But with the appearance of the legendary monsters——

The legendary space monster Hillary and the legendary deep-sea monster Kodara are both the incarnations of destruction summoned by the will of the earth. When the development of human civilization touches the limits of nature, the earth summons Hillary and other two monsters to destroy human civilization in order to restore the green primitive world.

Two million years ago, Hillary and Kodara appeared and destroyed the ancient human civilization at that time. Then the former returned to the universe and the latter dived into the sea. However, not all ancient humans perished in that disaster. The survivors left a metal plate that recorded everything to warn future humans.

Now, due to the serious damage to the environment caused by the development of modern humans, Kodara in the deep sea received the call of the earth and began to wake up.

When UMA was about to launch the ozone layer repair plan, Kodara also started to act from the sea. After destroying several fishing boats at sea, it released red seaweed to destroy the marine ecology and gradually eroded the drinking water of the Australian continent, causing a major food and water crisis in the whole of Australia.

Later, when UMA salvaged the metal plate left by the ancient humans in the sea, Kodara, sensing this, began to move towards the bay area, fought with UMA's Hummer fighter twice, and finally landed.

UMA's attack was completely ineffective against Kodara, so Jack Sindo could only transform into Ultraman Gray to fight, but he was suppressed by Kodara in close combat and had almost no ability to fight back.

In desperation, Gray could only use light to attack Kodara. Kodara used [Light Multiplication Ability] to counterattack, cracked Gray's [Star Light] and [Magnum Shooting], and strengthened [Star Light] to defeat Gray. After winning this battle, Kodara temporarily returned to the sea to lurk.

At this time, after receiving the call from the earth, Hillary in the universe entered the solar system in just a few days and was about to enter the earth.

Realizing this, the Australian military joined forces with countries around the world that possess nuclear weapons to launch ICBMs to bomb Hillary over the atmosphere, but Hillary was not only intact, but also absorbed all the nuclear energy from the nuclear warhead to transform it into its own energy.

After entering the Earth, Hillary ravaged major cities around the world, using her own flames and destructive rays to carry out crazy destruction, causing countless casualties. Even if UMA dispatched all of its Hummer fighters to fight with all their strength, it could not effectively attack Hillary.

At the same time, as Hillary approached the Earth, Kodara was called and landed in the harbor area again to carry out destruction. The Australian military and UMA jointly planned a nuclear satellite laser cannon to attack Kodara, but it was completely ineffective against Kodara. After nightfall, Kodara met up with the flying Hillary and fought with Ultraman Gray again.

This time, Gray was aware of the final battle, and his high mental strength greatly improved his combat effectiveness. He actually suppressed Kodara in the battle until Hillary came to his aid, and Kodara regained the advantage.

But at this time, UMA found a weapon that could deal with this legendary monster from the heritage of ancient humans - [Metal Disk Reflector]. After manufacturing it, with the cooperation of Gray, they successfully eliminated Kodara. At this point, only Hillary was left to fight Gray alone.

But even so, Hillary still severely injured Gray with the laser light and fire in his hand, forcing him into a desperate situation.

At the same time, Gray's energy was insufficient, but because of Gray's strong willpower, he held on. When Hillary was about to perform a fatal blow, Gray seized a moment of opportunity to launch a counterattack, slashed Hillary's neck with [Double Gray Cut], and finally used [Knuckle Shooting] with all his strength to penetrate Hillary's abdomen.

Under this series of attacks, Hillary finally fell to the ground and died. After such a hard battle, Gray's strength was not enough to continue to move on the earth, so he separated from Jack Sindo, took Hillary's body, flew into the universe under the gaze of UMA, and returned to the Land of Light.

Afterwards, Ultraman Gray continued to perform his original duties in the Land of Light. After the outbreak of the Essence Disaster, the Land of Light discovered several abnormal time and space distortions, so Ultraman Gray teamed up with several other Ultra Warriors to investigate. Then, after the outbreak of the Chaos Tide, they lost contact with the Land of Light...

420 Resurrection of Gransfia (first update)

To be honest, after reading all this, the biggest feeling of Kengo Shinchu is that fortunately the protagonist recorded in this file is not Senior Gensuba, otherwise, at the end of this file, the home planet of some cosmic person would have been disposed of.

Okay, no more jokes, let's be honest. Now Kengo Shinaka seems to understand why Ultraman Eddie gave him this terminal. Not only did he want him to recognize the outstanding Ultra Warriors in the Land of Light, but he also wanted to have a general impression of the existence of the Land of Light through the deeds of these Ultra Warriors.

I have to say that if Ultraman Eddie really thought so, then he was indeed successful. Now Kengo Shinaka feels that he has a general outline of the existence of the Land of Light. Before, he just thought that it was a group of "policemen" running around in the universe.

After all, on the way to find the Land of Light, there were all kinds of things, and some people even turned around and ran away without hesitation when they saw him. Kengo Shinaka didn't know which of these somewhat contradictory statements and performances was correct.

Now it seems that the Land of Light is more like a group of good people who run around in the universe every day, protecting the weak and maintaining peace. However, I don’t know why, whether it is the Earth in this universe or the Earth in other parallel universes, they are particularly related to the Ultraman of this Land of Light...

However, for the Land of Light, the preference for Earth seems to be just a coincidence. In any case, compared with myself and Senior Minamoto Subaru, who have lived on Earth for a long time, the planet Earth is just an insignificant one among the many planets in the universe for most Ultra Warriors in the Land of Light. I think only those Ultra Warriors who have been to Earth will have some concerns about it.

Thinking of this, Kengo Shinaka suddenly thought of something, and his expression became quite subtle-

Wait, those who turned around and ran away when they saw me, wouldn’t they think I was Senior Minamoto Subaru? Just now, Ultraman Geno said that Senior Minamoto Subaru’s massacre has spread in the universe, and I am also an Ultra Warrior who has not appeared in this universe before. They must have misunderstood something.

"Wait, there seems to be a commotion in the Land of Light."

Just when Kengo Manaka was thinking about it, Eddie's voice suddenly came. At the same time, Kengo Manaka also felt the speed around him suddenly increase. Obviously, Eddie and Geno worked together and began to speed up to the Land of Light.

Kengo Manaka also quickly prepared for the battle. At this time, he saw countless turbid white spheres rushing out of a black hole and attacking the emerald green glowing star. The dense black lightning almost formed a huge dark cloud, covering the Land of Light.

"Gransfia?! Why...Hasn't he been eliminated by Dyna?!"

Although there were some changes in appearance, Eddie recognized the enemy at a glance. Kengo Manaka was slightly stunned. He had just read this information. Mainly, among the notes of a large number of Ultra Warriors' names, Dyna was the only one who was unconscious in the page that Kengo Manaka turned to, so he clicked in to take a look.

If Kengo Shinchu remembered correctly, the full name of this enemy was [Dark Planet Gransphia], which had extremely terrifying destructive power and absorption and dissolution capabilities, and could destroy a planet in three seconds. It was said that if you were sucked in, even Ultraman would not be able to get out.

In the records, in order to defeat Ultraman Dyna, these planet-sized spherical life forms formed a giant conjoined shape, and the Sphia body was hidden in the center of a vortex composed of space-time energy, and the center of the vortex was a black hole with enough power to devour the planet.

At the beginning, Gransphia continued to devour nearby planets in the Milky Way, darkness enveloped the entire universe, and the solar system was also in danger of destruction. The Earth Defense Force sent a space attack force to meet Gransphia on Neptune, but they did not expect that the gravitational field formed by the huge magnetic force and gravity released by Gransphia would suck all the space attack forces into the black hole.

The reinforcements came to analyze and found that the black hole at the center of the vortex was alive. The power of this black hole was stronger than any previous monster. If the black hole continued to devour, the solar system would be destroyed in less than a week. The Earth Defense Force Condor launched an energy shock named "Tornado Thunder" to attack the center of the vortex, but it had no effect at all.

In order to deal with Gransfia, the Earth Defense Force decided to activate the sealed trump card - the New Max Cannon. The New Max Cannon has great destructive power, and one shot is enough to crush an asteroid. It is evaluated as "a weapon that can destroy mankind." The Earth Defense Force installed the New Magus Cannon for the mobile fortress at the Galimeda base on Jupiter, preparing to give a fatal blow when Gransfia came to Jupiter.

In order to stop the Earth Defense Force's plan to launch the New Mags Cannon, Gransphia sent out the super-synthetic beast Neogaigared. After Dyna and the Earth Defense Force jointly eliminated the Newgaigared, the shadow of the Sphia sphere passed through New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Moscow and other important cities, threatening humans to surrender and shouting that the universe will be conquered by darkness.

The original words were as follows-

'Humans on Earth, assimilate with them. They used to be humans like you. Because they were afraid of limited life and fighting each other, they eventually put their planet in danger of extinction.

But they have overcome humanity itself and all organic and inorganic matter have merged with this planet itself, that is me. It's not too late, before the Earth perishes, let me welcome you. I am the future that the Earth should move towards.

Integrating into darkness is the correct evolutionary direction of the Earth, integrate into darkness and submit to me. '

If Senior Gensuba heard this, he would be covered in all kinds of [Ultra Bombs].

The humans on Earth at that time naturally did not give in. When Asuka Shin was protecting Yumimura Ryo, he discovered the weakness of Gransfia: when the barrier defense was opened, the body would be exposed.

So the Earth Defense Team and Dyna cooperated with each other. With the support of the new Mags cannon, the Shining Dyna defeated Gransfia with the iconic Soljet beam, and the universe was bright again.

However, Dyna was swallowed by the black hole because he could not escape in time due to the strong gravity after the black hole collapsed. At that time, everyone thought that Dyna had died. In fact, Ultraman Dyna traveled to another universe, but his half-baked time and space power made him meet his old friends on Earth again after a long time.

421 Zoffi: Ga! (Second update)

Wait, this Gulansfiya is not going for Dana.

Although I don’t know why this Gulansfiya was resurrected, there is no doubt that Dana is currently lying in the Silver Crusade headquarters of the Kingdom of Light to recuperate. It is difficult not to make people doubt that this is not coming. Seeking revenge.

"Teliga, be careful!"

At this time, Eddie was keenly aware of something, and quickly pushed Jeno and Manaka Kengo away. At the same time, he jumped back flexibly, turned over with a Yaozi, and avoided the light-like attack. Black Lightning, there is no doubt that now these three Ultraman have also become the target of the dark planet Gransfia.

"Damn it, you actually sneaked in first and destroyed the security system. You're really capable!"

At this time, in the Kingdom of Light, Hikari was waving his lightsaber, intercepting the incoming energy lightning, looking for opportunities to destroy the incoming sphere, and whispered in a rather unkind tone, originally because of the Phoenix Nest last time , Hikali was worried that the security system of the Kingdom of Light would knock down Qishui and the others, so he drew his sword and destroyed it.

And because of this and that, there are too many things to repair and sort out, and there is also primeval energy to process and study, so Hikari only has time to deal with the security system of the Kingdom of Light. I will mess with it a bit, or I will do it when I remember it.

after all....

Needless to say, in fact, the most valuable part of this security system is nothing more than the induction radar. As long as the enemy can be discovered in advance, finding an available Ultra brother to go over is no more useful than firing those weapons.

But Hikali said nothing and never expected that this time the dark planet Gulansfia would actually orbit behind and destroy the repaired sensing radar, so that this guy was almost stuck in the face of the Kingdom of Light before he was Discover.

"No, this battle can't be dragged on any longer!"

On the other side, Zoffi, who was also fighting, quickly analyzed the current situation. Since O-50 had allocated some manpower, some members went to the Absolute clan to help deal with the Cascade Energy Tower. Due to the incident, the father of Ultra also temporarily left the Kingdom of Light to try to find the whereabouts of the King of Ultra.

Therefore, the current Kingdom of Light is unexpectedly short of manpower. If the dark planet Gulansfia is allowed to be destroyed again, many things that have just been rebuilt will have to be rebuilt all over again!

Thinking of this, Zoffi felt an extra headache. Even for an Ultra Warrior, it would be very troublesome to rebuild those things! With the current shortage of manpower in all aspects, there is nothing we can do to add new jobs!

Thinking of this, Zuo Fei shouted:

"Brothers, help me support my body!!"

Hearing this, Ace, Taro, Ultraman, Hikari and Jack all understood what Zoffie was going to do next. They immediately and quickly dealt with their opponents, and then rushed behind Zoffie. , one by one, leaned behind Zoffi, and then Zoffi raised his right hand forward, aimed at the vortex where the dark planet Gulansfiya was, and fired the blue-white M87 light.

Although this attack is indeed quite powerful for ordinary monsters, for the dark planet Gulansfia, after analysis, it found that this attack could not attack its location, so it He immediately mobilized the surrounding spheres, intending to take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate all the Ultra warriors who had gathered together for some reason.

But at this moment, there was an abnormal distortion of time and space around Zuofi. It was not that something was coming across time and space, but that Zuofi was going to use full firepower to show the true power of the M87 light!

Accompanied by an extremely ear-piercing scream, a blue-white high-heat light that suddenly expanded from a 'stream' to a 'waterfall' burst out from Zoffie's hand, with a powerful recoil, even with the support of the Ultra brothers behind him. Looking at Zuofi, he couldn't help but retreated, leaving deep ravines on the floor of the Avenue of the Kingdom of Light.

And such an explosion broke through the defense of the dark planet Gulansfiya almost in an instant. The deep and dirty black vortex was instantly illuminated by the light, and the resurrected evil for some reason also turned into countless... The ashes completely disappeared into the universe.

At the same time, with the destruction of the dark planet Gulansfia, those ominous dark spheres also disappeared, and the 'dark clouds' covering the Kingdom of Light disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

"Huh...I'm so tired."

"No matter how many times I see it, the light of Brother Zuofi's M87 at full blast is really amazing."

"Yeah yeah."

With the end of the battle, the Ultra brothers who no longer had to support Zoffi shook their hands in unison, breathing heavily and talking softly. In this regard, Zoffei did not speak. It had been a long time since he had used a weapon with full firepower. He was somewhat unable to control his energy consumption rate with the M87 light. To be honest, as far as the defense of the dark planet Gulansfia is concerned, there is no need to consume so much energy, otherwise he would not be so tired now. I don’t even want to say anything anymore.

Fortunately, the plasma spark tower was shining above his head, and it only took a short time to restore energy.


At this moment, three streams of light fell from the sky. After seeing the enemy retreat, Eddie, Geno and Kengo Manaka decisively accelerated to the Kingdom of Light to see if there was anything they could help with.

After seeing Zoffy's tired look, Eddie also realized what the light that seemed to have cut through the Milky Way was. To be honest, this was the first time Eddie saw the full M87 light with his own eyes, and he was more or less shocked. No wonder Ultraman Father didn't want young warriors to learn Zoffy's skills. If those young Ultra warriors were too excited and failed to control the strength, just one M87 light would drain their energy directly, and they might even be in danger of their lives.

"Eddie, Geno, you're back."

After the short rest, Zoffy felt a little better. With Taro's help, he stood up and said softly:

"Geno, you're here just in time. The information you just sent back was interrupted by the dark planet Gransfia before it could be analyzed. Just tell us directly."

"Senior Zoffy, Max is missing!"

"Ah?! What happened?"

"Beria is also resurrected!"


"Subaru is fighting against Belia!"


422 Taro: Do ​​you know me? (Three more)

When Zoffy heard that Max was missing, his heart was shocked. After the Elemental Calamity, many Ultra Warriors sent out temporarily lost contact with the Kingdom of Light. Although Zoffy immediately sent out new Ultra Warriors to try to establish new contact after the Elemental Calamity subsided, no one expected that...

After the Elemental Calamity, the Chaos Tide followed closely, causing the Ultra Warriors who had just been sent out to lose contact again. To be honest, this has made Zoffy more or less unable to bear it.

And now, you tell me that Max is also missing. Who is Max? He can be said to be the top Ultra Civilization monitor in the Kingdom of Light. Even he has been killed. It is conceivable that some unimaginable enemy will appear.

But just when Zoffy wanted to ask further, the news that Eddie added made Zoffy's heart almost stop beating. If there was one thing that Zoffy didn't want to hear the most, it was the name of Belia. This was a big trouble. Moreover, according to his understanding, Belia was like a cockroach in the kitchen of the earth. When you see one, it means that there are so many in the whole house.

So, now that Eddie said the news of "Belia's resurrection", it means that Belia has secretly completed the formation of a new force, just like last time, very suddenly, one million imitation Zero robots came over.

In other words, at this moment, Belia's attack may happen anytime and anywhere. Now it is meaningless to think about why Belia has been resurrected again. What needs to be done next is to organize defense with all efforts.

No, we have to temporarily stop the research experiment of the essence on the O-50 planet, and erase all the research traces on it. We have to seal all the data and instruments related to it in the ultimate depths of the Kingdom of Light. We must not let the attacking Belia obtain all the data related to the essence.

Of course, Zoffy is not naive enough to think that Belia has not come into contact with the essence. That disaster event that swept almost the entire universe, even when Belia was resurrected, Gen Subaru had already disposed of the notebook. That guy must be able to find relevant remnants and try to study the essence.

Although Zoffy does not believe that Belia can make any considerable progress in the research of the essence, such things cannot be boasted. You know, Belia is also a very good researcher. Whatever he can do is possible.

Therefore, Zoffy said that he would not let Belia obtain the data that had been obtained on the O-50 planet. God knows whether Belia would get some inspiration from it and develop more troublesome invasion weapons. At that time, the situation would be even more troublesome.

Wh  So, it is quite necessary to evacuate the experiment on the sealed O-50 planet.

Then we have to ask Jonias and the Absolut family for help. The Kingdom of Light is indeed short of manpower now. If a battle of the scale of the last time occurs again, I am afraid that even if the artifacts of the Kingdom of Light are moved out, they may not be able to defend.

At this second, Zoffy's brain has arranged various plans. There is nothing to say. Everything must be done immediately. A solid defense line must be drawn in the shortest time.

At the same time, the other Ultra Brothers also realized the seriousness of the matter and began to wait quietly for Zoffy's order.

After noticing this rather solemn atmosphere, Kengo Shinaka felt that he needed to add something, otherwise, wouldn't he be a bit of a riddle, so he added the words related to "Yuan Subaru".

Then, in Kengo Shinaka's sight, this Ultra Warrior fell straight down, and the energy lamp on his chest began to flicker.

"What did you say?!"

At this time, Ace saw his brother Zoffy being supported by Taro, and immediately rushed to Manaka Kengo, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and asked in a serious tone.

Ace knew too well why his brother Zoffy was so distracted. Gen Subaru had just finished the battle in the Guldt Universe. How long had it been? It was probably less than half a month. He was facing the resurrected Belia again. For a moment, the image of a Nexus blocking the sky full of Belia Empire warships jumped into Ace's mind. He believed that Zoffy thought so too.

But if you want to say whether Gen Subaru can defeat Belia and his forces, don't say it, don't say it, Ace is quite confident about this. The child's fighting power is simply incredible.


'I swear in the name of my father, I will never let this power down, and I will fight the darkness to the end, and I will never stop until I die! Henshin! '

The roar in the deep blue space at that time still echoed in Ace's mind. The admiration for his "father" was really moving.

But now, he swung the butcher knife at the "father" he once admired. Don't even think about it!

At this moment, Ace hoped that Belia came directly to the Kingdom of Light and had never met Minamoto Subaru.



Because if Minamoto Subaru personally killed his childhood admiration, Ace was really worried that the child would lose most of his spiritual support and become a cold fighting machine bit by bit. That was an absolutely undesirable result. I believe that Brother Zoffy fainted when he thought of this.

"That... Is this Senior Seven?"

At this time, Kengo Shinaka remembered something and turned his head to look at Geno on the side and asked, and Geno said softly with some embarrassment:

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