"Originally I didn't want this truth to be made public, but now that I know it, there's no point in escaping."

Gen Subaru grabbed Takarata Rikka's wrist, stopped the girl's ostrich behavior, and then said softly:

"Face the reality, it's just an extra identity. It doesn't matter how you live your life in the future."


However, Takarata Rikka did not speak. She just lowered her head and said nothing, giving people a feeling of being lost. Yuan Subaru sighed, let go of the girl who had given up on running away, thought for a moment, and said comfortingly:

"If you can't accept this, I can help you delete your memory and let you..."

Before Yuan Subaru finished speaking, he saw Takarata Rikka retreating. It was obvious that she could not accept Yuan Subaru's proposal.


Gen Subaru didn't know what to do this time. He glanced at Akane Shinjo next to him and thought about asking this 'Creation God' to help. However, in response to the boy's request for help, Akane Shinjo shook her head with a subtle expression. , although the original setting is that everyone likes her and likes to be close to her, but now, Rikka Takarata has become a bug in this world. Maybe Akane Shinjou comes over and says something, which will incur the disgust of Rikka Takarata.

Since Akane Shinjo refused, Gen Subaru looked at Nan Meng Mei. In response, Nan Meng Mei gave Gen Subaru a look that meant "You are hopeless, you just know how to fight the monsters", and then came together. He came over and stood next to Takarata Rikka.

Although Gen Subaru felt it was inappropriate, since someone was dealing with the matter of Rikka Takarata, he would not go over and cause trouble. After all, Gen Subaru still considered himself not good at talking.

And at this time...

"Are you...going to take it back?"

308 Subaru’s Another Future

Just when Gen Subaru turned around and was about to leave, Rikka Takarata's deep voice came from behind him. He turned around and saw that the girl had taken off the Evolutionary Truster from her wrist, lowered her head, and looked towards Yuan Subaru handed it over:

"After all...I'm not human..."

"Didn't I say that? No matter what happens, I will protect you. Do you think I didn't know the truth here when I told you this?"

Yuan Subaru waved his hand and said casually:

"So just keep holding this. I won't take it back. Don't say you won't turn into a monster. Even if you really change your appearance one day, this thing will still protect you for me. This is my love for you. We are still friends, right?”

I don’t know if it was Gen Subaru’s illusion, but after saying this, he felt that Rikka Takarata’s mood seemed to have improved a lot.

Well, it’s really hard to guess this person’s thoughts, but no matter what, since his mood has improved, that’s a good thing. I’ll leave it to Team Nan to handle the rest.



Just when Alexis made a sound, Yuan Subaru's eyes suddenly fell on him. In an instant, the guy's body lit up with light, and then, it was like countless blades began to stir, and instantly This hateful cosmic being was chopped into pieces.

But Alexis's ability also activated at that moment, and his immortal body was repaired almost in the blink of an eye. However, such rebirth could not erase the mark that Yuan Subaru left in his body, so the light blade was born again, A new round of obliteration begins for Alexis.

The so-called immortality is gradually turning into a prison that Alexis cannot escape from. The power of [Eternity·Primordial] is not something that this mysterious cosmic being like him can resist!

"Wait, wait...I...really...really...have...something...important...!!!"

Listening to Alexis' intermittent shouting, everyone couldn't help but look at Yuan Subaru, but Yuan Subaru had no intention of letting him go. He casually threw down a barrier to block Alexis's voice and figure, and then He sat in front of the Nanexus model and began to think about his next move.

After all, Yuan Subaru now hates Alexis, the fun-loving person, and has already lost his temper. He doesn’t need to worry about the next thing about this anchor point.

"Subaru, um, why don't you listen to that Alexis?"

Looking at the young man with a stern face, Zero felt a wave of familiarity and strangeness. What was familiar was Yuan Subaru's lack of help for a specific group of people. What was strange was that this young Ultra warrior seemed to have already The image of a boy mentioned by Hong Kai and others has undergone some inexplicable changes.

But now is not the time to act impulsively, Sero spoke up to persuade Yuan Subaru and said:

"The situation is urgent now. We cannot miss any information. Although Alexis did do bad things, there are many ways to punish him. There is no need to choose this one. Subaru, aren't you worried that this information will Is it related to everyone’s safety here?”

Zero felt like he had found a way to talk to Yuan Subaru. As long as he kept talking like this, it didn't seem that difficult to communicate with this child...

"Huh, Mr. Zero, why do you think that without him, I can't protect everyone here."

However, Yuan Subaru did not take advantage of it as Zero thought. The young man looked at the Ultra Warrior on the screen with a sneer. His tone was very soft, but he revealed a strong confidence that was hard to ignore:

"I just don't want to think too much about things other than battle right now. Even without anyone's help, I can still win and wipe out all the enemies. If you don't believe it, just be optimistic."


This time it was not Zero who spoke, but Gullit. The super agent was about to say something, but he saw Yuan Subaru directly taking the Nexus model in his hand, holding it high, and then fiercely Throwing it on the ground, there is always light shining in the process.

As the Nexus model landed, a layer of light waves spread out around the second-hand junk shop "Aya Junk Shop". At this moment, Akane Shinjo clearly felt that the world of Azalea Daihakoni It was as if it was wrapped in something and became extremely strong.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Subaru opened his hands and raised his head. The light particle aggregate began to disintegrate and turned into light particles. Then each light particle flew away, rushed into the sky, and rushed out of the barrier of the universe. Everyone chased him. When I went outside the thrift store "JUNK SHOP", I saw countless golden stars shining in the sky, which were the remains of light particles.

"Ah~~~Why are there such stubborn children?"

Yuan Subaru's movements were too fast. Before Zero's mind could turn around, only the tail flames of light were left in the shop. In response to this, the young Ultra warrior couldn't bear it and grabbed his own The corners of his head shook, then he looked at Gullit beside him and said:

"There's nothing wrong with what I just said. What I said should be reasonable. I..."

"Sero-san, you seem to have underestimated Subaru's fighting spirit and determination to win."

Before Zero could finish speaking, Gulit interrupted him and said in a solemn voice:

"Fighting is the meaning of his life, and winning is one of the few joys he has. Just now, Subaru was angry because of Alexis. If you stimulate him like this, how can he not get angry?"

"Mr. Zero, why do you think Yuan Subaru would bow to the enemy he considers because of humans and friends..."

At this time, Nan Mengya could not help but held her forehead and said:

"In the name of my father, I will never let down this power, and I will fight the darkness to the end, until death...Although Subaru no longer cares about his 'bloodline', he has never given up on Brother Ultra in the deep blue space. The promise made by his brothers, when he didn't see much chance of winning, his choice was to go directly to the Gu'a Army to break out. Now that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, how can he swallow this breath. "

"Uh...I...I'm not...that's not what I meant."

Sero didn't expect things to be like this, and his tone suddenly became weak. He really didn't know Yuan Subaru, but had only heard about his deeds from other people. Originally, Sero felt that he had misunderstood the child's character as stubborn. , but unexpectedly, he underestimated it.

"What should we do now?"

Shi Ma quickly asked Gulit. Regarding Yuan Subaru's 'price', Nan Mengya had already told everyone. To be honest, if possible, they really didn't want Yuan Subaru to use that power.

"We can't just sit here and wait for Yuan Subaru to fight for life and death alone outside."

"Get Alexis out first!"

Gullit thought for a moment and made a decisive decision. He looked at Akane Shinjo beside him and said in a solemn voice:

"Ms. Akane Shinjo, as the 'god' here, you should have a way for me to appear in reality without having to merge."

"I don't know how to [Instance Abreaction], that...that..."

Shinjo Akane knocked on her head, spinning around in circles while banging, thinking quickly. Then, she seemed to have thought of something, looked at Gulit, stretched out her index finger and tapped it, and said in a condensed voice:

"I thought about it, I thought about it, I'll come as soon as I go, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

After saying that, Shinjo Akane ran out of the thrift store "Aya Junk Shop" and got into her small home.

"You're using Dyna Tyrannosaurus, right?"

At this time, Sero also looked at Nan Mengya and others, put his hand on his wrist, gently stroked the [Palaj Shield], and said softly:

"Can you put it together completely? Although I can't escape from this computer now, I still have some remaining power. Maybe I can lend it to you."

"Okay, everyone, give me all the parts."

Shima responded and quickly began to piece together the miniature Dyna Tyrannosaurus parts.

On the other side of the universe, Yuan Subaru's light particles have flown into the turbulence of time and space like meteors, but even if these light particles fly to different cosmic planes, the method of "unification" maintained by Yuan Subaru's consciousness , so that these light particles are still connected to each other. These light particles are like scouts sent out, looking for the target.

Soon, under the frenzied shuttle of these light particles, two of them felt the same energy reaction almost at the same time. That was the power of [Eternity·Primordial] that escaped outside, which was captured by Leo. Pleiades energy controlled by the power of Nyx.

After feeling this reaction, all the light particles rushed there under the command of Yuan Subaru's subconscious mind. To be honest, Yuan Subaru's action was quite dangerous, even with the "self-decomposition" of [Saga Super Acceleration], the subconscious reaction honed by countless times of being beaten and blurred consciousness in the past, and the [Unification] series of visualization methods as a foundation.

However, imagine if all the cells of a person were thrown into the whirlpool of the sea, and even the soul was decomposed and thrown in, and then sent to other planets by the sea water for atmospheric circulation. In this case, even with superpowers, it would be quite difficult to completely restore this person.

What Yuan Subaru is doing now is more dangerous than the above example. After all, the "sea whirlpool" he broke into is time and space turbulence.

However, the reason why Subaru acted without hesitation was not because of Zero's stimulation, but simply because he was skilled and bold. After swallowing the energy bodies of the three Ultra Warriors, he refined them into pure [Eternal·Original] power and continued to bet small for big. Although it was quite risky to gamble in battle, Subaru was born by chance. What was there to hesitate about now?

With the movement of light particles, the individual of ‘Subaru’ was able to return to his real body. At this moment, outside this collective universe plane, the figures of the Ultra Brothers had disappeared, and only Mebius was still fighting those dark Ultra Warriors.

However, it was not because all the Ultra Brothers retreated, but because Mebius at this time was in the [Mebius·Infinity] form!

This is a super evolutionary form born from the fusion of Mebius and the six Ultra Brothers, including Zoffy, the First Generation, Seven, Jack, Ace, and Taro. It combines all the energy of the six Ultra Brothers on the basis of Mebius' own abilities, greatly improving the speed, strength, and combat effectiveness, and can exert the ability beyond the dimension.

Under the fierce attack of [Mebius Infinity], these fusion warriors transformed by the Ultra Fusion Cards began to be unable to resist and continued to suffer casualties, although the mastermind behind the scenes in the [Collective Universe Plane] is still sending new energy cards to transform them into dark Ultra Warriors.

However, this refueling tactic is meaningless. Those enemies who have not been fused and strengthened, [Mebius Infinity] punches one by one, and even stops punching in the end, and rushes forward at an accelerated speed, and the dark Ultra Warriors who dare to block the way are directly smashed.

But when [Mebius Infinity] entered this collective universe plane, a creepy feeling suddenly made [Mebius Infinity] stop his steps, and looked around uneasily, and then he saw a dark golden figure appearing behind him at some point.

Very strong, this guy... needs to be taken seriously.

[Mebius Infinity] carefully opened the battle posture. The pressure brought to him by this dark golden figure was far greater than any enemy he had seen in the past. Even the Empera starman at the time, no, the green energy that assimilated the Kingdom of Light at the time, did not have such a terrible momentum.

But just when the battle was about to break out, there was a sudden violent vibration. It was not an ordinary vibration, but the entire collective universe plane was shaking, as if something unimaginable had happened inside it.

At this moment, the dark golden figure blocking [Mebius Infinity] began to fluctuate and twist continuously, and the energy reaction was also constantly increasing and falling, which made [Mebius Infinity] very nervous.

Suddenly, the dark golden figure paused, as if something had awakened from inside, and the energy reaction and momentum suddenly increased, far beyond what was just now. [Mebius Infinity] was shocked. To be honest, he suddenly felt that he might not be able to defeat this enemy....

"Senior Mebius... I didn't expect you to support so quickly."

However, the voice coming from this dark golden figure made [Mebius Infinity] feel extremely relieved. This was the voice of Gensuba, and he would not make a mistake. [Mebius Infinity] patted his chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said:

"Subaru, what do you need us to do now?"

"Go protect these cosmic planes."

Gensuba casually passed a bunch of cosmic plane coordinates to [Mebius Infinity], He said in a serious tone:

"The evil thoughts of Gulit, who are controlled by the power of Leonix and chaos, have already sensed my return and want to destroy those universes before I completely return to accelerate the revival of chaos. Senior Mebius, leave this to me. I'll leave these universes to you."

"I understand, but... Subaru, are you really..."

[Mebius·Infinity] agreed. Since the enemy is affected by those two powers, he should be a strong enemy. However, [Mebius·Infinity] is still worried about the current situation of Subaru, and can't help but want to ask a few more questions. However, before [Mebius·Infinity] finished speaking, the dark gold figure that Subaru was staying in disappeared, and only a trace of [Eternal·Original] power merged into [Mebius·Infinity]'s body.

At that moment, [Mebius Infinity] felt an unprecedented sense of fullness, as if countless galaxies were brewing in his body, and every planet in it was within his control. Looking at his golden body, [Mebius Infinity] personally felt the power that Yuan Subaru now possessed, and was full of confidence in the child, and then went to the coordinates, trying to intercept the evil thoughts.

And at the moment when [Mebius Infinity] disappeared, in the inner world of the collective universe, Yuan Subaru saw another self, that was a "self" covered with dark purple patterns, and the breath of pure Leonix was transmitted from it, violent and warlike, which came from Belia's genes, and was a more perfect embodiment than the extraction and creation of Dark Zaki.

And this....

It should be another possibility of my future.

Looking at the dark purple and irrational self, Yuan Subaru thought about it secretly, and finally decided to forget it. Now the power of [unification] is relatively perfect. There is no need to open the closed ring and reshape it because of the power of Leonix. After taking him down, just assimilate it directly. Anyway, this thing is also born from my energy, and it can only be said that it is not a loss to eat it myself.

At this time, after noticing Yuan Subaru's arrival, this Leonix roared like a beast. On his waist, there was a golden battle instrument hanging. Although it looked like there was only one grid, a bunch of monsters, cosmic people, and even Ultra Warriors jumped out of it.

Yuan Subaru glanced at the alien beasts, dark Zagi, Hyper Zetton, Eltaga... They were all defeated by him. Using these to fight me was really ignorant of life and death.

Subaru sneered and waved his hand. The [Eternal·Original] power controlled by Leonix immediately returned to his hand. Leonix, who realized that his energy was stolen, immediately became furious and poured the remaining [Eternal·Original] power that was still under his control into the puppets he controlled. Then he waved his hand and opened the prelude to the battle.

309 Takarado Rikka's Choice

"What is this vibration?"

Just when Subaru started the battle, the fluctuation was also transmitted to the world of the Tsukudai Box Garden. Seeing that it seemed as if the sky was shaking, everyone immediately realized that the situation outside might have changed dramatically.

"This... this is... the vibration of the universe..."

At this time, Alexis had already escaped from the barrier, but escaping did not mean that the mark left by Subaru in his body would be removed. Alexis could only call on his nearly infinite energy to forcibly suppress the flipping light blades, and said in a calm tone as much as possible:

"It seems that... the young man has already started... to take action... it's amazing... although I don't have a good impression of him now, I have to say... to be able to achieve this with that little energy... he is really... quite capable..."

"Okay, Alexis, don't talk anymore. I feel like I'm suffocating when I hear you talking."

Xinjo Akane subconsciously reached out to pat Alexis, but he dodged sideways. Now that Subaru is not here, these light blades don't have eyes. If Xinjo Akane pats like this and has any emergency response, even if she is the creator of this box garden world, she can't save her.

"What should we do next?"

At this time, on the old computer, Zero looked at Gulit and asked. It seemed that this super agent had already made a plan.

"Let's get you and me out of this virtual world first."

Gulit's eyes fell on the model in front of him, which was what Akane Shinjo had just made, corresponding to Gulit and Zero.

"Alexis, please."

"Ah, it's really... troublesome... [Instance Abreaction (emotional instantiation venting)]!!!"

Using this model as the basis for Gulit and Zero's activities in reality was the method that Akane Shinjo had come up with before. Although Alexis had not yet gotten out of the barrier on her own at that time, what Akane Shinjo was thinking about was that she was the creator god of the world of the Tsukudai box garden.

Although she didn't know how to use her power, her identity was here after all. Even if she just made a random pose, as long as she was willing, she should be able to use it.

In this regard, Shinjo Akane has already thought about what movements she should make. It should be similar to the gesture that Shima made as a monster-controller when they were chatting before.

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