"Masaki Keigo..."

However, at this moment, a mysterious person who could not tell whether he was male or female, old or young, or had a voice from all four components suddenly sounded in this secret laboratory, and his real name was called out. His heart trembled suddenly, and he quickly picked up the metal bracket beside him and used it as a protective weapon. He looked around cautiously.

"Born in 1982, 28 years old, physicist, professor of mathematics, professor of aeronautics and aerospace engineering, president of Sediq Group... really a good identity."

Along with the rhythmic footsteps, Masaki Keigo saw... no, it can't be said that he saw it, but felt that a figure appeared in front of him, and said softly in a complimentary tone:

"No wonder you are arrogant. Among humans, you are indeed an outstanding talent. There is no doubt about this. Compared with Yuan Dagu, your resume is indeed much better-looking."

"Who are you? I've heard enough of your compliments. If you come here specifically to give me a thumbs up, then you can leave."

Masaki Keigo stared at the position where the existence should be without any slack expression, and scolded:

"I don't need any cooperation with the people from the universe. You bastards from the alien world, get out of the earth!"

"Ah, these words are really pleasant to hear. Although there are still some other problems and shortcomings, based on these words, I should give you a chance, give you a chance to become light."

The figure that existed in the perception smiled and clapped. Although he didn't like the feeling of being criticized, Masaki Keigo really heard the sincere praise from the tone of this unknown existence, and... ...become 'light'... This condition really made him excited.

"Go to Yuan Dagu. According to your original plan, go to find that Tiga. I promise that no other unrelated people will bother you in the future. Go ahead, Masaki Keigo."

After saying that, the mysterious existence disappeared from Masaki Keigo's perception, at least that's how Masaki Keigo felt. He held the metal bracket in his hand, his expression changed several times, and finally dropped the bracket and hurriedly walked He left this secret laboratory and drove away in a car.

And when Masaki Keigo left there, on the distant mountains, the mysterious existence also showed its true face. It was none other than Gen Subaru. As for why he appeared here... How can I say ....

Wrong number...

Maybe it was because of his poor condition, or because this was the first time he tried to reversely call the existence of other universes, and there were some technical mistakes. In short, Yuan Subaru was calling Yusha Lei from the Teliga universe. At that time, this 'phone call' came to You Lian from Diga Universe.

Indeed, both of them are super ancient humans, and they are the ones who lead their companions to fight against the dark giant. Even their abilities and names are quite similar. It is understandable that Yuan Subaru made the wrong call, just like Dana gave Sai before. It is understandable that Luo sent the message, but it was sent to Yuan Subaru.

But Yuan Subaru still felt a little embarrassed. Dyna was half-assed in space-time power, so it would be fine if he caused such an accident. As a capable person of the Light of Nexus, he was more or less embarrassed to do such a thing. It makes no sense. If Senior Noah knew about it, he might feel that he, Nexus, had lost his face.

Oops, just let him die in the coffin with me. It's so embarrassing.

Yuan Subaru, who had just arrived in Tiga Universe, thought so, but since he had already arrived, Yuan Subaru felt that he should take a look at Yuan Dagu to see how far his companion had grown.

Then, Yuan Subaru discovered some problems. I don’t know why... Well, there is no need to guess anymore. Yuan Subaru felt that Yuan Dagu seemed to be blindly pursuing power, and seemed to be embarking on a solo journey. The future of development, companions, and bonds seemed to be thrown aside by him, and then Yuan Subaru felt that he might have been affected by himself, because he was walking on a similar path at this time.

This won't work. This universe is not like mine. If it develops slowly, it will die. The strength of the monsters is not that high... Oh, there is also an evil god...

But there is still me. Even if I die, I can still help people leave a will before I die. The Ultra Warriors I know will definitely go over and help after hearing about this matter. Yes, this TPC universe does not have its own Noah's seal. It is not easy for those friends to come here. There can't be so many people together, and they can't defeat those evil gods.

So, team member Dagu, there is no need for you to be so impatient.

Yuan Subaru knows how cruel the path he is currently taking is for a normal human being. He often feels extremely lonely now, and occasionally wants to hide his identity and go to play with everyone in TLT. Playing and getting together, although this thought only passed by for a moment and was immediately suppressed by Yuan Subaru, having such an idea is wrong in itself and deviates from his original plan.

However, the above are just Yuan Subaru's guesses. He needs a little time to observe to confirm his thoughts. If he guesses wrong, just pack up and prepare to leave. After all, Yuanda is now Gu is considered a qualified warrior.

As for Masaki Keigo, there is one saying that Yuan Subaru really admires this kind of person. He has a firm belief, a correct stance, and the will to keep moving forward in order to achieve his goals. Unfortunately, he has some character flaws. Otherwise, it is not impossible to give him some of the Light of Nexus. I hope he can learn something from Dagu in the next confrontation.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru rubbed his chin and tilted his head with a subtle expression. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have changed, but what exactly had changed? He couldn't tell at once. Could it be that he had become more calculating? ? Well...forget it, I am such a fool, where do I have the brains to scheme against others, let's just leave it at that, it doesn't matter...

In deep contemplation, Yuan Subaru's figure quietly faded away and disappeared into the mountains.

"Dagu, after the patrol in Area A is completed, you will officially start your vacation. If you want to go home, you can go back directly."

On the other side, as night falls, Yuan Dagu is still performing tasks in Kumamoto City. In fact, the task this time is not heavy. It is just a matter of walking around, taking a look, and preventing possible accidents.

After all, Kumamoto City has just experienced a monster incident. According to usual practice, there is a certain chance of violent incidents. People who are scared by monsters may do some unexpected things. As for the victory team... The Kumamoto City police system came to assist after asking for help.

At the same time, Yuan Dagu's compulsory leave arrangements were also made. Although the mechanical monster was dealt with very easily, because of the appearance of the mysterious man, Yuan Dagu couldn't help but fall into thinking and speculate in his heart. Who is that person?

Yuan Dagu's frequent "trance" was also noticed by his teammates, so after Director Sawai's decision, Yuan Dagu's vacation was arranged.

But...that's fine.

Yuan Dagu sighed and stretched out his hand to rub his temples. Recently, he was thinking about how to increase his 'mana amount' to better adapt to Diga's all-powerful skill list, so he would take advantage of this opportunity. During this holiday, let's 'work behind closed doors' at home.

348 Dagu is willing to believe (sixth update)

"You look tired."

Um! ?

Just when Yuan Dagu was worried about how to move forward, a familiar voice came from not far away. Yuan Dagu looked up and saw a man wearing a gray plaid sitting on a bench in the park. The man in the shirt stood up at this time, put his hands in his pockets, walked around the flower bed blocking the road, and walked towards him, saying as he walked:

"Even if you become Ultraman, it only consumes your own physical strength. Why do you insist on doing this kind of drudgery?"

The visitor was naturally Masaki Keigo. He pointed his finger at Yuan Dagu and said softly:

"That's because this is simply for your inner self-satisfaction. You are just intoxicated in the beautiful praise of saving mankind, but if you don't think about it, how can you save this earth that is on the verge of destruction with just one Tiga? , Come on, Team Dagu, tell me!”

As the distance got closer, Masaki Keigo's tone became full of anger, and finally he accelerated his attack towards Yuan Dagu, but Masaki Keigo's swung arm was caught by Yuan Dagu, and the two of them were in a stalemate. Got here.

"Although I don't know who you are..."

Yuan Dagu looked at Masaki Keigo with bright eyes and said in a solemn voice:

"But if you think you can pick up the slack now, then you really underestimate me."


Masaki Keigo raised his head slightly, and then launched an attack on Yuan Dagu's capital. Yuan Dagu rushed forward without hesitation, but just after two attacks, Yuan Dagu discovered a problem——

The fruits of his training during this period were all killer moves.

Thinking about it, there is nothing that can be done. Regarding those cosmic monsters that come to invade the earth, what Yuan Dagu has to do is naturally to destroy them all. The skills trained in this situation do not seem to be suitable for use in on people.

"I have intelligence that is beyond the reach of most people, and it's natural."

Yuan Dagu didn't want to kill Masaki Keigo, he just wanted to take him down. In Masaki Keigo's eyes, Yuan Dagu's restraint became a sign that he was beginning to be unable to resist, so Masaki Keigo unceremoniously increased his force. The intensity of the attack, while fighting, he shouted unwillingly!

"Not only that, my body has also been trained. I have worked hard to become a 'light', but you have not put in any effort!"

"You are such a self-righteous guy!"

Yuan Dagu frowned. He had already sensed Masaki Keigo's pretentiousness and arrogance. If a guy like this was allowed to act recklessly, God knows what kind of trouble he would cause. Therefore, he relaxed his attitude a little. If he loses his restraint and hurts this mysterious man, Yuan Dagu will pay the medical bills and go to the hospital to comfort him!

It has to be said that this Masaki Keigo really has two skills. He actually fought back and forth with Yuan Dagu without losing the slightest bit. In the end, Masaki Keigo and Yuan Dagu punched each other in the chest. The two of them stepped backwards at the same time, and then distanced themselves.

"It seems that you are not as good at fighting as you thought."

Yuan Dagu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Masaki Keigo opposite who had shed two lines of nosebleeds, and said softly:

"No matter what you are planning, it's not too late to stop now, don't be stubborn!"

"You are the one who is stubborn..."

Masaki Keigo stretched out his hand and wiped it under his nose, staring at Yuan Dagu fiercely and said:

"For a timid guy like you, the 'light' in your hands can't play its due ability at all!"

After that, Masaki Keigo attacked Yuan Dagu again without hesitation. This time, Masaki Keigo put aside all his previous restraints and launched a desperate attack like a death row prisoner.

Yuan Dagu looked at the pistol that had been knocked down and thrown aside in the battle just now, and calculated in his mind that if he went to pick up the gun, he would be suppressed by Masaki Keigo and there was no possibility of shooting at all. Therefore, Yuan Dagu took the initiative to meet him.

This round of fighting was much more dangerous than the last one. Even a man like Yuan Da Gu was a little excited. To be honest, Yuan Da Gu really wanted to call for help, but he was worried that Masaki Keigo would reveal that he was Tiga, so he could only bear it here.

Suddenly, Masaki Keigo showed a flaw. Yuan Da Gu didn't think about it and directly hit him with an elbow. But when he found that the landing point was his heart, Yuan Da Gu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He knew his current level of strength. If this elbow hit him, the man would die soon. Yuan Da Gu never thought of killing people from beginning to end, so he quickly changed his moves.

But this flaw was caught by Masaki Keigo. He hit Yuan Da Gu's cheek twice, followed by a sweeping kick, and Yuan Da Gu fell to the ground powerlessly.


Just when Masaki Keigo was about to say something, he seemed to have touched a wound somewhere, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then he took out the magic stick from the dizzy Yuan Dagu's arms, and said obsessively:

"What a beautiful thing, this is what I lack, the thing that can turn me into light."

After putting away the magic stick, Masaki Keigo looked at Yuan Dagu who was uncomfortable on the ground, shook his head, and said softly:

"You are not cruel, how can you save the world? Let me do it next."

After saying that, Masaki Keigo turned around and left here without hesitation. Suddenly, Masaki Keigo felt as if he was tripped by something, and his body fell to the ground uncontrollably. With a "bang", Masaki Keigo couldn't help but cover his nose and rolled on the ground. The bridge of his nose that was not broken by Yuan Dagu just now was broken this time, and Masaki Keigo almost cried out in pain.

This...it's just a little bit of pain.

Masaki Keigo struggled to get up and continued to flee, but after a few steps, he fell to the ground again, as if an invisible force was pulling his legs. This time, Masaki Keigo clearly felt that several of his teeth flew out. He endured the pain and opened his eyes to observe the surroundings carefully, but no matter how he looked, there was nothing, nothing.

I must be too tired.

Masaki Keigo muttered in his heart as if to comfort himself, then struggled to stand up, and ran out with difficulty, falling continuously.

Then a faint light appeared out of thin air, just about to fall on Yuan Dagu, but suddenly found something, and then, these lights suddenly disappeared, at the same time, Yuan Dagu also opened his eyes, he had woken up from the dizziness just hit, although his head was ringing and his ears were calling, but Yuan Dagu's thinking at this time was already beginning to recover quickly.

Yuan Dagu looked around, picked up his gun, and staggered out in silence...



"Dagu team member!!!"

Not long after, the Victory Team arrived here. At first, they didn't think anything was wrong, but when Sakaki Rina repeatedly called Yuan Dagu in the channel and didn't get a response, they realized that Yuan Dagu might be in trouble, so they hurried here.

Then, they saw Yuan Dagu's matching Victory Team helmet fell to the ground, shaking slightly in the breeze, with a little blood on it.

At this moment, everyone in the Victory Team immediately became serious and began to quickly launch an emergency search operation...

At the same time, in the TPC headquarters, Director Ze Jing and Captain Iruma Hui were waiting for the results of the investigation of the mechanical monster. When the results came out, the two of them fell into silence for a while. If there was nothing wrong with this report, the real culprit behind the mechanical monster, who used Earth technology to create it, had more advanced technology than TPC in some aspects.

"Wait, man-made monster..."

At this time, Captain Iruma Hui seemed to realize something, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had thought of something, and quickly turned his head to look at Team Member Nori and said:

"Team Member Nori, bring up the on-site surveillance video of the Ark!"

Hearing this, Director Sawai also immediately thought of it and looked at the screen nervously. The result was that the Ark had disappeared, which shocked everyone present. Team Member Nori immediately started tracking it, and then found that 20 minutes ago, a TPC transport plane took off privately. The takeoff record was well hidden, and it was obviously not a spur-of-the-moment work. Team Member Nori immediately initiated a communication with the transport plane.

Then, the person who appeared on the communication was Dr. Tango, who was in charge of the Ark of the Covenant. He took away the Ark of the Covenant while most of the staff were busy in Kumamoto City and the internal security of the TPC headquarters was weak.

As for Nori's communication, Dr. Tango was also very calm, even though he did not expect that within half an hour, someone had broken through the Trojan program he had carefully written and discovered the transport plane that took off privately.


Dr. Tango did not give anyone a chance to speak. The moment the communication was opened, he began to vent his dissatisfaction with words, accusing TPC of despising him for a long time, and then said that he had now found someone who could recognize his talents better, and this Ark of the Covenant was the gift he wanted to give as a token of his loyalty.

After saying that, Dr. Tango immediately hung up the communication, and at the same time, he also launched various back-up plans he had prepared long ago to deal with TPC's subsequent pursuit of him.

In this way, a chaotic night passed. The TPC headquarters was busy chasing the Ark, and the Victory Team was busy looking for Yuan Dagu. In the end, neither side had any results. Lina was very worried and sat on the lawn of Kumamoto City Park, looking at the river in front of her sadly. The Xincheng team members comforted her, saying that Dagu must be fine. In the past, when everyone thought that Dagu must be dead, he would suddenly jump out, wave his hand and come back again...

And now, Yuan Dagu, who was talked about by the Victory Team, came to a remote area outside Kumamoto City. Yuan Dagu was not unfamiliar with this place. He had been here before in the Victory Flying Swallow No. 1 and almost collided with the bridge hole.

Last night, Yuan Dagu did not track down the whereabouts of Masaki Keigo, but he thought that the two previous times the God Light Rod appeared in strange resonances seemed to be nearby, so maybe the enemy's nest could be found nearby.

Therefore, Yuan Dagu searched here again and again. Indeed, now he has no magic stick and can't turn into Tiga. He is just an ordinary person, but Yuan Dagu also believes that there are some things that even humans can do, and even things that Tiga can't do.

However, such an aimless search really consumes Yuan Dagu's physical strength. In addition, the previous fierce battle also caused a lot of injuries to Yuan Dagu. Now, Yuan Dagu really can't walk.

"Woo woo woo woo..."

Just when Yuan Dagu sat down to rest, a puppy suddenly ran out. This is very strange. Yuan Dagu has walked all the way. There is no village nearby. This puppy is so clean, and, looking at the appearance of this puppy...

It seems to be leading me somewhere!

Thinking of this, Yuan Dagu immediately jumped up from the ground. Under the leadership of the mysterious puppy, he moved forward all the way. Not long after, Yuan Dagu saw a cave. From the outside, it seemed to be an ordinary mine cave, the kind that is often seen here.

But Yuan Dagu followed the puppy in without hesitation, but soon after entering, the puppy disappeared. This scene made Yuan Dagu more convinced that there must be something wrong in this cave.

So, Yuan Dagu kept searching in this four-way passage, looking for available clues in this maze. After a while, Yuan Dagu suddenly stopped. He looked at the wall next to him. It was covered with moss and was ordinary, but Yuan Dagu couldn't help but reach out and touch it. Then, golden light lit up from the wall, accompanied by scattered light particles, and a passage appeared in front of Yuan Dagu.

Sure enough, there was a problem here.

Yuan Dagu pulled out his gun and ran along the light in the cave. After a while, he came to the end of the passage. Here, Yuan Dagu determined that he had come to another super ancient ruins, because here, there were also two huge and intact super ancient stone statues!

One is a stone statue similar to Tiga, and the other is like a monster.

"Woo woo woo woo..."

At this time, Yuan Da Gu also saw the leading dog again. The dog seemed to have been separated from its owner for a long time. It made a pitiful and excited hum and ran towards the altar-like place deep in the ruins.

Yuan Da Gu raised his eyebrows and quickly picked up the excited dog and held it in his arms. Then he shot at the ground. The bullet landed there and triggered a strong electric current reaction-

Yuan Da Gu was not wrong. There was a deadly electric grid around here! ! !

349 Xie Di: Sigh! Can we reconcile? (Seventh update)

As Yuan Da Gu's gunshots echoed in the ruins, a figure appeared on the altar, wearing a decent formal suit and an elegant temperament. He was Masaki Keigo. The only flaw was that he was a little bit leaky when he spoke, but this still did not affect his provocation to Yuan Da Gu:

"I said, you are not the only special person. Similarly, there are not only a few super ancient stone statues in the pyramids."

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