
The Mefilas star stopped talking. He obediently took out the deformed long spike and pressed the button on the handle. The Beta Magic Box in front of him immediately responded, opening from the middle to both sides, and showing a red light spot. Then, the huge figure of the Mefilas star appeared out of thin air and was falling rapidly on the ground.

At the same time, accompanied by a flash of silver light, Nexus also appeared above the land and grabbed the Mefilas star's head before he landed.

Then, Yuan Subaru pressed his hand forward, and the time and space position changed immediately. The two huge figures maintained their original posture and instantly appeared in the wilderness outside the city. The head of the Mefilas star was also pressed hard into the body, and after Yuan Subaru kicked him in the chest, it broke through the mountain and flew out.


The severe pain from his chest and back of his head almost made Mefilas lose consciousness. He raised his head with difficulty, but saw that the mountain he had smashed was now under the influence of an invisible force, as if time was flowing backwards, and it was returning to its original state. This made Mefilas feel terrified, because he couldn't understand what principle this recovery method was based on.

"I know, I know..."

Mefilas rolled back, stretched out his hands, and waved them repeatedly, as if this could stop Yuan Subaru from moving forward. He shouted:

"I will give up this plan. From now on, I will never appear on this planet again. Now, the native humans and the earth are yours. I will leave now. I will leave immediately. I will also leave the Beta Magic Box here as a gift to you... Oh!!!"

Mefilas spoke very quickly, but the only response to him was Yuan Subaru's lightning-fast attack. Mefilas was like a rag doll, and was shaken up from the ground by Yuan Subaru's step.

Realizing that this time it was not going to end well, the cosmic man was about to send out an energy beam from his palm to counterattack, but Yuan Subaru's fist landed on his palm, and the terrifying force pierced his flesh and blood, crushed his body structure, and shattered Mefilas's entire arm.

Then, Nexus's hands disappeared, replaced by countless fist marks on the Mephilas. This alien was ravaged like a sandbag, and all the means of resistance were forcibly interrupted. He was beaten into suspension in the air.

Finally, Subaru aimed at his heart and threw the last punch. The whole Mephilas exploded like a firecracker, but at this time, Subaru pulled back his hand, and the azure silk thread flashed between his fingers. The broken Mephilas went back in time again and turned back into a human form, suspended in the air.

Subaru jumped back a step, aligned his palms vertically on his side, crossed [Armed Nexus], and combined his hands into a cross shape, releasing the energy lightning and the energy in his body, and the spark-like cross ray storm shot out towards the Mephilas.

But Subaru's goal was not to completely decompose it. Instead, after releasing the Cross Ray Storm, he waved his hands, and the [Power of Truth] emerged from the young Nexus, rendering its [Armed Nexus] azure blue. Then countless threads wrapped around the Mephilas, wrapping the flesh and blood of this cosmic man with the energy of the [Cross Ray Storm].

Then, under the influence of the [Power of Truth], the Mephilas began to spin madly. Following Subaru's [Command], its appearance was modified to the shape of an arrow, and its existence was also changed.

Subaru controlled the Mephilas Arrow with his mind and threw it outside the earth. The arrow with blue light began to shuttle through the universe at a high speed. Following the connection between the Mephilas and their mother planet, it found the location of the Mephilas planet among the vast stars, and then broke through all the defenses of the Mephilas people and landed on that planet.

Then, extremely dazzling light lit up from every inch of the surface of Mefilas. The violent energy detonated the planet in less than a second, decomposing all its debris.

Moreover, as the explosion spread out, there was some invisible energy influence. As long as there were Mefilas people in the affected star field, these cosmic people would be horrified to see their bodies lose control and rush to the end of death...

On the other side, on Earth, Yuan Subaru shook his hand and retracted his sight. Although it seems that the power of truth is not as efficient as the power of eternity, this is only because he has not fully developed it. After persisting for this period of time, it can be foreseen that the power of truth will not only be more efficient than the power of eternity, but also save a lot of energy.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru raised his hand and drew a circle. This circle corresponds to the light blue thread that suddenly appeared outside the solar system in reality. This skill will cause all Mefilas affected by it to commit suicide, and this circle will continue to expand. Although it will take more time, the Mefilas in this universe are destined to be extinct.

Okay, it's done.

After completing this, Subaru exhaled, feeling that the anger in his heart had finally subsided a little. He removed the form of Nexus and returned to the conference room. He saw the rather uneasy eyes of those humans, and the forced smiles, and the flattering intention was self-evident.

"This is for you."

Subaru casually threw the Beta Magic Box Starter that he had just pulled out from the Mefilas alien into the hands of the human official, and said softly:

"Don't think about monopolizing this technology. You humans are a whole. In the upcoming cosmic crisis, only unity can survive. Don't think that there will always be Ultraman to help you. Your own strength is the real strength. Come on, human beings."

After speaking, Subaru disappeared from here and came to the street, and saw the Ultraman in the appearance of Shen Yongxin II.

"Very powerful."

Ultraman looked at the child in front of him and said softly:

"But your methods are too cruel, which will bring you misfortune."

"But it is very deterrent, isn't it?"

Subaru patted the dust on his clothes and said calmly:

"If I change to my previous appearance, the deterrent power will make the enemy more afraid. Well, let's talk about what's next, Ultraman, do you want to stay here?"

"Ah, I don't think I know enough about the contradictory race of humans, so I don't want to leave yet."

"In that case, you will stay with me for a while...oh?"

Before he finished speaking, Subaru looked up at the sky, then looked at Kaminaga Shinji and said:

"It seems that your people are here, why don't you go over and say hello?"

330 Zoffy: I brought a Jetton

"Same species? Sorry, I can't see it now."

Kamiyoshi Shinji followed the line of sight of Subaru, and the end of his sight was just a desolate universe. He could only lower his head, shook his head, and said softly:

"But I think it should be a punishment for me. After all, I violated the ban of the Star of Light, and it was because of me that 'humans can become giant biological weapons' was confirmed. Nexus, I think we have to say goodbye."

"Don't rush to talk about this, Ultraman, tell me, in the Star of Light, how many members like you love other life species."

"Not many, after all, our real responsibility is to observe civilization, maintain harmony in the universe, and avoid To prevent disasters from happening, most people on the Star of Light are fulfilling their duties in this way. "

Ultraman answered Gensuba's question in a calm tone. Gensuba nodded, withdrew his gaze from the sky, and then said softly:

"It seems that your fellow tribesman will take some time to come to Earth. He has just been attracted by the changes in Mefilas. Before that, you can take a walk. I have something to pay attention to here, so I won't accompany you for now, Ciao~~~"

Gensuba smiled and waved to Ultraman, and then the whole person disappeared in the street. Ultraman silently looked at the place where Gensuba just stood, looked at the shattered floor, and reached out to gently touch the shattered powder.

Is he angry? Did he regard the Star of Light as an imaginary enemy of the Earth and mankind?

Ultraman felt that this was certain, but this Nexus didn't know what he thought of again, so he forced his mind to suppress his thoughts, so that such a power fluctuation occurred.

I hope my compatriot is only coming for me, the Star of Light... Even if we can defeat this Nexus, the price we have to pay will probably be extremely painful.

At this time, Ultraman felt that he seemed to have a deeper understanding of human emotions. After all, this worry about homeland should be the same for both humans and Ultraman.

Where is Gen Subaru at this time? He is floating in the office of the Prime Minister of the island country. The humans here did not listen to his previous words, at least these senior officials did not intend to listen. They are trying their best to hide the Beta Magic Box and want to conduct research alone to gain the status of world hegemony.

To be honest, Gen Subaru didn't feel anything about this idea. He wanted to see the unity and solidarity of mankind. No matter which organization used what means, as long as this could be achieved, Gen Subaru didn't care much about the process. If this was TLT Earth, he might intervene because of his acquaintances such as the director and Matsunaga Yoichiro, but for other human Earths, Gen Subaru would still let them develop on their own as much as possible.

However, the current situation cannot be ignored. Gen Subaru knew very well that in terms of the technological content of the Beta Magic Box, the island country might not even be able to produce some of the fur after decades of closed-door development. Their hiding method was undoubtedly delaying the development of the entire human civilization.

However, Gen Subaru soon discovered that it was unlikely that the island government wanted to conceal it. Their internal spies and ghosts soon revealed the matter. For a time, no matter which organization on Earth, they all wanted to come over to get a piece of the pie. It was no exaggeration to describe the Earth at this time as a vegetable market.

It's hard for humans here to unite.

After staying with the Prime Minister of the island country for a few days, Yuan Subaru realized this clearly. They had seen the power of monsters and cosmic beings, and their thirst for power was beyond usual. However, their usual internal fighting methods have become their current Making random choices from time to time, they seemed to have a wrong understanding of the Beta Box and the strength of the outside world.

But in fact, the Beta Box does not allow them to control enough voice in front of the people of the universe. Their sense of crisis is still not enough, and the pressure from the monsters and the people of the universe is not enough for them to break the barriers and work together.

If there were dangerous enemies like alien beasts in this world, I think they would have woken up.

Looking at the political farce in front of him, Yuan Subaru's figure disappeared from the office, and his eyes fell into the universe again. He looked at the messenger of the Star of Light who should have completed the exploration of the Mephilas star and was heading to the earth again. , Yuan Subaru didn't say anything more, just remained silent and disappeared again.

At this time, Ultraman was sitting in the woods. In front of him, lying in front of him was the extremely pale Kaminaga Shinji. Ultraman had not come into contact with the fusion between him and this human being. This corpse looked like Kaminaga Shinji is just a creation projected by his power.

Suddenly, Ultraman raised his head. This time, he felt the aura of his compatriots. He looked up and saw a member of the Star of Light he had never seen before, slowly falling from the sky. The visitor looked at Ultraman and shouted He revealed Ultraman's real name and said softly:

"Are you the one who took away this human's life? Lipia, no, I'll still use the name that the native humans on this planet call you, and call you Ultraman."

Ultraman frankly admitted everything and explained the future context again. After listening, the visitor immediately asked:

"So you decided to ignore the Star of Light's ban and merge with humans?"


Ultraman did not defend himself, nodded, and then said softly:

"Are you the new messenger from the Star of Light?"

"My name is Zoffie."

The visitor suspended in the air said calmly:

"Because you violated the ban on the Star of Light, I will replace you. I am now the monitor of this planet and the native humans on it."

After saying this, Zuo Fei paused and said with a bit more seriousness in his tone:

"At the same time, I am also their arbiter. The possibility that the creatures on this planet will evolve to our level is very high, so we issued an order to eliminate human beings."

Hearing this, Ultraman Sanwu's face suddenly twitched. He looked at Zuofi and said seriously:

"Zophie, I think this decision is wrong..."

"Is it wrong?"

Zuofi interrupted Ultraman's words and said calmly:

"Having this feeling is probably the result of your fusion with humans."


"Every one of the billions of people on the planet could be used as a biological weapon."

Zoffi did not let Ultraman continue speaking, and said in a tone that could not be refuted:

"Almost every intelligent life form in the entire universe already knows this. It is the best judgment to deal with them all now. As the judge, I have also brought the ultimate weapon to suppress the celestial bodies."

As he said that, a rotating instrument appeared in Zuo Fei's hand. Ultraman was slightly stunned and said in a condensed voice:

"Are you talking about [Jayton]?!"

"Yes, I am activating its autonomous program. When it is ready, it will destroy humanity and the entire galaxy."

As soon as Zuofi finished speaking, the rotating instrument suddenly flew outside the earth and was undergoing its changes. The messenger of the Star of Light also continued:

"It is recorded on the Star of Light that there are approximately 13 billion intelligent life forms in the universe. Losing such a galaxy will not have any impact on the universe."

"But for the residents of this planet, their own existence is the only thing. And Zuofi, you have to know that this planet and this race have their own guardians."

Ultraman finally had a chance to tell this fact. He looked at his compatriots and said in a sincere tone:

"That is a very powerful guardian. He easily defeated the Mephilas. I also felt the crisis in him. He can protect this planet among countless cosmic civilizations."

"Speaking of which, Ultraman, did you know? The planet Mephilas has been destroyed."

Hearing this, Zuo Fei raised his eyebrows, as if he thought of something, looked at Ultraman and said:

"Not long ago, that planet was destroyed by a powerful force, and the surviving Mephilas people also exhibited abnormal suicide behavior. Do you have any clues about this?"


Ultraman's eyes widened slightly. Because of the fusion with Kaminaga Shinji, the Specium energy that supported him was extracted from the compression world of the Planck membrane, and at the same time, it also maintained Due to the fusion message between the two of them, Ultraman's energy will be quickly exhausted in a short period of time, causing him to be greatly limited and unable to use many methods.

Therefore, Ultraman only saw the Mephilas people being twisted into arrows and launched out, but he could not trace what happened outside the solar system. After hearing Zoffie's words, he was surprised and had to He gained a new understanding of Yuan Subaru's ability and murderous nature.

"I believe that the destruction of Mephilas is related to the guardian of this planet."

Ultraman said categorically:

"This guardian is the light born from this planet. He is fundamentally different from us. He is very powerful. It is so powerful that fighting against him is not a wise choice. However, there is a possibility of negotiation with him. Therefore, Zoffi , I suggest you report this situation to the Star of Light and let the Star of Light re-evaluate the situation on Earth."

"Ultraman, is this what you want to say?"

However, Ultraman's heartfelt words did not earn Zofi's attention. The messenger of the Star of Light became quite unkind in his tone, and said with a bit of pain and regret:

"Lipia, you have fallen to this point now. You are telling lies... It seems that integrating with the native humans of the earth is a very bad thing."

? ? ?

A few question marks popped up on Ultraman's head, and then he realized something and said helplessly:

"I know this sounds weird, but that's the truth. Zoffie, haven't you and I seen enough strange things in the universe?"

“But behind all the weirdness, there’s an explainable truth.”

Zuo Fei scolded mercilessly and said:

"But think about what you just said, is it possible for such a young planet and young galaxy to breed such a being? Even if you are right, he destroyed Mephilas and massacred Mephilas The existence of the entire race of Laxing people has violated the external emergency regulations of the Star of Light..."

"It was the people from Mephilas who caused trouble first."

Ultraman interjected. After he finished speaking, he himself felt that these remarks were not very convincing to the compatriots of the Star of Light, so he said helplessly:

"For the new generation of power, we should focus on teaching and guidance."

"Ultraman, go back to the Star of Light and accept your punishment."

However, at this time, Zuofi no longer had the desire to continue talking to Ultraman, and his tone returned to a calm tone and said:

"You are no longer needed here. Now I am the monitor and judge of this planet."

"....what a pity."

Ultraman shook his head, dispersed Kaminaga Shinji's projection, and stood up, but he did not want to hear Zofi return to the Star of Light, but headed towards the city where humans were. Seeing this scene, Zofi Fei was silent for a while, and finally couldn't help shouting:

"Ultraman, please wake up. Are the intelligent life forms on this planet really worthy of you staying here and paying for your life? Ultraman! Ultraman?"

Looking at Ultraman who left quietly without looking back, Zuofi shook his head incomprehensibly, and then he looked at the sky. At this time, on the surface of the earth, the core of Zeton could already be seen unfolding outwards. Execute the program and slowly become the appearance of a huge weapon.

Now Jayton is about to enter the stage of assembling its attack system. After all, Zoffi has released control of the weapon. Once the weapon is prepared, a one-megadegree super-heated energy ball will be launched from Jayton without warning. When it reaches the earth, its power is enough to destroy the earth, destroy the solar system, and even affect places tens of thousands of light years away...

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