Asakura was slightly startled, but his body had already complied. Then, he saw a faint blue light shining on Ellie's body. These lights were like fireflies, constantly flickering on Ellie's body. As she walked, the human girl couldn't help but reveal a painful expression on her face. At the same time, the temperature on Ellie's hands also rose rapidly, and even the ground under her hands began to crack and turn black.

But this abnormal state did not last long. Invisible fluctuations emerged from Asakura Riku's palm, condensing all the restless light into one place, and then leading it out, causing it to leave Ellie. body of.

What is’s so hot, so hot, so hot! ! !

Seeing the crystal blue light flying towards him, Asakura subconsciously reached out to catch it, but his skin was immediately blistered by the astonishing temperature above. However, as the familiar invisible power of thought passed by, Asakura The injury on Lu's hand was healed, and at the same time, the crystal was wrapped and no longer burned.

'This is the Star of least that's what some members of the planet call it. ’

Gen Subaru motioned to Asakura Riku to put things away quickly while explaining to him the origin of this prop;

'The essence is that I originally released the power of order to repair the universe. However, due to the Parker crisis, my state was not very good, and coupled with the impact of [Chaos], some chaos occurred during the repair process. , causing part of the power to be preserved in such a materialized form. ’

'Brother Yuan powerful were you back then? ’

After Asakura Riku transformed into Geed, he also had a preliminary understanding of the existence of power. The energy in the crystal just now felt no better than... no, far superior to his own state in Geed.

'I? To be honest, in the state of truth, I am not as powerful as before. Although [True Origin] can activate the power of order and has super potential, this power does not suit my fighting style, so I cannot exert its due effect. ’

Having said this, Yuan Subaru still misses the 'eternal power'. As a reckless man, it is the violent, brutal and direct power that he can use most easily.

'The topic has gone too far. Regarding this Star of Order, although there are not many in number, it can be attached to all objects. Pay attention, not just life, even stones, as long as it is born under [Order] All creations can obtain the power of the Star of Order and gain new evolution. ’

'so smart? ! ’

'Ah, after all, [Order] can be said to be the foundation for the establishment of the universe. Xiao Lu, you can get rid of the shackles of your childhood bloodline and become Ged, also because you absorbed the power of order, but what you absorbed was brought by me. Just came here. ’

Hearing this, Asakura Lu subconsciously looked at his hands. Although his brother seemed to be very indifferent, except when he was talking about [Choice] just now, he felt a little bit in him. Angry, the rest of the time, Brother Yuan Subaru is more like a brother to Lime.

However, it is undeniable that Brother Yuan Subaru has also helped me a lot. Whether it is his life experience or the awakening of his bloodline, he has almost no intention of refusing his requests...

To be honest, this made Asakura Riku feel very happy. It was the first time since he was a child that he felt such respect, which made him feel like he was being pampered by his elders...

‘Ahem, but there seems to be some instability in the Star of Order. ’

Yuan Subaru noticed Asakura Riku's wandering mind, coughed slightly, drew his attention back, and then continued talking;

'Just like this human girl, the unstable Star of Order is something she can't control at all, so there are such and such fire-breathing incidents. ’

‘Is that monster also a creature caused by the unstable Star of Order? ’

Asakura Lu immediately thought of something and asked aloud. In response, Yuan Subaru shook his head and said softly:

'That's not the case. That monster is the fusion of King Red and Gomora. [Order] will not actively produce such a twisted product. There should be someone doing evil behind the scenes. Okay, let's stop here for the popular science. , Xiao Lu, throw that three-faced monster Dada and his shrinking gun down the slope. ’

‘Can’t you keep this gun? ’

Riku Asakura didn't ask why he did that. He was just a little reluctant to part with the cool-looking shrinking gun. It was like suddenly picking up a straight stick in the wild. If he didn't pick it up and wave it around twice, it would be really frustrating. It makes people feel very itchy.

‘It’s not necessary. If you reduce your ability, you can do it. If you want to learn from me, I can teach you. ’

'It's not a matter of ability...'

Obviously, Gen Subaru did not understand Asakura Riku's desire for 'toys'. After all, Gen Subaru himself had not played with many toys. In addition, when he was in Sangami Town, his toys were mainly carved from wood. animals, or playing cards that he and his mother-in-law made together. Although other people also have many fancy toys, they belong to others. If they don’t let them play with them, Yuan Subaru can’t go over and force them.

And Riku Asakura didn't make any fuss. Even though he said that in his mind, the movements of his hands did not slow down. He simply pushed the three-faced monster Dada and the shrinking gun down the hillside, and looked at the black and white spaceman dripping in Roll down gurglingly.

Suddenly, Asakura Lu felt a strange pleasure, as if he had experienced the joy from such an action, and it urged him to seek more joy from hurting others.

‘Pa! ! ! ’

“Xiao Lu? What are you... um...”

Asakura Lu suddenly slapped himself hard on the face, and the sound was so loud that Pejia ran over to ask what was going on. But at this time, the store manager and the others seemed to be waking up. Seeing this, Pejia hesitated and finally chose to sneak into Asakura Lu’s shadow. After all, if they opened their eyes and saw the aliens, what would the humans who had just been scared by the monster do? Pejia didn’t want to experience it at all.

While Asakura Riku was talking to the store manager's family, Gen Subaru's sight fell on the three-faced monster Dada who rolled down. He closed his eyes and released his telekinesis slowly, surrounding the space under the hillside little by little, and began to pay attention to the changes over there without distraction.

Then, not long after, he felt a sight coming from afar, and Gen Subaru immediately covered it with his telekinesis.

But the owner of the sight was not the Belia force that Gen Subaru wanted to track down. It was a woman wearing a black uniform, flesh-colored stockings, and black high heels. She was holding a telescope and looking at the three-faced monster. She excitedly shouted to her male companion behind her, who was also wearing a suit and had a very stiff expression, saying that they had gained something this time.

However, Gen Subaru knew that the man was not a human, but a Shade, a cosmic race born with fighting instincts and desires, and the woman was a real human, and they came from a place called the ‘Alien Investigation Bureau’…

367 Gen Subaru, I’m so sorry!!!

Regarding this organization, Gen Subaru had previously used Lime’s system as a springboard and discovered a special existence after infiltrating government databases in various places——

The Alien Investigation Bureau, referred to as AIB, was formed by cosmic people and earthlings with the purpose of regaining the order of the universe after the Parker Crisis. Except for Aizaki Moeya, the earth woman holding a telescope, the other members would mimic the posture of earthlings when lurking in the social life of the earth.

And this organization was established very early, almost the day after the Parker Crisis. Gen Subaru has reason to believe that it may be that some of the information fragments generated by the Parker Crisis were transmitted to the past, which made some people in the past get a premonition similar to ‘apocalypse’.

Moreover, this organization is quite interesting. There are obviously many aliens in it, but the technology tree of this organization is unexpectedly not too high. When these foreign armed personnel were dispatched, according to the records in the database, they were basically vehicles produced on Earth.


What is the matter with that observatory?

I originally thought that it was an abandoned branch of AIB. It seems that the technological level of AIB is not up to that level. Could it be that it was a place built by Belia's forces?

Yuan Subaru rubbed his chin thoughtfully, but soon he stopped thinking about this. No matter what the origin was, the underground headquarters of the observatory had been abandoned after the Parker crisis, and now it has been renovated by himself, and various security systems inside and outside have been added...

In other words, no matter who the underground headquarters of the observatory belonged to before, it can only belong to "Yuan Subaru" now.

If the former owner of the headquarters comes, maybe he can open his eyes.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru did not continue to spend energy on this topic. Originally, he noticed that someone was spying on him, so he wanted to use the three-faced weirdo Dada to seduce him. Now that he has seduce a member of the AIB organization, it is not very interesting. When AIB really wants to confront him, he will talk about how to deal with it. Anyway, it is easy to deal with.

Yuan Subaru closed his eyes and began to slowly withdraw his telekinesis and prepared to continue his own business. After finishing all kinds of chores, he also had to start thinking about his own strength again. Admittedly, as he and Asakura Riku said, the power of truth is not very suitable for him, but it is not a reason to abandon it at present.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot about you.

At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly reached out and patted his forehead, then his telekinesis slightly fluctuated, silently twisting the neck of the three-faced monster Dada, ending his life, but it was not suitable to do anything big at the moment, so the three-faced monster Dada's home planet and tribesmen were able to continue to survive for the time being. Let's just record this account and talk about it later.

While Yuan Subaru entered a state of meditation, Fukui Izumi was climbing the mountains with difficulty. He spent two and a half years and finally made an instrument that can be used to detect the position of the Star of Order. Although this instrument is sometimes effective and sometimes not, it can only provide a general direction...

But this is at least a direction that can be used for reference! ! ! As long as there is a general direction, for the sake of Lord Belia, even if I have to cross the sea with my bare hands, I will find a way to do it! ! !

With this in mind, Fuji Izushi rushed into the deep mountains and forests, and soon, he almost dropped the instrument in his hand. The [Distance: 1] displayed on the instrument should not be within one kilometer! That's what I set it to! I have walked more than ten kilometers now, what's wrong with this equipment, why is it changing the data by itself!

Fuji Izushi leaned against the tree, panting and wiping the sweat, because of his confidence in the instrument, he didn't bring any supplies at all, after all, one kilometer is just a walk, but now...

Fortunately, my ability to survive in the wild is not weak, even if I live here for a week, I have no problem! Damn, where is the Star of Order hidden here!

Fuji Izushi looked at the instrument in his hand with red eyes, and the radar scan results on it showed that there were light spots everywhere, which was simply saying that there were Stars of Order everywhere around him.

How could this be possible!

After a series of attempts, Fukui Izushi, who still had no effect, sighed tiredly and planned to continue searching here for a while. If he wanted to realize Lord Belia's plan, he needed more Order Stars to achieve it. Therefore, even if he used some means to block this mountain, as long as he could get the Order Star in the end, it would be quite worth it.

Really, how could my intelligence go wrong? When this instrument was in the laboratory before, the error rate was not so outrageous.

Fukui Izushi put the instrument away unwillingly, and if Gen Subaru heard his troubles, he would more or less praise Fukui Izushi's talent in his heart. You know, every blade of grass, every grain of sand and every stone on this planet are products of order, and even Fukui Izushi himself is among them. He used an instrument to detect the fluctuations of the power of [Order] to search. To be honest, it is already a very good result to get one or two relatively accurate results.

On the other side, Asakura Lu had finished chatting with the store manager's family. Although Asakura Lu did not mention anything about rushing into the fire, the store manager's family was not stupid. Even if they were stupid, looking at Asakura Lu's slightly burnt hair and the abnormal gap on the edge of his coat, they should understand who pulled them out of the fire while they were unconscious.

Therefore, they greeted Asakura Lu very enthusiastically and invited him to live with them. Although they moved to this warehouse because of safety issues because Ellie would set fires, now Ellie's problem seems to have been solved with the fire in the warehouse, and things will be easy to deal with afterwards. His own house is large and spacious, so it is no problem for Asakura Lu to live there.

However, Asakura Lu still tactfully and firmly rejected the invitation of the store manager's family. After all, he is not without a place to live now, and if he lives with the store manager, Pejia is afraid that he will have to stay in the dark realm for a long time, which is not the result he wants.

Therefore, Asakura Lu racked his brains and finally turned down the enthusiastic store manager and his family. Then he took the teleporter back to the observatory headquarters. Pejia also immediately escaped from the dark realm. The two cubs looked at each other and sighed tiredly. It was because of the high enthusiasm of the store manager and his family that the enthusiastic Pejia wanted to come out and agree on behalf of Asakura Lu.



At this moment, two stomach complaints sounded at the same time. Asakura Lu and Peggy looked at each other and laughed together. Then Asakura Lu took the lead and walked towards the backpack, turned his head and looked at Peggy and said:

“Is pineapple-flavored bread okay?”


“Brother Yuan Subaru, what flavor do you want?”

“Huh?! Me?”

Yuan Subaru, who had already jumped out of his coat and hood and continued to think about things, was slightly stunned. He analyzed the current situation a little from his running thoughts, then shook his head and said:

“Don’t worry about me. As a light particle aggregate, I don’t need to eat. But, Xiao Lu, are you sure there is still food in your backpack?”

? ! X2

This made Asakura Riku and Pejia's bodies stiffen. They were a little dizzy and immediately realized something. They rushed to the backpack in unison. As expected...

"It's finished."

"I completely forgot."

The two cubs looked at the backpack with only the packaging bag left and let out an unacceptable cry. Then, Asakura Riku and Pejia got together tacitly, started to search their pockets and wallets, and finally gathered a pile of change.

"This... should last for two days..."

"No, no, Xiao Lu, if you only eat one meal a day, maybe it can last for a week."

"That won't work. You are still growing up. If you eat so little, you won't grow taller."

Listening to the distraught voices of Asakura Lu and Pejia, Yuan Subaru sighed, stopped analyzing the power of truth, turned around and looked at them and said:

"Xiao Lu, you should know how to get to Mingdao Street."

"Ah, I know."

When Asakura Lu saw Yuan Subaru start talking, he knew that things had taken a turn for the better. His eyes were bright and he answered obediently:

"It's not far from the manager's grocery store."

"There is a place at No. 43 Mingdao Street where you can withdraw money. I have asked Lime to complete all the procedures online. Take your ID and wallet and go there to withdraw all the money. , to serve as your living expenses during this period.”

Yuan Subaru had already considered this situation. He knew the two cubs would face an economic crisis the night before, so he casually accepted dozens of jobs online and earned a sum of money. For an ordinary family, it was considered a sum of money. A huge sum of money.

Of course, Yuan Subaru did not ask Asakura Lu to take out all the money, but only part of it. Next, Yuan Subaru hoped that Asakura Lu and Peijia would learn some life skills and be able to support themselves through their own efforts.

The premise is that if they don't want to go to school, if Asakura Riku still has the desire to learn knowledge, he will take on more jobs and make more money. Even if he leaves here one day, he can still support Asakura Riku to complete his career. Student years and subsequent further education expenses.

However, Yuan Subaru still wants to complain about one thing, and that is that the payment system of this planet's island country is really too backward. It can't even make mobile payments with mobile phones. Some government agencies are even still using floppy disks that should have been eliminated long ago. Things are really incredible.

"Xiao Lu, after you take out the money, remember to buy some daily necessities first."

At this time, Yuan Subaru looked at Asakura Riku who was packing his things in front of him and getting ready to set off. After thinking about it, he decided to say a few words and said seriously:

"Those things that are going to be used for a long time, don't be cheap. For personal items, you should also buy some good ones as much as possible. Also, although the elevator in the headquarters can transport you to anywhere, since you are going to stay here for a long time, Well, it would be better to buy the same kind of transportation.

Otherwise, when you go to the vegetable market, shop, or work place, using the conveyor elevator will be too conspicuous... Well, you can use an electric car or a bicycle. Remember to buy one with a slightly larger load capacity. After all, you and Pejia lives here, and you have to buy something for two people at one time. If the basket is too small, you may have to make several trips to buy enough things. As for the refrigerator, beds, etc... I will take care of these, you Don't worry about it, um...that's all for now, remember? "

"Hmm, I remember Brother Yuan Subaru, then Brother Yuan Subaru, let's set off."

Asakura Riku and Peijia checked their words, and after making sure they remembered what Yuan Subaru said, they happily waved their hands, took the elevator, and left the observatory headquarters. Yuan Subaru looked at the surrounding space.

It's a bit small, and there are no rooms. If you stay there for a long time, it needs to be renovated. Then use the light of Nexus to expand the space, and use the power of truth to make certain adjustments to the surrounding structures.

Yuan Subaru rolled up his sleeves a little, and then started the second transformation of the observatory headquarters. For this operation, Yuan Subaru can be said to be quite handy, because it can be completely transformed according to the situation at the TLT-J base. He had to He said that although TLT-J's base is underwater and has aisles and corridors, it gives people a rather depressing feeling.

But the interior design of the room is still very good. At least when Yuan Subaru first moved in, he walked around it curiously several times and was amazed that he actually lived in such a good place.


When Asakura Lu and Peijia came back, looking at the things they bought, Yuan Subaru was silent for a moment, stretched out his hand to pinch his eyebrows, pointed at the mountain bike and said:

"This... is quite handsome. If you use it on the road, it should be no problem, but... it seems to be inconvenient to carry things, and..."

Yuan Subaru looked aside, looking at the game console in Peijia's arms, then took the bags from the two of them and looked inside, and couldn't help but say:

"Although this food should be enough for you to eat for a few days, but... what about daily necessities? Don't you brush your teeth, wash your face, or take a shower? It seems that you only wear this kind of clothes. This... Although I am separated from human society It’s been a long time, but I don’t think game consoles are a necessity in life. Can you two tell me why? You obviously agreed well when you set out, but why are you like this now?”


Yuan Subaru's tone was still as calm as before, but at this time, Asakura Riku and Peijia could not help but sweat. Asakura Riku pointed at the mountain bike in a panic and said:

"Well, brother Yuan Pleiades, please listen to my explanation. Even if you think of this mountain bike, it is a mountain bike. In fact..."

Yuan Subaru: "Huh?"

".....I'm so sorry!!" X2

368 Riku Asakura: I want to fight!

Looking at the two guys in front of him who gave up their quibbles and just chose to kneel down, Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly and said softly:

"You decide for yourself whether you want to keep these things or return them. Let me tell you first. The money you just received is your living expenses for this month. I will not give it to you again until next month. You have to take responsibility for what you do."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru didn't say anything more to the two people and continued to be busy with his own affairs. Asakura Lu and Peijia carefully raised their heads and looked at Yuan Subaru's side to make sure that they would not continue to suffer. After the training, they tiptoed to the elevator. After discussing in a low voice, they walked back quietly, preparing to return with their bicycles and game consoles.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw Yuan Subaru suddenly raised his head and looked to the upper left. This strange action frightened Pejia so much that she shuddered, thinking that he would continue to criticize her just now. For this Pegasa alien cub, Yuan Subaru was a very scary image.

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