



Just when Belia was relieved, a strange sound came to his ear again.....

342 Belia destroys the Kingdom of Light.jpg

Belia looked up when he heard the sound. He saw five or six paper clones falling from the air. At this time, those clones were more like puppets being manipulated. They lowered their heads, but their elbows were held high by the silk threads. Their arms swung like an out-of-control pendulum, giving people a very strange visual impact.

Moreover, countless silk threads began to emerge in Belia's field of vision. It seemed that there was a clone hidden in those silk threads, eager to try, waiting for the opportunity, and ready to kill him at any time.

This... this is really troublesome...

Beria had to admit this with a livid face. Whether it was the change in strength or the use of skills, he was now in a state of suppression. Facing such a killing array, Belia had no doubt that as long as he dared to try to break all methods with one force as before, he would inevitably be fatally hit by these clones and then become a corpse bit by bit.

How did he do it? Impossible, impossible. Even if he could travel through time, he should still be a child. How could he have such a powerful force and such rich combat experience? Did he use the power of time to fix his body in a certain eternal moment?

This... No, it's impossible. Even if it was the inheritance of Ultraman Noah's light, he couldn't do this. If he had this ability, would he still be Nexus? He would not have evolved directly into the state of 'Noah'.

Belia began to think frantically, analyze, and look for a way to break the current situation. He originally thought that even if Yuan Subaru was once very powerful, he should not be able to cause any trouble in that weak state. After all, even if he was willing to use the power of truth, if he was taken out of his waist, he would not be able to show any real ability.

Therefore, Belia never thought that he would be defeated, and even defeated so quickly.

However, Belia felt that he still had the possibility of a comeback. He believed that Yuan Subaru was able to construct such a skill killing array mainly relying on the fragments he got from the Eternal Core. It was because he was more familiar with this power than himself that led to the current situation. In other words, as long as he could discover the true face of this power, he could reverse the victory and defeat!

Come on!

Come on! !

Come on! ! !

Let me see your true power!

On the surface, Belia was holding the Ultimate Battle Instrument and defending himself, but in fact, he was roaring and calling for the eternal power in his heart. He was the genetic father of Subaru, and Belia didn't believe that he couldn't do what he could do.

At this moment, Belia felt something, as if something flowed in, causing a crisp sound to come from his ears, as if some boundary around him was broken. Then, Belia's eyes began to spin wildly, and everything in his vision was losing color, turning into black and white, and finally returning to death...

Belia didn't know how long he had spent in such a dead world, and the concept of time had been completely stripped away, until...

Burning, pressure, pain... All negative factors condensed into a vortex here.

This familiar feeling suddenly woke Belia up from his confusion. He was too familiar with it, because he had spent a long time in this feeling.

Belia opened his eyes. Although he was a light, he fell into darkness and was imprisoned in this dark prison.

I'm back? !

Belia was somewhat bewildered. This was the prison where he was imprisoned by the King of Ultra after his first failed attack on the Kingdom of Light. He escaped with the help of the cosmic man and completely destroyed it. He thought that he didn't want to see this again in his life, but Belia could never have imagined that he would come back in this way.

Wait, wait, what is going on? !

After tasting the taste of freedom again, although Belia could still endure the pain of such imprisonment, it would undoubtedly make him more tormented. Belia began to think frantically, thinking about what power he had awakened through the power of eternity.

Time reversal?

Or time travel?

No matter what it is, coming to this time node is definitely not a good thing. I have to go back or change a time node to travel, otherwise, I would rather die! ! ! !

‘Hate, hate, hate....

Hmm? !

At this time, in stark contrast to the scorching heat around him, Belia felt the negative emotions in his heart were extremely cold, and this coldness was growing stronger and stronger. It planted the seeds of evil in his heart, used his emotions as a source of nutrition, and continued to increase in value, and dyed his heart black.

This surprised Belia a little, and he was not unfamiliar with this feeling. When he was imprisoned here, he had been holding on here with such resentment. At that time, he wanted to rush out all the time and massacre the entire Kingdom of Light. He even thought about pressing the King of Ultra to the ground and stepping on him.

This is really a bit nostalgic. I was really young at that time. I had time to feel resentful and think about how to torture Ultraman after I got out. I might as well think about what I can do after I get out so that I can really press the King of Ultra to the ground.

‘Hate, hate, hate, hate…’

Wait, something is wrong.

At this time, Belia realized that there seemed to be something strange, and suddenly became quiet, no longer carrying out unnecessary psychological activities. He had already realized that this resentment did not come from his own thoughts, but from this body.

After realizing this, Belia immediately reacted. This was not the timeline he was in. He had come to a parallel universe. The person imprisoned here might be himself in this parallel world, or it might be other prisoners in the parallel world who tried to attack the Kingdom of Light.

Eternal power... What ability is this... awakened?

With such thoughts, Belia was silent and tried to hide himself.

But in fact, Belia's idea did not attract the attention of the parallel world. At this moment, Prison Belia's evil spirit was consumed in a hatred that had been forgotten even when it started. Even he himself did not know whether he could control this evil.

However, what Prison Belia understood was that what was going to happen next was not accidental, but destiny!

Indeed, the prison built by the King of Ultra was indeed unbreakable, but on the eternal bondage of everything, there might be a slight relaxation one day.

Just like at this moment, Prison Belia had already noticed the arrival of the opportunity. Although he did not know what was going on, he suddenly had a feeling that something was about to happen, and then the opportunity to escape from prison came.

But the reason... Prison Belia did not want to speculate. Because... All he wanted now was to escape from this prison. Therefore, when Prison Belia felt that his fingertips could move, the smile on his face was chilling. He moved the car outward with force, and the rock wall that imprisoned the evil shook violently as if it had lost its support.


As Prison Belia's movements became more and more violent, the prison was already filled with thunderous noises. The infinitely expanding evil energy was unstoppable. The prison that had imprisoned him was easily disintegrated and collapsed as if it had forgotten its mission. In the flying dust and evil spirits, a swaying black shadow was looming.

"Ugh! Oh! Oh!"

The black shadow walked forward step by step. In his beast-like roar, the sealing chains that had once bound him began to be torn apart one by one, and fell to the ground with a loud bang!


When the last sealing chain was broken free, Prison Belia let out a crazy roar. Freedom finally became his possession, but this freedom might lead to extremely tragic events. After all, this was crazy freedom!

"I want revenge... on those bastards who imprisoned me, on the whole world!"

Maybe he forgot how to speak, but there was a strange echo in Prison Belia's voice.

"Let them... see what hell is..."

As Prison Belia whispered, evil energy fluctuations began to emerge. The dark energy that had been imprisoned for an unknown period of time and had been dormant was beginning to move violently, just like his state of mind at the moment.

Then, like launching a rocket, Prison Belia kicked his feet on the ground, and in the shaking of the earth, his body bounced out, and in the next moment, he flew into the void like an arrow of light.

And Prison Belia's destination was also easy to guess, naturally it was the Kingdom of Light that imprisoned him!

No, where is Taro?

At this time, Belia of the main world frowned slightly and began to think carefully about the current situation. Although anything could happen in a parallel universe, if you said that in other worlds, Taro and Ken... that is, Ultra Father, became sworn brothers and became half-brothers, Belia would believe it.

But even if Taro didn't come to catch me escaping from prison, what about the other Ultra Warriors? It's impossible that even the gatekeepers are not here, right? How is this possible? This... is it because of the parallel universe, or because... because I came here?

Just when Belia of the main world was thinking about this problem, the Kingdom of Light... was as peaceful as usual. From the emerald tower, you can overlook the emerald city. How sacred the tower that is emitting endless light and energy is, and it is the most appropriate to describe it as majestic.

However, at this time, a black light fell into the Kingdom of Light. It was Prison Belia. The dark giant who had escaped from the trap looked at the familiar city and felt the energy of the familiar plasma spark tower. Suddenly, his reason was about to be burned to ashes by anger. His body was also condensing dark waves, intending to pour out his anger.


Just when Prison Belia was about to launch an attack, his body suddenly stopped, and his anger began to subside. Prison Belia felt something strange and frowned. He now had another strange feeling. He felt that if he really did this, he might not be able to realize his idea and massacre the Kingdom of Light.

Then I should... now...

I seem to know what I should do.

Prison Belia felt that his mind was full of ideas, various plans and schemes, which were prophesying in his mind. Finally, Prison Belia chose his favorite plan, controlled his laughter, concealed his figure, and began to go deep into the Kingdom of Light.

To be honest, this Kingdom of Light is really wrong.

What Prison Belia was thinking in his mind, Belia in the main world didn't know, but through Prison Belia's perception, he had already noticed that the defense of this Kingdom of Light was surprisingly... or weirdly problematic, as if all the people were sent out, leaving no one at home.

Otherwise, how could this parallel universe self break through so easily, even in the Ultra Plaza, where people usually hang out at any time, when the parallel universe self rushed over, there was really no one there.

It's too weird, it's really too weird.

In the exclamation of Belia in the main world, Prison Belia had already rushed to the Plasma Spark Tower, and then in the eyes of Belia in his body who had seen a ghost, he rushed to the top floor unimpeded, looking at the familiar Plasma Spark Core, Prison Belia laughed horribly...

Plasma Spark Tower, this landmark building of the Kingdom of Light, is their sun to the residents on the ground.

But now, this sun seems to have something strange, and the residents of the Kingdom of Light who are carrying out various activities on the ground suddenly feel that the situation around them is not right. They subconsciously look up and see that the sun is gradually becoming huge... In other words, the sun is approaching in their own direction, there is no doubt about this.

And on the top of the tower, the plan succeeded, and Prison Belia, who began to laugh wildly, threw out a terrifying and huge ball of light, which instantly engulfed everyone and the entire city, like a drop of water falling on a hot stone, as literally "completely" evaporated without a trace in an instant.

But the light ball did not lose any momentum and directly embedded into the ground, sinking towards the core of the planet with a crackling sound.


After only a few minutes, the Kingdom of Light, which had shone for tens of thousands of years, disappeared from this universe without a trace.

343 Belia, I am very disappointed in you (update 1)

"You are a piece of shit"

Looking at the fragments of light that turned into countless meteors and flew to the end of the universe, Prison Belia couldn't help but sigh. Was it emptiness or optimism that dominated his heart at this time? Others had no way of knowing, but it was certain that the end of his long-standing hatred came to an end in an instant.

Then Prison Belia disappeared into the darkness.

But at this time, Belia in the main world opened his eyes and found himself back in his body. He couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He was sure that what he had just experienced was definitely not a so-called dream, but a real trip to a parallel universe.

Because the answer was in his hands.

Belia looked down and saw a bubble rising and falling in his palm. Although this thing looked like a child's toy, Belia knew very well that there was another [possibility] hidden in this bubble, which contained a power of change that was difficult to describe and difficult to assess.

After possessing this power, Belia also understood what his ability was that was awakened by the power of eternity. He could act as a wedge to trigger the direction of events in the parallel universe. When he completed an event and broke away from the predetermined fate, he would get such a bubble and such a power that could change everything.

This is an extremely powerful ability. Belia has come up with countless ways to use it, but he is not happy. The reason is very simple, because under the influence of this power of change, Belia now understands why he can have this ability-

It is a "gift" from Gensuba.

It was Gensuba himself who completed the awakening of the power of eternity, using the fragments of the eternal core as a stepping stone, and then achieved a leap-forward evolution and realized his own power.

As his genetic father, under this close influence, the evolution of Subaru seems to be fed back to himself through the connection between genes, so that he can get this new power in such a desperate situation.

In other words, I am using my son's things to deal with the killing array set by my son.

This is really funny, but Subaru doesn't seem to notice this. If Belia has not studied genetic engineering, he really can't realize the change of this matter.

The power of change, this kid is using this power to change the fate of Ken and me?

Belia's mind can't help but fly to the scene of the golden Nexus landing during the Ultra War. He still remembers it. This makes Belia's mind complicated. At that time, Subaru should have gone to save himself and wanted to change his ending of being exiled to the Kingdom of Light...

Then maybe... I should let him... try it, put...

No, when did I need such a little guy to tell me what to do! He said that I am not the boss today, but if he says tomorrow that I should die, then I will have to die immediately!

Beria shook his head, and the tenderness that flashed in his eyes was replaced by ferocity. He threw the power of change towards Yuan Subaru in the static force field without hesitation. This powerful power was enough to turn him Destroy and change him to death....

? ? ? ? ? ?

Beria saw that the bubble was changing, and the terrifying power was about to be released, sending Yuan Subaru away together with the monster corps, but Beria saw that although the power of change destroyed the strange static force field, But it didn't cause any harm to Yuan Subaru.

This made Beria confused. At this moment, Beria and Yuan Subaru met their eyes. In Yuan Subaru's eyes, it seemed that he no longer had any expectations for Beria in front of him.

"Do you think that power was awakened by yourself?"

Yuan Subaru said softly in a disappointed tone. These words made Beria's scalp tingle. This power of change was passed on to Beria by Yuan Subaru. This was Yuan Subaru's deeds recognized by [Order]. The [True Crystal] condensed by the [Dream Power].

Yuan Subaru poured his hope into this crystallization, hoping that the former hero Belial could gain the power to escape from the control of the Lebrondos. To this end, Yuan Subaru even combined the newly acquired fragments of the eternal core. He went in and racked his brains to set up this game, otherwise when Beria was just confused, those clones would have gone up and chopped him into pieces.


Although it is unknown where Beria went or what he changed, judging from the fact that he finally used that power to kill himself, it seems that he has not changed anything.

"Beria...no, a Reblondo star."

Yuan Subaru looked at Beria not far away, pointed at him, and said seriously:

"You old immortal thing, just wait for me. Before I die, I will absolutely, absolutely deal with you completely. Wait for death!"

After saying that, Yuan Subaru waved his hand and slashed at the eternal core. At this time, except for the energy used to maintain the clone, Yuan Subaru had almost been drained by the [True Crystal]. It can be said that he was almost defenseless. Standing in front of Beria.

However, Yuan Subaru's things are Yuan Subaru's things, even if this [True Crystal] has been given to Beria by him, even if this [True Crystal] has evolved differently according to Beria's nature. , will still listen to Yuan Subaru's command. Therefore, in Beria's unbelievable eyes, the power of change he threw was calmly controlled by Yuan Subaru. This scene was like a baby holding a steamroller. , waving randomly in the air.

And with Yuan Subaru's arm cut off, [Reality] was changed. The [Eternal Core] was never transported here by the experimental hyperspace bomb. Therefore, Yuan Subaru and [Eternal Core] will be transported back to Teliga. universe earth.

At the same time, because Yuan Subaru and [Eternal Core] have never been here, Beria has not obtained the power of the Eternal Core, and the truth crystals he obtained will disappear together.

This is not turning back time, but covering reality. The power of change shows true power in Yuan Subaru's hands.

In Yuan Subaru's original vision, this brilliance should be produced by Beria.

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