However, you can't just write about one thing endlessly. The teacher has already guessed that if he writes about sad things next time, Asakura Riku might not want to write about the race but a dream, so he will be very sad.

In the end, this matter was resolved, not because Asakura Riku listened to the teacher and started writing other content, but because Asakura Riku had a new dream with Flash Man, so he had a new one. Dreams can be written.

Let's just say that the elementary school teacher had been watching Asakura Riku's dream about Flashman until he graduated.

Then, when I was still in elementary school, the teacher said: "Everyone must bring watermelon to class tomorrow. If you don't bring it, you don't have to go to class." Then Aizaki Moya's parents didn't think much, gritted their teeth and gave it to Xiao Lu I bought a watermelon. You should know that watermelons are very expensive in island countries. But the next day, Xiao Lu went there with a watermelon and other students brought straws. Only then did they realize that the teacher meant straws...

It can be seen that Aizaki Moa remembers the matter of Asakura Riku quite clearly and enjoys it quite a lot. This is also...

"Yeah Mailuo (no)!!!!!"

However, at this moment, with a scream, a figure with blue light rushed over, covered Aizaki Moya's small mouth, looked at Gen Subaru with a red face, and used a rather shy tone. said:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, that happened when I was a kid. You know, kids are just like that, they are ignorant, hahahahaha..."

401 Xiao Lu, she likes you (third update)

Ahhhh... If Brother Yuan Subaru finds out about these things, this world should be destroyed as soon as possible...

You two just leave the world alone.

Looking at Asakura Riku, who was talking to him with a red face and a desperate tone, Gen Subaru was silent for a moment, nodded calmly, then pointed at Aizaki Moya and looked at Asakura Cang Lu said:

"You're right, Xiao Lu, so let's change the topic. There's one more thing I have to tell you. Otherwise, it might take you a long time to realize that this woman likes you."

"I know."

Regardless of Aizaki Moya, who suddenly blushed like blood and froze, Asakura Riku blinked in confusion and said:

"I also like Sister Mengya very much. We are the best childhood sweethearts."


Looking at Aizaki Moya who suddenly turned black and white and lost her heart, Gen Subaru thought for a while and decided to say more directly:

"No, you understood me wrong. I mean, this woman wants to be with you for the rest of her life."

"Of course!"

Asakura Riku said in a very incomprehensible tone:

"Sister Mengya and I have such a good relationship, of course we will stay together and be good friends for the rest of our lives."

Is there a problem with me or with Xiao Lu?

This time it was Gen Subaru who blinked in confusion. He looked at Aizaki Moya who had completely lost his life. He was silent for a moment and decided to be more direct:

"Aizaki Moa wants to marry you."

"Isn't this... huh?"

It's not easy. This time I finally have the expression I should have.

Gen Subaru looked at Asakura Riku who was stunned for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction. He said that the personality simulation model he built before was still too conservative for Asakura Riku. This level of insensitivity is probably not what he wants to wait for Aizaki. Mengya, a human, was almost running out of life before he realized what was going on.

So, when it’s time to hit the ball straight, you have to play it well. If you are so conservative, you will really miss a lot of good things.

Yuan Subaru patted the non-existent dust on his body, stood up and said:

"Speaking of which, why hasn't Pejia come back yet? I'll go greet her."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru directly transformed into a stream of light and disappeared under the observatory. Through his mind power, he communicated with Lime and changed the teleportation point of the teleportation elevator to his own side to prevent Pejia, who suddenly returned, from being teleported below. I believe that when Pejia saw the subtle atmosphere, he would find an excuse to run out in embarrassment.

But speaking of it, why don’t you give Aizaki Moe a little light and make her live longer? Lifespan is really annoying. For short-lived things, I am enough.

Um? !

Just as Yuan Subaru was thinking, he felt the fluctuations in time and space, and turned around to look. Sure enough, it was Peijia who came back in the elevator. However, it could be seen that Peijia was not in a good mood, and looked like she was lost. Even after seeing himself, there was not much reaction.

"What? The result of the report given to you by AIB headquarters is not good?"

Yuan Subaru patted the place next to him, and Peijia also landed there obediently, lowering his head and shaking up and down a little, which was regarded as a response.

"Can you tell me what happened? With you like this, even if I want to help you, I can't help you."



Yuan Subaru heard Pejia's whisper and turned to look at him, but did not wait for the procedures for the Pegasus star. He sighed helplessly. Fortunately, when he and Zena went to the AIB headquarters, Yuan Subaru stayed there. There is a little 'back door', otherwise, I don't know how long it will take to hear the next thing from this little guy's mouth.

"What, it's just missing. There's nothing to worry about. I've looked at AIB's sphere of influence. Although it's not a small organization, it's not as big as you think. The place where this flying ship disappeared is on the edge. , it is normal to lose contact after leaving the communication signal range. Although it is indeed bad to disappear in the universe, in this case, it does not mean death. "

Yuan Subaru was looking through the data found from the AIB headquarters, while analyzing the current situation with Peijia. To be honest, he felt a little difficult now. After all, AIB still has capable people, and the network database is well protected. .

Moreover, this network database only stores some data that does not need to be kept confidential. Those files that record important matters are placed in its internal database. If you want to explore there, you will need certain physical conditions. This For Yuan Subaru, there is indeed some trouble.

But now it’s enough to find the news about Pejia.

Yuan Subaru pushed his consciousness out of the surface database of AIB headquarters, looked at Peijia and said:

"Besides, although there are many Pegasus people on that spaceship, it doesn't mean that your family is on it. Really, these things can't be used as direct evidence at all. Pejia, is there someone with you?" What nonsense are you talking about?"


Obviously, Yuan Subaru's statement is still effective. At least now Peijia is starting to cheer up more or less, and Yuan Subaru's guess is indeed correct. When Peijia was still waiting for news at the AIB headquarters , there were several Knuckle Stars and Cosette Stars next to him. Although they did not talk to Pejia directly, they also made some unpleasant sounds, like suddenly making pitiful 'tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk'. Or something like 'Oh, this, oh...what a pity'.

To be honest, although it didn't seem to say anything, it seemed like everything had been said, so Pejia sat there, feeling completely stressed. Especially after those cosmic people saw Peijia's report, they immediately He showed an expression that was indescribable, but made Peijia feel extremely uncomfortable.

At that moment, Pejia grabbed the report and without looking back, escaped directly into the realm of darkness and ran back as if she was running away.

"Sure enough, it would be better for half of the space people to die."

Looking at the Pegasus cub who was obviously being bullied, Yuan Subaru was silent for a moment, looked at the moon, and said these words quietly. Peijia subconsciously wanted to nod, but suddenly realized something was wrong. He raised his head in horror and hurriedly said, "Don't worry." Pejia didn't understand how the topic turned to the massacre, but he realized that the problem lay with him.

Looking at Peijia who had no idea about the spaceship, Yuan Subaru achieved his purpose of diverting his attention and naturally walked down the steps given by Peijia.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Gensubaru, why was I teleported here?"

402 Beria’s ‘lurking’ (fourth update)

Regarding this question, Peijia had wanted to ask it for a long time. It was clearly set at the headquarters under the observatory. But when he looked up, he saw Yuan Subaru sitting outside. If Pejia was still clear-headed, he would have immediately thought that This stronghold exploded again.

"There might be some love-making going on down there, so I was afraid it would be embarrassing for you to go down, so I changed the location."


Pejia was stunned for a moment, then realized something and whispered:

"Xiao Lu and his sister? They really...yes"


"Then it would be really embarrassing for me to go down."

Peijia nodded and spoke easily, but after finishing this topic, Peijia found that I seemed to be quite embarrassed here! ! !

"Um, Mr. Yuan Subaru..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Peijia racked her brains to come up with a topic, looked at Yuan Subaru, and asked curiously:

"You should have been adopted like Xiaolu, right? Don't you have an older sister or younger sister like Aizaki Moya in your family?"

"No, my mother-in-law's direct and collateral relatives are all dead. In addition, although I was young, I looked strange at that time, so I didn't have any older sisters like Aizaki Moya."

Speaking of this, Yuan Subaru seemed to remember something, looked at Peijia and said:

"There are no living people in my village anymore. On that planet, the humans who have a good relationship with me either think that I am dead for some reasons, or they have died before me. So, Pejia, I I think I have some experience in this aspect..."

Yuan Subaru looked at Peijia and said seriously:

"If your family really encounters misfortune, you can be sad and cry, but don't give up hope and live. As long as you live, there will be beautiful things waiting for you. Those you love and those who love you will be there. It will come to you. Before that, you have to persist, if you have to endure, endure, and survive, there will be a brand new future waiting for you. "

Peijia looked at Yuan Subaru blankly. He didn't know why. He did realize that Yuan Subaru was sincerely teaching him, but... With these words, Peijia couldn't help but have an illusion. It seemed that Yuan Subaru's words were also true. Subaru was telling himself.

"Although you are a cosmic being, for now, I have no reason to classify you as an enemy. So, just believe me. Although I can modify time and change reality, I may not have the extra power to help you. , because there will definitely be a war between me and Beria, and I won’t be able to live in this world for a long time, because my mission has not yet been completed, and I may not be able to take care of Xiaolu in the future.”

Yuan Subaru spoke very directly. Although Peijia was a little uncomfortable with it, after listening to it, compared with the experience she just had in the AIB headquarters, this kind of harsh truth was surprisingly satisfying. People feel at ease and comfortable.

"Mr. Yuan Subaru, are you...not tired?"

Peijia was silent for a moment, looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"I don't quite understand what kind of mission you are carrying, but from what I have seen in the past few days, you seem to be thinking about things all the time, wondering about something. It seems that the doubts that Xiaolu and I have can be found in you. Get the answer, at the beginning of the battle, you seem to have foreseen the future of victory..."

Looking at the small, figurine-like azure figure, Pejia was silent for a moment, mustered up her courage, and continued:

"I usually like and am good at repairing machinery, so you feel like a high-speed machine to me, but... even if it is the best machine, if it continues like this, one day it will not be able to hold on. of."

"After I collapse, my mission has been accomplished. By then, I will have a lot of time to rest."

Yuan Subaru stood up, looked at Pejia and said softly:

"And I won't collapse. I still have something to protect. I will carry out this protection until the end of my life. Pejia, the power of faith is terrible. I hope you and Xiaolu can also find a way to protect you." It’s a lifelong goal worth striving for. Okay, I’ve poured chicken soup for the soul here. There seems to be no movement down there. It should be over. Let’s go down and see what’s going on.”

Hearing what Yuan Subaru said, Peijia suddenly became energetic. Compared with those beliefs, persistence, and some things that were too vague, the good gossip at the moment was more exciting. To be honest, Peijia couldn't imagine it at all. Asakura Riku looks like he's in love.


What's happening here?

When Yuan Subaru and Pejia came down from the elevator, they looked at the two guys who were watching The Flash together. For a moment, they felt that there was something wrong. Is this the scene and atmosphere that a relationship should have? Why does it feel like nothing has changed? It feels like it would be the same if Minamoto Subaru and Pegga were replaced in Aizaki Moe's position.

How is this going? Talk fell apart? X2

Yuan Subaru and Peijia looked at each other, but this topic was obviously beyond the scope of these two people's knowledge.

"You are finally back."

At this time, Asakura Riku, who had just watched an episode of Flash Man, greeted Gen Subaru and Peijia with a smile and said:

"Come on, come on, now is the climax of the show, we are about to fight the Dark Chief!"

"Oh!!! I remember this episode. The Flash and his partners were shouting about bonds, friendship, and justice. It was so combustible."

Peijia naturally came over immediately. Under the guidance of Asakura Riku, he was quite interested in the Flash Man series.

As for Gen Subaru, he looked over there and saw that there were no changes or abnormalities on the faces of Aizaki Moya and Asakura Riku, as well as in their emotional changes. Then he went directly to Lem and continued his previous research. Regarding the [Copy Engine], although Lime has never seen it before and cannot understand the data model, there is no problem with this supercomputer and Yuan Subaru's auxiliary calculations.

As for Aizaki Moya, she sent a message to Zena, asking if she could take some leave. After receiving a positive reply, she felt quite at ease and fished together here.

Just like that, one night passed. When Asakura Riku and others who had been playing all night long woke up, they had already gone down. At this time, on the second floor of the detective office, they were frozen by the mysterious white smoke. ' Zena slowly walked out of this dilapidated house. The expression of this Shade star was still so cold, but this time... in his eyes...

There seems to be a narrow orange-red light shining...

403 Have you kissed them all? !

"Brother, have you found your things?"

As Zena came out, the young man with the cockscomb hair asked curiously, but Zena didn't respond at all, and just left the place. In response, the young man shrugged his shoulders and yawned. Returned to his detective agency.

Then, at the moment he opened the door, the boy didn't even notice that an ominous orange-red light flashed deep in his eyes...

"Ah~~~I haven't had such a good time in a long time."

On the other side, Aizaki Moya woke up from the guest room and stretched out. To be honest, she had no memory of what time she went to bed last night. Anyway, she just slept when she was tired from playing.

If possible, I would really like to live like this a little longer. Working overtime every day at the AIB headquarters is really unbearable.


At this moment, Aizaki Moya discovered something. Seeing that the azure figure in front of Lime still maintained the same appearance as when they parted last night, Aizaki Moya seemed to have thought of something, and put it down with some restraint. The arms showed a bit of shyness.

"Brother Yuan Subaru, good morning."

"Well, good morning, Miss Mengya."

Yuan Subaru is 'enjoying it' at this time. He has found some fun in the development of the [Copy Engine]. Although he uses this thing like an arm, it is like breathing. Don't worry, it will run by itself. , but if we study it carefully, what kind of neural reactions are used in breathing, which muscles are activated, and what kind of material exchange is carried out during breathing...

These questions are what Yuan Subaru is studying. Only by thinking through these things can he hand over the [Copy Engine] to the selected warrior after his death. manual.

Therefore, after casually responding to Aizaki Moya, Gen Subaru had no more desire to talk and continued to be busy with his own affairs.

"Um...thank you."

However, although Gen Subaru had nothing to say, Aizaki Moya was very grateful to Gen Subaru. She was quite self-aware. If there was no external intervention, she would definitely be embarrassed to open her mouth and break this layer of window paper with Xiao Lu. As for Asakura Riku, he poked the window paper like that yesterday, and he almost didn't react. If he expected him to react on his own, he might turn into a yellow-faced woman.

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