But just when the beam of light was about to fall, Jingma Yumei saw a cross flash light up among the ruins. The silver light caught the orange-red beam of light and wiped it from the world. Then, familiar A giant was born from it. Nexus leaped high like a flying swallow, moved in the air, dodged the enemy's long-range firepower, and finally crashed down on the enemy like a meteor.

Facing Yuan Subaru's attack, the enemy crossed his arms in front of his chest, creating a circular defensive barrier that firmly caught Nexus' popular flying kick and bounced the power back. This caused Yuan Subaru to fly into the sky again, but in return, his whole body was covered in flames, like the swooping impact of the sun setting.

This time, if the enemy still dares to attack, Yuan Subaru will be able to praise him as a hero when he blows it up.

However, this time the enemy sensed the fatal danger and immediately teleported to dodge without hesitation, avoiding Yuan Subaru's dive. However, Nexus' attack did not land on the ground, but followed a quite natural arc trajectory. , scraped the ground, and rushed towards the enemy again, forcing the enemy to perform multiple time and space teleportations in succession, and finally teleported outside the Earth-Moon Galaxy, finally getting rid of Yuan Subaru's pursuit.

"Senior Nexus..."

At this time, Manaka Kengo, who was half kneeling on the ground, breathlessly called out to Gen Subaru. During this period, this Triga was not idle either. The mutation caused by the experimental hypertime bomb would Manaka Kengo woke up from his sleep.

After Yuan Subaru repaired the damage to the city caused by the battle and left in pursuit of the Eternal Core, the Elite Victory Team realized that many earth monsters had also awakened from the underground, mountains or oceans due to the explosion, and were in the world. Changes occurred everywhere.

Naturally, Manaka Kengo will not sit idly by and ignore this. It can be said that after Gen Subaru left, Ultraman Triga has been fighting, from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere, and in other defense teams. With his help, all the monster riots were settled abruptly.

As a price, Manaka Kengo was naturally exhausted. Even after releasing the transformation, he would fall asleep from exhaustion while walking.

But the battle is not over yet. A robot that looks like it is made of white marble and looks like a mosaic glass shell falls from the sky. Its head is a black circular screen with red straight lines forming its facial expressions. , and then this place was like the strange mechanical monster Diaboligu before, launching indiscriminate attacks on all sides.

Manaka Kengo will naturally fight to stop this robot, but in this state, he is really no match for this guy. If Yuan Subaru hadn't arrived in time, Manaka Kengo would probably have died again at this time.

"Don't blame yourself. This guy is the computer demon Desfasa. It's great that you can persist until now."

Gen Subaru softly comforted Manaka Kengo who was ashamed of being unable to defeat the enemy, and transmitted the enemy's information to Manaka Kengo's mind through telekinesis.

The computer demon Desfaza is a robot made by the Monera planet by modifying and strengthening the space battleship [Prometheus] developed by TPC.

It reads and analyzes all the opponent's combat information through the rubber tube. The rotating laser gun in the left hand attacks quickly. The laser beam emitted can effectively destroy all types of aircraft. It can also continuously fire and suppress the opponent's actions. The telescopic steel pliers in the right hand attack quickly. The power is quite strong, and the laser cannon it is equipped with is also powerful. The protective barrier formed by crossing the arms can withstand Dyna's light attack.

And its chest is equipped with the ultimate weapon of the Dyna Universe TPC - the Neomags Cannon. When the energy is adjusted to the highest output, it can completely destroy the asteroid. It once shattered the monster Galanda with one blow. If you knew, the monster Galanda Dako has a record of being able to block Soljet's light.

Dyna had to go through a hard fight to defeat this monster. It was no longer difficult for Teliga, who was in this state, to defeat it.

"By the way, Manaka Kengo, this is for you."

At this time, Yuan Subaru remembered something, took off the fragment of the eternal core from the lightsaber, and gave it to Triga. Originally, Yuan Subaru planned to throw this fragment to the TLT earth universe. With the presence of this fragment in the beast's seal, Yuan Subaru can try to modify the seal so that it can maintain the seal while also weakening the strength of the alien beast.

This is a pretty good idea. Yuan Subaru came up with it in a flash of inspiration from Yuan Dagu. Yuan Subaru has also begun to improve the relevant draft, so he has not used the power of the eternal core fragment much and plans to wait. Later, when you experiment or modify the seal, you can use the energy in it.

But now it seems that this can no longer be omitted. At this moment, both Zhenzhong Jianwu and himself have to replenish a certain amount of energy.

As a result, this eternal core fragment was split into two, held by Nexus and Teliga respectively, in order to restore each other's strength.

At this time, in the universe, the computer demon Desfaza unfolded the armor on his chest from left to right and began to accumulate energy. He aimed the Neomagus cannon at the earth, which could completely destroy an asteroid, and prepared to strike. Cruel.

And its move also made Gen Subaru and Manaka Kengo on the earth keenly aware of the approaching crisis. Manaka Kengo was ready to rush forward without hesitation and have a good fight with the computer demon Desfasa.

But Subaru suddenly stopped him and said to Kengo Manaka seriously:

"Kengo Manaka, I have something for you to do now, look over there."

As Subaru said this, he opened a portal, then turned his power into crystals and stuffed them into Kengo Manaka's hands, and continued in a serious voice:

"After passing through the portal and arriving at the new universe, follow the guidance of the crystals, issue an Ultra Signature, and then continue to follow the guidance of the crystals to find other Ultra Warriors. When you find them, give them this crystal, and they will naturally know what to do next."

At this time, Subaru noticed that Kengo Manaka seemed to be hesitant. He seemed to want to change the task arrangement. To be honest, if Kengo Manaka was a little stronger at this time, Subaru would really go there by himself.

But now, this computer demon god Desfassa clearly has traces of being modified like the strange mechanical monster Diaboligu, and it is most likely something from Belia. Although there is no evidence and no relevant energy reaction can be found, Gen Subaru is now 100% sure that it will not be long before Belia will come here, and then it will be a real battle!

So, if Belia comes when he leaves, Gen Subaru really doesn't think that Zhenzhong Kengo can resist for long at this time...

351 Belia: Son, I'm here again! (Second update)

If Zhenzhong Kengo fails to defend this planet, the eternal core being taken away is still a small matter. Based on Gen Subaru's current understanding of Belia, he is afraid that while taking away the eternal core, he will also drop a super-time and space bomb to destroy the corpse. If this is true, Gen Subaru doesn't think he has the ability to pull such a "corpse" back and complete the resurrection.

Therefore, Gen Subaru did not change his mind and urged Kengo Manaka to leave quickly. You know, this kind of inter-universe portal also consumes a lot of energy and strength. Kengo Manaka is not the kind of person who doesn't listen. After realizing that this is indeed very important, he immediately jumped into the portal.

At this time, the computer demon god in the universe, Desfassa, also completed the accumulation of power and blasted a terrible energy torrent towards the earth. Moreover, this guy seemed to have discovered the portal opened by Gen Subaru, so he adjusted the focus of the attack there, wanting to fire into the portal as well, so that Kengo Manaka who entered would be strangled by the chaotic space-time fluctuations caused by it.

This, it can only be said that Desfassa thought too much. After Kengo Manaka went in, Gen Subaru closed the portal. If Kengo Manaka could successfully find someone, he would not believe that Belia was not dead, and he would not blow up the Kingdom of Light. However, if the Kingdom of Light was blown out, it would not be easy for Senior Hikari to open a portal here with his own crystal.

As for the Neomagus cannon, I have to say that its prototype is the ultimate weapon of the Dyna Universe TPC. If TLT had this super destructive energy cannon, I wouldn't have had such a hard time fighting.

However, it is still not qualified to use it against me, even if it has been strengthened and modified again!

Gen Subaru raised his hands, and the light blue ring reappeared. [Aurora Power] steadily received this super destructive energy cannon attack, and then with a flash of light, a bright attack was returned in the blink of an eye. The computer demon immediately prepared to teleport, but the surrounding space had been locked by Gen Subaru with the Light of Nexus. By the time it finished interpreting these blocking instructions, it had already been hit.

Therefore, the computer demon god Desfasa could only react temporarily, raising his arms and opening his shield, intending to forcibly resist a wave. Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru immediately poured his energy into the counterattack [Legend of Sparks] without hesitation. The shield of the computer demon god Desfasa suddenly shattered in the rushing energy, and then the computer demon god Desfasa was submerged by this [Legend of Sparks].

Belia, you are really... huh! ?

Just when Yuan Subaru thought that the fight was over, he suddenly felt something, and looked up suddenly, and saw a strange scarlet light in the wreckage of the computer demon god Desfasa. That was...

Belia's demon fragment?

No, why is there this! ?

To be honest, Subaru had forgotten about this thing, but when he thought about it, it was not a strange thing. The demon fragment was originally a special factor formed by the cells left behind when Belia fought in the universe. Now, Belia's body was there. In order to enhance his combat effectiveness, it was quite reasonable to take something from himself.

But... I didn't expect that Belia would do such a thing. Subaru always felt that if someone, even Belia's subordinates, ran to him to ask for this thing, they would be lucky if they were not killed immediately.

However, it can be seen that Belia was indeed in trouble. His current situation had to make concessions in some aspects, which was undoubtedly good news.

But this good news can only be analyzed after the next enemy is eliminated.

In less than a blink of an eye, the demon fragment completed its mission. A huge stream of light wrapped in red light fell to the ground. Then, a huge monster with a spider-like appearance came out of the slope and appeared in front of Subaru.

This monster has no clear limb distinction. It has a head with a spider-like mouthpart on top, and a mouth that grows upwards like a corolla on the head. Below is a torso with a shell similar to the tentacle-type alien beast "Kutura", and spider-like tentacles on the torso.

This monster has been seen before by Subaru, and he even remembers its data, such as its height of 258 meters and its weight of 1,080,000 tons. However, Subaru did not expect that the demon fragment could actually pull this thing out of the body of the computer demon god!

This monster is called Queen Monera. Although it is so big, it is an out-and-out plant monster. If you want to explain why Gen Subaru feels so incredible about its appearance, you have to start with Monera. In the Dyna universe, Monera is a highly intelligent cosmic person who has been planning for a long time to invade the earth. He regards Dyna as the biggest obstacle to the invasion. He has been secretly observing Dyna and collecting data on Dyna's various forms to analyze and understand Dyna's weaknesses. At the same time, this Monera is also very arrogant. He believes that humans are not qualified to talk to it and regards humans as monkeys. Then, in order to better realize their invasion plan, Monera uses superpowers to control Dr. Kisaragi of TPC, turning the Prometheus battleship built by TPC into the terrible combat robot computer demon Desfassa, and tries to use it to defeat Ultraman Dyna. And this computer demon is indeed a strong enemy of Dyna. The TPC headquarters base in the Dian universe can be said to have dispatched all its troops to attack the computer demon Desfasa, but it has achieved almost no results.

In the end, Dyna relied on his extraordinary strength and determination to win, punched through the laser cannon in front of all mankind, and successfully eliminated Desfasa.

But just as the people in the Dyna universe were cheering, Dyna, who had just taken off and was about to leave, was entangled by a huge tentacle that broke out of the ground. It turned out that in addition to the computer demon, the Monera star people had a backup. A total of thirteen Monera star people merged with the spacecraft through their special physical properties and turned into a huge plant monster.

Yes, it was the Queen Monera in front of Gensuba.

Don't underestimate this guy. Although the fusion materials of this plant monster are relatively simple and the number is not as much as imagined, her record is still very good. For example, Dyna was trapped in the body of this plant monster before he could break free after being entangled by the tentacles of Queen Monera. Then, Queen Monera released the so-called "crown beam" from the mouthparts on her head, destroying the surrounding three-kilometer circular area. After TPC survived this round of attacks, it immediately organized the remaining manpower to rescue Dyna. But it still had no effect. Monera's high-voltage current in the queen's abdomen made Dyna, who had just experienced a battle, suffer a lot. In the end, Dyna's light disappeared, and the giant of light sank into the captivity of Queen Monera. Although TPC still did not give up the action of saving Dyna, the gap in strength was too big. They almost ran out of ammunition, and Queen Monera still showed no signs of being broken, which made humans despair. Then....

Then the record made Subaru look a little bit subtle--

When everyone was in despair, a child encouraged everyone to cheer up so that they could turn into light. Gradually, more and more people chose to believe him.

Gradually, the child emitted light, and everyone also emitted light. Everyone's light merged into a giant of light, turning into Ultraman Tiga, and then under the double attack of "Zaperio Ray" and "Soljet Ray", Queen Monera was destroyed.


Isn't this record really something that Senior Hikari wrote when he was drunk?

Subaru recalled it repeatedly and made sure that he should not have missed anything. Then he could only say that Senior Tiga was really amazing. He didn't expect that his light clone could be rubbed out in this way.

Then, Subaru turned his eyes to Queen Monera in front of him. Now... he could only suspect that when Belia stuffed the demon fragments, he also stuffed a few Monera stars in. Otherwise, he couldn't figure out why this came out of the computer demon god.


While Subaru was thinking and recalling, Queen Monella had already locked onto Nexus's position, and countless tentacles flew out from the ground, attacking Subaru, and at the same time, these tentacles were also flashing with high voltage current.

Subaru took out his lightsaber, and with a few flashes of cold light, he cut off all the attacks that came, and he couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart. Although the fragments of the Eternal Core were now half gone, the lightsaber was still extremely sharp after being blessed, but when cutting these tentacles, Subaru unexpectedly felt a little dull. Now he could understand why Dyna didn't have time to escape from these tentacles before.



However, at this moment, an abnormal roar was heard above the planet, and an ominous scarlet color lit up in the sky, as if rendering the space as well. Subaru's expression condensed, and he couldn't help but tighten the lightsaber in his hand, because he had already felt that this breath was coming from Belia!

"Hahahaha, son, we meet again!"

Accompanied by the shattering sound of time and space, a huge claw-shaped battleship appeared outside the earth. This battleship was so huge that it could even 'grab' the earth. For a time, the entire earth was shrouded in the shadow of this battleship.

And standing on the conspicuous command podium is Beria holding the ultimate combat device, and...

Triga, who had been knocked to the ground and trampled under Beria's feet, the crystal that Gen Subaru gave him was also held in Beria's hand and turned around like a toy. Beria laughed proudly. shouted:

"I can tell you that you are a little frivolous. You want to find foreign help? Huh, it's really become outrageous. You actually started to seek help from outsiders to deal with me. It seems that you need to be educated. a ha ha ha!!!!"

"Reblondo star, shut your stinky mouth."

Yuan Subaru pointed his lightsaber at Beria expressionlessly. At the same time, three clones rolled out behind him and rushed towards Queen Monera. These three clones with eternal power joined forces to deal with the plant monster. It shouldn't be a problem.

"Sorry, Nexus-senpai, I...ah!!!"

At this time, Manaka Kengo also woke up leisurely, and after casually observing the surroundings, he realized his current situation, and the memories of previous defeats also poured into his mind——

After jumping into the portal, Manaka Kengo kept accelerating, wanting to complete the task assigned by Yuan Subaru as soon as possible so that he could quickly go back and help Yuan Subaru deal with those monsters.


When Manaka Kengo jumped out of the portal, he suddenly realized that something was not right about the surrounding situation. The black-skinned giant holding a stick did not look like a friendly unit. Therefore, Manaka Kengo immediately retreated without hesitation. In the transmission gate that had not yet been closed, he began to search for a new flow of time and space. Manaka Kengo felt that he must have made a mistake somewhere, so he ran to the wrong place and met such a group of evil people.




three times....

No matter how Manaka Kengo changes the flow of time and space for traveling, or how he proceeds according to the instructions given by the crystal, he will only appear in front of the black giant in the end. Amidst the ridicule of the black giant's subordinates, Manaka Kengo realizes A terrible thing——

It wasn’t that I had found the wrong flow of time and space, or that Yuan Subaru’s crystal was malfunctioning.

It's that there is something wrong with this space and time. Although I don't know how they did it, but... there is no doubt that this place has been blocked. If it were senior Nexus, he might still have a way to get out of it. But I... can no longer do it. The only thing I can do now is to find a way to go back and inform my seniors of this discovery!

Manaka Kengo thought so, but Beria would not let him go back to report. Beria waved casually, and the members of the elite second and third teams behind him jumped up and headed towards Manaka Kengo was surrounded, but Manaka Kengo was not taken down by them immediately. With half of the eternal core fragment, Manaka Kengo forcibly broke through the siege of Beria's elite warriors and fled outward.

However, only then did Manaka Kengo realize that the dark giant had blocked his way at some point, and the strange stick in his hand was emitting terrifying energy that made him shudder.

At the same time, the moment Manaka Kengo's eyes crossed with Beria's, he suddenly realized something. The greed and desire in this dark giant's eyes were obviously not directed towards him, so... all that was left was... ...

Manaka Kengo suddenly made a decision in his heart. Although the fight had not started yet, he had already realized the gap between the enemy and ourselves. This was not discouragement, but a rational judgment. So, on this basis, even if he could not help his seniors, If you are busy, that must not hold you back! ! !

352 Subaru: Blow it up! (Third update)

Without any hesitation, Manaka Kengo began to detonate the eternal core fragments in his body. He knew very clearly that the power of the eternal core fragments was quite astonishing. No matter who it fell into the hands of, it could exert astonishing power. What's more, this dark giant with a stick is much stronger than himself.

If the Eternal Core fragment falls into his hands, it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty for Senior Nexus to deal with him, and if he is still alive, he may become a burden to Senior, so...

Telika, who died 30 million years ago, should wake up now!

Manaka Kengo roared and rushed towards Beria. He planned to use the power of self-destruction to gain some advantages for Gen Subaru in advance.

However, a rich purple-black flashed before Manaka Kengo's eyes, just like thunder tearing apart the starry sky at that moment. Manaka Kengo reacted belatedly, and his consciousness seemed to be blank for a few seconds, and then, He felt severe pain coming from his chest, and the ever-increasing fragments of the eternal core somehow fell into Beria's hands.

Moreover, in Manaka Kengo's surprised eyes, the fragment of the intensified eternal core that could be called a danger to him was swallowed up by the dark giant, giving people the feeling of being set off as fireworks suddenly submerged. The feeling of being in the sea.

Manaka Kengo wanted to struggle again, but as the strange stick fell on his head, he completely lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he would be outside this earth.


son? !

Masaka Kengo knew that this was not the time to eat melons, but the name of the dark giant really caught his attention. How should I put it? The family situation of the senior seemed to be a little more complicated than his own life experience.

"You idiot, can't you even recognize your father!"

On the other hand, Belia was extremely disgusted with the name of Minamoto Subaru. What Leonix, what Rebrando star, those were just the power he was controlling now. This gene inheritor actually used such a name to represent himself, which was really too disrespectful!

"No point in talking more."

Minamoto Subaru did not intend to continue to waste his lips with Belia. He immediately waved his lightsaber, slashed a huge crescent slash, and whistled towards the huge claw battleship.

Beria snorted coldly, waved his hand at the elite team behind him, and said in a serious tone:

"Don't get involved, just do what you need to do!"

"Yes, sir!" XN

The subordinates behind Beria echoed in unison, and at the same time, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although the father and son seemed to be in conflict now, no matter how conflicted they were, it was Beria's family matter. You rushed up now and helped the emperor beat the prince. Later, they reconciled, and you turned back and beat him up. Are you going to live?

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