Aizaki Moeya smiled and muttered, then walked towards Yuko and the others, and then handed a card to the two children. It was a metal card with cosmic characters that were unfamiliar to Earthlings.

"What is this?"

Yuko looked at the card handed to her curiously, tilting her head in confusion, and Aizaki Moeya patiently explained:

"The Mingjin Keiko family can no longer live here, they will move to a spaceman settlement somewhere."

"Really? Then Keiko and I have already..."

Yuko, who realized something, hugged Keiko tightly, with a look of reluctance on her face, and Aizaki Moeya shook the card and said:

"Although it is not a place that children can easily find, if you can go there in the future, you can enter with this pass."

Yuko looked at the small card in her hand in surprise, and then immediately took the card in her hand, holding it tightly in her little hand, fearing that Aizaki Moeya would take it back. Aizaki Moeya smiled gently and said softly:

"Don't lose it, I can't get you another copy."

"Yes! Big sister, thank you!"

Yuko happily hugged Aizaki Moeya, of course, Keiko next to her did the same, and being hugged by such two cute children, Aizaki Moeya felt that her heart was about to melt, and she made an equally cute "ah", then squatted down and responded to them enthusiastically.

In this way, the story of Yuko and Keiko came to an end. Because of her background, Pejia was currently setting up files at AIB, so she did not follow Asakura Riku and Aizaki Moeya to this park.

At this time, the sunset has set, and a few stars begin to shine in the sky. After finishing such a thing, Ai Qi Moe stretched beautifully, and then looked at Asakura Riku who was wearing a suit that didn't fit well but was still quite handsome, and a silly smile appeared on her face.

Wait, now, there are only two of us!

Ai Qi Moe suddenly realized something, and her eyes were straightened. Isn't this kind of thing too wonderful! Next, in such a romantic scene, isn't it normal for some plots in love dramas to happen!


Aizaki Moeya quickly put away her smile, and a little confusion appeared on her face. Although she wanted to ignore it, at this point, the intuition developed by her as a member of AIB made her still think about one thing. She was silent for a while, looked at Asakura Riku beside her, and said softly:

"Xiao Lu, I remember... I don't think I gave you any weapons, that, what about the blue energy you emitted before...?"

"Ah? Ah, this."

Asakura Riku was stunned, first subconsciously observed the surroundings, and then threw out another light energy shock. After seeing Aizaki Moeya's wide eyes, Asakura Riku showed a proud smile, he waved to Aizaki Moeya, and Aizaki Moeya also listened tacitly.

Then, Aizaki Moeya heard...

"Actually, I am Ultraman Geed, the giant from the monster before!"



When Aizaki Moeya exclaimed, let's go back to the moment when Aizaki Moeya and Zena parted ways. The Shade star walked towards the park vigorously, but when he walked out of the park, he suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if a light shone through his eyes, making him squint.

However, Zena didn't think much about it. As an excellent warrior of the Shade star, even in such a situation, his vision was still maintained. He didn't find anything abnormal, so he continued to walk forward and came to the designated place, and saw a person who had already arrived there.

When Zena saw this person, he couldn't help but think of his first encounter with him a few days ago-

"Hello, I am Arrip from the American branch."

While he was busy processing various documents, the Salome star who came to the headquarters to report introduced himself like this.

The Salome star is a race famous for its expertise in mechanical engineering. It is said that their technical ability can reproduce the ability of Ultraman, and the mass-produced Ultraman built by humans in the past is extremely powerful.

And this Alrip's appearance is not much different from that of an Earthling. There are also many human-type life forms in the universe.

"I am Zena from Shade Star, please take care of me."

Zena also briefly introduced himself, and then stretched out his hand. Alrip pushed his glasses with his right middle finger, smiled again, and shook the hand.

"It has been rumored for a long time, and it is my honor to work with you."

After saying this, Alrip continued:

"Let's guide the immature Earthlings together."

At the moment of saying this, Zena had an illusion, and his underdeveloped facial muscles suddenly twitched, and Zena suddenly had an ominous premonition. And his premonitions almost never failed.

Then, as the "newcomer training officer" designated by AIB... Perhaps it was because of the experience on Shade Star, Zena had to act with Alrip several times, and then Alrip's character gradually emerged. As expected of a Salome person, he is very strong in machinery. But it is somewhat... no, there are some things that are quite contrary to common sense.

The following example best illustrates this point.

One day, when Zena was preparing to return after completing a simple task, Allip called.

"I'm just taking a walk nearby. You don't have a car, right?"

Is such that.

At that time, Zena only thought that he was a smart junior. Unexpectedly, he drove a strange limousine and parked next to him, saying that he was waiting for him. It wasn't until the left driver's seat window opened that he realized the car was coming to pick him up.

"What's this?"

"Don't you know? The S-class just came out."

"I'm not asking you what car, why are you driving it?"

"Why did you open it? I bought it? The necessary funds will be allocated, right?"

Even the best Zena was stunned by this. Speaking of S-class cars, they are super high-end imported cars. They are either politicians or singing singers, and the driving experience is also the most high-end. However, these investigations of AIB are unnecessary.

At this time, Allip continued to complain:

"Really, even though it's work, you have to ride on a vehicle made by people on Earth. You have to be at least this level, otherwise you don't want to hold the steering wheel at all."

Oh, how bad it is.

At this moment, Zena was thinking like this.

380 It’s so cold in the car (third update)

There is no doubt that Arlip is a typical cosmic supremacist——

There are many races in AIB, and there are actually many people who hold this idea. Although we cannot say that they are uncivilized savages, Earthlings are still immature life forms. Their argument is that in order to maintain order in the universe, we must govern and guide.

Zena has serious doubts. Through many events so far, he has greatly evaluated the power and possibilities possessed by people on earth.

And now Aizaki Moeya is still with him. Because of this, her evaluation of the Earthlings cannot be shaken in Zena's heart. Her unique character as an Earthling has helped Zena countless times.

Therefore, after noticing this conceptual difference, Zena began to feel helpless with this newcomer from the United States.

At this time, an unexpected incident began. First of all, it is stated that this matter falls under the jurisdiction of AIB. In other words, this is an incident related to the people from the universe, and the person who took over the task of this incident was Allip, and Zena had to go with him.

And this is also the reason why Zena doesn't let Aizaki Moya follow. Even Zena hasn't told Aizaki Moya about this matter. Anyway, Allip has to go back to the United States after reporting training at the headquarters. Well, it’s better not to introduce this kind of cosmic being who is unfriendly to earthlings to your partner.

But when I saw this S-class car, I still couldn't get used to it.

With this thought, Zena got into the passenger seat and prepared to go to the area where the incident broke out. After Zena got in the car, Allip shivered inexplicably. It seemed to be an illusion. After Zena got in the car, After that, he suddenly felt that the temperature in the car seemed to have dropped.

But Allip carefully looked at the temperature display data inside the car, and there was no change in the temperature.

Is it the aura that comes with Senior Zena? Ah, this is also possible. After all, he is an outstanding warrior of Xia Dexing. He has killed not only 10,000 but also 8,000 enemies. Of course, when such a person becomes serious, his momentum will be different.

It's a pity that Senior Zena's partner is a useless Earthling.

As Arlip drove the car, he thought dissatisfiedly. Naturally, he came to the headquarters this time with ambitions. He looked around and found that his 'instructor' was the most suitable one for him, but it was very difficult. It's a pity that he has a partner. Such an excellent warrior from Shard Star is actually partnered with a weak, useless, trash and ignorant Earthling.

To be honest, Allip could not understand at all why the top management of AIB would make such a decision. Could it be that the Earthling bribed the top management of AIB?'s really confusing.

Hiss...Why does it feel like it's getting colder in this car? Damn it, Earthlings' stuff just doesn't work. Damn it!

In the different minds of Allip and Zena, the location of this mission was gradually approaching. It was a small residential area in the Star District, and this change also happened suddenly——

One day, the residents living there suddenly became furious. Some people robbed stores of property, while others beat up kind-hearted passers-by. The mob was rioting like crazy and their numbers gradually increased. What was particularly bizarre about this incident was that the thugs were almost all women.

In this regard, the police chief responsible for cleaning up the mess expressed confusion. The arrested thugs will calm down after a while, and in the end they will not even know why they were put in a detention center. The crazy person was as stunned as being led by a fox.

AIB also quickly received the information. Judging from the bizarre nature of the incident, it is very likely that forces "other than humans on Earth" are at work. They acted very quickly and immediately summoned senior agent Zena. Yes, the person in charge chosen by AIB this time was Zena. Allip was just incidental. After all, this guy from the United States can do it after he has earned enough mission points. Let him go back.

It can be seen that the senior officials of the island country's AIB headquarters do not like this Samero star either.

Allip, who had no idea about this, immediately launched an investigation after following Zena to the Xingyuan area where the incident occurred. The first was a simple visit. No matter how advanced the technology is, the fastest way to grasp the full picture of the matter is After listening to people's stories, careful investigation, and integration of intelligence, the names of the perpetrators and victims have been listed, and they are all located around the hospital, so there is no need to run too many legs or spend too much time.

But even at this time, there was still no sign of the mob incident subsided. Just when Zena and Allip went to a new family to inquire about the victims, a woman next to them suddenly made strange noises and started going crazy. However, Zena cleverly evaded the mob and went back to continue the investigation without taking action.

"Can we just let it go like this?"

Allip's question was reasonable, but Zena did not stop.

"The police can also suppress rioters. Our job is to find out the truth as soon as possible."

In fact, there are endless mobs, and if they are involved, there will be no end. This is Zena's reasonable judgment. Allip also echoed:

"indeed so."

After a solid investigation by the two, they gradually discovered that the perpetrators had something in common. In addition to the fact that most of them were women, there was also...

They use cosmetics from the same manufacturer.

Following this clue, Allip collected many suspicious cosmetics as samples. Foundation, eye shadow, blush and lip makeup. In fact, there are many types.

"To put something like this on your face, you really don't understand how people on earth think. That kind of vanity can obviously be exploited like this."

"We cannot yet conclude that this is the reason. Don't speak rashly just because of speculation."

"No, sorry."

Zena stared at Allip while carefully observing various cosmetics. From the design of the packaging to the ingredient labeling on the back, Zena browsed through everything, but from this alone, Zena did not find anything extra.

At this moment, there was an inexplicable wormhole, which made him subconsciously open the lid and smell it. In the fragrance of the cosmetics, he seemed to smell other strange smells. It should be that the official name of the cosmetics was not indicated. ingredients, and not from the earth....

This should be... this should be...

What is it? I remember seeing relevant information in the database before. Because it looked very good, I took another look at it and memorized its related characteristics....

Ah, yes, this cosmetic contains an ingredient called "Cosmic Poppy" that is very similar to DU. It has the effect of making people violent.


How do I know this? !

At this moment, Zena suddenly realized that something was wrong...

381 The disappearing universe (fourth update)

Zena stared blankly at the cosmetics in his hands. He felt that his stiff facial muscles were about to start twitching again. He hadn't noticed any accident just now, just like those thoughts just now were his own thoughts. .

However, Zena is very clear that his thinking is not that active, and he has not memorized the relevant characteristics. The most important thing is that he does not think that poisonous flower is very beautiful. For that kind of thing, Zena has seen it. , will only want to destroy it immediately.

"Allip, go investigate the source of these cosmetics. Go and do it yourself. Don't worry about the so-called traffic rules of the earth. You must get the results in the shortest possible time."

"Okay, Zena-senpai."

Hearing this, Allip raised his eyebrows in surprise and turned the cosmetics in his hands. Although he agreed so much, he had no intention of moving immediately. He was still curious about Zena. What did the senior discover? To be honest, if it weren't for the sake of making his resume look better, he really wouldn't have the motivation to run for these ugly earthlings.

"There are contraband ingredients here, why are you still standing here?"

Zena glanced at Arlip coldly. His sharp eyes made Arlip tremble in his heart. Without saying a word, he rushed to his S-class car. At the same time, he was secretly annoyed. Although he usually got along with At that time, Senior Zena seemed more casual, but when performing tasks, he was still quite serious. He was still so careless, which naturally touched his dissatisfaction.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really embarrassing that I failed to keep up with Zena-senpai's thinking. However, we are just a bunch of pedantic humans who care about their skin. Even if it's because of AIB's order, Zena-senpai doesn't have to be so serious. Forget it, let's go check it out quickly. We can't continue to leave a bad impression on Zena-senpai.

Zena naturally didn't know what Allip was thinking. The Shad star just wanted this guy to leave as quickly as possible. After he couldn't see the S-class car, Zena immediately walked quickly to the alley. Without saying a word, he took out a small prop from his arms and sprayed it on the wall. The wall was like a mirror, reflecting the Shade star who revealed his true form.

"who are you?"

Zena looked at himself in the mirror and said without any fluctuations in his tone:

"Superb possession skills, I actually didn't notice it before, but you probably did it to me when I was out of the park. Since you have spoken out, I believe you should have it too. You were confident enough that you would not be expelled by me, so you took the initiative to expose yourself."


"Silence is of no use."

Zena waited for a while, carefully capturing any sound coming from his ears, but in the end he caught nothing. So, he spoke again, hoping that this would make the mysterious man speak and get some clues from it. , after all, if you want to deal with an enemy, if you can know his purpose, that will be a possible breakthrough.

‘@#! ¥#@¥! #@¥! @#¥~! @#! @¥%@¥%……#¥……@#’

However, this time, Zena did feel something. Something was ringing in his head, but the sound was like noise, very noisy. Zena couldn't help but groan, and almost couldn't hold on. His body fell to the ground.


Zena, who was covering his head with one hand and holding on to the wall with the other, was covered in cold sweat and panting heavily. After a while, Zena realized that it was not noise, but the amount of information pouring into his brain. There were too many. My body's instinct was to automatically block those pictures and images out of protection.

What exactly is this?

Zena curiously tried to recall those scenes, and then he saw the shocking and terrifying battle. In the light and dark fight that was so fierce that it exceeded the imagination of this Shade star, even the planet seemed to have become a part of the battle. The plaything completely subverted Zena's understanding of combat.

That's right, what Yuan Subaru threw to Zena was the previous battle between him and Belia, which made the Shad star know who he really was, and this was a helpless move. What Zena heard before , it was not something Yuan Subaru deliberately told him, it was completely the result of Yuan Subaru's subconscious thinking.

But there is no use regretting now. Just adopt a new plan. This Shard alien seems to be willing to cooperate with the people on Earth. In this case, let's use him to get a better understanding of AIB and use AIB's resources. .

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