"Damn it!"

But Belia knew very well that it was this guy who had detonated those clones by himself and forced the two of them out of the battlefield. In this battle, this Nexus was letting me win. He had many tricks that he hadn't used. Could it be that this guy thought I couldn't afford to lose...

Hmm? !

When Belia was angry, he also noticed something, and a question mark popped up in his head, because at this time, Nexus, who was lying on the ground and seemed to have fainted, had an energy fist mark on his chest. Judging from the energy reaction emitted by the fist mark, it seemed that it was indeed left by himself.

Wait, when I was blinded by the self-explosion just now, I did throw a random punch. No way, it's such a coincidence, how can I not believe it?

But no matter how much I don't believe it, the fist mark is real, and the Nexus lying on the ground is also real. In the eyes of others, Belia won this battle.

"As expected of Mr. Belia, you were able to see through my attack route at a glance despite the interference of the self-destructing energy. You are indeed an outstanding warrior of the Kingdom of Light. I underestimated you, and I deserved to lose."

At this time, Gen Subaru pulled himself up from the ground, then climbed up while holding his chest, and said softly:

"I have learned this lesson. I will never underestimate any opponent again. Mr. Belia, I will leave first. To be honest, your punch is quite heavy."

"You fought well!"

"What a wonderful battle!"

"You are all excellent warriors!"

As Gen Subaru finished speaking, the young warriors around him applauded. No matter how Nexus lost, the battle just now was probably only fought by warriors of the captain's senior and Belia's senior level, and that might be a realm they could never reach in their lifetime.

To be honest, these young Ultra Warriors have not experienced the era of the Ultra War, so they know that warriors of the level of Belia and Ken are very powerful, but they only know that. Now that they have a clear sensory impact, they realize how amazing this is.

And now, that Nexus is injured, and it seems inappropriate to go over to ask for advice. After all, he is a guest. So, in comparison, his own senior Belia seems to be a better person to ask for advice!

325 Belia, do you want to go to the Plasma Spark Tower?

Belia never thought that he would be so popular in the training ground, so enthusiastic that he couldn't pull his face down to refuse to answer those questions that seemed quite naive to him, and this also diverted his attention from the victory just now. When he remembered that something seemed to be wrong, he could no longer see the whereabouts of Minamoto Subaru in this training ground.

At this time, Gen Subaru was sitting on a bench beside the main street of the Kingdom of Light. Although two young Ultra Warriors wanted to escort him to the Silver Crusaders because of the situation just now, Gen Subaru found an excuse that was almost the same, and fooled the two of them, and came here alone.

Gen Subaru felt the energy emitted by the plasma spark tower, quietly adjusted his body, opened his hands from time to time, and looked at the faintly visible silk thread in his palm, which was changing according to his ideas.

However, this silk thread was not the incarnation of eternal power after all, and it could not make a dreamlike change, which led to Gen Subaru's overly imaginative ideas, which ended in failure when the simulation was halfway through.

But it didn't matter. Gen Subaru had experienced such failures countless times before. As long as he could learn from the lessons of failure, it would be a successful attempt.

Gen Gen Subaru just quietly repeated the process of failing the test. Although some people from the Land of Light who passed by noticed his presence, no one came to disturb him. After all, looking at Gen Gen Subaru's appearance, he seemed to be thinking about some important issue. It would be inappropriate to disturb him.

"Nexus, you..."

However, there are always people who break the rules. A familiar voice came. Belia, who had finally finished his instruction at the training ground, appeared in front of Subaru, crossed his arms, and said in a bad tone:

"You did it on purpose, right!"

"Well, I did too many things on purpose. If you say that, Mr. Belia, I don't know what you are talking about."

Subaru moved his butt to make room for Belia, put away the silk thread in his palm, patted the empty seat next to him, and said softly:

"Come, sit down. I think you must be tired, so sit down and talk while you rest."


Belia did not answer, but sat next to Subaru. When he looked up, he could see the shining plasma spark tower. The beautiful and dazzling light made people feel extremely warm and at ease no matter when they saw it.

"How strong are you?"

After a short silence, Belia couldn't help but ask:

"I can feel that you didn't use your full strength in the previous battle. Although I think I can still suppress you in fighting, it seems that you have a lot of useless tricks."

"In the current Kingdom of Light, except for the captain who opened the "True Power" and the King of Ultra, I think I should have no opponent."

Minamoto used a very calm tone and said something that sounded extremely arrogant, but the only listener at this time couldn't find a reason to refute, so he could only hum for the sake of meaning, and then looked at Minamoto and said:

"Have you and I met before? I always feel that you are inexplicably familiar, and today you always let me stand out. I should understand that you want to help me, although I don't know that you want me to be with you. Why do those weak people have a good relationship? But if it doesn't matter between you and me, I shouldn't let you help like this. "

"Strictly speaking, this is indeed the first time you and I have met, but I have heard a lot about your deeds, so we should have a relationship that is both familiar and unfamiliar."

Yuan Subaru slowly spoke his thoughts at this moment in a very calm tone. He looked at the plasma spark tower and said slowly:

"I have grown up in the story of 'Hero Beria' since I was a child, and I have also dreamed of becoming a perfect hero. Although many things have happened and I have encountered many changes, even today, I am still like this When I think of those years, my heart is still touched. I think maybe in my heart, the heroic dream is still alive in a corner. "

"....That's it, um--ah, that's it."

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, listening to this stranger talking about his dreams that seemed to have been broken in a nostalgic tone, Beria felt for the first time a feeling of being on pins and needles. This familiar bench, at this time It burned his buttocks even more than a star, making him unable to sit still and twisting, trying to stand up.

But in the end, Beria still sat firmly, crossed his hands together, seemingly gently, but actually rubbed them hard, and said softly:

"Why, don't you want to be a hero now? You...your voice sounds quite young. You must be young, and it will only take you a few thousand years to survive. So, don't give up so early, that will be dangerous. There is no future.”

"Give up..."

Yuan Subaru tilted his head, thought for a moment, and said softly:

"I probably haven't given up, but now I have found something more important than being a hero. In order to achieve that goal, I can become a hero or a devil. I don't care how the outside world evaluates me."

After saying this, Yuan Subaru leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and continued with a half-smile:

"What do you think, Mr. Beria, as long as the result is good, you don't have to worry so much about the process, right?"

"Ah, there is no need to take the process so seriously. The borders and borders are just things that get in the way."

Beria also leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the plasma spark tower, and said softly:

"When the results come out, those who doubt you will naturally shut up."

"Haha, that's it. It seems that Mr. Beria and I got along surprisingly well."

Yuan Subaru laughed twice, then released his senses, making sure that no one around him was paying attention. Then he looked at Beria and said softly:

"Mr. Beria, you want the power of plasma sparks, right?"


As soon as these words came out, Beria's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he was inexplicably moved. All the previous conversations seemed to be preparing for this moment, so that the topic expanded so naturally. .

"You're excited, aren't you? The humiliation of being defeated by the Ampera aliens and the unwillingness to be outdone by the captain have made Mr. Beria crave for stronger power, right?"

Yuan Subaru seemed not to notice the change in Beria's expression, and continued to speak slowly:

"I understand, I understand. I am more passionate than anyone else about my desire for power. Unfortunately, my eternal fragment has been destroyed. Otherwise, it is not impossible to be used by Mr. Beria. The power of truth , I am not very skilled in using it, and it seems inappropriate to use it for experiments on Mr. Beria, so at the moment, it seems that the only thing left is the plasma spark that can be used."

"Who...are you?"

Beria stood up suddenly. At this time, he felt more and more that something was wrong with Nexus. Every word he said fell on his heart. It was as if he could read his mind and guessed his thoughts completely. Toru, this made Belia become alert. He instinctively felt that something was wrong. He was almost certain that this Nexus was coming for him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I want to see it."

Yuan Subaru leaned back on the chair. Although his eyes were looking at the plasma spark tower, they seemed to be looking at his past self, and murmured:

"Mr. Beria, if you really succeed in obtaining the power of plasma sparks, will you still be a great warrior of the Kingdom of Light at that time, and will you still be the hero in my dreams?"

When Yuan Subaru said these words, Beria felt it faintly. He felt that something was reviving in Nexus's body, whether it was expectations for himself or nostalgia for the past. Beria felt this. It's hard to guess, but what Beria is sure of is that Nexus at this time is more real than before, and more like a human being.

"Mr. Beria, the process of obtaining plasma sparks is actually not complicated."

Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention to Beria's thoughts and said to himself:

"I have sensed that there is no aura of the Ultra King on Canopus. The legendary warrior's sight has temporarily left the Kingdom of Light. The captain is also very busy because of various things at this time. The youngest among the younger generation The outstanding Mr. Zoffie is also lying in the Silver Crusaders. The remaining guards do not pose any threat to me at all. I can even create illusions with my mind to make them confused and unaware. "

Yuan Subaru stretched out his index finger, slowly pointed from the bottom of the plasma spark tower to the top, and said in a calm tone:

"In this way, we can even approach the core of the plasma spark leisurely like an outing. At that time, you can absorb and assimilate the power of the plasma spark, and I will help you. Don't worry..."

Yuan Subaru pointed at the top of the plasma spark tower with his finger and said calmly:

"I know there are surveillance equipment there, but I will get rid of them first, and then when the captain and the others notice something is wrong and rush over, you can just blame it on me. Just say you noticed it. After I planned something evil, I came to stop him, but because he couldn't defeat me, he forcibly absorbed the power of the plasma spark core."

Having said this, Yuan Subaru withdrew his gaze, looked at Beria who was silent at the side, and said with a slight smile:

"According to the laws of the Kingdom of Light, you will not be punished. After all, you and I have already fought against each other in the training ground. A discerning person like the captain can tell at a glance that I am indeed a difficult enemy to deal with. Of course, I I know it sounds like there are other flaws in this plan, but don’t worry, leave those little details to me and I’ll take care of them. How about taking action instead of being tempted? "

"...You really came prepared."

Beria stared at Yuan Subaru, opened his mouth, and finally held back this sentence. He was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed, stood up from the bench and said:

"Then let's go. I have wanted to do this for a long time. Even without your help, I will go in sooner or later. If you want to see it, then just watch it. I am Beria of the Kingdom of Light!"

"It's a really good energy."

Yuan Subaru also stood up, waved his hand towards Beria, and said softly:

"Then please come here. I've already planned the route and so on."

What happened next was just as Yuan Subaru said. Looking at the guard guarding the door of the Plasma Spark Tower, it was as if he was blind. No matter Yuan Subaru walked in slowly, there was no reaction at all. Bailey Adun felt his fist harden. The person who could be chosen as a guard was naturally an outstanding warrior. The one on the left even came from the Ultra War, and he was just like this...

"Hey, hey, don't be excited, don't be excited. It's not that they are too weak, but that I am too strong. At least I have the [Power of Truth] with me, let's go, go, go."

Yuan Subaru hurriedly came over, patted Beria on the back, calmed him down, and then half-pushed and half-pushed him into the plasma spark tower. As for the rest of the journey, everything went smoothly, except that Lia looked at Yuan Subaru's familiar appearance, thought for a moment and said softly:

"You don't look like you're here for the first time."

"Is it that obvious?"

"I don't remember when I went on a mission to protect civilizations on other planets."

"That's it."

Beria looked at Nexus, who was responding and using means to cover the monitoring equipment in the plasma spark tower, and continued:

"I am now sure that the punch on your chest at the training ground was not from me at all. It is impossible for my random punch to hurt you so seriously. So, why don't you explain? There will be a reaction of my energy on my body, why do I feel inexplicably familiar in the light energy you passed on?"

"Haha, it turns out you noticed it, Mr. Beria. I thought such small details would not be taken to heart at all."

"So who are you?"

Having said this, Beria's eyes moved slightly from left to right, as if he was a little flustered, and he stuttered with his words and said softly:

"You, are you from the future?"

"No, I come from another world. You should have heard of the concept of parallel universe, Mr. Beria. That's it. You don't have to think too much. I came here by chance and met an acquaintance. Just give me a little help and fulfill my wish."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru stopped. At this time, in front of him and Beria, was the glowing plasma spark core. Yuan Subaru turned sideways to make way for Beria, and the light in his hand lit up. As an assisting pure white light, he whispered:

"Okay, we have arrived at our destination, Mr. Beria, next, please touch the plasma spark core."

326 Mr. Beria, goodbye

This is the power at your fingertips, the power that can bring about new changes in yourself.

Beria looked at the seemingly endless core energy of plasma sparks, and a bit of fire flashed in his eyes. After possessing this power, he would be able to interact with the Ampera...

Thinking of this, Beria's fiery heart suddenly cooled down a bit. After all, at this moment, the Ampera star and his subordinates had disappeared without a trace, and the goal he had been chasing no longer existed. Although there is still Ken, it doesn't seem to make much sense compared with that guy. Could it be that if Ken is defeated, the Ampera people can be resurrected and have another fight with him?

"Have you... thought about what to do next?"

Beria looked at Yuan Subaru aside. Although the core energy of the plasma spark was within reach, he still did not reach out his hand.

"Don't worry, as long as the King of Ultra doesn't come, if I want to leave, no one in the Kingdom of Light can stop me."

Yuan Subaru did not urge him, he played with the pure white light in his hand and said softly:

"If I change to my previous form, I can even beat up all the people in the Kingdom of Light before leaving."

"Before was before, now is now, please wake up."

Beria looked at the core of the plasma spark in front of him, raised his hand, and felt the surging energy with his palms. However, he only felt it for a moment, then took his hand back, remained silent for a moment, and turned around. He was about to walk down the tower.

"What's wrong? Did you change your mind temporarily?"

Yuan Subaru raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise:

"Or is it that Mr. Beria thinks my plan is not thorough enough and plans to go back and plan it again?"

"The plasma spark energy is resisting me."

Beria said casually as he walked:

"It doesn't think I have the ability to absorb it at this time, so this operation is over."

"So, I will help you."

Yuan Subaru walked a few steps helplessly, keeping up with Beria's pace, and said softly:

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