As for Subaru, he was suspended in the air and raised his right hand slightly. Starlight was everywhere, and straight rays of light were laid around him. Although there were many of them, they were in order. Reijido looked around and found that these rays of light seemed to outline a solemn and majestic place.



Reijido wanted to roar something, but Subaru still said that sentence, which made the legendary warrior shut up. Then, Subaru grasped the light particles of [Eternal Original] scattered before and condensed them in his hand, turning them into a gavel. Subaru held it and knocked it down in the air, declaring:

"You must not think!"

'Boom! ! '

As the gavel fell, a loud noise that seemed to have no sound but shook Reijido's whole body was transmitted between the planes of the universe, as if this gavel was swung down by all the universes.

"You... don't think..."

Leijudo felt the power of the law from [Order]. No matter what happened outside, no matter what happened before, at this moment, 'no thinking' is the rule that should exist and run in him.

But this legendary Ultraman did not give in. The twisting power of [Essence], coupled with his own strength, forcibly withstood the verdict. He raised his head with bloodshot eyes and looked at Yuan Subaru who was floating there, revealing a burning malice.

"You must not resist!"

Yuan Subaru swung the second hammer mercilessly. The new power of the rules fell on Leijudo like a shackle, causing the Ultraman's body to bend slightly, as if all the strength in his body had been taken away. Now standing here is just an empty shell.

"You should obey!"

Soon, Subaru swung the third hammer, staring at Reijido who was still resisting with a dark green halo swinging wildly, but just after the third hammer fell, Subaru clearly felt that the gavel in his hand made a slight groaning sound.

It is a symbol of being overwhelmed. The confrontation between [Order·Origin] and [Essence·Reijido] makes it difficult for this magic weapon based on [Eternity·Origin] to continue to maintain.

"You are guilty, and you deserve the death penalty!"

After realizing this, Subaru swung the fourth hammer expressionlessly. The gavel in his hand shattered after it fell. This was both a manifestation of reaching the limit and the arrival of destined death. The dark gold energy and the light blue law turned into chains and fell on Reijido, trying to restrain him.

But at this moment, a surging energy burst out from Reijido's body. This warrior who had spent countless years resisted the judgment of [Order] with his own strength. The mighty power like the sun made the entire order field shake slightly, and the shaking amplitude became larger and larger, more and more amazing, as if it was going to destroy this place.

At the same time, the myriad cosmic planes also lit up a brighter light, and more and more [Voice of the Universe] was transmitted to Yuan Subaru, allowing Yuan Subaru to use his power.

Yuan Subaru looked at Reijido below with a cold face, as if he was looking at a dead person. Under the impact of the power of [Order], he had no emotions. It was only based on some obsessions that Yuan Subaru was not completely washed into the incarnation of [Order] under this majestic power.

But now his current appearance can indeed represent the existence of [Order]. Yuan Subaru did not make any movements, but just quietly looked at Reijido who was still struggling, and in his eyes, there was already the power of order, and he began to outline the scene of the ‘death penalty’.

When the last rays of order were intertwined and the rules were closed, the powerful Reijido suddenly felt a chill in his body, as if something had passed through him. The legendary warrior touched his neck in surprise, and there...

There was a line...

Reijido thought of something at this time, and looked around again in a daze. It was not until then that he realized that in his previous cognition, he was standing in the universe, constantly bursting with power.

But in the rules of [Order], he had already bowed his head on the guillotine, and his roar was just a wail before the "death penalty" came. When he was angry, the guillotine had already fallen, ending the punishment of judgment.


After realizing this, Reijido felt unprecedented pain, every inch of his body, every wisp of his soul, was wailing and screaming, and every rule that constituted his own existence was wailing and trembling. At this moment, the power of [Order] was rewriting the rules of [Reijido]'s existence.

Reijido raised his hands upwards, and it seemed as if endless energy suddenly poured out of his body. This was the first time in his life that he had exploded with all his strength, without any reservation. Under such an impact, the judgment of the [Order] field collapsed immediately.

Gen Subaru raised his hands and cut off the connection between the myriad universes and this place. The conflict that was about to break out was no longer something that these cosmic planes could participate in. Otherwise, they would be destroyed again.

Then Gen Subaru condensed the power of [Order] into a sword and threw it forward. Gen Subaru said that it should be hung on Reijido's head, and it ignored the energy burst out by the legendary warrior and appeared at the position designated by Gen Subaru.

This sword was shaped by Subaru based on the [Sword of Damocles] in the Earth legend. Its original intention was to express the danger that exists at any time, and to compare the murderous intent and danger behind the peace and tranquility.

Subaru slightly expanded the concept here, that is, no matter the status or race, [Order] should be regarded as the sword of Damocles hanging high, and respect, abide by and obey the order.

As for those who disobey, they will be pierced by the sword of Damocles!

Subaru poured all his [Power of Order] into the [Sword of Damocles]. As his palm pressed down, the sword of order suddenly fell, and pierced his body against Reijido's explosion.

At this point, after experiencing two [Death of Order], Reijido finally calmed down and dropped his hands weakly, but his body was constantly shaking at this time, and dark green, maggot-like original creations drilled out of his body and his soul.

These original creations kept twisting their fat bodies, and from time to time they opened their ring-shaped sharp teeth mouthparts on the surface, and there were angry faces in the mouthparts, squeezing around. They seemed unwilling to leave Reijido, the body of this great warrior, and wanted to twist back again.

But in the cold gaze of Yuan Subaru, the power of [Order·Origin] evaporated it instantly, leaving no trace.

And after all the original creation maggots left Reijido's body, the Ultra Warrior stopped shaking, and the breath on his body calmed down, the anger dissipated, the distortion was no longer there, and he gradually returned to the familiar appearance of Yuan Subaru.

That's right, all the judgments and rulings made by Subaru just now were directed at the [Essence] that resides in Reijido. Nothing can be done without authorization, and everything can be done without prohibition. What does the judgment made on the [Essence] have to do with Reijido? At most, he will inevitably be affected during the execution.


Seeing this scene, Subaru rolled his eyes expressionlessly and looked in front of him. There, in his field of vision, there was a familiar crystal floating. It was not the transformation device of [Order·Origin], but the real [Order Authority].

It can be seen that the power of [Order] is for him... No, it is not for him. [Order] is very satisfied with the pure white light that is an extension of [Engine].

Yuan Subaru moved his feet and slowly came to the authority crystal. As long as he held it, his concept of existence would be elevated and he would become the agent of [Order]. As for what benefits, at least Yuan Subaru no longer had to worry about his remaining life of only one year and five months.


Looking at the authority crystal, Yuan Subaru's eyes trembled slightly, and a little light shone in his eyes like a dry well, as if something had reawakened the boy's original rationality. Yuan Subaru therefore stopped his steps, looked at the authority crystal, and said softly:

"As long as you allow me to act for the benefit of the earth and mankind, I will go with you and obey your orders from now on."


[Order Authority] did not respond, but at this moment, Yuan Subaru suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the star-studded cloak on his body quietly dissipated, and [Order] broke away from him, returning him to his normal original posture.

Looking at the Order light that was dispersing along with it, Yuan Subaru shook his head helplessly, muttering in his heart that he was stingy. What's wrong with asking for some privileges for such a useful thug? Can it make you lose money?

But no matter whether [Order] loses money or not, I really lose a lot.

Yuan Subaru couldn't hold it in, and pressed his hand on his chest with a sad face. Originally, there should be fragments of [Eternal Core] there that produced energy reactions, but in the battle with [Essence·Legiddo] just now, the fragments had been destroyed by Senior Legiddo with a slap, and the remaining [Eternal·Origin] energy was all used in the judgment of [Essence].

Although fighting against a legendary warrior like Senior Legiddo, I can still save my life, which is already a profit, but... I feel so sad, the power I earned with great difficulty, I... I... huh? !

Just when Yuan Subaru was about to cry out of heartache, a ray of light suddenly lit up in front of him.

Yuan Subaru looked up in surprise, and saw countless cosmic planes. They radiated their own power and joined hands to leave a gift called "miracle" for the victorious warriors.

Yuan Subaru seemed to realize something and couldn't wait to catch the light blue light. In an instant, the surging [Voice of the Universe] sounded beside his ears, and the new power flowed into his body as gently as water. The [Unified Ring] that collapsed due to the absence of [Eternity] was also repaired by this [Voice of the Universe] and was perfected again.

This also means that although this new power is a new thing, its potential must exceed the upper limit of [Eternity·Origin].

Moreover, although the [Voice of the Universe] cannot be directly equated with the [Authority of Order], the universe plane itself represents the existence of [Order], so there is also a bit of [Power of Order] mixed in, making this closed circle more perfect and harmonious.

At this time, a light flashed on the wrist of Yuan Subaru's right hand, and a bracelet appeared there. The Wanqian Universe was very considerate and prepared a special transformation device for the boy to prevent him from finding a way to enter the new form in the next battle.

Although the new original form is still the same as the one that just conducted the judgment, without the participation of [Order Authority], it seems a bit inappropriate to call it [Order·Original].

Of course, the main reason is that Yuan Subaru feels that he can become that way again, thanks to the support of these universes, and he should use words that can represent them to name it.

Very good, let's call it [Zhousheng·Original], simple and easy to understand!

Yuan Subaru thought about it for a while and made the decision directly, but at this time, the boy felt the "voice" from the Wanqian Universe, and they seemed to think that this name was a bit inappropriate to match Yuan Subaru.

So, they gave Yuan Subaru suggestions.

Subaru listened to their voices attentively, thinking, and from his mind that was more inclined towards science, he tried his best to search through the word bank. Finally, he found a word that should be quite appropriate.

It was called, [True]

315 Subaru: Is it Senior Noah?


Is your original... real or fake?

To be honest, when thinking of this name, Subaru couldn't help but have this association in mind, but since those cosmic planes did not raise any objections to the name of [True], Subaru did not continue to think about it. It was just a name.

Moreover, compared to the name, this new [Power of Truth] is much more troublesome than [Eternity]. It means that in terms of understanding and development, the ‘Dream Power’ spawned by [Eternity], although it looks fancy, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a powerful force, and you can just blow the energy in your face.

Those wonderful changes, such as repairing buildings, rewinding time, dividing space... and other operations, are all achieved through the power of [eternity] through the power of other attribute lights.

However, I don't know whether this [power of truth] is because it is mixed with [order] or because the existence of [universe] itself encompasses everything, so to use it, it can be completely achieved by itself.

If the previous [eternity] is the sun, the coordination of [unity] is achieved by relying on [galaxies], and now, it is really possible to consider integrating all the light in your body into one.

This sounds beautiful, and the potential contained in it is also exciting, but ah, but, if you want to achieve these, if you want to use this new power, you have to spend a lot of effort, just thinking about it, you know, this is a big project.

This is indeed a little bit unaccustomed to Yuan Subaru, who is used to being a reckless man. After all, although he has been thinking, calculating, and developing various things, when he really fights, he still likes to be reckless.

Yuan Subaru felt like a human high school student now, looking at the thick piles of test papers and textbooks on the table. He knew that if he finished and memorized them, even if he couldn't get a high score, the final result would not be too bad, but he was worried.

Stop it, stop it, don't take advantage of it here, don't be shameless.

Yuan Subaru patted his cheeks and drove away all those random thoughts. No matter what, he got a power with great potential. Although it is still very immature now, like himself, it is in the early childhood in various senses, but even if he squanders it and uses it as [Eternity], it is still a very surprising harvest.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru calmed down his mind and bowed to the thousands of universe planes in gratitude. To be honest, after realizing that the [Eternal Core Fragment] was shattered by Senior Reijido's slap, Yuan Subaru felt that his heart seemed to be broken along with it.

Without the [Eternal Core Fragment], his [unity] would no longer be complete, and his [galaxy] would be directly dismantled. His strength would basically drop by several orders of magnitude in an instant. In that case, if he encountered an immortal enemy like Alexis who had endless energy, he would really have no way out.

Moreover, without sufficient strength, many of Gen Subaru's plans could not be carried forward. For example, the mutant alien beast that was still sealed was not easy to fight even in the [Eternal Original] form.

In order to safely deal with the monster, Gen Subaru originally planned to directly pull out the [Eternal] energy and fight with his own body. If he didn't have enough strength, even if he took the [Backup Engine] in, it would still be a G.

Therefore, Gen Subaru was really grateful to these cosmic planes, not only because of this new power, but more importantly, because of their help, his pitiful remaining life was finally saved.

In response to Yuan Subaru's thanks, the cosmic planes were flashing light quickly, and then they dispersed. After all, it was not a good thing for the cosmic planes to be too close.

After bidding farewell to those cosmic planes, Yuan Subaru's sight fell on Reijido. He gently floated to the side of the legendary warrior, and a deep blue light shone in his eyes. In an instant, the [Power of Truth] was initially activated, providing Yuan Subaru with a new "perspective", allowing him to see the other side of Reijido's body at this time.

What a mess...

Looking at the 'Regedo' in front of him, Yuan Subaru frowned slightly. The body of this Ultra senior, at this time, his eyes turned into an intertwined tissue composed of 'lights', and the body of Regedo Those 'rays' are messy, tangled, and even broken. Although this chaotic situation is getting better under Regedo's own repair, but... this is too slow. When senior Regedo recovers, I'm afraid I may have died long ago.

So, Yuan Subaru took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, raised his right hand, and as water-like fluctuations flashed by, his right hand turned into an energy body similar to a translucent crystal, with each [node] ] interconnected, outlining the rules for the operation of [order],

Then, Yuan Subaru concentrated on placing his right hand on Regedo's body. At that moment, whether it was Regedo or Yuan Subaru, the bodies of the two Ultra warriors couldn't help but tremble.

The former is because 'the pig's nest-like room finally welcomed a professional housekeeping aunt, and I am very happy'.

The latter is 'After the housekeeping aunt saw the situation in the room, she was greatly shocked, her outlook on life was reshaped, and she almost wanted to leave first, but in the end, out of professionalism, she pinched her nose and prepared to do this hard work'.

Moreover, Reggio is several ranks higher than Yuan Subaru. Even if he doesn't resist at all now, Yuan Subaru feels astonishing pressure just by touching his [real inner body]. He even just touches the nearest light. , trying to sort it out, the young man felt that the hard work was no less exhausting than the battle with Dark Zaki.

There are countless such rays of light in Reggio's body, and there are also many fractures.

[Original Essence]....It’s really scary.

Yuan Subaru's joyful mood because he had gained new power also completely fell silent at this time. Because he had obtained pure white light due to a strange combination of circumstances, before that, he had to fight against the [Essence] creation. During the battle, the fight was relatively smooth.

And for those warriors who do not have the protection of [Engine Power], it is too hard to fight against such a terrifying thing as [Plasma]. Even if they are as powerful as Senior Regedo, if they are accidentally tricked, The consequences are also quite scary.

Well, although Senior Regedo's current situation is so bad, it has something to do with the fact that when I just used the power of [Order·Original], I didn't strike lightly. But in that case, I have tried my best. I hope Senior Regedo will Don't blame me when you wake up.


I have an idea.....

At this time, Yuan Subaru thought of something. He temporarily took his hands away from Reggio's body and looked down at himself thoughtfully. In the [Eye of Truth], he himself was also composed of strips of light. , and, perhaps because it is his own body, he can also distinguish the difference between light and light.

Now, the 'light' in Senior Reggio's body is partially broken. Although it can be repaired, what if the material used to repair it is the light that represents [Order] and [Pure White]? .

In that case, you don't have to work so hard to figure it out one by one. It's like if you want to play computer games, you don't have to program or do art yourself. You can just buy one and install it.

Yuan Subaru thought about it seriously and felt that he could try this. Although he is not too familiar with the power of [True Origin] now, according to theory, in terms of the high compatibility of [Pure White] and [Order] Speaking of which, even if it fails, there shouldn't be any risk.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru did what he said. He took out the [Existence Light] from his body and transferred it towards Regedo. After careful attempts, Yuan Subaru determined the feasibility and safety of this plan. Sex can't help but continue to move with joy...

‘Click! ’

However, just when Yuan Subaru was concentrating on the 'repair' operation, a strange crisp sound suddenly sounded next to the young man's ears. Yuan Subaru paused, remained silent for a moment, and slowly stretched out his hand to touch his left side. There was no discomfort or feeling on the cheek, but the fact was that there was a crack there, like broken porcelain.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...this...this...

Yuan Subaru pursed his lips and began to think quickly. In the end, he realized that his use of [Power of Truth] to transfer [Pure White] and [Order] seemed to be accelerating the collapse of his own [Shell]. .

But this is not something irreparable...

Yuan Subaru closed his eyes and began to analyze his current situation seriously, and finally came to a more reliable conclusion, that is, [Light] can be transplanted, but it needs to be controlled to a certain degree. As long as it does not exceed that degree, he can His lifespan will not be affected. He only needs to take a good rest and let the corresponding energy that was transplanted recover on its own, and the cracks on his face will disappear.

But... how should I put it... The difference between this [True·Original] and [Eternal·Original] seems to be much greater than I imagined. The near-perfect unity and coordination has brought about far beyond the [Galaxy] When the energy of the structure is running, it seems to have brought about other changes and problems that need attention.

This probably has pros and cons, huh? !

At this time, Yuan Subaru noticed something and turned to look outside. If he saw it correctly, that figure... was it Senior Noah?

316 Noah: Subaru, believe me

The silver body, the sacred wings, the companionship of time and space, the energy reaction very similar to the light of Nexus...

No matter how you look at it, it seems that Ultraman Noah himself has appeared here.

Thanks to the [Voice of the Universe] that has not yet completely dissipated, Subaru was able to use [The Truth] to expand his perception and vision to a very amazing extent. Therefore, when he just came to this interlayer of the universe, the boy noticed the arrival of Ultraman Noah.

Subaru was silent for a while, and used [The Eye of Truth] to try to observe the existence of Ultraman Noah, but the silver-white energy flowing on his body resisted Subaru's prying, and this action seemed to attract the attention of Ultraman Noah. He stopped and began to look around, trying to find out what was observing him and where Subaru was now.

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