard of a new one opened here. shop, or a detective agency....

One thing to say, not everyone can open this kind of thing.

Markel, a Jeton star, couldn't help but click his lips. Seeing this detective agency, he couldn't help but think of a myth he had heard. It seems that when you are desperate, just open a door at will, and there will be You may arrive at a magical [Fengdu Detective Agency].

There, there will be a powerful unknown existence listening to your troubles. If he is moved by your experience, he will become a dark warrior and remove all obstacles for you.

Of course, due to differences in culture and personal conduct, there have been times when people mistakenly entered mysterious offices, and when they expressed their troubles, they incurred the wrath of the mysterious existence. The terrifying shadow of darkness would not only erase those who entered by mistake , will also take the initiative to eliminate those entities that he thinks need to be cleaned up.

However, this ‘magic office’ has now become a mythical existence. Locals don’t use this thing to coax children. Therefore, even if this magical place really existed, it has disappeared for a long time. This is also normal. In the universe, changes are happening all the time. The planet you passed by on your last trip may have become nothingness for various reasons when you come back next time.

"Boss, do you want to go in and take a look?"

At this time, Markel, the Jetton star, heard the whispers of his subordinates. He shook his head and let the myth he had heard out of his mind, and then said in a concentrated voice:

"Let's go in and take a quick look to see who is the one who opened the store inside."

Markel, the Jetton star, thought very clearly about what to do next. He has experienced such things many times, so he can be said to be familiar with it. Without too much thinking, he has already made a draft in his mind. After entering, how to communicate with the people inside and try to get words from them, these are all very mature templates of speech.

Humph, this is all my experience!

With this idea in mind, Markel, the Jetton star, walked into the detective agency with his men. The layout inside was still the same. Markel, the Jetton star, glanced around and noticed several cameras placed in secret corners around. These cameras were arranged quite exquisitely. It can be said that no matter which direction you come in from, as long as you stand in this hall, you will be captured by at least two cameras.

I have to say that the owner of this agency is still a bit capable, otherwise I would not have noticed this if I had not deliberately observed it.

Markel, the Jetton star, muttered a few words in his heart, and then did not pay more attention to this. After all, this is a detective agency, it is someone else's territory. Even if hundreds of cameras are installed here, it is someone else's business, as long as the detectives here are willing to spend money.

"Hello, is anyone here? I need help."

After standing in the hall for a while, Markel, a Jetton star, who had not waited for anyone to come to serve him, shouted helplessly. If the owner of the store was not here, he could only carry out plan B. However, compared to quietly rummaging through the boxes and cabinets here, Markel, a Jetton star, still prefers to find the answer he wants from words.

After all, that is so elegant and saves effort.

However, at this moment, Markel, a Jetton star, heard a slight sound, like some machinery was running. The Jetton star agent, who immediately realized what might happen, immediately turned around and ran out the door. His team members did not hesitate at all, and fled in different directions. This is the tacit understanding of their team. When necessary, don't care about the life and death of teammates. As long as you can escape and bring intelligence, you will be worthy of the sacrifice of your teammates. This is a necessary awareness!


When Markel, the Jetton star, realized that something was wrong, it was too late. The cameras set in the secret corners suddenly flashed orange light, and like a high-speed shutter, they illuminated the Markel team of the Jetton star with a dazzling frequency.

Under such a strange light, the movements of Markel, the Jetton star, and others were like a slowed-down video, and finally stopped at a certain moment. They kept their own escape movements, staring at the escape exit they chose, but there was no next step.

After three minutes of flashing, it subsided. Then, the door of the detective agency was slowly opened, and the boy with a cockscomb hairstyle walked in slowly with two unconscious life forms in his hands, and threw the things in his hands casually on the floor.

These two life forms were the insurance measures left outside by Markel, the Jetton star. Unfortunately, they did not work just like the communication set up by Zena.

Then, the strange white mist emerged again, completely enveloping the office, like a fire scene, and in such a mist, a pair of ominous narrow orange-yellow lights slowly lit up...

"Lord Belia?!"

At this moment, Fusui Desi, who was conducting an experiment, suddenly raised his head. As he said before, part of his soul was in Belia's hands, so he and Belia could communicate at any time.

"I understand, I'll start it now!"

Fusui Desi heard the order that sounded out of thin air in his ears. His dear Lord Belia asked him to create chaos immediately and attract the attention of Zedd and AIB, and even used the words at all costs.

In this case, I can't let Lord Belia down no matter what I say!

Fusui Desi immediately took out a small box, rushed to the area where the AIB headquarters was located, and then took out a Star of Order from the small box, and at the same time, there was a... Devil Fragment of Belia!

434 Gensuba is warming up.jpg

This is the latest research of Fukui Ideshi. After more detailed development, he successfully added this high-concentration demon fragment from Belia into the next fusion experiment.

Of course, in Fukui Ideshi's eyes, this is not a demon fragment. It is not an exaggeration to call it a holy object or a divine weapon.

In this way, under the control of Fushii Izuku, terrible energy is condensing. The power of the Star of Order, Demonic Fragments, Ace Killer, and the monster King Ailei are quickly fused together, accompanied by the terrifying sound of thunder. Passing through the earth, the Belial fusion beast "Thunder Killer" descended here.

This monster is like a warrior wearing golden armor. The long spines extending from the shoulder armor and other armor modules make it look particularly burly. Moreover, this thunder killer not only has the black markings on King Airei's body. , as well as the armor and huge claws of Ace Killer. It can be seen from the electric current flowing on its body surface from time to time that its body stores a large amount of electricity, and in the package of this electric current, on its chest, something similar to Beria's colorful timer is also particularly eye-catching.


At this time, Fushii Izuku let out a scream, and fell to the ground uncontrollably, twitching uncontrollably——

The strength of the Thunder Killer this time exceeded Fushii Izuku's imagination. In order to avoid being hit by the energy fluctuations during the fusion ceremony, Fushii Izuku had to carry out special protection, but this time, the protection mechanism directly Being penetrated, Fushii Izuku would have been completely cold if he were an ordinary earthling.

Feeling this fatal pain, Fushii Izuku couldn't help laughing. The Belial Fusion Beast in this posture will definitely make Lord Belial happy!'re dead! ! ! !

"It's a monster again! Really...the frequency of this appearance is too fast."

Asakura Riku looked at the picture projected by Lime, and his face couldn't help but look ugly. Although he was not afraid of fighting, he was not a tough man. He had just solved a gigantic cosmic being not long ago. Why was he like this? For a long time....

do not care! Isn’t it just a monster? I can handle it!

Looking at the monster that started to march towards the city, Asakura Riku didn't hesitate any longer and rushed directly to the teleportation elevator, preparing to transform into Geed to fight.

"Be careful."

At this time, Yuan Subaru stopped Asakura Riku and reminded him:

"This battle may... no, it will definitely be more dangerous than what you have experienced before. Don't be impatient and just fight as hard as you can."

I'll give you support.jpg

Although Yuan Subaru did not speak too clearly to take care of Asakura Riku's emotions, Asakura Riku could easily hear the subtext. To be honest, at that moment, Asakura Riku felt relieved. a lot of.

Things like 'Don't look down on me', 'I don't need your help', etc. The possible quarrels Yuan Subaru imagined did not appear in Asakura Lu's heart at all. Asakura Lu even felt that his brother was a little too much. Overthink it.

But no matter what, after Yuan Subaru's words, Asakura Riku couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then smiled and rushed into the elevator.

"Mr. Yuan Subaru, are you... very powerful this time?"

Looking at the monster with electric light constantly splashing out from its body, Pejia came to Yuan Subaru uneasily and asked softly:

"It just if you were going to play in person."

"You're right. To be precise, this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide my existence."

Yuan Subaru looked at Thunder Killer, quickly assessed the strength level of this monster in his mind, and said softly helplessly:

"This is no longer an enemy that Geide can deal with. I didn't have the nerve to say it directly just now. In fact, I let Xiao Lu go because I just wanted him to gain some combat experience."

Looking at the battlefield where the fight had begun, Yuan Subaru said in a calm tone:

"Ged doesn't have a lot of energy reserves right now. In the previous battle, this guy used too many unnecessary skills in order to look cool. So even if I take over the battle next time, I'm afraid I will have to use my own power. , to defeat it, I hope Beria can’t detect my energy fluctuations.”

Well, it’s not impossible to say that.

After experiencing the previous battles, Yuan Subaru believed that even if Beria was now half-dead, he could still see through his disguise at a glance and discover his existence from the nature of energy. After all, Nexus Be it light or raw power, these are quite iconic existences.

"But even if it's discovered, it's not a big deal."

Yuan Subaru glanced at Pejia beside him, worried that the Pegasus star would accidentally spill the beans and put more pressure on Asakura Rikuhei, so he added:

"Strength is the last word. Beria will not be my opponent. If he hadn't been found now, this battle would have ended long ago."

Just when Yuan Subaru was speaking so softly, outside Xingshan City, after a violent flash of lightning, Ultraman Geed screamed and was blasted into the sky, falling heavily to the ground. Just now, the Thunder Killer absorbed it from his chest He caught the light emitted by Ged and then bounced back from his eyes, directly making the situation of Ged, who was already at a disadvantage, even worse.

While Zedd was struggling to get up, the Thunder Killer began to release amazing lightning energy from the claws of his hands, the shoulder armor and the tail. While attacking and blocking Zedd, the Thunder Killer also turned into a flash of lightning and rushed forward. When Zedd's body was still paralyzed, he first used a tail swing attack to paralyze him again, and then concentrated a large amount of electric shock energy on his left hand to form a ball of light. At such a close distance, it hit Zedd hard, forming a "lightning death charge", trying to defeat his enemy in one fell swoop.

However, the situation did not develop as the Thunder Killer expected. His combo was indeed very powerful. If it were on other Ultra Warriors, they would have been seriously injured and fell to the ground and needed to be sent to the Silver Crusaders headquarters for rescue.

Where is Zedd?

I...was I saved by Brother Yuan Subaru?

Lying on the ground, Asakura Lu clearly felt that when the monster was close to him, an inexplicable force suddenly surged out of his body to reduce the damage from the enemy. Although the force completely dissipated with the last blow, at least he was still alive....

435 Max suddenly appeared

Asakura Lu was trying his best to stand up, at least not to lie on the ground like he was now, but his paralyzed body really couldn't do it. He could only watch, watching the Thunder Killer start to mobilize the electricity in his body, and send the purple-black lightning energy to the sky through the two long spikes on his shoulders.

For a while, the terrible thunderclouds were gathering, covering the entire city and the surrounding towns. Asakura Lu also felt that he had been locked by some unknown breath. Next, he was afraid that he would be blown up to the sky together with the city behind him!

However, Asakura Riku was not panicked at all, because he knew that his brother would take action next. As long as Brother Yuan Subaru took action, no matter what the problem was, it would be solved.


Asakura Riku's peace of mind was unknown to other humans who were affected...

"Mom, I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let's go to the basement quickly."

A mother, with tears of fear, took her child and tried to save their lives underground. After hearing this, the people next to her immediately kicked the mother and daughter away, intending to hide in the basement first, but there were also upright people around who blocked the way of the evildoer, and then waved their fists and feet accompanied by insults.

And such chaos was only relatively minor in this city. Encountering such terrible monsters one after another, people's spirits were already tense. Although many people were questioning and scolding, it is undeniable that when Ultraman Geed appeared, no matter who it was, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if they had found their backbone.

But now, Jed has fallen, and he was completely crushed with almost no resistance. After realizing that there is nothing in front of them to protect their safety, the fear and anxiety that have been suppressed in their hearts almost broke out at this moment, and the strong negative energy filled this space.

"Here it comes! Here it comes! Here it comes!!"

At the same time, Barbatos, who was captured by AIB, was still sitting in a chair the previous second, pretending to be stupid and silent. No matter what means the interrogators used, they could not pry open his mouth. The next second, he suddenly became excited. He looked up at the ceiling, giving people a feeling that he had the ability to see through, and could directly see through the building of the AIB headquarters and see the sky. He said in a fanatical tone:

"The real world is coming! Me! And you! All have to face the truest self! We are born evil things! It's time to be liquidated! Hahahaha!!!!"

"You bastard! "

The interrogator rushed over, grabbed Barbatos, and shouted:

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Fufffufufufufu... (Hohohohohohoho...)"

Barbatos laughed strangely, which was unique to Baltan, and said in a creepy tone:

"Can't you see for yourself?"

When Barbatos went crazy at the AIB headquarters, in the dark residential area of ​​the aliens, the place that had been massacred by the giant aliens before, whether it was the land or the buildings, were all stained with a strange red color, as if sticky blood was attached to them, and then emitted a terrifying negative energy fluctuation.

For a moment, the AIB members who were still handling the follow-up matters in the local area, as well as other cosmic people living nearby, all burst into shrill wails at the same time. They all covered their heads, and their ten fingers emerged with amazing strength, piercing their skulls. Then, under the influence of strong negative energy, a group of them, as if under the influence of negative energy, their brains had undergone some kind of mutation, and crawled out of their heads.

And this strange creation, it is still unclear what it is. Its existence itself marks a weird distortion of the laws of reality. It is like a complete individual, where the head should be, there is a wrinkled ring mouth covered with countless dark red ellipsoids.

It looked like a translucent vase, a container for the brain, nerve center, or whatever other morbid organ dominated this horrible, disgusting creature.

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