The moment the light particles came into contact with Dynasano, the four of them felt unprecedented warmth and surging fighting spirit. No need to think too much, this was the emotion coming from Gen Subaru. Asukagawa Chise looked behind him I went there and saw the shadow of the young man as expected.

Yuan Subaru smiled at the little guy, then straightened his face, raised his hands, and the pure light particles began to merge with Dynaseno——

This is the usage that Yuan Subaru figured out when he was multi-tasking last night. It is like the blessing effect of pure white light. Through a similar method, Dynaseno's combat power can be improved. In this way, Yuan Subaru can save his energy. Even with the energy consumption, he could face more powerful enemies, but he didn't expect that the first time he used this move, he would face Dyna's projection.

At this time, as he merged with Dynaseno, Yuan Subaru also realized the power hidden in this giant robot. That was its true form, so Yuan Subaru activated it without hesitation.

Therefore, in the next second, when the Dyna Projection shot Specium's ray towards Dyna Seno, the suddenly disintegrated Dyna Seno avoided the attack impartially.

At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, Dyna War Dragon began modular movement and folded its body, leaving only the head and claws. Dyna Submersible served as the lower body to connect with Dyna War Dragon, and popped out its legs as support The sharp claws and the Dyna's flying wings were used as wings and landed on the back of the war dragon. The two shooting ports stood forward like protrusions, and the Dyna's striking car was used as the tail, completing the link from behind.

At this point, the form obtained by the recombination of Dynaseno, the FORTIS COMBINATION DYNA REX, was revealed to the world.

At this time, Dyna Projector clasped his hands in front of his chest, pushed out his palms like Qigong, emitted blue-white explosive light bombs, and then compressed the energy into several circular jagged wheels of light, attacking Dyna Tyrannosaurus It was thrown out, roaring and circling, completing the surrounding attack on Yuan Subaru and others.

Facing this round of offensive, Dyna Tyrannosaurus roared, turned into a golden meteor, and rushed straight towards Dyna. Whether it was a light bullet or a light wheel, it fell on the golden flames and failed to rise. to the slightest hindrance effect.

But at this moment, Dyna Projection released energy between its hands, completed the space transfer, and perfectly avoided the collision trajectory of Dyna Tyrannosaurus.

However, at the same moment, a flash of light flashed in the minds of Nan Mengya and Shi Ma. This was a request from Yuan Subaru, so the two of them immediately pressed the button on the control panel, and the Dyna Tyrannosaurus's The wings and soles of the feet immediately sprayed out blue boosting flames, assisting Yuan Subaru to complete the orbital drift of the Dyna Tyrannosaurus, and at a speed almost as fast as light, he rushed to the Soljet light forward swing. in front of the Dyna projection.

The powerful impact immediately caused the Dyna projection to fly backwards. Yuan Subaru also took advantage of this contact to detonate the remaining light particles previously hidden in the Dyna projection to contain the enemy's actions. Then, Fire flashed from the mouth of Dyna Tyrannosaurus. After the [Must-Burn Fire·Tyrannosaurus Roar] was charged, the torrent of flames like a volcanic eruption bombarded the Dyna projection and evaporated it on the spot!

"Very good!"

Seeing this scene, Asukagawa Chise couldn't help but clenched her fist in excitement, but...

At the moment when Dyna's projection dissipated, the sky suddenly dimmed, and an ominous atmosphere began to fill the air. As two lightning bolts, one red and one blue, fell, high dust rose from the ground, and new giant figures stood side by side. .

Nan Mengya, who witnessed the scene, whispered subconsciously:

"Gaia... Agur..."

293 Ultra Monster Invasion

"Hey, hey, this is too much."

Looking at the two tall figures, Asukagawa Chise subconsciously complained, while Gen Subaru silently looked at the sky. Although he had captured the aura of Gaia and Agur just now, his limited telekinesis, Preventing him from pursuing further.

However, one thing that is certain is that this Gaia and Agur are different from the previous Dyna projections. These two entities are closer to the original deity. In other words, these two are better than the Dai just now. It's a lot harder to use a projector.

"Senior Meng, Senior Boye, can you hear me?"

Yuan Subaru tried to communicate aloud, but the two people opposite him clearly had no intention of listening.

"Um, did you have a conflict with your senior?"

Everyone in the Dyna Tyrannosaurus also heard Gen Subaru's voice. Asukagawa Chise asked tentatively in a low voice:

"How about we go have a nice talk?"

"Don't think about it. These two are not the two seniors I know. Get ready to fight."

Yuan Subaru checked his light energy reserves, and then sighed helplessly in his heart. If he could throw [Aurora Power] out now, this battle would be much easier.

However, Gaia and Aguru in this form are not incapable of fighting. As long as they are pulled in place, relying on the enhanced functions of Dyna Tyrannosaurus, this battle can be won.

Then at this moment, the two Ultraman opposite took action. With the surge of energy, the color of Gaia's armor, the protective armor on Gaia's chest, also changed to black, symbolizing the power of the ocean. The color of her body It changed into four colors: red, silver, black, and gold. The protective armor on Agur's chest - Agur's Armor also drew golden lines, making it change into four colors: blue, silver, black, and gold.

"Gaia V2, Agul V2..."

Nanmeng Ya called out the code names of the two Ultraman after they switched forms. Although in Yuan Subaru's memory, these two Ultraman were in a state of being severely injured by monsters and waiting for rescue, but she also knew that they were not These two Ultramen are too weak, but it's because the enemies opposite them are indeed too powerful.

Therefore, Nan Mengya looked up at the black and red tooth-shaped space and said softly:

"Subaru, have you dealt with this?"

"Obviously, this is out of line."

Yuan Subaru answered Nan Mengya's question with a headache, and then said in a condensed voice:

"Be prepared. Next, I will try to divert the attention of Gaia and Aguru. Their target should only be me. I believe that as long as you don't attack, the possibility of escape is still very high... .Um?"

Before Yuan Subaru finished speaking, everyone in Dyna Tyrannosaurus noticed that something was wrong with his tone. The sudden nasal sound seemed to be announcing the arrival of something ominous.

This is indeed the case. At this moment, the earth is shaking, the sky is torn apart, and terrifying monsters are coming out of thin air, razing the city to the ground in an instant, and...


Looking at the two Ultraman falling from the torn sky, Yuan Subaru's face turned livid. He didn't expect that Dyna, whom he had just defeated, would return to the battlefield again, nor did he expect that the power of Senior Tiga would also appear here. , at this moment, amidst the roar of the Five Emperors, the four Ultraman surrounded the Dyna Tyrannosaurus, and monsters also gathered to make the encirclement stronger.

" could this happen..."

Yamanaka Koyomi looked at the city that was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and couldn't accept it for a moment. He didn't know why such a disaster was caused, but he knew that his family was probably killed by this monster flood.

Nan Mengya couldn't help but shed tears. Although her family atmosphere was relatively heavy now, she never wanted such a separation to happen.

At this moment, Nan Mengya felt that her body was getting hot. This strange feeling made her wake up and looked up. Sure enough, the light energy surrounding Dyna Tyrannosaurus was boiling, even if Yuan Subaru The telepathy between him and Nan Mengya had been cut off before, but the girl still felt the overwhelming anger and murderous intent.

Yuan Subaru, now we have to use that ‘price’ in exchange for the strength to fight.

"I won't agree to this kind of thing!"

Nan Mengya was silent for a moment, then stretched out her hand out of thin air and clenched her fist fiercely. At that moment, the boiling light energy stagnated for a moment. As a relatively special human body, she unexpectedly grabbed the source of the rage. Pleiades.

Afterwards, several waves of mental power flashed through Nan Mengya's mind. Although she had no words, the girl understood what Yuan Subaru was expressing to herself. He was going to fight, and he was going to kill these hateful monsters and Ultras. Man.

But even if you really do this and kill all these enemies, will you still be alive?

Nan Mengya closed her eyes and began to communicate at super high speed. She knew clearly where the peak of Yuan Subaru's combat power was. She also knew that Yuan Subaru walked all the way on the corpse of his enemy. Death was like fate. When he became The moment he met Nexus, he was entangled with him, so he never cared about himself, all he wanted was the final victory.

But...this is really not the time to go all out!

Whether these Ultraman or these monsters, they are just pawns. The real enemy is still hidden behind the scenes. Killing them all now would be a pleasure, but what should we do next? Are we just going to let the masterminds behind the scenes continue to wreak havoc? !

Nan Mengya understands these principles, so she believes that Yuan Subaru should also understand it, but that man has already fallen into a rampage because of the slaughtered humans and the destroyed earth. Nan Mengya is like a rein, holding him to death. Contain the 'beast' that is about to get out of control and let him listen to these truths.

At worst, after this big incident is dealt with, you can use the 'power of time' to repair the world. You have to bear the price anyway, so why not wait until then!

To be honest, Nan Mengya never expected that she would say such words one day, nor did she expect that she could calm down so quickly and sort out her thoughts. She could only say that she did not read the source in vain last night. Subaru's memory.

After the previous communication, Nan Mengya seemed to have found Yuan Subaru's 'Instruction Manual'. After talking so much, he forgot his identity as a 'human being', a living human being, and a dead human being. How to choose between the two, the answer is already quite obvious. As long as we focus on this point, it is not difficult to calm Yuan Subaru.

"After being tortured like this, I actually can't cry anymore..."

Nan Mengya looked at the light energy that had calmed down, pressed her forehead with one hand helplessly, and said softly:

"So, you have to compensate me well in the future, and you can't let me bear the tears from this time again in the future."

"...I understand, leave it to me."

What kind of stubbornness is this.

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, Nan Mengya could guess his expression at this time without even thinking. It was like a child having a tantrum, "I know what you said is right, but you don't let me do that." , I will be reluctant'.

But I have to say that compared to his previous appearance, he is more like a human being now. He just doesn’t know if he will need other people’s persuasion if he continues to lose his emotions. When he encounters a similar situation again in the future, .

The communication between Nanmeng Ya and Minamoto Subaru was very fast at the level of consciousness. To the outside world, it was less than two seconds. Therefore, the conversation between Nanmeng Ya and Minamoto Subaru seemed particularly abrupt, causing the other members of Dyna Tyrannosaurus to look at Nanmeng Ya.

In response, the girl pursed her lips after noticing it and said softly:

"Trust Minamoto Subaru, he will save all the dead humans, so now, cheer up and prepare to leave the battlefield."

"Although I don't know what happened..."

Looking at Nanmeng Ya who was just crying and cheering up now, Shima scratched his hair, then put his hand on the console, and said seriously:

"But since you said that, then I believe it, Yamanaka Riki, little girl, get ready!"


For Nanmeng Ya, Yamanaka Riki still doesn't believe in her, but if he adds the name of Minamoto Subaru, Yamanaka Riki still subconsciously chooses to trust this mysterious man with great magical powers.

Asukagawa Chise whispered "Who is the little girl?", and then honestly put her hand on the control console. Just now, when Dyna and Dyna were fighting, Minamoto used telekinesis to imprint the control method of Dyna War Dragon into Asukagawa Chise's mind. Therefore, she might have the highest control proficiency among the four people now.

On the other side, Minamoto was controlling Dyna to perform dazzling maneuvers. It was not easy to escape from the siege of Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, and Aguru, not to mention that there was a Five Emperors leading the ground-to-air strike.

In this situation, only Ultra Warriors like Minamoto, who had seen many big scenes and had been specially trained to be beaten in the deep blue space, could find a gap and avoid various energy attacks that could be called light pollution.

The direction and destination of Subaru's current journey is naturally the anchor point set up in the space above the water tower. This node was originally used for returning, but now it has become the key to retreat.

As for whether these enemies will be led to the world where Rikka Takarada is, Subaru has also made a detailed design for this problem-

No matter how powerful the space-time manipulator is, when facing the space-time turbulence, he has to spend some effort to find what he wants.

Subaru is quite confident that once he blows up the space anchor point, unless it is a big guy like Noah, Reijido, or Saiga who comes to perform his power, it is impossible to find the world where Rikka Takarada is with these Ultramen who are only in name only.

Subaru controlled Dyna Tyrannosaurus and sprayed out golden flames. After leaving the body, the flames turned into balls of lava and smashed towards the pursuers behind him, and at the moment when these lava balls were touched, a violent explosion that shook the earth was triggered.

And under the design of Subaru, when the explosions occurred, the energy particles that spread out also reached a new connection, and then created a terrifying second-stage explosion zone, and by the way, spread out shock waves that could affect perception, covering the whereabouts of Dyna Tyrannosaurus.

"Finally arrived."

Looking at the familiar location, Nan Mengya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The sweat on her forehead had dripped down her cheeks and onto the floor. The breakout just now was really too tense, so that Yamanaka Riki was so nervous that he even forgot to breathe and almost suffocated himself. Although Nan Mengya had the experience of Subaru, in reality, it was the first time to experience such a life-and-death crisis. It can only be said that her mentality was not stable enough.

"What should we do next?"

Subaru's purpose of coming here has been told to everyone in Dyna Tyrannosaurus. Shi Ma wiped his sweat and raised his head to ask Subaru, and then the four drivers got the same answer:

Leave the control panel with both hands.

Although they were confused, they all did it. Just now, they had witnessed that Gen Subaru's decision was so correct. Even if he directly crashed into the Ultraman named Aguru, he could finally escape from the guy's lightsaber.

After Nan Mengya and others stopped controlling it, Gen Subaru immersed his consciousness into the mecha and made precise numerical adjustments. At the same time, he also opened the channel to the space-time anchor point, pulled the propulsion of Dyna Tyrannosaurus to the maximum, and rushed directly into the space-time layer under the protection of his own light energy.

But at this time, Gen Subaru couldn't help but look back. This earth... The moment those monsters appeared, it had already been sentenced to death.

Moreover, in this incident, whether it was the appearance of the Ultra Warriors or the appearance of the monsters, it was quite wrong, just like putting a painting in front of people, and the scene in the painting was this earth. The human who was watching the painting casually threw some gravel up, and then those things really entered the painting.


These guys who invaded the "portrait" are all filled with the power of [Rebrando Star People]. They are undoubtedly the creations controlled by Leonix.

But isn't this number a bit too outrageous? I remember that Belia can only control a hundred monsters or aliens? Did I remember it wrong?

While thinking about this problem, Yuan Subaru quickly completed the coordination of space-time force. After passing the anchor point, he immediately detonated it, and then protected Dyna Tyrannosaurus to avoid being hurt by the space-time fluctuations, and moved to the predetermined coordinates with this impact. After all, Yuan Subaru was really tired after all this tossing, and it would be a good thing to save a little energy at the moment.

But at this time, Nan Mengya silently reached out and touched her eyes, where a red strange light flashed in her green pupils...

294 Subaru: Zero? !

Nan Mengya didn't know the strange vision that flashed in her eyes. She just felt that something was wrong just now after she calmed down. When breaking through, she vaguely felt that those Ultra Warriors and monsters seemed to have some strange connection with her.

Maybe I'm overthinking...

Nan Mengya, relying on the experience gained from Minamoto Subaru's memory, carefully pondered and thought about it, and finally decided to tell Minamoto Subaru about this matter. After hearing this, Minamoto Subaru's eyes immediately fell on the girl and carefully checked her, but there was no other mixed on Nan Mengya except his own energy reaction.

So, Minamoto Subaru thought about it and let Nan Mengya rest assured. Even if there was a problem, with him, it would only be safe.

With Minamoto Subaru's guarantee, Nan Mengya naturally rested, and then sat on the floor in silence. The other members in the cockpit also fell silent.

After avoiding the fatal crisis, Yamanaka Riki, Asukagawa Chise, and Nan Mengya still couldn't help but think of their deceased relatives. Even if they had more or less trust in Minamoto Subaru, the separation in front of them was real, and the sadness brought by it was also heartbreaking.

As for Shima, although he had no relatives, he also understood what he should do at this time. He waited quietly, waiting for an opportunity to comfort his companions.

As for Gensuba, he had already shifted his mind to the outside world. Now he had to deal with various matters and escort Nan Mengmei and the others to the world of Takarada Rikka safely.

Therefore, for a while, Dyna Tyrannosaurus became quiet, with only breathing sounds and slight sobs echoing, but this atmosphere was finally broken by Gensuba. He looked at the plane barrier in front of him and sensed a different breath.

There is no doubt that behind this dimensional barrier is the world where Takarada Rikka is, but this world...

"Subaru, what's wrong?"

Nan Mengya felt the silence from Subaru, and couldn't help but wiped away her tears and asked. After waiting for a while, Subaru replied:

"Wait for me here for a while. This world...originally has such a unique feature. If you directly pass through the dimensional barrier like this, you may feel unwell. I will go in first and see if I can open a portal for you from the inside to avoid that possibility."

After saying this, Subaru realized something and added:

"Don't worry, I will adjust the time flow rate inside Dyna Tyrannosaurus Rex and won't let you wait too long in here. Then I will get out of Dyna Tyrannosaurus Rex first."

After explaining this, Subaru left Dyna Tyrannosaurus Rex, turned into a stream of light, rushed into the cosmic barrier in front of him, and returned to the town of Dujuantai.

At the same time, Gen Subaru also noticed that the number of monsters outside this town has not increased. It seems that no new monsters have appeared in Dujuantai during this period of time.

This is really good news. In this case, I'd better go back to my "body" first.

When Gen Subaru split his soul, he also used the method of creating an energy-supplying clone. Therefore, since there has been no battle during this period of time, it means that he should have recovered some light energy in this "body".

For Gen Subaru, who just escaped death, this is indeed a relatively large amount of precious supplies.

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