At this time, Ultra Guillotine had already cut off most of the long thorns. Finding that the situation was irreversible, Seggu immediately decided to fire all the remaining long thorns, and this time the long thorns were wrapped with red lightning, which strengthened the power, speed and strength of its launch.

Seeing this, Yuan Subaru sneered, and immediately rushed into Seggu's abdomen at super high speed. With a flash of his hand, the Ultra Disc Blade took shape. This Yanmomon seemed to be unable to keep up with his rhythm. If there was a chance to kill you, who would care about those so-called long-thorn monsters... huh?

Suddenly, Nexus's movements became a little slow. Yuan Subaru looked back in surprise. It was the Meta domain that was broken by the long thorns.

But this was understandable. Given the experience of the Ultra Fusion Card last time, as long as he didn't exhaust the light, basically nothing would happen, and the injuries he suffered would not be brought into reality.

Therefore, this time, the electronic card's own fighting style was particularly wild, all of which were wild ways of exchanging injuries for kills. Therefore, after several injuries, the maintenance time of Meta's domain was rapidly shortened, and its strength also weakened due to the condition of his body.

But it doesn't matter. I have already seized the flaw and taken the initiative. Before the electronic card completely collapses, I will definitely chop you, Yan Momon, into fine pieces!

"Help... Help!!!"

However, at this moment, Gen Subaru's extraordinary perception heard a familiar cry for help. While Nexus turned around, the boy looked out along the hole in Meta's domain with his peripheral vision and found that it was the shrill wail of Carlos Kurosaki.

Logically speaking, the city should have been completely evacuated at this time, and there should be no one there, but looking at the camera on the man's shoulder, I think he still wants to take the opportunity to make another wave of heat.

What a fool...

Nexus turned around and continued to swing the disc blade, breaking through Seggu's armor step by step.

He had already been told that it was dangerous, but he still ran out like this. He should have been prepared to die under the long thorns. What a troublesome guy. I really don't like this kind of person.



But after a very short silence, Nexus turned around quickly and sent a beam of light towards Carlos Kurosaki. Just when the flying long thorn was about to penetrate him, the attacking beam of light turned into a hard barrier and saved the desperate Carlos Kurosaki.

At the same time, Carlos Kurosaki, who was still in shock, heard a loud thunder-like sound. He turned his head subconsciously and saw that in the gap in the space, the monster's mace-like arm hit the giant's cheek hard, causing him to pull it off the ground, fly out in a spin, and disintegrate in the air.

In the sky full of light particles, a familiar figure fell down at high speed and embedded heavily in the road not far away.

"Hey... Hey! Are you okay?!"

Carlos Hei Qi, who was in a trance, shouted subconsciously at first, and then he reacted and crawled towards the landing place that was still raising dust, but before he could run two steps, a sudden strong wind blew him away. When he opened his eyes again, Carlos Hei Qi saw the silver-black giant that appeared again spinning and flipping in the air like a swallow, kicking down, and fighting with the monster again.

Not good, now... the durability of the electronic card can't hold out...

Yuan Subaru was fighting with Seggu with a headache, while taking the time to send out vertical or horizontal guillotines to eliminate those long-thorned monsters that were active in the city, and quickly calculated the next attack strategy in his mind. At present, the armor on Seggu's chest has been torn apart by the Ultra Disc Blade. Although it is healing, the self-healing speed is too slow, so...

Come on, explode, I have wanted to use this trick for a long time!

Nexus avoided Seggu's attack, changed to a backflip to distance himself, and then roared, and the energy of his whole body began to become violent.

This! It is Ultra Dynamite!

Ultraman Taro's strongest single-body ultimate move, which is extremely powerful. By releasing the energy of the whole body, his body is filled with super-high temperature flame energy as if burning, rushing to the enemy, grabbing the enemy's body, and triggering a huge energy explosion, a self-destruction skill that dies with the opponent.

However, since Ultraman Taro has the Ultra Heart, he can rely on its regeneration ability to revive after the explosion, but it will still consume a lot of energy and shorten his lifespan.

However, Gen Subaru felt that Ultraman Taro didn't care about his lifespan at all, at least that was the projection. Gen Subaru was killed by this move 348 times in the deep blue space, and even if he didn't want to learn this move, his body would remember it.

But to be honest, Gen Subaru liked this move when he first saw it-

Put all your energy on this all-out fight, regardless of success or failure, it will leave a brilliant and moving firework, although it is fleeting, but it also leaves a trace of "I have been here" in this world.

In Gen Subaru's envy of the Ultra Heart, Nexus, with flames all over his body, rushed to Seggu not far away. Seeing this, Yan Momon didn't say a word and went into the blood pool, saying that he would avoid this terrible attack.

As Nexus crossed his hands, Ultraman's telekinesis froze it, and although it tried to break free the next second, the fire giant had already pounced on it, hugged it enthusiastically and lifted it up high, and then in the next second, a deafening explosion sounded.

At the same time, in the stone cave ruins, a soft light suddenly flashed on the destroyed stone statue....

049 Noah, what are you doing?

Nexus's self-explosion was unexpected, and the terrible explosion also made the Xio team members change their faces. At such a close distance, even the aftermath of this impact was enough to make them suffer.

However, just as they hurriedly prepared to meet the impact, they found that the originally broken Meta field was still maintained in the explosion. Although there was a gap, most of the gap was facing upwards, and the impact of the explosion rushed out in that direction, basically not much harm.

"The Meta Realm itself is also considered a part of Nexus' body."

After thinking for a moment, Dr. Gellman explained to the puzzled team members through the communication:

"At the same time, the impact of Nexus's self-explosion also spread his own body factors, indirectly maintaining the existence of the Meta Realm. It must be said that this person with the ability to recognize and develop his own abilities is quite thorough."

While the members of the Xio team were also shocked by this truth, in the stone-moving ruins, a soft light flashed on the broken stone statue, and a light and shadow with a harmonious and balanced beauty vaguely emerged from it, looking at everything in the world with a slightly curious look.

It's like someone found a window popped up on the computer before going to bed, and he was in a hurry to get a certain file. He dragged the file into the window and clicked send, and then lay down on the bed. After waking up, he glanced at the screen inadvertently, but found that the other party had not received the file yet. He was free and planned to go to the door to ask why he was so anxious before.

Now, the answer has been found. It turns out that someone has taken over. Let me see... Oh, Nexus, it seems to be someone from Noah's side. Wow, this Nexus fought so hard, did he not want to die? No, what happened to this planet? Are there no other Ultra Warriors? Even if there are none, my ruins have been dug up, where is my light, is there no one who can use it? Please help this four-year-old...

Four years old?

Four years old! ?

The light and shadow were stunned for a moment, and rubbed his head with a tingling scalp.

No, does Noah not even let go of children of this age now? Outrageous, really outrageous, then let me help, let me see how this so-called "electronic small card" works... Forget it, just install it directly, anyway, it won't be much different.

So, in the next second, a ball of light flew out of the stone cave ruins and accurately flew into the Meta field in a very short time.

At this time, Yuan Subaru, who was about to dissipate due to the collapse of the electronic card, looked at the Seggu in front of him, which was blown up to reveal most of its skeleton, and rubbed his chin with a headache. After all, he had said before that he would leave this monster to him to deal with, but now he was forced to return, and the monster had not been destroyed. It was really a bit of boasting, and he slapped himself in the face.

It was too late to self-destruct. The energy was not enough to completely blow it to death. It was a pity. The skin of Yan Momon was thick!

Just when Yuan Subaru was annoyed and thinking about how to make up for it, the soft light fell from the sky and merged into the electronic card. Immediately, there was another figure on the card.

However, Yuan Subaru did not notice the change of the card at this time. After he felt the energy was replenished, his first thought was:

Hey, the self-destruction energy for finishing the knife is here!

‘Is it possible... we don’t have to self-destruct. ’

After sensing the boy’s thoughts, the light and shadow that had just been transmitted had a group of black lines on its head. To be honest, he originally didn’t want to be exposed, and just wanted to quietly see why this cub was caught by Noah to work overtime, but if he didn’t say anything, he was afraid that there would be no follow-up gossip.

‘I will talk about my identity later, let’s deal with this monster first. ’

Yuan Subaru raised his eyebrows, but then thought that someone with such warm light must not be a bad person, so he nodded honestly. Nexus put his hands on his side, lightning ran in the middle, and then combined into a cross, shooting out ‘Cross Ray Storm’.

The light and shadow crossed his arms in front, spread out to the left and right to collect energy, drew a purple trace out of thin air, and then combined into an L shape to emit white ultra-high heat light.

Facing the combined attack of the light, Seggu, who was not yet dead, also began his final struggle. The red-black light and the two broken tentacles extending from his body all attacked Nexus, but his counterattack was too weak in comparison. He was easily broken through during the confrontation, and then his body was pierced and his head was blown up.

This cub was very cruel.

Looking at the blown head, Guangying muttered something silently in his heart. Just when he was about to say something, he saw someone on the ground rushing over, so he calmed down and planned to have a good chat when no one disturbed him.

"Nexus's fittest, come and lie down here!"

When they realized that the battle was about to end, the Xio team hurriedly organized people to rush here, so as soon as Yuan Subaru changed back and fell to the ground, a medical staff shouted and carried him to the stretcher.

But Yuan Subaru was very clear about his condition. It would be a waste of resources if this 'ghost' body constructed by the electronic card was placed in the ICU prepared for the flesh and blood body. Therefore, the boy used his telekinesis to sense the surroundings a little bit, and when he caught a special existence, he flew over with a flash of red light.

This kid has a good talent for telekinesis.

Seeing this scene, the light and shadow couldn't help but praise quietly, using such an attitude to display Ultra-Psychic power. This is something that many human beings cannot do, but has no one taught him? If you use telekinesis too frequently or consume too much telekinesis at once, your lifespan will be consumed.

Thinking of this, Guangying couldn't help but remind Yuan Subaru, and the young man replied disapprovingly, "It's okay, I don't live long anyway." This made Guangying suddenly unable to speak, and began to brainstorm quietly, thinking about this. What kind of capable person did Noah find?

At this time, Yuan Subaru had arrived at his destination. After the red light dissipated, those who appeared in front of him seemed to be the members of the Xio team. The young man looked at them one by one, and his eyes were on Da Kong Daichi, and he paused slightly for an unknown reason. , and then pretended to continue to look at other things, and at the same time, used telekinesis to conduct telepathy:

‘Hello, has your identity been exposed? ’


These words made Da Kong Daidi stunned for a moment, then he looked around, nodded and said:

"Everyone here knows my identity, and everyone is trustworthy! My name is Daichi Daiku, and I am Ultraman X's partner!"

050 I am Tiga

"Hello, my name is Gen Subaru. As you can see, I am a fitter from Nexus. Nice to meet you."

After receiving the response, Yuan Subaru happily introduced himself, while holding Da Kong Daichi's hand and shaking it. As soon as he let go, the young man felt something was wrong. After looking at the young man in front of him, he hesitated and said:

"Um, I'm going to take the liberty to ask, where is Ultraman X? I don't seem to sense his existence in your body..."

"Ah, that's right."

Unexpectedly, this young man could actually notice this. Daikong Daichi was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly took out his personal terminal. However, compared to other people's, his terminal was covered with many weird things like blood-colored tree roots. The thing, feeling the ominous aura above it, Yuan Subaru suddenly thought of Seggu who he had just eliminated.

"You, hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssings),.

It can be seen that Ultraman X is staying in this terminal, but because of the seal of this weird thing, just saying hello to the outside world makes the terminal sparks jump around.

So, I felt like something was wrong with that red-black light. It turned out that after being defeated by it, it still had the effect of sealing the transformer.

Yuan Subaru nodded clearly, and then said softly:

"I understand. Please put the terminal on the table and I'll give it a try."


After hearing this, Daichi Daichi quickly placed the terminal on the table. After stepping back, he and everyone silently looked at Sayuri Tachibana next to him again, thinking that they were all Nexus. Why is the gap so big? Then he was immediately glared at by Tachibana Sayuri and obediently lowered his head.

Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention to the small interactions in the team. He was also vaguely aware of Tachibana Sayuri's identity as a former fitter, but since they were no longer, there was no need for him to use this as a way to get close. For now, he should hurry up and help Ax. Ultraman escapes from this predicament.


The young man took a deep breath, crossed his hands on his chest, and slowly closed his eyes...

Mind power!

As Yuan Subaru suddenly opened his eyes, red light lit up from them, and the majestic power of thought rushed towards the terminal. After the violent vibration, dense cracks appeared on the strange thing wrapped around it, and then exploded. , causing the person's terminal to return to its original state, the young man took a long breath, and then silently wiped away the blood flowing from his nostrils.

‘Didn’t I tell you that using mind power in this way will harm your body and shorten your lifespan? ’

When the sky and the earth were cheering for Ax's escape, the light and shadow were helpless and blamed Yuan Subaru for his misbehavior in a very gentle tone. The boy continued to wipe the nosebleeds disapprovingly. I responded softly in my heart:

'In the battle with Sagegu, I have completed the test of my own light energy reserve. It is also great to test my telekinesis level by the way. The injuries I suffered in my current state will not be brought back to my body. Therefore, for such a rare testing opportunity, it is natural that multiple tests will count as the same. So, thank you sir for your concern, I will be fine. ’

'Light energy is light energy, and mind power is mind power. These cannot be confused... Forget it, go and play, I will help you think of a way. ’

'Thanks! ’

Unexpectedly, Yuan Subaru's eyes lit up, and he sincerely thanked the person whose name he still didn't know...

"I am Tiga, Ultraman Tiga."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Subaru's eyes lit up, and he sincerely thanked that handsome, handsome, suave, reliable, majestic and majestic...

‘Okay, stop talking so much, people are coming to find you. ’

Tiga knocked the forehead of Yuan Subaru's consciousness projection angrily and turned his attention to reality. At this time, in the terminal held by Da Kong Daichi, a bust of Ultraman with headphones was looking at him. flashing and said:

"Thank you, Nexus, without your help, I don't know when I would be able to get out of trouble!"

"Just call me Subaru, it's easy, don't worry."

Yuan Subaru smiled and waved towards Aix, then reached out to take out the electronic card from his chest. At this time, he saw the captain of Team Xio pressing his hand on the Bluetooth, listening to the news reported, and then He looked at himself and said:

"That Carlos Kurosaki is clamoring to see you, or..."

"I'll go see him. I said that if he's still not convinced after dealing with the monster, I'll be waiting for him anytime."

Hearing this name, Yuan Subaru raised his eyebrows and followed the captain of the Xio team out of the command post without saying a word. The other team members looked at each other and followed him.

"I've said it before, I won't run away, I..."

"Carlos Kurosaki, I'm here, what do you want to say."

Just at the edge of the defense line, Carlos Kurosaki had been detained by relevant personnel for not cooperating in the battle. After the aftermath work was completed, he would be dealt with according to the law. Just when this guy was clamoring, Yuan Subaru pushed open the door with a "bang", looked at him and said:

"Come on, I have plenty of time now, I'll talk to you slowly when I'm free."

After that, the boy quickly wiped away the blood from his nose.

And looking at the blood on the lips and the tattered clothes of the boy, Carlos Kurosaki, who had been making a fuss just now, suddenly became honest, was silent for a while, and whispered:

"You seem to dislike me very much..."

"Be more confident, remove the word "seem".


Carlos Kurosaki rubbed his hands nervously:

"Do you regret saving me?"

"I don't like you, but I still have to save you. Well, I don't deny it. I did hesitate at that time."

"Then why..."

"You are also a living being. I am not qualified to deny your entire future because of your momentary mistake."

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