The reason why Asmodeus lost control this time was that AIB headquarters had already made arrangements when he came to Earth, and made an agent his neighbor and established a good relationship with him, so that he could monitor him at any time. This time, the agent heard the crying from next door in time. Although he didn't know how Asmodeus's lover died, there was no doubt that it was time to report to AIB headquarters and take emergency measures.

But just now, when the agent tried to appease Asmodeus and buy time for the action of AIB headquarters, due to a fierce physical confrontation, the agent didn't know what he bumped into, causing the miniature instrument he carried with him to be discovered by Asmodeus, who had amazing vision and hearing.

So, Asmodeus, who was also very intelligent, quickly figured out what was going on, and why this neighbor was so enthusiastic about him and his wife. These were all fake and were just to monitor him.

Then, the agent was torn alive by Asmodeus, and even the people who were monitoring at AIB headquarters heard the sound of flesh and blood being devoured.

Undoubtedly, the situation is already quite bad. Now the various action teams of the AIB headquarters have not yet arrived at the center of the situation. I am afraid that it has already...


"Sure enough..."

Looking at the ape-like dog-headed man rising from the dark side where the aliens live, Markel whispered helplessly. The Asmodeus's mobility and sensitivity are very high. I am afraid that before the large anti-giant weapons arrive, it is impossible to effectively stop this guy from starting the massacre.

"If only the giant from before could appear."

Markel looked at the Asmodeus who had already started the massacre, and decisively pulled Aizaki Moeya to run away. As for Zena, there is no need to worry about this kind of combat talent. The two of them who are more inclined to civilian work should stay as far away as possible to avoid being killed by the aftermath of the battle.

Listening to the words of the Jetton, Aizaki Moeya's heart trembled slightly. She thought about it, and finally reached into her pocket and used her personal communicator to send a message to Asakura Lu, "Be careful" This message, even if Xiao Lu couldn't understand it, I believe that the reliable brother Yuan Subaru must understand what she meant.

On the other side, when the Asmodeus began to slaughter, due to the isolation of the dark space, even Yuan Subaru and Lime did not notice the restlessness.

At this moment, in the room, Asakura Lu was frowning and breathing heavily. As the phone rang, he suddenly woke up from his sleep and screamed that seemed to exceed the limit of the human body. Asakura Lu hugged his sweaty head with both hands with a horrified expression. The whole person looked like he had just been fished out of the water, and there was no blood on his face.

Then, he realized something and began to touch his body in panic. After feeling that his heart was still beating and his limbs were still intact, he let out a long breath and lay on the bed like a puddle of mud, like the calm after the storm, which was particularly reassuring.

At this time, Asakura Riku realized that something seemed to have rang just now. He wanted to get his mobile phone, but after the panic, his body was too soft and he had no strength at all. After thinking about it, Asakura Riku called out to Yuan Subaru with some shame. Although it was too embarrassing to be scared like this by a nightmare, Yuan Subaru was his brother. In front of his family, why did he need to hold up his face?


The sound insulation of the observatory headquarters room was excellent, and Yuan Subaru was extremely clear, but when Asakura Riku called him, in response to the "help", Yuan Subaru felt something vaguely, dropped the calculation in his hand, and pushed open Asakura Riku's door.

"Brother Yuan Subaru, I got a message on my phone, but I have no strength now. Can you help me check it?"

Asakura Riku smiled embarrassedly. Yuan Subaru knew at a glance that this kid was basically in a state of being beaten throughout the dream trial, but...

Isn't Asakura Riku's condition too bad?

Yuan Subaru couldn't figure it out. This dream training was not half as stressful as his life and death in the deep blue space. Logically, Asakura Riku should be full of energy. His genes are more stable than his own. Belia's warlike genetic factors should also make him enjoy it.

Why does it feel like his energy has been drained now? This is unreasonable.

Let me see....

I didn't set it wrong. They are all relatively simple alien beasts. Even in the group fight mode, at most Xiao Lu is one against two. This is not very difficult.

At this time, Gen Subaru felt a little confused. The main reason was that he felt that if the difficulty was reduced, the meaning of the training would be much weaker. It would not be called special training. After he left, Ultraman Geed who came out of that special training would not be able to stand alone.

However, this is all later. Let me see what's on my phone.

Gen Subaru opened his hand, pointed at Asakura Riku, used telekinesis to move him to the bathroom, and cleaned his body. At the same time, he picked up his phone and looked at the message.

A message from Aizaki Moeya, 'Xiao Lu, be careful, don't go to this area to find odd jobs recently. '


There's a problem.

The content of this text message is too normal.

Yuan Subaru's first reaction was this. With that woman clinging to Xiao Lu, it would be impossible to send a message without adding a few emojis and a heart pattern...

No, why am I starting to make inferences from this aspect now? Really, Moya Aizaki has distorted her thinking. She is such a terrible woman.

Yuan Subaru took Asakura Riku out of the bathroom, handed him the phone, and said softly:

"Xiao Lu, look."

"Sister Mengya's news, that's it...I've remembered it, and I will avoid this area from now on."

After taking such a hot bath, Asakura Riku, who was now munching on the caloric food sent by Gen Subaru, felt much better. He looked at the messages on his phone, nodded seriously, and then said nothing more.

"Xiao Lu, don't you feel something is wrong?"

407 Two villains quarreling.jpg (third update)

Yuan Subaru waited for a moment. He didn't wait for the next step. He shook his phone and reminded softly that this was a normal reaction. Asakura Riku had just transformed. He was still a simple middle school boy before. Asking him Combat literacy and tactical reactions were all improved in a short period of time. Even Yuan Subaru himself could not do this. Back in TLT-J, Yuan Subaru was beaten by everyone from the Night Raid Team and experts from other departments. , after training for a while, I finally got a little good at it.

"Huh? This..."

Asakura Riku was stunned for a moment, and then began to think seriously. Since Brother Yuan Subaru said this, there must be a reason, but he has not yet thought of why.

This area is outside Xingshan City....

I have been there myself. It is a warehouse area. I and the store manager once went there to pick up goods....

The odd jobs you can find there are simple porter jobs, and the hourly wages are not low...

However, they only want adults there, ah, no, they are very strict there. They do not recruit employees under the age of 18, and they do not even allow illegal workers. It seems that it is because something has happened in the past...

Therefore, as far as my current situation is concerned, it is impossible to find a job there...

Now I also know that Sister Mengya works for AIB and interacts with space people every day...

"Brother Yuan Subaru, you mean to say that Sister Mengya is in danger now and needs our help?!"

At this moment, a flash of light flashed through Asakura Riku's mind. He suddenly wanted to stand up, but because he had no strength, he almost fell to the ground. Yuan Subaru reached out to help him, nodded and said:

"Yes, and this time, I'm afraid Ultraman Geed will need to appear."

Yuan Subaru still has a certain understanding of the strength of the AIB headquarters. If a simple ordinary spaceman does evil, the spaceman organization there can still deal with it. However, considering the agreement between the AIB headquarters and the earth government, it must be done as much as possible. In order to conceal the traces of the activities of cosmonauts on the earth, the giant fighting machines of Jinguqiao are probably arranged outside the universe, either in uninhabited mountains, underground, or in separate spaces. ...

In short, there should be no arrangements so close to the city. In that case, if the Earth government does not relent, the AIB headquarters will probably not be so enthusiastic, take the initiative to breach the contract, and solve the troubles for the people on Earth.

If my guess is correct, Aizaki Moa's side may not have used space isolation methods to open up an area that cannot be known to ordinary people on earth. The items placed in it are either giant weapons or... As the activity base of cosmic people on the earth.

Now, the situation there is definitely not optimistic. It seems that something gigantic is causing destruction. Aizaki Moya was forced to have no choice, so she asked Riku, Ultraman Geed, for help... ..


At this moment, Yuan Subaru noticed Asakura Riku's eyes. Although it was only for a moment, Yuan Subaru really saw it and saw the fear in the child's eyes...

Was he afraid of being beaten?

Yuan Subaru was slightly startled. To be honest, such training, whether it is himself or Da Gu... Oh, yes, I forgot...

At this time, Yuan Subaru remembered that thing... Anyway, they are the pair of brother Ultra warriors. Those two should be older than Xiao Lu and have seen more things, but even with that appearance The two brothers could not help but vomit or resist after undergoing training.

"Brother Yuan Subaru, I'm going to do it!"

While Yuan Subaru was recalling the past, Asakura Riku had quickly changed his clothes, cheered up, waved to Yuan Subaru, and ran directly to the teleportation elevator.

Gen Subaru did not follow him. He asked Lime to turn on the real-time projection over there, and saw Riku Asakura standing in the projection. He first took a deep breath several times, and then began to transform into Ultraman Geed. , but Yuan Subaru could clearly see that Asakura Riku's hands were shaking when he was transforming.

'This is normal, you have to train like this. Look, hasn't Asakura Riku begun to try to overcome his fear and continue fighting? This is a good sign. As long as he passes this level, he will be considered a more qualified Ultra Warrior, so don't think too much, it's stressful! ’

'No, this is too cruel for Xiao Lu. He is not me, and he does not need to be overly motivated. This world is still very safe, unlike the Earth in TLT, which is in danger of being destroyed by alien beasts and dark Zaki. It's so close, not to mention, we are still here. If it really doesn't work, we can find other people to come over and ask other friends to help take care of Xiao Lu. The pain I have experienced, there is no reason to let Xiao Lu remain intact. Move and eat again. ’

At this moment, Yuan Subaru felt as if there were two villains quarreling in his mind, and he could clearly feel that the latter's voice was relatively quiet, but in the end, Yuan Subaru still chose the latter. I really need to think about it carefully. I just rush forward and seem to have forgotten and ignored too many things.

At the same time, Ultraman Geed was already fighting the giant Asmodeus. Because the training he had just done in the dream was too real and cruel, Asakura Riku felt a little uncomfortable for a while. The boundary between reality and dreams is unclear.

For example, when the Asmodeus raised his hand, Asakura Riku thought he was going to launch a flying attack like an alien beast, but this spaceman just wanted to slap himself.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone around him, Ultraman Geed's fight at this time seemed more or less funny. It didn't look like fighting at all, but more like doing acrobatics. The Asmodeus was confused. , there is no way to guess what this giant wants next.

But as he gradually adapted to the rhythm of the battle, Asakura Riku began to feel the benefits of the dream battle. When fighting this cosmic man, he had not even reacted to many of the enemy's moves. , the body instinctively avoided it.


It doesn't hurt at all when this cosmic being hits someone.

Ah, it seems inappropriate to say this. It should be said that compared with the dream, compared with those scary-looking monsters, the strength of this spaceman is just like taking a bath.

Sure enough, that was the special training that Brother Yuan Subaru arranged for me. It was really useful. If so, then I have to get serious, perform well, and knock this guy down in one go!

408 The first appearance of Ace Killer (fourth update)

After adapting to this, Asakura Riku's offensive became particularly fierce. The experience gained in the special training in the dream was quickly transformed into Asakura Riku's own things. Under such circumstances, this The agile and thick-skinned Asmodeans are quickly falling into disadvantage.

Especially after Asakura Riku pulled out the flame knife out of thin air, the Asmodeus had no room to struggle. His defense had no possibility of resisting under the flame energy.

As Riku Asakura threw out the flame slashing wave, the Asmodeus widened his eyes in despair and fired out a red eye energy beam, but this desperate struggle was meaningless, and Ultraman Geed was stunned. Without looking back, he turned around and swung the flaming knife downwards. If the temperature of the flame knife wasn't too high, he even wanted to imitate what they saw on TV and wipe the blade with his bent elbow before swinging it downwards. , that posture is so handsome.

At the same time, the Asmodeus, who was cut with an 'X' on his body by the flame slashing wave, reluctantly called out his lover's name and fell to the ground helplessly. The violent explosion submerged his bones.

I have to say, this scene with your back to the explosion is really cool. The explosion of fireworks sets off the giant's figure, which is really fascinating. At least this is what Aizaki Moya thinks. She knows Geed's true identity. At this time The whole person no longer knew where he was, and his mind was filled with this picture. Markel next to him was already frightened. He didn't expect that this earthling's aesthetics would be so weird that he would have admiration for such a giant. Heart.

Forget it, different planets have different aesthetics, so I might as well say more.

Markle patted Aizaki Moya on the shoulder to tell her to wake up, and then pointed outside. Aizaki Moya immediately understood what was going on and nodded seriously. Aizaki Moya knew that Markel, a Jeton star, I'm going to check on Zena-senpai's affairs——

Now it is certain that Senior Zena does have a problem. Just when he was trying to contain the actions of the Asmodeans, Senior Zena actually wanted to use the body of the Asmodeus lover to write some articles. There is a story , This is indeed the style of the Shade people. Those berserker warriors who are eager to fight and win are able to do such a thing, which is within the expectations of other cosmic people.

But it is absolutely impossible for Zena-senpai to do this. He would not do such a disgusting thing.

"Aizaki Moa, right? You happen to be free here, so come over and help."

However, at this time, Aizaki Moya was caught by another team. What she had to do was to deal with the losses and casualty statistics in the dark area where people live in the universe. Originally, this task was not troublesome. There is no need to arrest people to help. It can be calculated through the super calculator at the AIB headquarters. Even at the moment when the Asmodeans became huge, the AIB headquarters had already obtained the approximate loss data of this accident. .


The giant joined the battle as an accident, and probably out of some sense of ritual or to be cool, the giant carried out many unnecessary energy attacks in the later stages of the battle with the Asmodeus. , causing the data calculated by the AIB headquarters to be inaccurate all of a sudden. Coupled with the final big explosion, the heads of the relevant aftermath organizations were about to explode. How could this be an explosion of Asmodeus? This special code was an explosion. Their overtime hours.

Therefore, Aizaki Moya was intoxicated by her lover's handsomeness one second, and started working overtime the next second because of it.

On the other side, Izumi Fushii, who was wearing a suit and holding a gentleman's cane in his hand, watched Ultraman Geed fly into the sky and finally disappeared. Then, he showed a rather disdainful smile, just like that. The battle was so ugly. I couldn't believe that in such a body, there was actually the gene of the supreme and great Lord Beria. I didn't kill the genetic heir directly in the culture bottle. It was simply too much. I'm sorry, Lord Beria.


Damn it! I still feel angry when I think about it. He is so similar to Lord Beria, can he fight so uglyly? No, Geed, you loser, you must die! ! !

Thinking of this, Izuku Fushii's face turned purple with anger. Anything he thought could smear Lord Beria's image must be eliminated immediately.

Thinking of this, Izuku Fushii took out a small prop from his arms. Looking at this thing, he showed an evil smile, because what is stored here is the data of the Awa people's proud work-Ace Killer!

Ace Killer! It is the strongest weapon created by the Yabo people after comprehensive research on Ultraman Ace. Ace Killer's left hand is a special claw made by the Yabo people. He holds the weapon in his right hand. His signature move is to open his arms to the left and right. The whole body is covered in golden armor, which can ignore the various light skills of the Ultra Brothers.

Moreover, the characteristic of Ace Killer is that he can effortlessly seize the enemy's various skills.

Back then, at the execution ground on Golgoda, the four Ultra brothers who were crucified became Ace Killer's initial resource base. After seizing Zoffie's M87 Beam, Ultraman's Specium Beam, After acquiring Ultra Severn's Emelim Ray and Ultraman Jack's Ultra Bracelet, Ace Killer's strength has been further improved.

But out of caution, and also for experimentation, the Yabo people created an Ace robot with the same abilities as Ultraman Ace. Then the Ace robot was easily destroyed by Ace Killer.

Later, when Ultraman Ace came to rescue his four brothers, Ace Killer used his powerful strength to force Ultraman Ace into a desperate situation. In the end, Ultraman Ace gathered the power of the four brothers and used Only with the [Fifth Light of the Universe] did he defeat Ace Killer, and this nightmare battle truly ended.

But the story of Ace Killer did not end with this. Later, the Yabo people transformed Ace Killer into Mebius Killer and Victory Killer.

Mebius Killer is the creation of the fusion of Ace Killer and the Space Assimilation Beast Gadiba, and possesses the weapons and skills of Ultraman Mebius. Victory Killer is a person from Awa who inputs the data of Ultraman Victory and is armed with the weapon monster of Ultraman Victory.

And now, I have obtained the data of Ace Killer and its derivative creations from Lord Beria. With this thing, it will definitely not be a problem to defeat the useless Ged!

Ha ha ha ha! ! ! ! Cough cough cough! ! ! Fuck, I'm choking, cough, cough, cough! ! !

409 A terrible omen (fifth update)

Izuku Fushii coughed and took his cane and left the dark side of the universe where humans live. He will now return to the laboratory to develop these data and create a powerful Belial fusion beast to defeat the one who humiliated Belial. Geed, who was in the form of an Asian adult, took away the little boy's Star of Order and turned it into the power of Lord Beria.

However, just as Izuku Fushii was leaving, an agent from the AIB headquarters suddenly remembered something. This Namer operator was investigating an incredible case——

The first confirmed incident of this kind was four months ago, in a small town in Illinois, in the Americus area. It was a Saturday afternoon, and a tragic killing occurred in a movie theater. The victims were thirty young people. , all the deceased were killed with their bodies bitten to pieces.

What the two police officers who went to the scene after receiving the call saw was the moment when a lizard-like monster bit the head of the last victim and ripped it off from the body. This unbelievable scene was truly terrifying. Out of instinct and fear, the police who arrived did not hesitate to shoot at the monster.

Normally, this doesn't make sense and the police don't want to be the next victim. However, after the monster was shot, it unexpectedly fell to the ground and died. It was not as expected. The monster's tenacious vitality was just like a human being after being hit by a bullet.

This made the police officers a little confused, but more importantly, they breathed a long sigh of relief. After all, their monthly salary was only a small amount, and they were even in arrears for several months. It was not worth their efforts to fight against the monster.

At this moment, a policeman who had just been scared to the point of peeing his pants by the monster was eager to find a chance to save himself from his embarrassing appearance, so he approached the monster's body and planned to give him a few more shots.

But....after approaching, the police suddenly found that the monster they had just shot was no longer the hideous and disgusting one just now, but the figure of the cinema cleaner that all the police knew.

This undoubtedly caused an uproar in the local area. Whether it was a deliberate murder, or a mysterious force at work, or the police drank too much and saw things wrong, or the tragedy inside was caused by these police, there were many different opinions for a while.

In the end, AIB took over the matter and officially started the investigation.

The second incident happened three months ago in a small fishing village in Linhai Province, Shenzhou Continent.

The course of the incident was similar to that of the first incident, but this time nearly a hundred people were bitten to death by a monster like a deep-sea fish. After the public security officers shot the monster, the monster died in the form of a young fisherman living in the fishing village.

After that, the same thing happened in Italy two months ago and in Germany a month ago.

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